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Suh lied about accident (1 Viewer)

'Bracie Smathers said:
'mikel0254 said:
'Bracie Smathers said:
'mikel0254 said:
'DoubleG said:
'RUSF18 said:
Talk about maximizing.
Lying to police is okay where you live? :popcorn: ETA: Or is it simply "goofiness" because Suh is a profesional athlete and that's what we've come to expect from them?
It's apparently ok to lie to the police here in Chicago. Lance Briggs crashed his Lamborghini in 2007 at 4AM on a downtown highway, fled the scene (could have been drunk), and reported his car stolen. Only to later admit he "panicked" and got off scot free. Much worse than Suh and nobody looks at him in a negative light.Nothing to see here in my eyes. It's a car accident and he or may not have been trying to get out of a reckless driving ticket. IMO, the NFL has no business investigating traffic tickets and car accidents (when no crime like drunk driving/stolen car was involved).

Also, under Oregon law, it's NOT illegal to lie to the police regarding...it's only illegal to give a false name. And given that the woman didn't say anything until they they needed someone to pay for the medical bills because they couldn't do it themselves, there could be an ulterior motive to claiming Suh was reckless...who knows. He said, she said.
Their is a problem with the police report. Making a false POLICE REPORT especially when injuries have been covered up is different from lying to the police. You might lie to the police for any numbers of reasons that have nothing to do with a crime but filing a FALSE POLICE REPORT to COVER-UP an injury is a pretty big thing.

You have to take a look at the car. Take a look at it and then ask how that car got so banged up in a 25 mile per hour zone? Blood on the windshield. The cops see its the famous Ndamukong Suh and he says he was passing a taxi and they let him off the hook.

This would have been swept under the rug except the girl had to get the POLICE REPORT changed to take care of her medical bills.

Now he's in hot water and so are the Portland cops who allowed him to get off the hook.

Oh and hte woman who got injured?

She's getting threats from the fans of Suh in the Portland area. She fears for her life. WHY?

SO SOME RICH PUNK who was showing off in his car and the cops who allowed him to walk can get away with a crime.
And this is his fault? I hate this mob mentality and piling on. This is a guy who has never been in trouble with the law, yet he's been aggressive on the football field and had a few times in the last couple years been overly aggressive and went too far. He was an extremely standup guy coming into the NFL, and now after a couple aggressive plays I've heard every insult of character hurled at him on these boards and compared his "goofiness" to Big Ben (essentially raped a girl) and Sandusky (raped multiple boys) in this very thread. You guys take things too far. He tried to get out of a reckless driving ticket...
That woman would not have gotten death threats if Suh had done the right thing. Suh is reponsible for showing off and speeding which lead to the crash, Suh is reponsible for not allowing her to get medical treatment, Suh is responsible for lying to the police. She is getting threats right now. WHAT COULD NDAMUKONG SUH DO RIGHT NOW? How abouut step up and tell the truth and accept blame and tell his supporters to back off. He is repsonsible not the woman. He should have been a man and not been out with a married woman, he should not have tried to show off, he is responsible.

Crowd mentality? Its a bigger issue than that. The Portland black commuity gets screwed by the cops every day. Its really bad. Their are skinheads and a lot of racial crimes. The black community hangs together very tightly. Suh is a hero. ANYONE who dares to say a thing against him, especially a black woman (the woman who was injured is black) would be ripped apart by that community. Suh knows this, everyone who has lived there knows it.

