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Rehab - About to check myself in (1 Viewer)

Unless I missed it, it has been about a day since Fin last posted. Perhaps he's gone to ree-hab by now.

His profile says last active just before 6:00pm. If he were in rehab, he wouldn't be logging on.

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This is not the thread to call out Fin for fishing.If he is, we don't look foolish, he does.If he's not fishing, all you doubters are going to (rightfully) feel like dooshbags.
Just like all the dooshbags who didn't buy the little boy who cried wolf's story the 3rd time?I mean, even in his stories here, he's sprinkling in just enough shtick that it's virtually impossible for some of us to believe. He's not just doing drugs...he HAS to be doing drugs better than anybody else who's ever done drugs. I mean, come on. A legend in AA? Selling to Trey? So stealthy in his drug use his that nobody had a clue? I mean, does it not strike any of you odd that the guy is still posting on the internet and not actually IN REHAB? People in serious need of professional help with drugs don't dilly dally on message boards. They go get the help they need, either on their own volition or because they are forced by others. What's he waiting for? This thread to reach 10 pages? That's what a guy who was fishing would want...
I'm sensing skepticism.
Fin is usually all schtick all the time so it is tough to tell. I am thinking he does have a serious substance abuse problem though.
Fin, the pins and needles aren't from dosing more than you need or the quality of the dope. Pure morphine has a powerful pins and needle period. It is a histimine reaction. If you hate it, take some benedryl 40 minutes before slamming. Mix that with the coke and who knows, not only will you fool everyone around you, you might fool yourself. Good times. :thumbup: Are you dual addicted? If not how much coke are you holding?
Dude. Seriously thought you may be dead the way you just disappeared from the garden thread. Good to see your ok.
The difference with him is that he already is addicted. He really needs a rehab. When he said he does it alone, I believe he was talking about the fact that he uses alone. I think he was explaining he wasn't a drug player. Nobody knows about his drug use because he hides it.
Yeah, thanks for clarifying that. Really confused how some of the people in here can be so nasty. Attacking my character and just being plain rude. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Say what you'd like about me but I feel I always show respect whether I'm on a message board or sitting across the table from you.Watching the Bruins now. Headed to my (ex)girlfriend's house in a bit. I saw her last night. We had sec and I didn't finish. She asked me if I was using. I lied. She said "You know you can tell me. I know this is a hard time for you right now". I think I;m going to spend the night over there tonight. Oh and she grabbed my phone to check the time and it said "Missed Call - Bonnie Blue". She was like who the hell is Bonnie Blue and why is she calling you at 11:00pm? I told her she was probably just letting me know she had harvested. Turns out her boyfriend got pinched at the Bethel Phish shows and is in the can. I know him but I don't know him real well. I know he has priors and will probably do some time. She is a licensed "caretaker" and had some Bruce Banner. They didn't even give this kid bail. Now I have to go before the judge in the next couple days for not paying a couple speeding tickets. I hope he doesn't say "Let's see. Maybe a few days in the can will help you remember to pay your tickets next time". As far as rehab goes I think I'm going to go to Phoenix. I took someone out there a few years back to detox and she's still there. Her sister went out to the same treatment place about a month ago. So they're both there and I dated their middle sister...weird. That was the roommate I had last year. She's been sober like 5 weeks now. My ex/her sister offered to drive me there. Weird how things come full circle. 3 years ago I drove her out there to sober up.Now this may need it's own thread but the youngest sister who happens to be very attractive picks her nose and eats it. Now I don't mean I caught her one time. She does it while looking at me in the middle of a conversation. She'll sit there digging and eat it right in front of me. We're talking very very cute. She's an easy 7.5, very sexy as well. Probably 5'9" 110....lanky sexy with boobs. Why this booger eating? Weirdest thing I've ever seen. I actually have another friend who does the same thing. In mid conversation he'll fiddle around the edges of his nose, grab on to something, roll it around a bit and non nonchalantly insert it into his mouth. He does this during business meeting with important people. I've watched it for years.
I've been on Norco for years because of chronic back pain and I've thought many times that I want to go off. I swear it seems like I get those days that are just really bad and so I take an extra pill or two and then before you know it I'm all out of my prescription and it's not due for a refill for two weeks. withdrawals suck!!! When you say you lost like 20 lbs in two weeks you aren't kidding. The sleeplessness is the worst though IMO. I'll be praying for you to get through this. Good Luck!

