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States with no NFL teams. (1 Viewer)

Captain Spaulding

Is there a clear cut NFL team that most residents of a state route for in states without an NFL team? Montana? Nebraska? Iowa? Wyoming, Utah, Oregon etc... You get the picture. Homers of these non-NFL states please provide your insights.

Also on a similiar note, I thought it would be interesting as to where dividing lines are amonst NFL cities. Like where in PA does fans transition from primarily Steeler to Eagle fans? In New York City, is there any city/neighborhoos divisions from Jet/Giant fans?

most of the people in the regions you mention, I would imagine, could care less about the spoiled NFL players and all the non-sense that goes with it. I'm sure they're just fine with their college team(s).

I live in Idaho. Other than undergrad and grad school in Utah and Nebraska respectively, I have my whole life. (Explains a lot I know)

I've rooted for the Steelers since I was 8 years old. Passionately.

Couldn't care less about regional college. Utah, BYU, Boise St. etc. It's cool to see them win, but I bleed black and gold.

Nebraska reporting in...we just follow our fantasy teams!

From what I see, we have lots of Vikings, Bears, Packers and Broncos. For some reason, the Chiefs fans have been thinning out though...

Hawaii has pretty much every team represented, with so much military here I would venture a guess that there is more fan diversity here than any other state.

New Mexico (cleaner than the Old Mexico)

You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting an Oakland Raider Fan...

But for those other than gang members and amongst those who can acutally name "their team's" starting QB.....you'll find mostly Dallas Cowboy fans....followed closely by Denver Bronco fans....

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Little Rock, Arkansas. Pretty much all Razorbacks - all the time, 365 days a year. If pushed, most would probably say Dallas Cowboys. Me ...I am a long suffering Browns and Bengals fan, relocated from OH. Uhh - Brownies way first on that list though.

Is there a clear cut NFL team that most residents of a state route for in states without an NFL team? Montana? Nebraska? Iowa? Wyoming, Utah, Oregon etc... You get the picture. Homers of these non-NFL states please provide your insights.Also on a similiar note, I thought it would be interesting as to where dividing lines are amonst NFL cities. Like where in PA does fans transition from primarily Steeler to Eagle fans? In New York City, is there any city/neighborhoos divisions from Jet/Giant fans?
Fun topic. :unsure:It is interesting to figure out where the lines are and even better, why.For example, I was surprised to hear that Vikings games are on TV often in Oklahoma. Answer? ADP.Beyond that, in my travels I have seen that many states get spoon fed from local teams trying to be "regional" teams. This is exactly why the Redskins have a following from Maryland, WV, VA and the Carolinas. From before the Panthers existed, the DC team was billed as the team for "Redskins country".Also in visiting Las Vegas I saw Oakland Raiders preseason games. Don't know why - but would that be Raiders country? I doubt it.Any city that draws on people migrating there will have a good mix of fans. Now, as for state lines - PA splits down the middle around Harrisburg / State College. Pittsburgh west, Philly east. New Jersey splits right around the Trenton / New Brunswick line (mid-state) and turns from Eagles country down south to Giants (mostly) and some Jets fans up north.Delaware is mostly Eagles, near as I can tell - especially in the Wilmington / northern 3rd of the state.Maryland (where I am now) is mostly Ravens fans for two counties removed from Baltimore - or about 40-50 miles around the harbor, give or take. DC gets the neighboring counties and southern MD, while there are still many Steelers fans who came down from PA when work got hard to find up there. There's also some steadfast Colts fans, but they're in the minority.
Been in Nebraska for going on 26 years now. Chiefs - Broncos - Packers - Bears - Vikings...Chiefs having the edge due to proximity in the eastern half of the state.

I grew up in Alaska, and up there, we tend to adopt the Seattle teams as our own - so it's mostly Seahawks fans for football, and Mariners fans for baseball (although football and especially basketball are MUCH bigger than baseball up there). Strangely, though, Alaskans never really adopted the Sonics; most Alaskan basketball fans support the Chicago Bulls, oddly enough.

Myself, though - I'm a Denver Broncos fan, and have been since I was a little kid.

