We grieved for all 5 of them though probably not as much if they had been born and we held them. But we still grieved. Alot.
The first time it happened I had every horrible thought you can have as a human about how to stop the pain I was feeling. And I pm'ed
@NCCommish and wrote was probably a way too long sad rant of a father.....or almost father I guess.
He showed kindness. It helped. I sometimes wonder what it would be like if we had them all. I wish we had them all. I always thought I'd have a family bigger than the one I grew up with. I can handle 9 kids easier than most people can handle 1. I grew up doing it. I miss that huge family of unending chaos.
Your question is way too close to flippant to people that have suffered these losses. If you meant it in sincerity you are using the wrong words in the wrong context making your question pointless.
If you meant it to start a friday thread.....be funnier.