He has been picking on my daughter for a while now.
Background: daughter is tall. Very fast. About a head taller than this kid. They used to be friends. He lives three houses down. She beat him in a race at school. Lots of the other boys teased him. He has been different ever since then.
Mostly minor stuff that my daughter was dealing with fine. She didnt like it, but also said it wasnt a big deal. About three weeks ago he said some incredibly inappropriate words to her right after getting off the bus. Things an 8 year old shouldnt even know. My wife was down there waiting to take her to soccer practice and heard him say it. I told his mom the next day and he had been on good behavior until this past friday. He grabbed something she made at school(a robot) and ripped it in half.
So today I went near the bus stop and hid. They got off the bus and immediately he started yelling at her, super pervy stuff. She put her hands over her ears and started walking to our house. He ran up behind her and he slapped her on the arm. I jumped out and yelled at him to leave her alone. Told him to go home. He sprinted off ahead and then sat on his front porch seething.
I grabbed my daughters hand and we walked past just chatting about the chuckwalla I had seen hiking.
For further info...this happens almost exclusively off school property, but there have been instances when they are waiting for the bus at school that he acts up. 95% chance I see his mom tomorrow morning, as I see her almost every morning. I have never seen the father and i dont think he is around.
What's the play here? Talk to the mom again(say what)? Tell my daughter to unleash the fury on him? Involve the school? Build a booby trap that will lift him up by his ankle into a tree and leave him there? Tell my daughter to challenge him to a race again and lose on purpose?
Background: daughter is tall. Very fast. About a head taller than this kid. They used to be friends. He lives three houses down. She beat him in a race at school. Lots of the other boys teased him. He has been different ever since then.
Mostly minor stuff that my daughter was dealing with fine. She didnt like it, but also said it wasnt a big deal. About three weeks ago he said some incredibly inappropriate words to her right after getting off the bus. Things an 8 year old shouldnt even know. My wife was down there waiting to take her to soccer practice and heard him say it. I told his mom the next day and he had been on good behavior until this past friday. He grabbed something she made at school(a robot) and ripped it in half.
So today I went near the bus stop and hid. They got off the bus and immediately he started yelling at her, super pervy stuff. She put her hands over her ears and started walking to our house. He ran up behind her and he slapped her on the arm. I jumped out and yelled at him to leave her alone. Told him to go home. He sprinted off ahead and then sat on his front porch seething.
I grabbed my daughters hand and we walked past just chatting about the chuckwalla I had seen hiking.
For further info...this happens almost exclusively off school property, but there have been instances when they are waiting for the bus at school that he acts up. 95% chance I see his mom tomorrow morning, as I see her almost every morning. I have never seen the father and i dont think he is around.
What's the play here? Talk to the mom again(say what)? Tell my daughter to unleash the fury on him? Involve the school? Build a booby trap that will lift him up by his ankle into a tree and leave him there? Tell my daughter to challenge him to a race again and lose on purpose?