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Reggie Bushs Value (1 Viewer)


Does his value go down from here now with the return of Duece? I kow in theory it will help his and open it up a bit, but im talking fantasy.

difficult for me to believe that you could sell him "high" after his worst performance of a very young season.

The 9ers entire defensive game plan was focused on stopping Bush, which is why they got burned on so many long passing plays. Bush is still going to be an explosive RB, and after the last game you probably are not going to get what he's worth.

difficult for me to believe that you could sell him "high" after his worst performance of a very young season.
I totally see where you're coming from here, but I would be wary were I a Bush owner. I owned him last year and he was extremely disappointed with his production (non-PPR league). Furthermore, as people on these boards have stated, his production in the first 3 games was an outlier when looking at his career production. Odds were that he would "come to earth" eventually. I'm sure he will be better than he was this last weekend, but he seems to be far more likely to regress to his 50run/50pass ypg career average.Regarding McAllister's affect on Bush's stats, I don't think there will be a huge change from when Pierre Thomas was carrying it. Bush will always do best in a 2-back system, so they'll try to match him with a power back no matter what.
As a Bush owner, I'm a bit concerned about Reggies touches decreasing with the return of Duece. On the other hand, if D's have to plan for Duece pounding the rock....it may open things up a bit on the perimeter for Bush. Also, lets wait and see how teams gameplan for Duece......and how that effects his play. It's still so early........I've tried not to get too caught up in the highs and lows of Reggie Bush to this point. I'll continue to trot him out their on a week to week basis and evaluate as the season progesses.

No Colston, No Shock... Pattern banged up... who else is there to focus on but Bush?

the return of Duece also returns... I'm making some offers for Bush right now.

Here is the thing with Bush. The reason he had a tough game is he is now the focal point of the teams offense. The Loss of Colston and Shockey let other teams totally focus on him. His number's will get better when Colston comes back or if the big plays they had this week with other players becomes a trend. I think the shark move would be to try and get him after his tough game this week and maybe next week. I do not think Duece will hurt Bush's numbers all that much he will still be a rb1 in ppr leagues. low end rb2 in non ppr leagues

No Colston, No Shock... Pattern banged up... who else is there to focus on but Bush?the return of Duece also returns... I'm making some offers for Bush right now.
The problem is that with those guys out, there's a danger of New Orleans leaning TOO heavily on Bush. He's not the most durable back in the world, as evidenced last season when he was banged up for the latter half of the year. So do you take the risk of getting a quality RB now whose utility may begin to wane when your FFL playoffs begin?
What's fair value for him at this point? Top tier QB or WR? Borderline top tier RB? Doubtful you'll get what you want for him.

In my experience, Bush is not easy to sell. When he has a string of good fantasy games, people perceive that his big drop-off is just around the corner. When he has a quiet fantasy game though, that's never perceived as a "one off", it's seen as Bush coming "back down to earth".

In my experience, Bush is not easy to sell. When he has a string of good fantasy games, people perceive that his big drop-off is just around the corner. When he has a quiet fantasy game though, that's never perceived as a "one off", it's seen as Bush coming "back down to earth".
He had fewer than a thousand combined yards last year and only 6 TDs total. 4 of those TDs came in 2 games. Why shouldn't people be wary?
It's obvious but RB will produce more heavily in shootouts than defensive affairs. I think most were surprised the way the game played out, but NO plays better defense in the Dome. They got up early and were perfectly happy to pound Deuce down after down. I chalk up RB's lesser production Sunday to the game plan more than the SF defense focusing on him. He is still by far the #1 rated back in my PPR league.

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I'm in the process of working out a trade involving Bush in a PPR league. Bush, Slaton OR Turner, R. Moss... for Tomlinson and Andre Johnson, + a RB3.

In my experience, Bush is not easy to sell. When he has a string of good fantasy games, people perceive that his big drop-off is just around the corner. When he has a quiet fantasy game though, that's never perceived as a "one off", it's seen as Bush coming "back down to earth".
He had fewer than a thousand combined yards last year and only 6 TDs total. 4 of those TDs came in 2 games. Why shouldn't people be wary?
There are already "love/hate Reggie Bush" threads so there's no point in creating another one. My statement is about perception and again, in my experience, the glass is always half empty with him regardless of what his numbers are.
In my experience, Bush is not easy to sell. When he has a string of good fantasy games, people perceive that his big drop-off is just around the corner. When he has a quiet fantasy game though, that's never perceived as a "one off", it's seen as Bush coming "back down to earth".
He had fewer than a thousand combined yards last year and only 6 TDs total. 4 of those TDs came in 2 games. Why shouldn't people be wary?
There are already "love/hate Reggie Bush" threads so there's no point in creating another one. My statement is about perception and again, in my experience, the glass is always half empty with him regardless of what his numbers are.
Never said I hated him - in fact, I'm someone who is debating a trade offer for him. All I said is that there's reason to be wary. How is that not related to his trade value (which is, incidentally, the topic of the thread)?
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i think this is maybe a chance to get Bush cheaper than maybe otherwise. he's had 3 weeks with really strong performances. this week, deuce comes back into the picture and performs pretty well. you might be able to convince the bush owner that this game will be the blueprint for the remainder of the season and the big games for bush will be fewer...

In my experience, Bush is not easy to sell. When he has a string of good fantasy games, people perceive that his big drop-off is just around the corner. When he has a quiet fantasy game though, that's never perceived as a "one off", it's seen as Bush coming "back down to earth".
He had fewer than a thousand combined yards last year and only 6 TDs total. 4 of those TDs came in 2 games. Why shouldn't people be wary?
There are already "love/hate Reggie Bush" threads so there's no point in creating another one. My statement is about perception and again, in my experience, the glass is always half empty with him regardless of what his numbers are.
Never said I hated him - in fact, I'm someone who is debating a trade offer for him. All I said is that there's reason to be wary. How is that not related to his trade value (which is, incidentally, the topic of the thread)?
I never said you hated him either... nor did I say your comment was off topic. :goodposting:The OP's topic was about "selling high", which I define as "attempting to get maximum yield for an asset (typically before it's value falls off)". Who seeks to sell high when high yields are expected to continue? To sell high, you need two things - inflationary performance to establish what the buyer thinks he is buying and a buyer who expects that performance to continue. In my opinion, the second is hard to find - especially where Bush is concerned.
In my experience, Bush is not easy to sell. When he has a string of good fantasy games, people perceive that his big drop-off is just around the corner. When he has a quiet fantasy game though, that's never perceived as a "one off", it's seen as Bush coming "back down to earth".
:football: True or not - this is a good post. I try to find the homer leagues each year why guys only think of FF come July. Even in all of these leagues the above comment seems dead on.

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