Been in Nebraska for going on 26 years now. Chiefs - Broncos - Packers - Bears - Vikings...Chiefs having the edge due to proximity in the eastern half of the state.
I think Denver get's a lot of fans from neighboring states. I think Denver and Seattle are the 2 teams who are farthest away form another NFL city. Colorado borders 7 other states, and Arizona is the only one with an NFL team (The Chiefs are technically in Missouri) I know a lot of people and here of a lot of Broncos fans from Wyoming, western Nebraska, Utah, western Kansas, even Montana. I think Oklahoma and New Mexico favor the Cowboys more, but there are some Bronco fans there too.
Been in Nebraska for going on 26 years now. Chiefs - Broncos - Packers - Bears - Vikings...Chiefs having the edge due to proximity in the eastern half of the state.
Yep, I grew up in Nebraska and can confirm - mostly Chiefs due to proximity and ironically - lots of Broncos haters. A lot of Nebraskans have invaded the Front Range over the the last few decades (like myself). I can't stand the Broncos simply because I have to listen to anti-Husker talk on AM950 TheFan all year. And the same anti-Huskers guys are rambling on and on about the Broncos so I've developed a healthy hatred for them. Oddly enough, I'm an Avalanche/Rockies fan though. I'm a conflicted soul.
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Kentucky here. Bengals and Browns fans here...with Titans fans located in the southern part of the state. I live in Lexington (central KY) and i think most people here are fellow bengals fans (dedicated, long-suffering group by the way).

Growing up in Oregon we followed the Seahawks as they were the closest* team, on TV the most, and covered more in the local papers, etc. but never considered myself really a true fan of the team - never went to a game or anything. Once I moved out I was just an "NFL fan" for a long time - even through 5 years of living in chicago, a place that loves its team as much as anyone. I just felt like I would be a bandwagonner there. Once I settled down in Maryland I latched on to the Ravens and feel like I finally have MY team. By comparison, I still consider myself to be a Trail Blazers fan as far as the NBA goes.

*closest is really relative out there. Where I live now, there are 6 NFL franchises (Bal, Was, Phi, Pit NYJ, NYG) that play closer than the seahawks were out there.

I live in Iowa. No, really, don't hang up. It wasn't my first choice, but oh well. It's pretty cool how much NFL diversity there is here. Most local newspapers will cover the local team, e.g., The Chicago Tribune spends a lot of time on the Bears, etc. Here, the news covers the Bears, Vikings, Packers, Chiefs, and Rams. It seems like there are few Broncos fans, too. And of course there are always Cowboys, Steelers, and Raiders fans everywhere. Depending on who's doing well, you'll see more of one team's supporters over another. Overall, I'd say it goes Vikings, Bears, Chiefs, Packers, Rams here in Des Moines, but that's just anecdotal. They did a survey on this subject a few years ago, but I don't remember the results and I don't feel like looking it up at 12:30 AM. Of course, there are more Vikings fans in the north, Chiefs fans in the south, and Bears and Packers fans in the east.

College footbal is big for a lot of people, but I couldn't care less about the stupid Hawkeyes or Cyclones (I'm originally from IL). I think of college football as the NFL's minor leagues.

In Iowa college is pretty big, espcecially where I live (north of Iowa City). As fornov said, there's a lot of Vikings, Packers, Bears, KC, and Saint Louis fans. Cedar Rapids has a fair number of STL fans due to Warner's time (and success) there. I grew up in the north central part of the state and that was almost entirely Vikings. Personally, I'm a Chargers fan but I'm in the minority. There's a lot of diversity here overall, though.

Oklahoma....I live in the OKC area but grew up in the Western part of the state. I find that most people are Dallas Cowboys fans with a sprinkling of Chiefs fans here and there. However, the state is dominated by college football - with OU fans making up the majority.

I live in Kansas but I support the Chiefs just because they are geographically nearest to me and have the state name in the title.

