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Recently viewed movie thread - Rental Edition (3 Viewers)

Baby Driver - I really liked this movie but I feel like it missed a little but not 100% sure why.

It felt like a bunch of little stuff added up to annoy me.

The girlfriend, to me the music was good but a little over bearing, baby, even Jamie Foxx.

Don't get me wrong I really liked it probably a 3.5-4 out of 5.   Just felt like it could have been even a little better...
It does have issues. But I still loved it.

Deadpool 2 - REALLY funny. I thought it was better than the first one. Maybe my favorite superhero movie.

Equalizer 2 - They kill Denzel's friend. He seeks revenge. Formulaic? Sure. But with that formula, how bad can it be? It was entertaining - though not real good. Enjoy it on cable.

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belljr said:
Baby Driver - I really liked this movie but I feel like it missed a little but not 100% sure why.

It felt like a bunch of little stuff added up to annoy me.

The girlfriend, to me the music was good but a little over bearing, baby, even Jamie Foxx.

Don't get me wrong I really liked it probably a 3.5-4 out of 5.   Just felt like it could have been even a little better...
Just finished watching it. The first 60% or so was good the remainder not so much. 

Moonlight said:
OHMSS is very good and underrated. Lazenby wasn't that bad to me, not as good as Connery but preferable to Moore's take on Bond.
If you have Hulu and are interested in hearing how Lazenby got the role there is a documentary called Becoming Bond that is kinda interesting imo


Becoming Bond tells "the stranger-than-fiction true story of George Lazenby, a poor Australian car mechanic who, through an unbelievable set of circumstances, landed the role of James Bond in On Her Majesty's Secret Service, despite having never acted a day in his life. Then after being offered the next seven Bond films and a $1 million signing bonus, he turned it all down."

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Finally crossed a big one off my list: Gone With the Wind. I split it into 2 parts around the intermission. I liked the first half but found the 2nd half weak. The first half was more about the Civil War while the 2nd was more about the relationship. The two leads are very good but the film suffers from some major issues due to acting/casting. I just don't find Leslie Howard to have any charisma or charm. I can buy the boring Olvia de Havilland woman is in love with him but no way in hell Scarlett is obsessed with him. He is so boring. The other issue is with the black characters. They get way more screen time, personality and importance than I have ever seen in a flm of this time and that is very good. However, the way they talk is ridiculous and it kills it for me. It's just really exaggerated and cartoonish. I am glad they brought more black actors into the film and gave them screen time but I wish they would have let them be more real, well rounded. 

It really romanticizes the #### out of slavery and the mentality of the South. I don't like that. 

After seeing Vivian Leigh here in a role for the ages, it makes her casting in Streetcar even more incredible. She was a force. 

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Finally crossed a big one off my list: Gone With the Wind. I split it into  2 parts around the intermission. I liked the first half but found the 2nd half weak. The first half was more about the Civil War while the 2nd was more about the relationship. The two leads are very good but the film suffers from some major issues due to acting/casting. I just don't findthe Leslie Howard to have any charisma or charm. I can buy the boring Olvia de Havilland woman is in love with him but no way in hell Scarlett is obsessed with him. He is so boring. The other issue is with the black characters. They get way more screen time, personality and importance than I have ever seen in a flm of this time and that is very good. However, the way they talk is ridiculous and it kills it for me. It's just really exaggerated and cartoonish. I am glad they brought more black actors into the film and gave them screen time but I wish they would have let them be more real, well rounded. 

It really romanticizes the #### out of slavery and the mentality of the South. I don't like that. 

After seeing Vivian Leigh here in a role for the ages, it makes her casting in Streetcar even more incredible. She was a force. 
We are in complete agreement in nearly every point you mentioned.

I always found the first half great and the second half becomes a dull soap opera.

We are in complete agreement in nearly every point you mentioned.

I always found the first half great and the second half becomes a dull soap opera.
Yep, there is definitely an hour worth of movie that could have been cut out. It's kind of a big mess in the 2nd half but it looks beautiful and the leads are beautiful so I can see how the country got swept up in it in 39. We had been in a massive war and another one was brewing. The last of the Civil War generation had pretty much died out but that was the parents and grandparents of America. As we healed from one war, prepared for another all amidst an economy disaster, it makes sense we would want to romanticize our history while also escaping the present.

Yep, there is definitely an hour worth of movie that could have been cut out. It's kind of a big mess in the 2nd half but it looks beautiful and the leads are beautiful so I can see how the country got swept up in it in 39. We had been in a massive war and another one was brewing. The last of the Civil War generation had pretty much died out but that was the parents and grandparents of America. As we healed from one war, prepared for another all amidst an economy disaster, it makes sense we would want to romanticize our history while also escaping the present.
This was near the peak of turning the treason of the South into the Lost Cause and lionizing terrorists for political reasons. This film was one of the big reasons mainstream (white) America bought into that crap. It's long-term effects are way worse than Birth Of A Nation.