Suh has to step up or she is in danger.
There is way too much conclusion jumping here. First, we can't say for to what degree the woman needed medical attention, or whether she was asking for medical attention at the scene of the accident. Second, we have no idea who these women are, so the suggestions that they were prostitutes is total speculation. Third, the police have a responsibility to evaluate the scene of the accident and determine if medics need to be called. This does not fall all on Suh's shoulders. Fourth, we do not know whether he made a false statement to the police and/or whether he had a motive to do so. It may be that he was indeed "passing a taxi cab", as well as speeding or driving recklessly. It may also be that he thought the women did not need medical attention. Again, the police have a duty to evaluate the scene and interview the witnesses, and then write a report and decide if charges are in order. It sounds to me more like shabby police work than anything else, assuming Suh's story doesn't add up. In my opinion this will go away and Suh will not face any charges because as has been pointed out its a he said/she said situation.
Are you serious? Suh is in a 25mph zone and he wrecks his car. All of the women in the car were injured but one had a huge gash on her forhead and was profusely bleeding and required stiches at the hospital. She told Suh to call an ambulance, he refused. Their were multiple eye witnesses since this happened downtown Portland. ALL of them said their was no taxi, that Suh was speeding, and that a woman stumbled away from the wreck and had trouble walking.When the cops got there Suh covered up his actions, the crowd intimidated the other woman to not say anything but later they all independantly told the exact same story. Suh was showing off and speeding and had a wreck and they all were injured but one lady was bleeding and asked for an ambulance and Suh refused. He lied to the cops.

It would have all been swept under the rub except that women really was injured and had to get stiches. Her insurance company wouldn't pay unless she disputed the police report, that is what happened.

Now Suh has to face the music.

The NFL had fined Suh multiple times, no effect.

They suspend him so he would take responsibility for his actions and change his ways.

Maybe now Suh will realize its HIS problem. You actually have to take responsiblity when you screw up.

No matter how you or anyone wants to try and pin it on the married woman Suh is responsible and he will have to face the music.

Go look at the picturs of her injuries
So the woman voluntarily leaves the scene of the accident to get medical attention and that's suh's fault? Why did she leave instead of talking to the police at the scene? You are assuming that the women are telling the truth and suh is lying. The woman has as much or more motivation to lie at this point because she is trying to get insurance coverage, so of course she is going to say she asked for medical attention but did not receive it at the scene. Ever consider that Suh is an easy target for a lawsuit?

I'm not saying Suh didn't do anything wrong here, but the onus is on the police at the scene to come up with an accurate report and make the call on charges.
You are shoveling a ton of bullpoopy here.
OK. Whatever. You know better than a swarm of police at the scene of the accident. You know who is telling the truth and who is lying. Forget due process, lets just burn Suh at the stake.
'Bracie Smathers said:
'mikel0254 said:
'Bracie Smathers said:
'mikel0254 said:
'DoubleG said:
'RUSF18 said:
Talk about maximizing.
Lying to police is okay where you live? :popcorn: ETA: Or is it simply "goofiness" because Suh is a profesional athlete and that's what we've come to expect from them?
It's apparently ok to lie to the police here in Chicago. Lance Briggs crashed his Lamborghini in 2007 at 4AM on a downtown highway, fled the scene (could have been drunk), and reported his car stolen. Only to later admit he "panicked" and got off scot free. Much worse than Suh and nobody looks at him in a negative light.Nothing to see here in my eyes. It's a car accident and he or may not have been trying to get out of a reckless driving ticket. IMO, the NFL has no business investigating traffic tickets and car accidents (when no crime like drunk driving/stolen car was involved).

Also, under Oregon law, it's NOT illegal to lie to the police regarding...it's only illegal to give a false name. And given that the woman didn't say anything until they they needed someone to pay for the medical bills because they couldn't do it themselves, there could be an ulterior motive to claiming Suh was reckless...who knows. He said, she said.
Their is a problem with the police report. Making a false POLICE REPORT especially when injuries have been covered up is different from lying to the police. You might lie to the police for any numbers of reasons that have nothing to do with a crime but filing a FALSE POLICE REPORT to COVER-UP an injury is a pretty big thing.

You have to take a look at the car. Take a look at it and then ask how that car got so banged up in a 25 mile per hour zone? Blood on the windshield. The cops see its the famous Ndamukong Suh and he says he was passing a taxi and they let him off the hook.

This would have been swept under the rug except the girl had to get the POLICE REPORT changed to take care of her medical bills.

Now he's in hot water and so are the Portland cops who allowed him to get off the hook.

Oh and hte woman who got injured?

She's getting threats from the fans of Suh in the Portland area. She fears for her life. WHY?

