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Ran a 10k in June (2 Viewers)

pigskinliquors said:
just read further it is Teams of 6 or 12.
Yeah, I see that ...6 or 12. In their pdf, I see that running the legs sequentially with twelve runners, the distances vary from 14.3 to 19.5 miles and with varying degrees of difficulty. E.g., someone could do 15 miles and the 11th easiest course, while someone else could do one of the 19.5 mile sets with the most difficult course ranking. I don't find info on the age-group handicapping, but whatever - it'll be great fun! It'll be an epic set of race reports, too. :goodposting:
tri-man 47 said:
Bourbon Chase. pmb, The_Man, 2Young, Sand, Wraith, liquors, myself ...that's seven who have expressed interest, recognizing the limitations of locking in plans for fall, 2011. (Hope I didn't miss anyone else who commented.) For now, let's plan on it! Maybe we can get a few more from the thread, here (we have many lurkers - any of you guys in the general area?), or as pmb notes, we could draw some from the outside. But my understanding from a quick look is that we can do it with less than twelve. Back to our regularly scheduled race season ...
I'm interested. I'm no where near your guys level but maybe by 2011 I could hump out 20 miles.
Carpool from The D :drive:
My Mom has a Tahoe or similar behemoth vehicle that we could use as well. And I'm 100% serious about bunking at her farm - if there are 12 of us it would obviously be a wee bit crowded, but I'm betting we could manage. And it would be free.
So tri-man would be willing to drive from Chicago and there's FREE lodging? Hmm....
Went over to the pool at lunch. Was getting ready and around the corner walks Tri-man! He took a lane far away from me today, though - he said so I wouldn't splash him. Old people... what are you going to do?!? Did 2200 yds, including an 800 in the middle in 15:57.
He's just playing hard to get.Nice work on the 800 - just keep working on it. You can make substantial progress.On my end I really should have taken today off. I went out this evening (85 degrees with about 70% humidity) and aimed for a 7 mile run. I dragged my sorry ### home after 5 and was glad to make it back to the house. I was more tired than I thought from yesterday and managed to overheat pretty good.
So tri-man would be willing to drive from Chicago and there's FREE lodging? Hmm....
Arm is twisted!!! At this point, you'll be receiving 16 months of HTFU's from each of us if you don't join. Wraith: 800 under the magic 16:00 is great. Now that you've progressed to there, it's a matter of fine tuning your form, reducing the number of strokes per length and finding a way to maximize kick without exerting energy = going faster, with less effort (all things I struggle with!).

Sand 85 + 70 > 150 = problems running!!

Tri-Man: How many lunges did you do while waiting for Wraith for 4 hours? The race report could literally be written by those in the van, during the run = a virtual play by play, or HTFU by HTFU.


My update:

Went out for a 5 mile run today in 73 degrees + 90+% humidity. It royally sucked. I went out slow, and kept my HR below 170 the entire way. at the 3 mile point, I walked for 100 yards to keep HR low, then finished the last 2, still at a slow pace. My legs are pretty shot from the heat, and I'm just trying to keep healthy, while acclimating to the sauna which won't turn off until October in outdoors Texas.

Went out for a 5 mile run today in 73 degrees + 90+% humidity. It royally sucked. I went out slow, and kept my HR below 170 the entire way. at the 3 mile point, I walked for 100 yards to keep HR low, then finished the last 2, still at a slow pace. My legs are pretty shot from the heat, and I'm just trying to keep healthy, while acclimating to the sauna which won't turn off until October in outdoors Texas.
I'm surprised to learn how low my heart rate seems to be. Makes me wonder if that puts a ceiling on what I'm capable of. I did reach a new max HR on Saturday, blipping up to 173 from a previous max of 172. Today was the first time I ever did a workout based entirely on heart rate -- tried to keep it pegged at 148. Ended up doing 6 miles at 8:01 pace with a 147 average HR. Looking back at runs since I got a Garmin at the start of the month, I have 3 other runs between 7:55 and 8:02 pace with a HR from 147-149.

I'm starting to think this is going to be my Marathon target pace, though next I'm going to try to do a series of runs at around 151 HR. From there to about 154 seems to be my anaeorbic threshold. Would love to think I'm capable of doing a BQ pace (7:38 for me) but I'm starting to understand that's pretty unlikely for my first marathon.

I just read on the HTFU Fan page that they are planning a HTFU Ultra in Vegas for next year. Not sure how much fun an Ultra in the desert heat would be, but it would be awesome to HTFU at a HTFU ultra!!

