I was just watching Dan, Shannon, and Boomer give their picks and I realized that it provided a nice demonstration of the basic idea that people are talking about here. Dan has a 3-game lead over Boomer and a 6-game lead over Shannon. It's time to pick the Seahawks-Titans game. Suppose* that Boomer and Shannon picked the Titans. Now what do you do if you're Dan? If you want to maximize your wins, you take Seattle. But if you take the Titans, Boomer and Shannon can't gain on you, and your lead is guaranteed to stay intact. The parallels are obvious, but just in case....Being a favorite in your fantasy matchup = Dan having a lead establishedPicking the Seahawks = playing the guy you think is going to score the most pointsPicking the Titans = hedging to maximize your chances of winning the game, even though it means likely scoring fewer points.Obviously, things are rarely this clear in an actual fantasy matchup, and it's not possible to tie your score to your opponent's in such a definite way. Also, it's only a good idea under certain circumstances. For instance, if it was week 2 or if Dan's lead was only one game, I'm not sure going with the Titans would be such a great idea. But in this case it would be.Just a thought. * - this isn't what actually happened, just a hypothetical.