SO SOME RICH PUNK who was showing off in his car and the cops who allowed him to walk can get away with a crime.
And this is his fault? I hate this mob mentality and piling on. This is a guy who has never been in trouble with the law, yet he's been aggressive on the football field and had a few times in the last couple years been overly aggressive and went too far. He was an extremely standup guy coming into the NFL, and now after a couple aggressive plays I've heard every insult of character hurled at him on these boards and compared his "goofiness" to Big Ben (essentially raped a girl) and Sandusky (raped multiple boys) in this very thread. You guys take things too far. He tried to get out of a reckless driving ticket...
That woman would not have gotten death threats if Suh had done the right thing. Suh is reponsible for showing off and speeding which lead to the crash, Suh is reponsible for not allowing her to get medical treatment, Suh is responsible for lying to the police. She is getting threats right now. WHAT COULD NDAMUKONG SUH DO RIGHT NOW? How abouut step up and tell the truth and accept blame and tell his supporters to back off. He is repsonsible not the woman. He should have been a man and not been out with a married woman, he should not have tried to show off, he is responsible.

Crowd mentality? Its a bigger issue than that. The Portland black commuity gets screwed by the cops every day. Its really bad. Their are skinheads and a lot of racial crimes. The black community hangs together very tightly. Suh is a hero. ANYONE who dares to say a thing against him, especially a black woman (the woman who was injured is black) would be ripped apart by that community. Suh knows this, everyone who has lived there knows it.

Suh has to step up or she is in danger.
There is way too much conclusion jumping here. First, we can't say for to what degree the woman needed medical attention, or whether she was asking for medical attention at the scene of the accident. Second, we have no idea who these women are, so the suggestions that they were prostitutes is total speculation. Third, the police have a responsibility to evaluate the scene of the accident and determine if medics need to be called. This does not fall all on Suh's shoulders. Fourth, we do not know whether he made a false statement to the police and/or whether he had a motive to do so. It may be that he was indeed "passing a taxi cab", as well as speeding or driving recklessly. It may also be that he thought the women did not need medical attention. Again, the police have a duty to evaluate the scene and interview the witnesses, and then write a report and decide if charges are in order. It sounds to me more like shabby police work than anything else, assuming Suh's story doesn't add up. In my opinion this will go away and Suh will not face any charges because as has been pointed out its a he said/she said situation.
Are you serious? Suh is in a 25mph zone and he wrecks his car. All of the women in the car were injured but one had a huge gash on her forhead and was profusely bleeding and required stiches at the hospital. She told Suh to call an ambulance, he refused. Their were multiple eye witnesses since this happened downtown Portland. ALL of them said their was no taxi, that Suh was speeding, and that a woman stumbled away from the wreck and had trouble walking.When the cops got there Suh covered up his actions, the crowd intimidated the other woman to not say anything but later they all independantly told the exact same story. Suh was showing off and speeding and had a wreck and they all were injured but one lady was bleeding and asked for an ambulance and Suh refused. He lied to the cops.

It would have all been swept under the rub except that women really was injured and had to get stiches. Her insurance company wouldn't pay unless she disputed the police report, that is what happened.

Now Suh has to face the music.

The NFL had fined Suh multiple times, no effect.

They suspend him so he would take responsibility for his actions and change his ways.

Maybe now Suh will realize its HIS problem. You actually have to take responsiblity when you screw up.

No matter how you or anyone wants to try and pin it on the married woman Suh is responsible and he will have to face the music.

Go look at the picturs of her injuries
So the woman voluntarily leaves the scene of the accident to get medical attention and that's suh's fault? Why did she leave instead of talking to the police at the scene? You are assuming that the women are telling the truth and suh is lying. The woman has as much or more motivation to lie at this point because she is trying to get insurance coverage, so of course she is going to say she asked for medical attention but did not receive it at the scene. Ever consider that Suh is an easy target for a lawsuit?

I'm not saying Suh didn't do anything wrong here, but the onus is on the police at the scene to come up with an accurate report and make the call on charges.
Yeah, she prolly had a pre-existing condition where she bleeds profusely from her head and she decided to lie about the wreck and scam her insurance company! Yeah, that's the ticket!
In fact, we don't know that Suh lied at all. It's a he said, she said. How can you claim he was breaking the law at this point? Because of what a woman in the car said a day later after she needed medical bills paid by someone? It's all too fishy to place blame 100% on Suh
He told police that there were no women in the car. There were. :confused: Nobody is placing the blame 100% on Suh for the situation, either.