The difference with him is that he already is addicted. He really needs a rehab. When he said he does it alone, I believe he was talking about the fact that he uses alone. I think he was explaining he wasn't a drug player. Nobody knows about his drug use because he hides it.
Yeah, thanks for clarifying that. Really confused how some of the people in here can be so nasty. Attacking my character and just being plain rude. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Say what you'd like about me but I feel I always show respect whether I'm on a message board or sitting across the table from you.Watching the Bruins now. Headed to my (ex)girlfriend's house in a bit. I saw her last night. We had sec and I didn't finish. She asked me if I was using. I lied. She said "You know you can tell me. I know this is a hard time for you right now". I think I;m going to spend the night over there tonight. Oh and she grabbed my phone to check the time and it said "Missed Call - Bonnie Blue". She was like who the hell is Bonnie Blue and why is she calling you at 11:00pm? I told her she was probably just letting me know she had harvested. Turns out her boyfriend got pinched at the Bethel Phish shows and is in the can. I know him but I don't know him real well. I know he has priors and will probably do some time. She is a licensed "caretaker" and had some Bruce Banner. They didn't even give this kid bail. Now I have to go before the judge in the next couple days for not paying a couple speeding tickets. I hope he doesn't say "Let's see. Maybe a few days in the can will help you remember to pay your tickets next time". As far as rehab goes I think I'm going to go to Phoenix. I took someone out there a few years back to detox and she's still there. Her sister went out to the same treatment place about a month ago. So they're both there and I dated their middle sister...weird. That was the roommate I had last year. She's been sober like 5 weeks now. My ex/her sister offered to drive me there. Weird how things come full circle. 3 years ago I drove her out there to sober up.Now this may need it's own thread but the youngest sister who happens to be very attractive picks her nose and eats it. Now I don't mean I caught her one time. She does it while looking at me in the middle of a conversation. She'll sit there digging and eat it right in front of me. We're talking very very cute. She's an easy 7.5, very sexy as well. Probably 5'9" 110....lanky sexy with boobs. Why this booger eating? Weirdest thing I've ever seen. I actually have another friend who does the same thing. In mid conversation he'll fiddle around the edges of his nose, grab on to something, roll it around a bit and non nonchalantly insert it into his mouth. He does this during business meeting with important people. I've watched it for years.
Look at it this way - you may have a serious drug problem that needs rehab, but at least you aren't snacking on boogers.Get the help you need. The booger-eating hottie will still be there when you get back.
What am I waiting for? Actually addressed that earlier. I've got a wire coming through. From there I need to get caught up on some bills and pay some so I can afford to disappear for a couple of weeks. Damn, some of you folks are weird. Showing emotion and #### over someone else's thread and issues. Why does the fact that I wrote that I sold Trey opiates bother some of you? That was 13-14 years ago. When I say I was a legend in AA what I am saying is I know hundreds of people across the country. I have been asked to speak at conferences where there's about 1000 people present. Aside from that I have a colorful personality and when people meet me they tend to remember me. Big f-in deal. I said I was a legend. Why do you care? Did I say I do drugs better than anyone? What does that even mean? People seriously confuse me.

Go Bruins! I guess if I was a real addict I wouldn't be watching the Bs game because I would have pawned my TV by now. You got me, it's all a hoax. Why is it the same handful of posters who like to come into any thread I start and attack me? What is it? Did I do something to you guys? Are you mad that I don;t kiss your asses like everyone else? I don;t laugh at your one liners? What is it? What is it that brings emotion out on a message board?