More importantly, I saw that they are sponsoring Catra Corbett, Ultra athlete. I'm still not sure if I :wub: her or am afraid of her :unsure:

Went out for a 5 mile run today in 73 degrees + 90+% humidity. It royally sucked. I went out slow, and kept my HR below 170 the entire way. at the 3 mile point, I walked for 100 yards to keep HR low, then finished the last 2, still at a slow pace. My legs are pretty shot from the heat, and I'm just trying to keep healthy, while acclimating to the sauna which won't turn off until October in outdoors Texas.
I'm surprised to learn how low my heart rate seems to be. Makes me wonder if that puts a ceiling on what I'm capable of. I did reach a new max HR on Saturday, blipping up to 173 from a previous max of 172. Today was the first time I ever did a workout based entirely on heart rate -- tried to keep it pegged at 148. Ended up doing 6 miles at 8:01 pace with a 147 average HR. Looking back at runs since I got a Garmin at the start of the month, I have 3 other runs between 7:55 and 8:02 pace with a HR from 147-149.

I'm starting to think this is going to be my Marathon target pace, though next I'm going to try to do a series of runs at around 151 HR. From there to about 154 seems to be my anaeorbic threshold. Would love to think I'm capable of doing a BQ pace (7:38 for me) but I'm starting to understand that's pretty unlikely for my first marathon.
My guess is that you might have a 7:38 in you. Your times have gotten so much better, so quickly. Shooting for it for your first marathon might be difficult, but if you continue to progress, I say go for it!!! FWIW: max HR has little to nothing to do with anaerobic capacity. It is related to genetics more than anything. IF you become dormant for long period of time, your max HR can drop, but the majority of what makes up your max was given to you at birth = it should in no way hinder what you are capable of doing. My Max HR is in the mid 190's, but it gives my zero advantage, or disadvantage. Can you give us some of your PR's from last year, to now, to show your progression? This could help us extrapolate what you'd need to do to BQ!

So tri-man would be willing to drive from Chicago and there's FREE lodging? Hmm....
Arm is twisted!!! At this point, you'll be receiving 16 months of HTFU's from each of us if you don't join.
Believe me, it's not a matter of HTFU. Would like to do it, but with the schedule that I've already got planned for 2011-12, I've gotta decide if it's worth the nuclear holocaust that will inevitably ensue at home for even asking....That, my friends, is why I'm leaning towards "no."

My guess is that you might have a 7:38 in you. Your times have gotten so much better, so quickly. Shooting for it for your first marathon might be difficult, but if you continue to progress, I say go for it!!! Can you give us some of your PR's from last year, to now, to show your progression? This could help us extrapolate what you'd need to do to BQ!
Don't really have any PR's, other than the HM and I've come to realize that I way undertrained for that. So I'm looking at this upcoming 10-Miler to give me some kind of idea what's realistic. To get a BQ equivalent, the McMillan calculator said I'd have to run a 7:08 pace for the 10-Miler. Ain't happening.But it also says a 7:30 10M pace would equate with an 8:00 marathon pace. That's going to be my goal for the 10 M -- 1:15:00 -- with the hope of maybe doing a little better. At that point, I'll have a week before the 18-week marathon training starts to think about whether I really want to go for a BQ or if I should just chill and enjoy my first marathon before mounting a serious push next year. If Boston registration is likely to be full before my marathon, then I'm much more inclined to take it a little easy this time around and target an "easy" spring marathon in 2011 to really go for a BQ. But we'll see. In some ways it seems like kind of a shame to go through 4 months of training and not even try to bridge the 9-minute gap between BQ time and my current presumed goal time.
So tri-man would be willing to drive from Chicago and there's FREE lodging? Hmm....
Arm is twisted!!! At this point, you'll be receiving 16 months of HTFU's from each of us if you don't join.
Believe me, it's not a matter of HTFU. Would like to do it, but with the schedule that I've already got planned for 2011-12, I've gotta decide if it's worth the nuclear holocaust that will inevitably ensue at home for even asking....That, my friends, is why I'm leaning towards "no."
Definitely have to ask....for forgiveness after you sign up.

Went over to the pool at lunch. Was getting ready and around the corner walks Tri-man! He took a lane far away from me today, though - he said so I wouldn't splash him. Old people... what are you going to do?!?

Did 2200 yds, including an 800 in the middle in 15:57.
He's just playing hard to get.Nice work on the 800 - just keep working on it. You can make substantial progress.
That is a really polite way of saying "You're really slow." :goodposting:

And I second your vote on Catra Corbett. I'm very afraid.

Come on Gruecd!!! Think jewelry. Can't go wrong there.

Spoke to my wife last night and told her that be prepared to be driving around a bunch of strange guys from the internet for the Bourbon Chase 2011. She did not say much, but laughed so I take that as being one driver down.


Quick question for the minds on here. I am looking for an alternative to using gels during runs. Here is the deal. Since I have started running, I have been having cavities pop up and have been reading articles that this is a problem that some runners come upon when they use gels and sports drinks. They tend to stick to your teeth and increase the bacteria growth causing more cavities. To know my history, I have never had cavities before and always take care of my teeth so everything kind of fits.

What are some ideas? I was thinking the beans, but do they still stick in your teeth and all that. What about drinks? Anyone know of anythat are not so sugary as I use G-rade most of the time.