I've seen this movie several times (owned a VHS copy, too), but shame on me. I don't ever need to watch that propaganda again.

In any case, I agree with you that Vivian Leigh was a damned force of nature.

This was near the peak of turning the treason of the South into the Lost Cause and lionizing terrorists for political reasons. This film was one of the big reasons mainstream (white) America bought into that crap. It's long-term effects are way worse than Birth Of A Nation.

I've seen this movie several times (owned a VHS copy, too), but shame on me. I don't ever need to watch that propaganda again.

In any case, I agree with you that Vivian Leigh was a damned force of nature.
I hear you and that is part of the reason I had put off seeing it. I'm not into Confederate landed gentry antebellum whatever. However, as someone  that loves movies and studies history, it was something I had to see. Sometimes I wonder though how much of this movie's role is overplayed though. There is no doubt what it is appealing to but I think that sentiment existed and this was just a way to profit from it. GWTW came because of the movement and not vice versa. But yes that movement is awful. The movie is ok as a movie separate from all the political stuff is ok. 

Finally crossed a big one off my list: Gone With the Wind. I split it into 2 parts around the intermission. I liked the first half but found the 2nd half weak. The first half was more about the Civil War while the 2nd was more about the relationship. The two leads are very good but the film suffers from some major issues due to acting/casting. I just don't find Leslie Howard to have any charisma or charm. I can buy the boring Olvia de Havilland woman is in love with him but no way in hell Scarlett is obsessed with him. He is so boring. The other issue is with the black characters. They get way more screen time, personality and importance than I have ever seen in a flm of this time and that is very good. However, the way they talk is ridiculous and it kills it for me. It's just really exaggerated and cartoonish. I am glad they brought more black actors into the film and gave them screen time but I wish they would have let them be more real, well rounded. 

It really romanticizes the #### out of slavery and the mentality of the South. I don't like that. 

After seeing Vivian Leigh here in a role for the ages, it makes her casting in Streetcar even more incredible. She was a force. 
"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn"

Agreed, 2nd half is not as good, but it does have one of the best kiss-off lines ever

I think GWTW amplified the whitewashing of that treason in ways that weren't possible before. But I hear ya and didn't mean to derail the thread.

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn"

Agreed, 2nd half is not as good, but it does have one of the best kiss-off lines ever
After all tomorrow is another day. 

I think GWTW amplified the whitewashing of that treason in ways that weren't possible before. But I hear ya and didn't mean to derail the thread.
Not derailing anything. It's a good thing to talk about and you are probably right. It did kind of become the de facto representation of the era South just due to it's massive popularity. My thought is just that the reason it was so popular was because that is how people wanted to remember it. Nostalgia always has a way of making things seem much better than they were.

Starting up another old classic I've never seen: Bullit. 

ETA: It was ok. 

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Official trailer for the, I believe, sequel to Unbreakable. Glass.

I did not know Split was connected to this story line. Is Split a good / must see do you think before Glass comes out?
I enjoyed Split. I don't remember much about Unbreakable outside of not liking it much. I would probably need to rewatch that one to put the series together. I didn't put together the connection with the end of Split.

I loved The Equalizer 2

Denzel just kicking bad guy ###. Im not sure if I could get enough of that.

Some real good acting as well. One scene in particular was Denzel at his finest.

After how much people seemed to like A Face in the Crowd in the 55-59 thread, I watched it again today. It really is such a great movie and I don't really get why it's not better known. I can't think of a movie more relevant to today. It touches on all kinds of things like Trump, Hannity, the unholy alliance of media, business and politics. The performances from Andy Griffith, Patricia Oneal and Walter Matthau are dazzling. It's beautiful to look at. Might be the best movie that most people don't know about. 

Saw a Brian DePalma double feature with Body Double and Blow Out. Blow Out was fine, but lord is Body Double a terrible movie. Awful dialogue, plot points that make no sense, and possibly the worst acting performance by a lead in a Hollywood movie I've ever seen. DePalma is a lot like Dario Argento: he can frame a shot that's beautiful and unique, but absent are the colleagues saying things like, "But this makes no sense!"