My issue (and the reason for the OP) is exactly that - we are not sure what happened. And minimizing it or casting it off as a "little goofiness" is not only not necessarily the case, but also lacks perspective. As more details surface, things are not what they originally seemed - nor are they what Suh first told police.

Generally, when people lie, it is to cover up something. In this case, that "something" could very well be something illegal...or else why lie about it to police? To simply discount that there was any wrong doing other than a "little goofiness" seems premature.
Sorry, I should have clarified. I meant nobody knows if he lied about why he crashed, or the circumstances behind the crash. That's the he said, she said part. Unless you were there, there's really no way to know what happened. I'm not saying there's nothing fishy, there's tons of holes. However, like I said, it's just as conceivable that the reason there are holes is because he's covering it up to protect the woman involved.
So now we're to beleive that an NFL player, who is suspended and just crashed his car is lying to police... to protect some "lady"?And people are accusing me of being niave...

The "Suh lied about accident" title was from Joe's email - not my own invention or accusation.

Honestly, the reason for the OP is not about what Suh did or didn't do - it was about Joe's offhand dismissal and minimization of what could be a fairly significant story and a fairly serious situation involving breaking the law and attempt at a cover up.
All animals are equal. Some animals are more equal than others... :confused:

Yes, there's some weird stuff going on here. You made WILD accusations in your first post which had ZERO basis for:

'DoubleG said:
The guy is suspended for bad behavior, so he's hanging out with hookers and smashing up his car
You're not credible, and your bias is showing through. Perhaps there's more to this story, and I'll be interested to see what comes out. But I'm not rushing to judgment in a he said/she said situation. And I'm certainly not turning every mention of "women" in a news report to "hookers."Stop while you're only a little behind.

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'Bracie Smathers said:
'mikel0254 said:
'Bracie Smathers said:
'mikel0254 said:
'DoubleG said:
'RUSF18 said:
Talk about maximizing.
Lying to police is okay where you live? :popcorn: ETA: Or is it simply "goofiness" because Suh is a profesional athlete and that's what we've come to expect from them?
It's apparently ok to lie to the police here in Chicago. Lance Briggs crashed his Lamborghini in 2007 at 4AM on a downtown highway, fled the scene (could have been drunk), and reported his car stolen. Only to later admit he "panicked" and got off scot free. Much worse than Suh and nobody looks at him in a negative light.Nothing to see here in my eyes. It's a car accident and he or may not have been trying to get out of a reckless driving ticket. IMO, the NFL has no business investigating traffic tickets and car accidents (when no crime like drunk driving/stolen car was involved).

Also, under Oregon law, it's NOT illegal to lie to the police regarding...it's only illegal to give a false name. And given that the woman didn't say anything until they they needed someone to pay for the medical bills because they couldn't do it themselves, there could be an ulterior motive to claiming Suh was reckless...who knows. He said, she said.
Their is a problem with the police report. Making a false POLICE REPORT especially when injuries have been covered up is different from lying to the police. You might lie to the police for any numbers of reasons that have nothing to do with a crime but filing a FALSE POLICE REPORT to COVER-UP an injury is a pretty big thing.

You have to take a look at the car. Take a look at it and then ask how that car got so banged up in a 25 mile per hour zone? Blood on the windshield. The cops see its the famous Ndamukong Suh and he says he was passing a taxi and they let him off the hook.

This would have been swept under the rug except the girl had to get the POLICE REPORT changed to take care of her medical bills.

Now he's in hot water and so are the Portland cops who allowed him to get off the hook.

Oh and hte woman who got injured?

She's getting threats from the fans of Suh in the Portland area. She fears for her life. WHY?