Went over to the pool at lunch. Was getting ready and around the corner walks Tri-man! He took a lane far away from me today, though - he said so I wouldn't splash him. Old people... what are you going to do?!?

Did 2200 yds, including an 800 in the middle in 15:57.
He's just playing hard to get.Nice work on the 800 - just keep working on it. You can make substantial progress.
That is a really polite way of saying "You're really slow." :bag:

And I second your vote on Catra Corbett. I'm very afraid.
You are not slow. Go take a look at the last few years results from the tri you are doing in June. Toss out the top 10% or so of the swimmers and see where you land. Now, skip the bike and see where you think you'll end up for the run. As has been said here before, you are going to surprise yourself with how much speed you have at the end of a sprint. My 3 fastest 5Ks have all been run at the end of sprint tris. I think you'll find you are projecting in to the top 20% in your AG.Get in the open water too. I tried out my full wetsuit this past Sunday and was surprised at how claustrophobic I felt in it. I got the swim in, but was a bit panicked at first. In fact, I am going to use my full, farmer John suit this weekend's race instead. I took my daughter for an OWS last night so we could both get used to our full wetsuits, only to find the goose #### was so prevalent we could swim :rant: We figured this out, of course, after we struggled in to our wetsuits. My fault for not checking the water conditions close enough (checked the temp, not the quality) and wanting to swim somewhere closer to home. All I wanted was a confidence booster for the full suit (which I plan on getting soon after Saturday's race). Next race is in the Detroit River and I REALLY want to be in the full suit due to the cold and current.

Come on Gruecd!!! Think jewelry. Can't go wrong there.

Spoke to my wife last night and told her that be prepared to be driving around a bunch of strange guys from the internet for the Bourbon Chase 2011. She did not say much, but laughed so I take that as being one driver down.


Quick question for the minds on here. I am looking for an alternative to using gels during runs. Here is the deal. Since I have started running, I have been having cavities pop up and have been reading articles that this is a problem that some runners come upon when they use gels and sports drinks. They tend to stick to your teeth and increase the bacteria growth causing more cavities. To know my history, I have never had cavities before and always take care of my teeth so everything kind of fits.

What are some ideas? I was thinking the beans, but do they still stick in your teeth and all that. What about drinks? Anyone know of anythat are not so sugary as I use G-rade most of the time.
Maybe the Gatorade is the actual cavity culpritTM. Accelerade is probably the most popular sports drink in here, with HEED in the mix as well. I gotta believe beans would be worse for your teeth, since you actually need to chew those. Maybe drink some water after taking the gels? Or brush your teeth when you get home?

Come on Gruecd!!! Think jewelry. Can't go wrong there.

Spoke to my wife last night and told her that be prepared to be driving around a bunch of strange guys from the internet for the Bourbon Chase 2011. She did not say much, but laughed so I take that as being one driver down.


Quick question for the minds on here. I am looking for an alternative to using gels during runs. Here is the deal. Since I have started running, I have been having cavities pop up and have been reading articles that this is a problem that some runners come upon when they use gels and sports drinks. They tend to stick to your teeth and increase the bacteria growth causing more cavities. To know my history, I have never had cavities before and always take care of my teeth so everything kind of fits.

What are some ideas? I was thinking the beans, but do they still stick in your teeth and all that. What about drinks? Anyone know of anythat are not so sugary as I use G-rade most of the time.
Maybe the Gatorade is the actual cavity culpritTM. Accelerade is probably the most popular sports drink in here, with HEED in the mix as well. I gotta believe beans would be worse for your teeth, since you actually need to chew those. Maybe drink some water after taking the gels? Or brush your teeth when you get home?
I would think brushing would take care of it. How many times a week are you running long enough to need to take a gel packet? I only take them if I am running over an hour and a half and that is only once a week when I am marathon/half marathon training. So the gel would have 1 maybe 2 hours to work on your teeth?
Come on Gruecd!!! Think jewelry. Can't go wrong there.

Spoke to my wife last night and told her that be prepared to be driving around a bunch of strange guys from the internet for the Bourbon Chase 2011. She did not say much, but laughed so I take that as being one driver down.


Quick question for the minds on here. I am looking for an alternative to using gels during runs. Here is the deal. Since I have started running, I have been having cavities pop up and have been reading articles that this is a problem that some runners come upon when they use gels and sports drinks. They tend to stick to your teeth and increase the bacteria growth causing more cavities. To know my history, I have never had cavities before and always take care of my teeth so everything kind of fits.

