Sammy Traveller
Link to NY Daily News
Lowlife uses 9/11 to rile up Giants fans
I’ve been debating this post for several hours, trying to decide whether it qualified as news and whether it was worth giving a disgusting excuse for a human being the publicity and attention he obviously craves.
I still don’t know whether posting it is the right thing to do. But it’s all over the blogosphere now anyway. You can decide for yourselves how much attention this deserves.
A few hours ago, one lunatic Seattle Seahawks fan took football trash talk a few zillion steps too far by posting a picture of the collapsed World Trade Center smoldering on Sept. 11, 2001 on a fan site called, and following it with not one, but 17 horrifying jokes. I’m not going to post the jokes here, because they’re really offensive. If you want to see for yourselves, you can check it out in a cached version someone found on the Web right here.
And if that doesn’t work, the full, awful text can be found over at Deadspin.
It’s amazing, really. All because their beloved Seahawks are playing the New York Giants on Oct. 5.
Some people are simply disturbed and aren’t worth even acknowledging, so I’m not going to give the creep the honor of having his name on my blog. But the folks over at did some pretty good detective work and found out who he is. They even have his e-mail address, which you can find right here.
I hope the author is sufficiently ashamed, embarrassed and apologetic. But it would take a decent, reasonable person to be any of those things, and a decent, reasonable person wouldn’t have even thought about making a Web page like that in the first place.
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