Now this may need it's own thread but the youngest sister who happens to be very attractive picks her nose and eats it. Now I don't mean I caught her one time. She does it while looking at me in the middle of a conversation. She'll sit there digging and eat it right in front of me. We're talking very very cute. She's an easy 7.5, very sexy as well. Probably 5'9" 110....lanky sexy with boobs. Why this booger eating? Weirdest thing I've ever seen. I actually have another friend who does the same thing. In mid conversation he'll fiddle around the edges of his nose, grab on to something, roll it around a bit and non nonchalantly insert it into his mouth. He does this during business meeting with important people. I've watched it for years.
Good luck with your rehab. I'm going off to kill myself now.
The difference with him is that he already is addicted. He really needs a rehab. When he said he does it alone, I believe he was talking about the fact that he uses alone. I think he was explaining he wasn't a drug player. Nobody knows about his drug use because he hides it.
Yeah, thanks for clarifying that. Really confused how some of the people in here can be so nasty. Attacking my character and just being plain rude. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Say what you'd like about me but I feel I always show respect whether I'm on a message board or sitting across the table from you.Watching the Bruins now. Headed to my (ex)girlfriend's house in a bit. I saw her last night. We had sec and I didn't finish. She asked me if I was using. I lied. She said "You know you can tell me. I know this is a hard time for you right now". I think I;m going to spend the night over there tonight. Oh and she grabbed my phone to check the time and it said "Missed Call - Bonnie Blue". She was like who the hell is Bonnie Blue and why is she calling you at 11:00pm? I told her she was probably just letting me know she had harvested. Turns out her boyfriend got pinched at the Bethel Phish shows and is in the can. I know him but I don't know him real well. I know he has priors and will probably do some time. She is a licensed "caretaker" and had some Bruce Banner. They didn't even give this kid bail. Now I have to go before the judge in the next couple days for not paying a couple speeding tickets. I hope he doesn't say "Let's see. Maybe a few days in the can will help you remember to pay your tickets next time". As far as rehab goes I think I'm going to go to Phoenix. I took someone out there a few years back to detox and she's still there. Her sister went out to the same treatment place about a month ago. So they're both there and I dated their middle sister...weird. That was the roommate I had last year. She's been sober like 5 weeks now. My ex/her sister offered to drive me there. Weird how things come full circle. 3 years ago I drove her out there to sober up.Now this may need it's own thread but the youngest sister who happens to be very attractive picks her nose and eats it. Now I don't mean I caught her one time. She does it while looking at me in the middle of a conversation. She'll sit there digging and eat it right in front of me. We're talking very very cute. She's an easy 7.5, very sexy as well. Probably 5'9" 110....lanky sexy with boobs. Why this booger eating? Weirdest thing I've ever seen. I actually have another friend who does the same thing. In mid conversation he'll fiddle around the edges of his nose, grab on to something, roll it around a bit and non nonchalantly insert it into his mouth. He does this during business meeting with important people. I've watched it for years.
Fin..how old are you and how would you rate your physical condition? It can`t be good if what I am reading is true. You may need to see a doctor soon.
Tell me about the first time you IV'd. Did you have help? No, I was drunk at the time and had been sniffing dope on and off for about 3 years. Never had an addiction though. I sniffed a bag and puked. I was like "Damn I keep wasting this stuff puking. Timmy, gimme a rig I'm mainlining this ____. He declined and I just took a fresh outfit from him and went to work. Never sniffed it again.

Do you nod? Only when I use a real lot. I don't even like the effects produced. If I smoke herb after fixing then I nod.I think I'm just addicted to the ritual which makes quitting much easier then it was back east where the stuff gave me an amazing rush that I chased for years.

Do they still stamp names on the stuff? I remember it being named like Tyson, 911 and Diet People but this was a long time ago. That's east coast style. I used to get Viper (that was Philly family stuff - the best and Knockout. When I sold mine it was just plain - no name and everyone knew that is what they wanted. I was living up in northern New England at the time. Far from any major city...400% markup. I worked with Dominicans. THey treated me like family. Then they tried to give the business I built away to some stiff I knew. I ended up taking a pretty good score from them. Holed up in a king suit for a few weeks. Got raided by the DEA and ATF. They missed me though I had nothing of significance. Got sober 4 months later. The stuff I buy now just comes in little tied off balloons. It's Mexican stuff unlike the rest out the country which gets it from Afghanistan. The Afghani stuff is MUCH better.