SO SOME RICH PUNK who was showing off in his car and the cops who allowed him to walk can get away with a crime.
And this is his fault? I hate this mob mentality and piling on. This is a guy who has never been in trouble with the law, yet he's been aggressive on the football field and had a few times in the last couple years been overly aggressive and went too far. He was an extremely standup guy coming into the NFL, and now after a couple aggressive plays I've heard every insult of character hurled at him on these boards and compared his "goofiness" to Big Ben (essentially raped a girl) and Sandusky (raped multiple boys) in this very thread. You guys take things too far. He tried to get out of a reckless driving ticket...
That woman would not have gotten death threats if Suh had done the right thing. Suh is reponsible for showing off and speeding which lead to the crash, Suh is reponsible for not allowing her to get medical treatment, Suh is responsible for lying to the police. She is getting threats right now. WHAT COULD NDAMUKONG SUH DO RIGHT NOW? How abouut step up and tell the truth and accept blame and tell his supporters to back off. He is repsonsible not the woman. He should have been a man and not been out with a married woman, he should not have tried to show off, he is responsible.

Crowd mentality? Its a bigger issue than that. The Portland black commuity gets screwed by the cops every day. Its really bad. Their are skinheads and a lot of racial crimes. The black community hangs together very tightly. Suh is a hero. ANYONE who dares to say a thing against him, especially a black woman (the woman who was injured is black) would be ripped apart by that community. Suh knows this, everyone who has lived there knows it.

Suh has to step up or she is in danger.
There is way too much conclusion jumping here. First, we can't say for to what degree the woman needed medical attention, or whether she was asking for medical attention at the scene of the accident. Second, we have no idea who these women are, so the suggestions that they were prostitutes is total speculation. Third, the police have a responsibility to evaluate the scene of the accident and determine if medics need to be called. This does not fall all on Suh's shoulders. Fourth, we do not know whether he made a false statement to the police and/or whether he had a motive to do so. It may be that he was indeed "passing a taxi cab", as well as speeding or driving recklessly. It may also be that he thought the women did not need medical attention. Again, the police have a duty to evaluate the scene and interview the witnesses, and then write a report and decide if charges are in order. It sounds to me more like shabby police work than anything else, assuming Suh's story doesn't add up. In my opinion this will go away and Suh will not face any charges because as has been pointed out its a he said/she said situation.
Are you serious? Suh is in a 25mph zone and he wrecks his car. All of the women in the car were injured but one had a huge gash on her forhead and was profusely bleeding and required stiches at the hospital. She told Suh to call an ambulance, he refused. Their were multiple eye witnesses since this happened downtown Portland. ALL of them said their was no taxi, that Suh was speeding, and that a woman stumbled away from the wreck and had trouble walking.When the cops got there Suh covered up his actions, the crowd intimidated the other woman to not say anything but later they all independantly told the exact same story. Suh was showing off and speeding and had a wreck and they all were injured but one lady was bleeding and asked for an ambulance and Suh refused. He lied to the cops.

It would have all been swept under the rub except that women really was injured and had to get stiches. Her insurance company wouldn't pay unless she disputed the police report, that is what happened.

Now Suh has to face the music.

The NFL had fined Suh multiple times, no effect.

They suspend him so he would take responsibility for his actions and change his ways.

Maybe now Suh will realize its HIS problem. You actually have to take responsiblity when you screw up.

No matter how you or anyone wants to try and pin it on the married woman Suh is responsible and he will have to face the music.

Go look at the picturs of her injuries
So the woman voluntarily leaves the scene of the accident to get medical attention and that's suh's fault? Why did she leave instead of talking to the police at the scene? You are assuming that the women are telling the truth and suh is lying. The woman has as much or more motivation to lie at this point because she is trying to get insurance coverage, so of course she is going to say she asked for medical attention but did not receive it at the scene. Ever consider that Suh is an easy target for a lawsuit?

I'm not saying Suh didn't do anything wrong here, but the onus is on the police at the scene to come up with an accurate report and make the call on charges.
Yeah, she prolly had a pre-existing condition where she bleeds profusely from her head and she decided to lie about the wreck and scam her insurance company! Yeah, that's the ticket!
Ummm, no, I meant lying about whether or not she demanded medical attention at the scene. That goes to whether or not Suh lied about needing medical assistance. As has been suggested, she may have tried to cover it up at the scene to hide her identity (she was married, remember).
Not to change the subject about lying about the accident but doesn't Suh's behavior remind you a little of Bill Romanowski? I wonder if he is crazy on and off the field for similar reasons.