What are some ideas? I was thinking the beans, but do they still stick in your teeth and all that. What about drinks? Anyone know of anythat are not so sugary as I use G-rade most of the time.
Maybe the Gatorade is the actual cavity culpritTM. Accelerade is probably the most popular sports drink in here, with HEED in the mix as well. I gotta believe beans would be worse for your teeth, since you actually need to chew those. Maybe drink some water after taking the gels? Or brush your teeth when you get home?
I would think brushing would take care of it. How many times a week are you running long enough to need to take a gel packet? I only take them if I am running over an hour and a half and that is only once a week when I am marathon/half marathon training. So the gel would have 1 maybe 2 hours to work on your teeth?
It is really hard to tell guys. I usually only use them for longer runs. Usually more that 13 miles and I take them. I always brush when I get back and try to rinse as I am running. This time may be just a fluke as the spot I am having issues with is by another filling so some of the filling could have come out or something like that. I was just curious as to what you guys have seen. I have done Accelerade before, but that is a bit expensive. May try it again if I can find it at a reasonable price bulk someplace.
I'll second the "just brush right after" key workouts suggestion. Beans have to be worse. You might want to try G2 = lower calorie, probably better for your teeth.

2Young: once you've finished your research for the best wet suit, I'll purchase one with you :lmao: I'm too busy to look for one now, but will need one at some point.

Wraith: Anything sub 1:00 per 50 will put you in great shape for tri's (as 2Young stated). The key is to maintain that pace, while NOT over-exerting. IF you can get on the bike fairly rested, you should be able to smoke by people the rest of the day. I LOVE that I'm slowest in the swim, as it allows me to have motivation to pick people off the rest of the way. I seldom, if ever get passed on the bike leg, and seldom pass, or get passed on the run. Though this is possibly more of a testament to how slow I am in the water, then how quick I am on the bike/run :thumbup:

lurker here - i've got some interest in the bourbon chase...
A long hiatus for you ...but you needn't deem yourself a lurker. Welcome back! (Did you ever get word that my son is rooming up north of Wrigley with one of your co-workers, Dave? Small world.)Kegger, c'mon, we need to fill out the Chicago troup here! Although, Wraith will probably drive separately with the family and make it a family vacation back home at grandma's place.
tri-man 47 said:
Harris said:
lurker here - i've got some interest in the bourbon chase...
A long hiatus for you ...but you needn't deem yourself a lurker. Welcome back! (Did you ever get word that my son is rooming up north of Wrigley with one of your co-workers, Dave? Small world.)Kegger, c'mon, we need to fill out the Chicago troup here! Although, Wraith will probably drive separately with the family and make it a family vacation back home at grandma's place.
I actually met him on Friday for a Blackhawks party at his & Dave's place and completely forgot about it. Dave had told me this about 5-6 months ago, but when I met him Friday I had forgotten all about him being your son until just now....definitely a small world!I'm about to start a brutal training schedule beginning on Memorial Day so I figure I might as well jump back in here to get some motivation (which I haven't had all year so far). 3 marathons this year (Pikes Peak on 8/22, St. George on 10/3, and CA Int. Marathon on 12/5) with a goal of making Boston at Cali. Throw in cycling 4 days/week and lifting 3 days/week and I'm in for an interesting summer/fall.
tri-man 47 said:
Harris said:
lurker here - i've got some interest in the bourbon chase...
A long hiatus for you ...but you needn't deem yourself a lurker. Welcome back! (Did you ever get word that my son is rooming up north of Wrigley with one of your co-workers, Dave? Small world.)Kegger, c'mon, we need to fill out the Chicago troup here! Although, Wraith will probably drive separately with the family and make it a family vacation back home at grandma's place.
Dang, I was hoping my name wouldn't come up. I'd love to do it but here's my weak excuse. When I started running last year my girlfriend suggested we do a destination run. I was all cocky and said something to the effect of, "If I'm going on vacation, it's NOT going to be for some race." I simply wasn't into running enough to justify planning a vacation around it.Fast forward to Sunday night. I mention that some FBGs are trying to get together. Yeah, well, you can imagine how that conversation went. It's not going to happen unless her and I do a destination race first. Plus the one FBG she's met is Grue...and we all know how :confused: he is. :kidding: I'll keep working it and see if things change.
Bourbon Chase. pmb, The_Man, 2Young, Sand, Wraith, liquors, myself ...that's seven who have expressed interest, recognizing the limitations of locking in plans for fall, 2011. (Hope I didn't miss anyone else who commented.) For now, let's plan on it! Maybe we can get a few more from the thread, here (we have many lurkers - any of you guys in the general area?), or as pmb notes, we could draw some from the outside. But my understanding from a quick look is that we can do it with less than twelve. Back to our regularly scheduled race season ...
I'm interested. I'm no where near your guys level but maybe by 2011 I could hump out 20 miles.
Carpool from The D :)
tri-man 47 said:
Harris said:
lurker here - i've got some interest in the bourbon chase...
A long hiatus for you ...but you needn't deem yourself a lurker. Welcome back! (Did you ever get word that my son is rooming up north of Wrigley with one of your co-workers, Dave? Small world.)Kegger, c'mon, we need to fill out the Chicago troup here! Although, Wraith will probably drive separately with the family and make it a family vacation back home at grandma's place.
Dang, I was hoping my name wouldn't come up. I'd love to do it but here's my weak excuse. When I started running last year my girlfriend suggested we do a destination run. I was all cocky and said something to the effect of, "If I'm going on vacation, it's NOT going to be for some race." I simply wasn't into running enough to justify planning a vacation around it.Fast forward to Sunday night. I mention that some FBGs are trying to get together. Yeah, well, you can imagine how that conversation went. It's not going to happen unless her and I do a destination race first. Plus the one FBG she's met is Grue...and we all know how :crazy: he is. :kidding: I'll keep working it and see if things change.
Marry her during the Vegas Marathon/1/2 Marathon this December to get the destination thing and marriage out of the way all at once. Problem solved.
Went over to the pool at lunch. Was getting ready and around the corner walks Tri-man! He took a lane far away from me today, though - he said so I wouldn't splash him. Old people... what are you going to do?!?