I think Virginia supports the Redskins from what I could see visiting the state many times the past 19 years.
I would bet on that. Before we got the Panthers in NC this was Redskin territory. That used to drive me nuts--having lived in Atlanta for a few formative years--because being halfway between the two we never saw a Falcons game off the 'Redskin Network'!
I live in Kansas but I support the Chiefs just because they are geographically nearest to me and have the state name in the title.
Isn't most of Kansas City in Kansas?!! I know the stadium is not...Heading that way again this year to spend Christmas with my brother and family in Olathe--that's a nice area.
Is there a clear cut NFL team that most residents of a state route for in states without an NFL team? Montana? Nebraska? Iowa? Wyoming, Utah, Oregon etc... You get the picture. Homers of these non-NFL states please provide your insights.Also on a similiar note, I thought it would be interesting as to where dividing lines are amonst NFL cities. Like where in PA does fans transition from primarily Steeler to Eagle fans? In New York City, is there any city/neighborhoos divisions from Jet/Giant fans?
How about a country? I would think that 90% of the people down here either support the Cowboys or 49ers going back to the early 80's. I despised Montana, Rice, Lott, Craig etc..., so the choice was an easy one for me.
Michigan here, been wishing for a *real* NFL team for awhile now. I've been a fan of the Broncos mostly due to family connections there.

Charleston, SC here. We have a very large migration from the northern states and I would say at a sports bar I witness more Patriot, Giants, and Pittsburgh fans than any other. I've always been a Falcons fan :goodposting: , but alot of the people born and raised in South Carolina root for the Carolina Panthers ;(when they are good). One thing I've noticed is fair weather fans, diehards are not as common around these here parts. hahahah

England here. Not a state (yet) but its interesting to see which teams attract the most fans. Giants and Dolphins are probably the biggest due to Miami and NYC being the popular vacation destinations. Also, both teams were good in the '80s when NFL games were first televised over here.

The NFL were quite smart to get both teams over here last year. San Diego and New Orleans....not so much.

Currently residing in Mississippi and college football (particularly SEC football) is king here. Even Razorback fans are tolerated because the Mississippi State fans and Ole Miss fans spend so much energy hating each other.

Probably more Saints fans than any other as they have practiced in Jackson in the summer for a couple of years, but the connection goes back much farther. Plus Deuce is huge in Jackson.

We always get the Saints and Titans on television and both are also on the local radiio. I think that the Titans may be a carry over from when Steve McNair was their QB as he is a native Mississippian and played college here.

I live in Canada and in Bills country, about two hours away from Buffalo. The majority around here are Bills fans, but there are heavy pockets of Steelers, Lions (Again geography), then it would be Green Bay, Dallas, SF, NE as other big fan bases.

I became a Dolphins fan because they were good when I was picking teams in the early 80s (and stuck with all my teams selected). I hail from Southern WV, and I'd say I'm in the minority there. It's mostly Redskins fans with a distinct minority of Cowboys fans who clearly chose their team as a reaction to the Redskins dominance in terms of fan support. There is also a pretty solid group of Steelers fans, but that might just be a nationwide thing.

Interesting topic. I'm originally from WV and lived in different parts of the state, and due to the interesting geography, I think you'll see several dividing lines there:

1. When I lived in the Eastern Panhandle, around Martinsburg, Redskins were clearly the team.

2. WHen I lived closer to Morgantown, there were TONS of Steeler's fans.

3. In the west, around Huntington, you get more fans of Ohio teams.

I'm in Northern Virginia now and the Redskins are the team around here. Saw a post above how Redskins are "forced fed" in Virginia, but I think it's appropriate that they are the "home team" here in Northern Virginia. We are basically in the "DC Metro Area" so it would be a lot more strange if all the TV stations and papers were hyping the Cowboys. With that said, it's interesting in this area. There are a lot of transplants to the DC who get mad and say, "Why is everything around here about the Redskins" which I have never got since we are just a half hour drive from D.C. where I am.

Not sure about southern Virginia, though I suspect the Skins are big there too.


Funny you ask about southern VA because I now live on the southside. There's a considerable amount of Panthers support here for a team as new as they are. I think it's the combination of easier ticket access than with the Redskins and the 2 hour drive to Charlotte versus 4+ hours to DC.

Is there a clear cut NFL team that most residents of a state route for in states without an NFL team? Montana? Nebraska? Iowa? Wyoming, Utah, Oregon etc... You get the picture. Homers of these non-NFL states please provide your insights.

Also on a similiar note, I thought it would be interesting as to where dividing lines are amonst NFL cities. Like where in PA does fans transition from primarily Steeler to Eagle fans? In New York City, is there any city/neighborhoos divisions from Jet/Giant fans?
Fun topic. :thumbup: It is interesting to figure out where the lines are and even better, why.

For example, I was surprised to hear that Vikings games are on TV often in Oklahoma. Answer? ADP.

