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Sean Salisbury and John Clayton on ESPN (1 Viewer)

Great Show!They cover all the hot topics surrounding the NFL/NFL Draft, and have good guests while constantly making fun of each other!

Only part I heard was them talking about Tampa Bay wanting to trade up to get Smith at #2, not Rogers. Speculation is SF will take Rogers due to the "bargain" price Rogers will give to stay in the Bay Area. Salisbury was pretty PO'd at this thinking.Salisbury was also very sure that Chicago would take either Edwards or Williams and be very happy. Prefering Edwards (Cleveland is expected to take Edwards though).Only caught 1 segment.

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Only part I heard was them talking about Tampa Bay wanting to trade up to get Smith at #2, not Rogers. Speculation is SF will take Rogers due to the "bargain" price Rogers will give to stay in the Bay Area. Salisbury was pretty PO'd at this thinking.

Salisbury was also very sure that Chicago would take either Edwards or Williams and be very happy. Prefering Edwards (Cleveland is expected to take Edwards though).

Only caught 1 segment.
The computer i'm using won't play the link that's provided which sucks.I have to wait for the White Sox postgame show on ESPN Radio 1000 to listen in and that's not for another 45 minutes or so...

Please keep us posted of any good news on the show!

Here’s the part I heard. Interview with Sal Paolantonio Sal talked to Nolan on the phone the previous day and Sal got the impression that Nolan likes Smith better than Rodgers. But there is problem with Smith’s contract. Smith’s agent, Tom Condon (Eli’s agent), meet with the 49er and wants more than Eli Manning type money. 49ers could still draft Smith but Rodgers would be cheaper to sign.

their thoughts were basically - sfran rodgersmiami trade with tbay, tbay take smithcleveland edwardsbears unsure i think they thought bensonmiami ronnie browntitans antrell rolle

Bump for todays show.
I don't mind Salisbury sometimes, but today he was pretty bad. First, he says "stop-down corner" like 10 times. You mean shut-down corner? Second, he's arguing with John Clayton and plays the "I was a player in this league" card.

I saw Merrill Hodge pull that while arguing about Aaron Rodgers with Mel Kiper during the draft this year. That is SO played. How good of a player was Bill Walsh or Bill Parcells? Weak argument.

Bump for todays show.
I don't mind Salisbury sometimes, but today he was pretty bad. First, he says "stop-down corner" like 10 times. You mean shut-down corner? Second, he's arguing with John Clayton and plays the "I was a player in this league" card.

I saw Merrill Hodge pull that while arguing about Aaron Rodgers with Mel Kiper during the draft this year. That is SO played. How good of a player was Bill Walsh or Bill Parcells? Weak argument.
Excellent.Today he was really bad. Like I state in the original posting "They're talking football." If you love football, I assume everyone here does, you'll accept this for the greater good of FFB.

Today he was really bad. Like I state in the original posting "They're talking football." If you love football, I assume everyone here does, you'll accept this for the greater good of FFB.
No doubt. I'll take football any way I can get it.
Sean Salisbury is both banal and annoying. I still toast the anniversary of his departure from the morning show on one of the local sports talk stations out here in SoCal.

Sean Salisbury is both banal and annoying. I still toast the anniversary of his departure from the morning show on one of the local sports talk stations out here in SoCal.
Daren Woodson sounded rather smart and football savvy for the short bit I was able to hear - could be a good commentator

Just a heads up for the FireFox users - looks like you need to use IE to be able to find the Listen Now links. (At least, it wouldn't show up for me under FF)

My local ESPN went to the Belmont around 6:00. That's why I use this link for just such ocassions. This is the only place I can hear ESPN radio when the local channel switches to other events.

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Salisbury on the Bombardier race today: "It's prounounced "BOMB-BAR-DEE-AY? I prounounce it BOMB-BA-DEER. That's how I like to pronounce it."I don't mind Salisbury, but can we as a civilization try to avoid being proud of being ignorant?

Salisbury on the Bombardier race today: "It's prounounced "BOMB-BAR-DEE-AY? I prounounce it BOMB-BA-DEER. That's how I like to pronounce it."