Did 2200 yds, including an 800 in the middle in 15:57.
He's just playing hard to get.Nice work on the 800 - just keep working on it. You can make substantial progress.
That is a really polite way of saying "You're really slow." :pics:
That is not what I was saying.Besides, the comments are right. In a race you will go faster than that (even if you don't improve your form from here). Adrenaline and all that. Say 1:50/100. You would be solidly MOP.

On my end I did the weekly tri road ride tonight. I did it once before on the opening day and it was a cool ride. Today it was a drop fest - no mercy for those who couldn't keep up. Though I must say on a mile stretch that was pretty consistent at a -1.5% grade dropping down into aero and churning away at 32mph to bridge a gap to the next group up was tons of fun.

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Went out for what was supposed to be an easy 8 miles last night with a couple of strides turned into me being gassed and having the humidity suck the life right out of me. Last night was probably the final straw. I have to do my runs in the morning before work. I am just too tired and the humidity is just too much for me. I am not a good hot weather runner so I need to do everything that I can to help myself out. Plus, I would rather be tired at the end of the day and not have to run as opposed to being tired at the end of the day and stillhave to go out for a run.

40-minute tempo run today, and another testament to starting slow to finish fast. Mile splits:9:51 (warm-up)8:137:236:538:02 (starting to cool down)
While I also subscribe to "starting slow" method, in my opinion you should try to use your warm-up mile for that purpose, and try to keep your level of effort on the "tempo" portion a little more balanced. 1:20 is a big difference between first mile and 3rd, which tells me that first mile is a little too slow for this workout. You averaged 7:30s for the three miles, so maybe try hitting 7:40s on your first 2 and see what you have left in the tank for the 3rd. Review & adjust from there.
Thanks for the advice, which I tried to put into effect for today's tempo run. 8:37 (warm-up)7:427:276:527:43 (starting to cool down)Definitely feels like I got a better workout than last week. And it's nice to see that I can still match my "fast" mile time after running the preceding miles significantly faster.PMB, hang in there. Morning runs are great anyway - they give you tons of energy during the day.
Marry her during the Vegas Marathon/1/2 Marathon this December to get the destination thing and marriage out of the way all at once. Problem solved.
There you go, Keggers. Kill two birds with one stone. :lmao:
Went out for what was supposed to be an easy 8 miles last night with a couple of strides turned into me being gassed and having the humidity suck the life right out of me. Last night was probably the final straw. I have to do my runs in the morning before work. I am just too tired and the humidity is just too much for me. I am not a good hot weather runner so I need to do everything that I can to help myself out. Plus, I would rather be tired at the end of the day and not have to run as opposed to being tired at the end of the day and stillhave to go out for a run.
I hear ya, pmb, but when the weather's like this, there's really no place to hide. I was out the door this morning before 6:00 for what was supposed to be an easy 8-miler, and the heat and humidity kicked my butt. It was like 73° with 76% humidity. I sweat a ton, and when it's so humid like this, the sweat can't evaporate, my body can't cool itself, and I overheat. Still managed a decent pace, but it felt way harder than usual for the distance.Anyway, I think I'm recovering pretty well from Green Bay (and Boston). I've think I've run eight times since Green Bay, and I've only broken 8-minute average pace on one of them. I really don't do well with total rest, so I'm thinking active recovery (i.e., slow, easy runs) until I start my 18-week Chicago training program on the 7th. Even then, I might skip the speedwork for the first few weeks just to make sure I'm fully recovered. We'll see how I feel.

Time to actually get some work done. Hope you all have a great day.

tri-man and wraith - Don't forget to update your "relationship" status on Facebook.

tri-man and wraith - Don't forget to update your "relationship" status on Facebook.
:bag: indeed. :P And here I'm the nice guy, not pressuring you about the Bourbon Chase. :lmao: If we end up at less than 12 for the BC, we could 'allow' some of the group to bring a friend, and then deliberately either split - or not - the friends between the two vans. Or to fill the team we just send a group invite to some of gruecd's friends. :bag: :wub:

Harris - wow, killer schedule. Young legs ...sheesh! (Hey, how'd the CPA Exam go?)

