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RIP Riley (1 Viewer)

You've always been an open book on these boards and in general, and I know I speak for everyone when I say thank you for allowing us to get to know Riley in our own little way. The courage you've shown in the face of tragedy is inspirational, and you and your daughter certainly brought our community closer together than I think it has ever been. Please continue to lean on everyone here for support, and take some small comfort in knowing that none of us will ever forget Riley and the incredible fight she put up

Shady - I respect you for being open and honest with you. You never, ever claimed to be in control or have all the answers. You admitted your fears and struggles; that's what a real man does. More men could learn from your example.

With that said, allow me to express my condolences on Riley's passing. :cry:  

So sorry Shady. Thank you for letting us share Riley's journey. She really brought this board together and we will never forget her.

She truly defined the meaning of being a warrior. For me she really brought perspective of life and it's problems, and how fragile it can be. I think we are all changed by her to be kinder gentler people to people you don't know. At least that's what her journey has done for me. Riley will never be forgotten and forever loved. #teamrileyforever xx

Riley fought so hard but she couldn't do it anymore. RIP Riley. My warrior.

I'm completely heart broken. Justin got to kiss her good bye.
Damn. I'm sitting here bawling and not knowing what to type. Cherish the moments you had Shady and know that she touched so many lives here and had a lasting impact on all of us in her too brief time here on earth. I know I've hugged my kids extra long in the last few days.

Such heartbreaking news. Please know that there will be joy after the grief. It may take a while, but one day joy will find you again. Just hang on until that day comes. Much love to you, your wife and your little boy. 

I've never met Shady or his family but he's been a part of my life for roughly 10 years now.   A lot of you have and are.  

I'm so so very sorry Shady. My very best wishes to you and your family.

I don't have the words, and probably couldn't see the keyboard well enough to type them right now. But I did find this. Don't know the author, but I hope it gives you comfort:

Although we seem so far apart,
You're always here within our hearts.
You filled our lives with joy and pleasure
You were to us a precious treasure.
A little while shall pass and then,
We'll see each other once again.
Loved, remembered and held so dear,
In minds and hearts you're always here.


So sorry for your unfathomable loss Shady.  Thoughts and prayers to you and your family and the community that loves Riley so much.  RIP sweet angel.

Many more here can and have expressed things in a much better way than I ever could. Continued prayers for you and yours. Rest in peace, sweet Riley

So sorry shady.  I don't have a child of my own but a few nieces and nephews from 7-12.  I can't imagine losing one of them let alone one that is a few months old.  I don't think I could compose myself like you have over the past few weeks.  I admire your courage and I hope you find solace.  RIP Riley...

So sorry. Your courage and love have been inspirational to those of us here and I know your wife and son will draw upon them now more than ever. Every single person here has been honored to play our tiny part in Riley's life and I hope you turn to us if there's anything we can do to offer comfort or support. 

 My heart sank seeing the title, and I frantically scrolled looking for "the" post.  The tears flowed when I found it.  So sorry.  It is amazing how a young girl, whom most of us have never met, has managed to touch so many of our lives in a profound way.  She was special.  RIP.


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