OK. Whatever. You know better than a swarm of police at the scene of the accident. You know who is telling the truth and who is lying. Forget due process, lets just burn Suh at the stake.
We all know what happened here. He was showboating in his muscle car and people got hurt. Any one with character would own up and take responsibly for their actions. He lied/asked others to lie as well to protect himself from Roger Goodell. Problem is people were hurt worse then was first though and the jig is up. Over and over Suh reveals just what kind of a man he is.
So the woman voluntarily leaves the scene of the accident to get medical attention and that's suh's fault? Why did she leave instead of talking to the police at the scene? You are assuming that the women are telling the truth and suh is lying. The woman has as much or more motivation to lie at this point because she is trying to get insurance coverage, so of course she is going to say she asked for medical attention but did not receive it at the scene. Ever consider that Suh is an easy target for a lawsuit?

I'm not saying Suh didn't do anything wrong here, but the onus is on the police at the scene to come up with an accurate report and make the call on charges.
Yeah, she prolly had a pre-existing condition where she bleeds profusely from her head and she decided to lie about the wreck and scam her insurance company! Yeah, that's the ticket!
Ummm, no, I meant lying about whether or not she demanded medical attention at the scene. That goes to whether or not Suh lied about needing medical assistance. As has been suggested, she may have tried to cover it up at the scene to hide her identity (she was married, remember).
Didn't they say she called her husband after the accident? So she called him so he wouldn't find out? :unsure:
In fact, we don't know that Suh lied at all. It's a he said, she said. How can you claim he was breaking the law at this point? Because of what a woman in the car said a day later after she needed medical bills paid by someone? It's all too fishy to place blame 100% on Suh
He told police that there were no women in the car. There were. :confused: Nobody is placing the blame 100% on Suh for the situation, either.

My issue (and the reason for the OP) is exactly that - we are not sure what happened. And minimizing it or casting it off as a "little goofiness" is not only not necessarily the case, but also lacks perspective. As more details surface, things are not what they originally seemed - nor are they what Suh first told police.

Generally, when people lie, it is to cover up something. In this case, that "something" could very well be something illegal...or else why lie about it to police? To simply discount that there was any wrong doing other than a "little goofiness" seems premature.
Sorry, I should have clarified. I meant nobody knows if he lied about why he crashed, or the circumstances behind the crash. That's the he said, she said part. Unless you were there, there's really no way to know what happened. I'm not saying there's nothing fishy, there's tons of holes. However, like I said, it's just as conceivable that the reason there are holes is because he's covering it up to protect the woman involved.
So now we're to beleive that an NFL player, who is suspended and just crashed his car is lying to police... to protect some "lady"?And people are accusing me of being niave...

The "Suh lied about accident" title was from Joe's email - not my own invention or accusation.

Honestly, the reason for the OP is not about what Suh did or didn't do - it was about Joe's offhand dismissal and minimization of what could be a fairly significant story and a fairly serious situation involving breaking the law and attempt at a cover up.
All animals are equal. Some animals are more equal than others... :confused:

Yes, there's some weird stuff going on here. You made WILD accusations in your first post which had ZERO basis for:

'DoubleG said:
The guy is suspended for bad behavior, so he's hanging out with hookers and smashing up his car
You're not credible, and your bias is showing through. Perhaps there's more to this story, and I'll be interested to see what comes out. But I'm not rushing to judgment in a he said/she said situation. And I'm certainly not turning every mention of "women" in a news report to "hookers."
Really? I'm not the one who joined less than a year ago and is posting from Michigan. Last I checked Suh plays for a team that resides in your home state.Secondly, you quoted me as making WILD accusations. The statement you quoted has 3 such WILD accusations:

1) He is currently suspended for bad behavior

2) Some of the women were hookers

3) He crashed up his car

At least two of three are fact. The only one that is to this point unproven is the second (which, was the suggestion of how I heard it reported on the radio - not one of my own intvention). Some local radio stations have hinted that the reason for the coverup was the "profession" of at least one of the women in the car.

