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President Trump's first 100 days...latest policy proposals in first post (1 Viewer)

What's on tap for today?

Trump to revive Keystone and Dakota Pipelines.

I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing. I know there was some disagreement over the Dakota pipeline and whether it would affect water supplies. I guess I should research it more.
On the Republican side, Senate Majority Leader McConnell has said Keystone XL is just common sense.

"It's a shovel-ready jobs project that would help thousands of Americans find work," he said. "It would increase our supply of North American energy. And it would do all that with minimal net climate impact.

"That's why the American people support it," he added. "That's why Republicans support it."

Why did Obama reject it?

The president said it would not have:

  • lowered petrol prices
  • created long-term jobs
  • affected energy dependence
It would not have a significant impact on the US economy, he said, although he added it would not have had the catastrophic environmental consequences that some had warned of.

He said the pipeline had taken on a "overinflated role" in US debate over climate change.

I like the strategy.  It won't work but might cause some friction on the other side.
Yeah, I'd be doing stuff like this or introducing a single-payer healthcare bill at least as often as the Republican introduced doomed bills to kill Obamacare.  Same with comprehensive campaign finance reform, a minimum wage increase ... Just spam the committees with progressive initiatives they'll have to kill. 

Yeah, I'd be doing stuff like this or introducing a single-payer healthcare bill at least as often as the Republican introduced doomed bills to kill Obamacare.  Same with comprehensive campaign finance reform, a minimum wage increase ... Just spam the committees with progressive initiatives they'll have to kill. 
I think the keys are to make them bills that are at least somewhat attractive to Trump, and to get the bills publicity on media sources that Trump watches. Otherwise I don't think anything even would take up committee time.

I think the keys are to make them bills that are at least somewhat attractive to Trump, and to get the bills publicity on media sources that Trump watches. Otherwise I don't think anything even would take up committee time.
Why do we assume an infrastructure plan that isn't a corporate handout like Trump's plan would appeal to Trump?

I just want a clear opposition message.  This is what we stand for.  This is our agenda. 

Trump shelves the TPP.  Another Obama executive order killed.

Presidency success meter: off the charts good so far.

So we now have a National Day of Patriotic Devotion 

“Now, therefore, I, Donald J. Trump, president of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Jan. 20, 2017, as National Day of Patriotic Devotion, in order to strengthen our bonds to each other and to our country — and to renew the duties of government to the people,” the order says.
What the hell is this Red China?

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Trump lifting ban on CIA Black Site Prisons

:sigh: I don't know what Trump's fascination with torture is. 

And this also spotlights one of Obama's big failures - not closing Guantanamo. Because you know Trump is going to ramp that place up.
Lots of respect for John McCain - 

@toddzwillich -53m

McCain on interrogation orders: "The president can sign whatever...he wants." "We are not bringing back torture in the United States."

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Trump lifting ban on CIA Black Site Prisons

:sigh: I don't know what Trump's fascination with torture is. 

And this also spotlights one of Obama's big failures - not closing Guantanamo. Because you know Trump is going to ramp that place up.
I've always been fine with Guantanamo, but the very policy of official satellite interrogation and detention sites is just too counterproductive.

At any rate this sounds like a guy who is ramping up GWOT.

Hilts said:
This is one thing I hope trump does.  Would love to see a huge re-emphasis on infrastructure, not just roads and bridges but getting a train system equal to Europe. That to me would be a great lasting legacy that actually is somewhat up his alley. Maybe we just sell it to him that he can kick all of the muslims out of the country in the shiny new trains.

James Daulton said:
The positive or negative impact will take time to know for sure, but one way or another we're going to find out.
Like a NFL draft....really can`t tell how good or bad it is until 3-4 years down the road. I sure don`t know but from what I have been reading The DOW and business seems to like what Trump is doing. If the economy grows, Trump works with the dems, people are working and making money, no wars, then the protests will wear out.  Right now the protesters are on a high like starting a marathon out sprinting. This was expected as it had been building since the election.  As always time will tell...