tri-man 47 said:
Harris said:
lurker here - i've got some interest in the bourbon chase...
A long hiatus for you ...but you needn't deem yourself a lurker. Welcome back! (Did you ever get word that my son is rooming up north of Wrigley with one of your co-workers, Dave? Small world.)Kegger, c'mon, we need to fill out the Chicago troup here! Although, Wraith will probably drive separately with the family and make it a family vacation back home at grandma's place.
Dang, I was hoping my name wouldn't come up. I'd love to do it but here's my weak excuse. When I started running last year my girlfriend suggested we do a destination run. I was all cocky and said something to the effect of, "If I'm going on vacation, it's NOT going to be for some race." I simply wasn't into running enough to justify planning a vacation around it.Fast forward to Sunday night. I mention that some FBGs are trying to get together. Yeah, well, you can imagine how that conversation went. It's not going to happen unless her and I do a destination race first. Plus the one FBG she's met is Grue...and we all know how :crazy: he is. :kidding: I'll keep working it and see if things change.
Dude... :mellow:
Keggers: I'm 100% against the whole marriage idea (BnB is correct = DUDE!), but think you should either bring her as a driver, and/or schedule another race with her between now and then (you have 16+ months!).

pmBrown: It takes at least two weeks of runs to acclimate to changes in weather. Morning runs rock, though the humidity is generally a bit higher = night runs can be easier.

The_Man: great run!! Much better splits compared to last time.

Sand: I LOVE bridging the gap!!! It's the all-out effort to fly, followed by the relief that catching another pace line gives you. My Garmin data is awesome to look at when this happens. My HR can go from 168 to 186 in less than a mile, then get back down to 168 in less than a mile (while flying with a new group of friends!). What sux is when you try to bridge the gap and can't make it = You go from 168 to 186 with no relief :mellow:

After weeks of gains, I found my breaking point in my interval class at a 310 watt setting. First interval was 15 min progressively increasing from 295 watts to 341 watts over 3 minutes and then back down over 3 followed by an up/down/up. I cracked at the 10.5 min mark. Was rather disappointed as the first 6 minutes were cake, by the second extended period between 320-340 watts zapped my legs and shot my hr to threshold. I backed the watts down to 300 for the second interval which ranged from 240 to 360 watts but the damaged was done and I cracked again. Immediately followed that interval up with a mile run at 8:50 pace which was good for me on cooked legs.

We followed that class with leg/ab workout and I punished myself for the failure with 75 step-ups on each leg. I've been letting my bike workouts slip due to more focus on the run. We'll see if that has been a wise decision.

I've been letting my bike workouts slip due to more focus on the run. We'll see if that has been a wise decision.
FWIW: I typically get gains re: cycling from running, while the reverse is certainly not true. When I'm trying to maximize both, I work more on running, and focus on leg/core work (lunges & abs) to make up for lost time on the bike.
tri-man 47 said:
Kegger, c'mon, we need to fill out the Chicago troup here! Although, Wraith will probably drive separately with the family and make it a family vacation back home at grandma's place.
Dang, I was hoping my name wouldn't come up. I'd love to do it but here's my weak excuse. When I started running last year my girlfriend suggested we do a destination run. I was all cocky and said something to the effect of, "If I'm going on vacation, it's NOT going to be for some race." I simply wasn't into running enough to justify planning a vacation around it.Fast forward to Sunday night. I mention that some FBGs are trying to get together. Yeah, well, you can imagine how that conversation went. It's not going to happen unless her and I do a destination race first. Plus the one FBG she's met is Grue...and we all know how :bs: he is. :kidding: I'll keep working it and see if things change.
Marry her during the Vegas Marathon/1/2 Marathon this December to get the destination thing and marriage out of the way all at once. Problem solved.
:bag: :lmao: :lmao:
tri-man and wraith - Don't forget to update your "relationship" status on Facebook.
Harris - wow, killer schedule. Young legs ...sheesh! (Hey, how'd the CPA Exam go?)
Just have Audit to go.......3 days after I graduated in May I went to Europe for 5 months on a one-way plane ticket and ended up working on farms/B&Bs for quite a while, so I put the CPA exam on hiatus until I got back and started working. Ran the Loch Ness Marathon in Scotland in October at the end of my trip though! :bag:
pmBrown: It takes at least two weeks of runs to acclimate to changes in weather. Morning runs rock, though the humidity is generally a bit higher = night runs can be easier.
Maybe I just don't feel it as much, but I am usually more comfortable in the morning for whatever reason. The one thing about the morning is that the tempature is cooler a bit and I am not as awake so I am not aware of it as much. The other thing about the night that I have read and usually feel during the summer is the heat from the road with a days worth of sun on it.
Went over to the pool at lunch. Was getting ready and around the corner walks Tri-man! He took a lane far away from me today, though - he said so I wouldn't splash him. Old people... what are you going to do?!?