I don't mind Salisbury, but can we as a civilization try to avoid being proud of being ignorant?
Didn't our President correct someone in the media saying that it's not it's not disassemble it's dissemble? :lmao: I'll let Sean slide, maybe we should hold GW accountable? :yes:

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BTW. This is The link to ESPN radio not just The Huddle.I just used it to get on. My local channel is broadcasting baseball.jdoggydog do you use this alot? I've noticed you here alot.

BTW. This is The link to ESPN radio not just The Huddle.

I just used it to get on. My local channel is broadcasting baseball.

jdoggydog do you use this alot? I've noticed you here alot.
At work, we have broadband internet access. So there I can listen to EPSN on-line. At home, I only have a cable modem - so streaming audio quality is inconsistent. I must say that it's frustrating when you are looking for The Huddle - only to find a dull basketball game on instead. I wish KNBR would run the program consistently. They do the same with Pro Football Weekley's radio show. Doesn't ever seem to be on at a consistent time.

Bump for todays show.jdoggydog. I hear you. I have cable but it's usually OK.BTW I used this link to listen to Mel Kiper today 11:00 to 3:00 and surprisingly it just went into the Huddle with out relogging on.

Bump for todays show.

jdoggydog. I hear you. I have cable but it's usually OK.

BTW I used this link to listen to Mel Kiper today 11:00 to 3:00 and surprisingly it just went into the Huddle with out relogging on.
I had to work yesterday and couldn't listen :angry:
Bump for todays show.

jdoggydog. I hear you. I have cable but it's usually OK.

BTW I used this link to listen to Mel Kiper today 11:00 to 3:00 and surprisingly it just went into the Huddle with out relogging on.
I had to work yesterday and couldn't listen :angry:
Damn sorry to hear that.You know you have to change this Before you take your next job.

My local carried a BB game. I had it on the computer but had to cook and other stuff so I didn't hear much.

Damn sorry to hear that.

You know you have to change this Before you take your next job.

My local carried a BB game. I had it on the computer but had to cook and other stuff so I didn't hear much.
Luckily, my new boss won't ever make me work weekends. Plus, he's totally into Fantasy Football :thumbup:
Damn sorry to hear that.

You know you have to change this Before you take your next job.

My local carried a BB game. I had it on the computer but had to cook and other stuff so I didn't hear much.
Luckily, my new boss won't ever make me work weekends. Plus, he's totally into Fantasy Football :thumbup:
Bump for todays show.jdoggydogg does that mean your not quitting the job?

jdoggydogg does that mean your not quitting the job?
I did quit. Gave notice last week. Last day is Friday, 7-1-05. The owner of the company I will be working for is the guy that played in my first ever Fantasy league. This league was pretty small-time. My last year, the schlub commishioner took TWO MONTHS to pay off another friend after the friend snagged the championship. This friend and I left for a far better league. The commish asked me, "So isn't he coming back next year?" I told him no. He said with a straight face, "Tell him he's banned from the league."

Gee, banned from a bogus league? Damn!

jdoggydogg does that mean your not quitting the job?
I did quit. Gave notice last week. Last day is Friday, 7-1-05. The owner of the company I will be working for is the guy that played in my first ever Fantasy league. This league was pretty small-time. My last year, the schlub commishioner took TWO MONTHS to pay off another friend after the friend snagged the championship. This friend and I left for a far better league. The commish asked me, "So isn't he coming back next year?" I told him no. He said with a straight face, "Tell him he's banned from the league."

Gee, banned from a bogus league? Damn!
Great!Are you banned from your old company :D .

Check out this exchange between John Clayton and co-host Jerry Fontenot yesterday:

Clayton: "Julius Jones of the Cowboys... how many yards will he gain this year?"

Fontenot: "Ummmm... I'll say six hundred."


GB dumb linemen! :thumbup:

Check out this exchange between John Clayton and co-host Jerry Fontenot yesterday:

Clayton: "Julius Jones of the Cowboys... how many yards will he gain this year?"

Fontenot: "Ummmm... I'll say six hundred."


GB dumb linemen! :thumbup:
Sounds like a real stat-hound.
Is there anywhere to catch an archived version of the show? I always seem to remember it about 8:00pm Saturday night. :(

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