Saw a Brian DePalma double feature with Body Double and Blow Out. Blow Out was fine, but lord is Body Double a terrible movie. Awful dialogue, plot points that make no sense, and possibly the worst acting performance by a lead in a Hollywood movie I've ever seen. DePalma is a lot like Dario Argento: he can frame a shot that's beautiful and unique, but absent are the colleagues saying things like, "But this makes no sense!"
man body double. I think that was my first boob movie.  :excited:

Finally saw La La Land. Good film even though the main stars aren't much in the way of singers or dancers. I wish I had seen it on the big screen as I bet it looked gorgeous. The color pallete and the ending really screamed Umbrellas of Cherbourg- the Demy influence is obvious but well executed. My wife hated it though- she isn't much for jazz or references of old movies. 
I really liked/loved this movie.  If you tell me beforehand what it's about I never watch it.  

Baby Driver - I really liked this movie but I feel like it missed a little but not 100% sure why.

It felt like a bunch of little stuff added up to annoy me.

The girlfriend, to me the music was good but a little over bearing, baby, even Jamie Foxx.

Don't get me wrong I really liked it probably a 3.5-4 out of 5.   Just felt like it could have been even a little better...
pretty much agree with your assessment.   With a title like "Baby Driver"  I was expecting train wreck.  Worth a watch for sure.

The Magnificent Seven. Pure gold for the first half culminating with the defeat of the bandits and the death of half of them.

The second half is just one implausibility after another. The bandits decide to stay as if there isn't another unguarded village in all Mexico, the much reduced number of bandits doesn't recognize that one of the 7 has now infiltrated the group posing as a bandit, later after capturing the 7 the bandit leader decides not to execute them though they killed half his men and spit in his eye ….he even gives them back their guns.

Granted the final shoot out is still fun.

After how much people seemed to like A Face in the Crowd in the 55-59 thread, I watched it again today. It really is such a great movie and I don't really get why it's not better known. I can't think of a movie more relevant to today. It touches on all kinds of things like Trump, Hannity, the unholy alliance of media, business and politics. The performances from Andy Griffith, Patricia Oneal and Walter Matthau are dazzling. It's beautiful to look at. Might be the best movie that most people don't know about. 
Recorded this one when it aired on TCM.  I may see if I can watch it tonight.

Finished Les Diaboliques last night -- I probably would have given it points if I had finished that one in time.

The Magnificent Seven. Pure gold for the first half culminating with the defeat of the bandits and the death of half of them.

The second half is just one implausibility after another. The bandits decide to stay as if there isn't another unguarded village in all Mexico, the much reduced number of bandits doesn't recognize that one of the 7 has now infiltrated the group posing as a bandit, later after capturing the 7 the bandit leader decides not to execute them though they killed half his men and spit in his eye ….he even gives them back their guns.

Granted the final shoot out is still fun.
You are talking about the remake, right? It pales in comparison to the original. Which pales to Seven Samurai

My daughter got me watching Westworld. One of the staff is going through storage and in the background, you can see Yul Brynner 's model from the original movie.

Told her that was really cool.

Her response: "There was a movie??"

:kicksrock: I have so failed as a parent

Recorded this one when it aired on TCM.  I may see if I can watch it tonight.

Finished Les Diaboliques last night -- I probably would have given it points if I had finished that one in time.
Somehow Les Diaboliqes got 0 points- you were the guy who could got it a point!

As was obvious in my last post, I'd highly recommend A Face in the Crowd.

My daughter got me watching Westworld. One of the staff is going through storage and in the background, you can see Yul Brynner 's model from the original movie.

Told her that was really cool.

Her response: "There was a movie??"

:kicksrock: I have so failed as a parent
Futureworld is pretty turrible too.  Blythe Danner’s romantic scene with Yul Brenner is hilarious though.

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Deadpool 2 - REALLY funny. I thought it was better than the first one. Maybe my favorite superhero movie.

Equalizer 2 - They kill Denzel's friend. He seeks revenge. Formulaic? Sure. But with that formula, how bad can it be? It was entertaining - though not real good. Enjoy it on cable.
Liked Equalizer 2.  I could watch Denzel #### people up all day.

West Side Story...did not realize there was so much racism, nativism, addressing of social problems, etc. It's addressing a lot more than I expected from a 1961 musical. 

Ilov80s said:
West Side Story...did not realize there was so much racism, nativism, addressing of social problems, etc. It's addressing a lot more than I expected from a 1961 musical. 
I like to be in America... Just a good ol' patriotic tune?

I like to be in America... Just a good ol' patriotic tune?
Puerto Rico, You ugly island,
Island of tropic diseases.
Always the hurricanes blowing,
Always the population growing,
And the money owing,
And the babies crying,
And the bullets flying.

I wasn't familiar with any of the songs before hand except Maria and I Feel Pretty

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