Did 2200 yds, including an 800 in the middle in 15:57.
He's just playing hard to get.Nice work on the 800 - just keep working on it. You can make substantial progress.
That is a really polite way of saying "You're really slow." :shock:
That is not what I was saying.Besides, the comments are right. In a race you will go faster than that (even if you don't improve your form from here). Adrenaline and all that. Say 1:50/100. You would be solidly MOP.
OK, I can handle being called slow, but now calling me MoP?!?! (Shark Pool humor) Why don't you just call me "Woz" and get it over with!! :angry: Kidding, of course. I knew that's not what you meant, and honestly I would have been fine with it if it was what you meant. I'm perfectly happy if my splits are under 2:00/100 for now, but I fully expect to be faster than that by the end of the summer!

On a related note, Tri-man got to see "The Swimmer" in action at the pool on Monday - dude glides across 25 yds in 13 strokes and makes it look so easy.


73 degrees and 73% humidity here for my nice, easy 6x 400 (400 RIs) this morning. That, combined with my new speed targets (6:20 instead of 6:36) made for a tough workout (and another 3 lbs of sweat lost!). I hit 6:11, 6:11, 6:18, 5:59, 6:10, 6:19 = 6:12 ave. I need to work a bit on my consistency, but all things considered I'm really happy I was able to beat the target on each repeat.

Looping back to the HR discussion, I was consistently in the 180's by the end of each 400, and on the last one I hit 191 at the end. Not sure what (if anything) that means, but thought I'd share.

40-minute tempo run today, and another testament to starting slow to finish fast. Mile splits:9:51 (warm-up)8:137:236:538:02 (starting to cool down)
While I also subscribe to "starting slow" method, in my opinion you should try to use your warm-up mile for that purpose, and try to keep your level of effort on the "tempo" portion a little more balanced. 1:20 is a big difference between first mile and 3rd, which tells me that first mile is a little too slow for this workout. You averaged 7:30s for the three miles, so maybe try hitting 7:40s on your first 2 and see what you have left in the tank for the 3rd. Review & adjust from there.
Thanks for the advice, which I tried to put into effect for today's tempo run. 8:37 (warm-up)7:427:276:527:43 (starting to cool down)Definitely feels like I got a better workout than last week. And it's nice to see that I can still match my "fast" mile time after running the preceding miles significantly faster.PMB, hang in there. Morning runs are great anyway - they give you tons of energy during the day.
Nice job! I agree about morning v afternoon/evening runs. I can ride the bike at night without a problem, but if I try to run it generally isn't very pretty.
For you Chicago guys, where do you do your laps at? Been looking for a decent pool that isn't too crowded.
I'm out in the NW 'burbs, and go to the Olympic Indoor Swim Center in Arlington Heights. $4.50 for non-resident day passes, but it's a nice facility. Starting this weekend the Palatine Park District pools will start to open, including a 50yd outdoor pool that has adult lap time from 12-1 every day.
I just read on the HTFU Fan page that they are planning a HTFU Ultra in Vegas for next year. Not sure how much fun an Ultra in the desert heat would be, but it would be awesome to HTFU at a HTFU ultra!!

More importantly, I saw that they are sponsoring Catra Corbett, Ultra athlete. I'm still not sure if I :thanks: her or am afraid of her :shock:
I love Catra. Ok, haven't met her yet, but we have some mutual friends, and we're Facebook friends, so it's kinda like I know her, right? She does some just ridiculous stuff - finished more 100 milers than any other American woman. On her birthday every year, she runs as many hours as her age, and she's in her early 40s! She ran 131 miles last weekend, more training for the DOUBLE she's planning at Western States (yes, she's going to run it back-to-back). She also had an amazing photo album on FB a couple of weeks back of pics from a 124 mile week on the trails around here, love that stuff.Oh, and she's done a couple NSFW pics as well, and for those like me that dig the alterna-tattoo'd look, not to mention certain surgical enhancements, and well, I'm a big fan.

Did my own 5k on Sunday as part of my training schedule. 23:47, which is a PR for me. Very happy about that.

Bolder Boulder on Monday - looking forward to it, but will have to tack on an extra mile to get in my required 7.

Will be signing up for the Copper Mountain 1/2 M soon. Will be nice to run in the mountains and out of the city.

Knew this thread was out here, as I've posted in it before, but couldn't find it (thanks to sand in the "fat" thread).

I'm looking into getting a bike, but I am clueless in regards to all things biking. I would not be using it to compete in anything, most likely, so I don't need some high end machine.

I would use the bike probably a handful of times a week, probably 1-3, depending on the week. Would bike for 30-60 minutes at an average rate, mostly on suburban streets with the occasional grass/park - no mountain biking or anything like that. I would say that I'm in above average physical shape, but haven't owned a bike in years. Nowadays, my body takes a day or two to recover after playing weekly soccer games, and I just hate sitting around twiddling my thumbs when I could be out taking a leisurely bike ride to recuperate while still getting exercise.

What am I looking for and how much am I going to have to spend? I'd prefer to get something that will last me a few years.

If this is in the wrong thread, someone please point me to the right one...

