Is there a clear cut NFL team that most residents of a state route for in states without an NFL team? Montana? Nebraska? Iowa? Wyoming, Utah, Oregon etc... You get the picture. Homers of these non-NFL states please provide your insights.
Also on a similiar note, I thought it would be interesting as to where dividing lines are amonst NFL cities. Like where in PA does fans transition from primarily Steeler to Eagle fans? In New York City, is there any city/neighborhoos divisions from Jet/Giant fans?
Fun topic.

It is interesting to figure out where the lines are and even better, why.
For example, I was surprised to hear that Vikings games are on TV often in Oklahoma. Answer? ADP.
Beyond that, in my travels I have seen that many states get spoon fed from local teams trying to be "regional" teams. This is exactly why the Redskins have a following from Maryland, WV, VA and the Carolinas. From before the Panthers existed, the DC team was billed as the team for "Redskins country".
Also in visiting Las Vegas I saw Oakland Raiders preseason games. Don't know why - but would that be Raiders country? I doubt it.
Any city that draws on people migrating there will have a good mix of fans.
Now, as for state lines - PA splits down the middle around Harrisburg / State College. Pittsburgh west, Philly east.
New Jersey splits right around the Trenton / New Brunswick line (mid-state) and turns from Eagles country down south to Giants (mostly) and some Jets fans up north.
Delaware is mostly Eagles, near as I can tell - especially in the Wilmington / northern 3rd of the state.
Maryland (where I am now) is mostly Ravens fans for two counties removed from Baltimore - or about 40-50 miles around the harbor, give or take. DC gets the neighboring counties and southern MD, while there are still many Steelers fans who came down from PA when work got hard to find up there. There's also some steadfast Colts fans, but they're in the minority.