Do you buy by the bundle? Only on the east coast. I would get it 500 to 1000 bags at a time. A bundle is 10 bags..

Did you use methadone to get off of it the last time? Yes January 17 of 2000. I started at 25mgs for a few days and tapered down. I was selling it at the time and had so much that the amount that the detox was allowed to give me didn't even take the edge off. I didn't sleep a wink for over 2 weeks and got down to 117 pounds. My fighting weight is around 160.

Growing up in the city I've seen a lot. H is one thing I'm glad I've never tried; I've seen it wreck a lot of people. It's the only thing besides my girlfriend that has grabbed me like this.

Answers in bold
Anyone who reads this and doesn't see the schtick is lost. Yes he may have a problem but he's also definitely shticking this up.
Nah, CEO that aint shtick
Fin..how old are you and how would you rate your physical condition? It can`t be good if what I am reading is true. You may need to see a doctor soon.
Huh? I'm pretty fit. Less than 15 percent body fat. I'm rather lean. My girlfriend thinks I look good. About 5'9" 160. Before I started with this I was in the gym 4-5 days a week and had a personal trainer.
'jdoggydogg said:
'Finless said:
Now this may need it's own thread but the youngest sister who happens to be very attractive picks her nose and eats it. Now I don't mean I caught her one time. She does it while looking at me in the middle of a conversation. She'll sit there digging and eat it right in front of me. We're talking very very cute. She's an easy 7.5, very sexy as well. Probably 5'9" 110....lanky sexy with boobs. Why this booger eating? Weirdest thing I've ever seen. I actually have another friend who does the same thing. In mid conversation he'll fiddle around the edges of his nose, grab on to something, roll it around a bit and non nonchalantly insert it into his mouth. He does this during business meeting with important people. I've watched it for years.
Good luck with your rehab. I'm going off to kill myself now.
Right? We went to a Dead show one night and chomped some e. We were really feeling it. When I got home I did some and was really high. I ended up nodding off and spilling ice cream all over my crotch. I was half conscious when I noticed her between my legs assuming the position with a warm wash cloth cleaning ice cream (massaging my junk) off my pants. She could clearly feel what was going on inside my jeans. I acted as if I was passed out of fear that I would just pull it out. I had a girlfriend at the time. Last thing I needed was for my girl to come by and my roommate getting catty. Plus the fact that she was into nose picking was very troubling.
'E Street Brat said:
'Chaos Commish said:
Dude. Seriously thought you may be dead the way you just disappeared from the garden thread. Good to see your ok.
Thanks, ESB. A whole bunch a hit the fan kept me not just from that thread, but basically offline for a few months. Then the habit was broken so I turned those months into over a year. But like most worthless addicts, I'm back. If I hosed you for seeds, lemme know. I've made it right with a few others. ;)
'jdoggydogg said:
'Finless said:
Now this may need it's own thread but the youngest sister who happens to be very attractive picks her nose and eats it. Now I don't mean I caught her one time. She does it while looking at me in the middle of a conversation. She'll sit there digging and eat it right in front of me. We're talking very very cute. She's an easy 7.5, very sexy as well. Probably 5'9" 110....lanky sexy with boobs. Why this booger eating? Weirdest thing I've ever seen. I actually have another friend who does the same thing. In mid conversation he'll fiddle around the edges of his nose, grab on to something, roll it around a bit and non nonchalantly insert it into his mouth. He does this during business meeting with important people. I've watched it for years.
Good luck with your rehab. I'm going off to kill myself now.
Wait - I need your reviews of the summer films.
'Finless said:
Now this may need it's own thread but the youngest sister who happens to be very attractive picks her nose and eats it. Now I don't mean I caught her one time. She does it while looking at me in the middle of a conversation. She'll sit there digging and eat it right in front of me. We're talking very very cute. She's an easy 7.5, very sexy as well. Probably 5'9" 110....lanky sexy with boobs. Why this booger eating? Weirdest thing I've ever seen. I actually have another friend who does the same thing. In mid conversation he'll fiddle around the edges of his nose, grab on to something, roll it around a bit and non nonchalantly insert it into his mouth. He does this during business meeting with important people. I've watched it for years.
Is she seeing anyone?
'jdoggydogg said:
'Finless said:
Now this may need it's own thread but the youngest sister who happens to be very attractive picks her nose and eats it. Now I don't mean I caught her one time. She does it while looking at me in the middle of a conversation. She'll sit there digging and eat it right in front of me. We're talking very very cute. She's an easy 7.5, very sexy as well. Probably 5'9" 110....lanky sexy with boobs. Why this booger eating? Weirdest thing I've ever seen. I actually have another friend who does the same thing. In mid conversation he'll fiddle around the edges of his nose, grab on to something, roll it around a bit and non nonchalantly insert it into his mouth. He does this during business meeting with important people. I've watched it for years.
Good luck with your rehab. I'm going off to kill myself now.
Right? We went to a Dead show one night and chomped some e. We were really feeling it. When I got home I did some and was really high. I ended up nodding off and spilling ice cream all over my crotch. I was half conscious when I noticed her between my legs assuming the position with a warm wash cloth cleaning ice cream (massaging my junk) off my pants. She could clearly feel what was going on inside my jeans. I acted as if I was passed out of fear that I would just pull it out. I had a girlfriend at the time. Last thing I needed was for my girl to come by and my roommate getting catty. Plus the fact that she was into nose picking was very troubling.
Her behavior is a societal dysfunction that I can't even begin to comprehend.
So without reading the whole thread...why aren't you actually in rehab right now? Or are you?
Top Ten Reason Why Fin Isn't In Rehab Yet10.