I love Catra. Oh, and she's done a couple NSFW pics as well, and for those like me that dig the alterna-tattoo'd look, not to mention certain surgical enhancements, and well, I'm a big fan.
Hmm. Does she like Bourbon?Harris - I either use a university pool or, in the summer, the Oak Park public pools. If you're living in Chicago, I'm pretty sure some of the parks have indoor and/or outdoor pools. I don't know much about the high end options (e.g., East Bank Club) or low end options (any of the local Y's). I'll see if I can find out any info.

Rail - sounds like you've got a good schedule going! Hills are tough, but I'd love to have more scenic running than these city streets of Chicago.

Welcome to Steve Tasker! I'll let the bike gurus give you proper answers.

Knew this thread was out here, as I've posted in it before, but couldn't find it (thanks to sand in the "fat" thread).

I'm looking into getting a bike, but I am clueless in regards to all things biking. I would not be using it to compete in anything, most likely, so I don't need some high end machine.

I would use the bike probably a handful of times a week, probably 1-3, depending on the week. Would bike for 30-60 minutes at an average rate, mostly on suburban streets with the occasional grass/park - no mountain biking or anything like that. I would say that I'm in above average physical shape, but haven't owned a bike in years. Nowadays, my body takes a day or two to recover after playing weekly soccer games, and I just hate sitting around twiddling my thumbs when I could be out taking a leisurely bike ride to recuperate while still getting exercise.

What am I looking for and how much am I going to have to spend? I'd prefer to get something that will last me a few years.

If this is in the wrong thread, someone please point me to the right one...
Hey Steve! You likely want a hybrid, but a road bike would also be a great option. IF by grass/park, you mean you'll ride it on the grass, a hybrid is your best option. IF you want to be on the road (only the road, with maybe some sidewalk) I'd recommend a road bike. A hybrid gives you benefits of a mountain bike (comfy seat, upright ride), and a road bike (mainly narrower tires, and sometimes lighter).

A road bike will be less comfortable, but much easier to get out and go (even narrower tires, lighter, more aerodynamic).

A great place to start is Bikes Direct. They have lots of bikes, much cheaper than you'll find at your LBS (though they have the same components). Culdeus will likely find this thread soon and also recommend Randall Scott = another great option!

Since I'm guessing you want a hybrid; you'll need to make choices based on comfort (suspension or not), quality (level of components), and internal vs. external gearing. IF you are going to go off-road, front and even rear suspension will help; if you are not going off road = not needed. The level of components you choose will greatly effect price. Most have poor to decent components; the better the components, the crisper your shifting and the less maintenance you'll need. IF you go with internal gearing, you get both crisper shifting and less maintenance (supposedly).

Hope this helps!

Knew this thread was out here, as I've posted in it before, but couldn't find it (thanks to sand in the "fat" thread).

I'm looking into getting a bike, but I am clueless in regards to all things biking. I would not be using it to compete in anything, most likely, so I don't need some high end machine.

I would use the bike probably a handful of times a week, probably 1-3, depending on the week. Would bike for 30-60 minutes at an average rate, mostly on suburban streets with the occasional grass/park - no mountain biking or anything like that. I would say that I'm in above average physical shape, but haven't owned a bike in years. Nowadays, my body takes a day or two to recover after playing weekly soccer games, and I just hate sitting around twiddling my thumbs when I could be out taking a leisurely bike ride to recuperate while still getting exercise.

What am I looking for and how much am I going to have to spend? I'd prefer to get something that will last me a few years.

If this is in the wrong thread, someone please point me to the right one...
Hey Steve! You likely want a hybrid, but a road bike would also be a great option. IF by grass/park, you mean you'll ride it on the grass, a hybrid is your best option. IF you want to be on the road (only the road, with maybe some sidewalk) I'd recommend a road bike. A hybrid gives you benefits of a mountain bike (comfy seat, upright ride), and a road bike (mainly narrower tires, and sometimes lighter).

A road bike will be less comfortable, but much easier to get out and go (even narrower tires, lighter, more aerodynamic).

A great place to start is Bikes Direct. They have lots of bikes, much cheaper than you'll find at your LBS (though they have the same components). Culdeus will likely find this thread soon and also recommend Randall Scott = another great option!

Since I'm guessing you want a hybrid; you'll need to make choices based on comfort (suspension or not), quality (level of components), and internal vs. external gearing. IF you are going to go off-road, front and even rear suspension will help; if you are not going off road = not needed. The level of components you choose will greatly effect price. Most have poor to decent components; the better the components, the crisper your shifting and the less maintenance you'll need. IF you go with internal gearing, you get both crisper shifting and less maintenance (supposedly).

Hope this helps!
I'll throw my support of the cyclocross option out there - from bikesdirect I have the Fantom Cross. It doesn't have the suspension of a hybrid, but it's a ton lighter, can handle some trail work (technical single track, not so much) and rides a lot more like a road bike on pavement. I have 2 sets of brakes (one on the top bar, one in the drops) which I absolutely love.

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