Beyond that, in my travels I have seen that many states get spoon fed from local teams trying to be "regional" teams. This is exactly why the Redskins have a following from Maryland, WV, VA and the Carolinas. From before the Panthers existed, the DC team was billed as the team for "Redskins country".

Also in visiting Las Vegas I saw Oakland Raiders preseason games. Don't know why - but would that be Raiders country? I doubt it.

Any city that draws on people migrating there will have a good mix of fans.

Now, as for state lines - PA splits down the middle around Harrisburg / State College. Pittsburgh west, Philly east. New Jersey splits right around the Trenton / New Brunswick line (mid-state) and turns from Eagles country down south to Giants (mostly) and some Jets fans up north.

Delaware is mostly Eagles, near as I can tell - especially in the Wilmington / northern 3rd of the state.

Maryland (where I am now) is mostly Ravens fans for two counties removed from Baltimore - or about 40-50 miles around the harbor, give or take. DC gets the neighboring counties and southern MD, while there are still many Steelers fans who came down from PA when work got hard to find up there. There's also some steadfast Colts fans, but they're in the minority.
It may be a little south of that. The other phenomenon that you have in SJ is people ANTI-EAGLES because of the fans. It's not bad now but way back in the day my dad hated the Eagles because a lot of the yahoos. I'll never forget growing up I was not allowed to like the eagles - LOL. That's how I ended up with the Steelers. I remember being 8 at the Football HOF my grandmother was going to buy me some little team car. We got in an "argument" over it being a steelers one or eagles one. :lmao: Anyway we have a big sprinkling of different teams in SJ because we don't have a team technically. It's weird though because it only happens in football. I'd say here almost everyone is a Flyers, Phils, Sixers fans. :lmao: I like the Eagles now mainly since my son likes them - EXCEPT when they play Pitt :helmet:

Interesting topic. I'm originally from WV and lived in different parts of the state, and due to the interesting geography, I think you'll see several dividing lines there:1. When I lived in the Eastern Panhandle, around Martinsburg, Redskins were clearly the team.2. WHen I lived closer to Morgantown, there were TONS of Steeler's fans.3. In the west, around Huntington, you get more fans of Ohio teams.I'm in Northern Virginia now and the Redskins are the team around here. Saw a post above how Redskins are "forced fed" in Virginia, but I think it's appropriate that they are the "home team" here in Northern Virginia. We are basically in the "DC Metro Area" so it would be a lot more strange if all the TV stations and papers were hyping the Cowboys. With that said, it's interesting in this area. There are a lot of transplants to the DC who get mad and say, "Why is everything around here about the Redskins" which I have never got since we are just a half hour drive from D.C. where I am.Not sure about southern Virginia, though I suspect the Skins are big there too.M
Went to school at VT and southwest Virginia used to be all about the Falcons. I was born a Packer fan and grew up watching the Redskins so it was more than annoying having to watch every Falcons game just cause Vick was there throwing balls at the ground or into the stands. After he left, they covered the Redskins and Panthers a lot more.
I live in Idaho. Other than undergrad and grad school in Utah and Nebraska respectively, I have my whole life. (Explains a lot I know)I've rooted for the Steelers since I was 8 years old. Passionately.Couldn't care less about regional college. Utah, BYU, Boise St. etc. It's cool to see them win, but I bleed black and gold.
you live in Idaho and you dont care about Boise State! :thumbup:
South Dakota here.

East side of the state - Vikings (with Packers gaining ground)

West side of the state - Broncos

Mostly due to proximity and being able to attend games if you want. Our area (east side) gets every Vikings' game so it is nice not having to purchase a Sunday ticket.

Interesting to hear about Southern VA. Thanks for that; I've often wondered if they would be more into the southern teams like Charlotte and Atlanta. I've always been amazed at how strong the Redskin following remained in North Carolina even after the Panthers got there. Makes sense to me though what you guys say not just about the Skins down there, but also the Panthers and Falcons...


Born and raised in Wyoming. TONS of Bronco fans in Wyoming, by far the most represented for sure. Growing up in Sheridan, Northern Wyoming, there was a lot of Vikings love. Some weird connection.

I then lived 12 years in Oregon and didn't see any commitment to any teams really. There is a deep hatred of all things Washington and California, so everyone is just a Ducks or a Beavers fan. The latter just need help really.

Me personally, Phins fan since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. Don't ask.


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