"She just sent me a text "How much will it cost to put you in rehab for 30 days". I don't know if she plans on paying for it or what."



"It's really crazy how you can hide with this stuff. My best friends, girlfriend I have sex with daily and my boss/best friend have been clueless."



"Maybe I'll die tonight or tomorrow and one of my Facebook buddies will pass on the news and you can sit back smugly and say "I told you so"."



"I have a good job and put away a good chunk of change wich allowed me to have a expensive girlfriend and an expensive drug habit."



"I buy needles 100 at a time from the pharmacy."



"I think I'm just addicted to the ritual which makes quitting much easier then it was back east where the stuff gave me an amazing rush that I chased for years."



"I came to the conclusion last night while talking with a very close friend, a girl I regretfully dated, that I am addicted to self destruction. I feel like there is something inside of me that draws me to things that will eventually kill me."



"I was a legend in the AA community for a decade."



"I look like a rock and roll star from the 70's, the chicks have been all over me lately."


Jesus. I'm struggling. I just had a speedball. I NEED HELP.
'Addai said:
Can I have your drugs?
:lmao: I'll take the kind you just swallow with water if you have them. I'll run your fantasy baseball team while you're away. Hell, i'll make trades from my team to yours and we can collude and win!!!!
I dont know finless from timshochet. Either way I would be apprehensive to toss #### their way in the midst of some ####, real or not. Maybe I'm too naive.

Glll Fin

'johnnycakes said:
Unless I missed it, it has been about a day since Fin last posted. Perhaps he's gone to ree-hab by now.

His profile says last active just before 6:00pm. If he were in rehab, he wouldn't be logging on.
You don't get the internet in rehab? No wonder people don't want to go.


"It's really crazy how you can hide with this stuff. My best friends, girlfriend I have sex with daily and my boss/best friend have been clueless."
I just realized I'm a really lazy ******* since I can't even get motivated to do that without being hooked on heroin.
'johnnycakes said:
Unless I missed it, it has been about a day since Fin last posted. Perhaps he's gone to ree-hab by now.

His profile says last active just before 6:00pm. If he were in rehab, he wouldn't be logging on.
You don't get the internet in rehab? No wonder people don't want to go.
pretty sure that all conduits to outside contact are sealed off for at least the detox portion of rehab
I don't believe a thing this dude has said in this thread. Not a word. Every single thread I read of his I think "he's full of it". This one is no different.


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