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Like a NFL draft....really can`t tell how good or bad it is until 3-4 years down the road. I sure don`t know but from what I have been reading The DOW and business seems to like what Trump is doing. If the economy grows, Trump works with the dems, people are working and making money, no wars, then the protests will wear out.  Right now the protesters are on a high like starting a marathon out sprinting. This was expected as it had been building since the election.  As always time will tell...
We are last season's Cleveland Browns. We drafted Johnny Football and just picked up Bobby three sticks.

whoknew said:
Ugh. I HATE this. Our police forces do not need to become more militaristic. I fear Trump's "law and order" thing is going to reverse all of the bi-partisan gains made in the last few years on criminal justice reform. 
Serious question.  If it was bi-partisan, why was the action taken via EO?

Serious question.  If it was bi-partisan, why was the action taken via EO?
The EO was to ban sales of used military equipment to police forces in the country. 

What I meant by bi-partisan was there was general consensus that criminal justice reform was needed. People on both sides of the aisle were talking about the length of non-violent drug offenses, mandatory sentencing reform, ways to reduce the ENORMOUS prison population, funding programs aimed at reducing recidivism, etc. 

My concern is that Trump is bringing back the Nixonian "talk tough to scare suburban white people into voting for me" rhetoric. And that's going to kill much needed reforms.

Trump really can't lose on these things. Either he made somethings happen or those darn meddlers kept him from making America Great Again.

This is one thing I hope trump does.  Would love to see a huge re-emphasis on infrastructure, not just roads and bridges but getting a train system equal to Europe. That to me would be a great lasting legacy that actually is somewhat up his alley. Maybe we just sell it to him that he can kick all of the muslims out of the country in the shiny new trains.
Yeah well you'll get toll roads and you'll like them. 

Trump really can't lose on these things. Either he made somethings happen or those darn meddlers kept him from making America Great Again.
On which things? Because I would disagree. If he makes something happen by bringing back torture, for example, America loses. And that includes him.

If he kills criminal justice reform, America loses. And that includes him.

Well, not in the version of the story that the Obama haters shared in the FFA.  He broke his promise just because he was a scoundrel.
Oh, sure.  The Great Factual Divide has really served this country well.  It didn't at all lead to having the two worst candidates in history for President this year.

Oh, sure.  The Great Factual Divide has really served this country well.  It didn't at all lead to having the two worst candidates in history for President this year.
Hillary was a lousy candidate, but I think she would have been fine as President.  This past week has really increased my annoyance at the Bernie-or-bust folks.  I love Bernie and wish he would have won the primary.  But I want to smash anyone arguing Trump and Hillary were pretty much the same.

Hillary was a lousy candidate, but I think she would have been fine as President.  This past week has really increased my annoyance at the Bernie-or-bust folks.  I love Bernie and wish he would have won the primary.  But I want to smash anyone arguing Trump and Hillary were pretty much the same.
Yeah, pretty much.  I'm definitely in the "it's a good thing you made Bull Durham or I'd be leading a mob to your house" camp with Susan Sarandon.

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Hillary was a lousy candidate, but I think she would have been fine as President.  This past week has really increased my annoyance at the Bernie-or-bust folks.  I love Bernie and wish he would have won the primary.  But I want to smash anyone arguing Trump and Hillary were pretty much the same.
Not the same as one was a male and one was a female and Trump is more thin-skinned but both POS of the highest order.

Please don't iSmash me.

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This is one thing I hope trump does.  Would love to see a huge re-emphasis on infrastructure, not just roads and bridges but getting a train system equal to Europe. That to me would be a great lasting legacy that actually is somewhat up his alley. Maybe we just sell it to him that he can kick all of the muslims out of the country in the shiny new trains.
The ironic part is lots of the needed infrastructure spending is needed in "sanctuary cities".  I'll be interested to see what the EO on SCs actually says.


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