And the whole point of the thread - which many continue to ignore is the VERY FACT THAT WE DON'T KNOW what happened - and why. I was just suprised and disappointed at FBG's flippant "little goofiness" comment, as such a comment not only exemplifies but exacerbates the point that professional athletes get preferential treatment from (possibly in this case) law enforcement and (again, in this comment) the media.

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I used to work a job where part of my duties included reading news stories, summarizing them and providing analysis on the situation. So I feel for FBG staff on this one. Some stories just don't require any further analysis, but because of formating, it is included regardless. This Suh story was probably one of them. It was a very good writeup to included, but any further analysis wasn't really needed.

I do however agree with the OP, that the wording comes off as "no big deal" when it clearly is or could be.

All the details about the event haven't come out yet, but from what is clear...Suh did lie to the police. After listening to him blame the refs for his ejection on thanksgiving, I'm left thinking this kid clearly has not turned to the corner to become a responsible adult.

You think it will end up being a big deal from a fantasy football perspective?
That depends. If Suh lied to cover up something illegal (drugs, alcohol, prostitution, driving under the influence, etc.) than an investigation that yields such findings would certainly lead to a suspension. Obviously, if all he lied about was that he was driving like an idiot - probably not. (While Roger Goodel like to rule with an iron fist I don't think being an idiot driver is grounds for suspension...yet.)
So the woman voluntarily leaves the scene of the accident to get medical attention and that's suh's fault? Why did she leave instead of talking to the police at the scene? You are assuming that the women are telling the truth and suh is lying. The woman has as much or more motivation to lie at this point because she is trying to get insurance coverage, so of course she is going to say she asked for medical attention but did not receive it at the scene. Ever consider that Suh is an easy target for a lawsuit?

I'm not saying Suh didn't do anything wrong here, but the onus is on the police at the scene to come up with an accurate report and make the call on charges.
Yeah, she prolly had a pre-existing condition where she bleeds profusely from her head and she decided to lie about the wreck and scam her insurance company! Yeah, that's the ticket!
Ummm, no, I meant lying about whether or not she demanded medical attention at the scene. That goes to whether or not Suh lied about needing medical assistance. As has been suggested, she may have tried to cover it up at the scene to hide her identity (she was married, remember).
Didn't they say she called her husband after the accident? So she called him so he wouldn't find out? :unsure:
I don't know, perhaps. She could have minimized her injury to hide that she was a hooker or that her friend was a hooker. Calling her "husband" could have really been calling her pimp. She could have lied about needing assistance because she was in possession of drugs. Could be anything. Who knows.
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seemed pretty tongue in cheek to me. mebbe if op worked to be less sanctimonious he woulda recognized it better.

In fact, we don't know that Suh lied at all. It's a he said, she said. How can you claim he was breaking the law at this point? Because of what a woman in the car said a day later after she needed medical bills paid by someone? It's all too fishy to place blame 100% on Suh
He told police that there were no women in the car. There were. :confused: Nobody is placing the blame 100% on Suh for the situation, either.

My issue (and the reason for the OP) is exactly that - we are not sure what happened. And minimizing it or casting it off as a "little goofiness" is not only not necessarily the case, but also lacks perspective. As more details surface, things are not what they originally seemed - nor are they what Suh first told police.

Generally, when people lie, it is to cover up something. In this case, that "something" could very well be something illegal...or else why lie about it to police? To simply discount that there was any wrong doing other than a "little goofiness" seems premature.
Sorry, I should have clarified. I meant nobody knows if he lied about why he crashed, or the circumstances behind the crash. That's the he said, she said part. Unless you were there, there's really no way to know what happened. I'm not saying there's nothing fishy, there's tons of holes. However, like I said, it's just as conceivable that the reason there are holes is because he's covering it up to protect the woman involved.
So now we're to beleive that an NFL player, who is suspended and just crashed his car is lying to police... to protect some "lady"?And people are accusing me of being niave...

The "Suh lied about accident" title was from Joe's email - not my own invention or accusation.

Honestly, the reason for the OP is not about what Suh did or didn't do - it was about Joe's offhand dismissal and minimization of what could be a fairly significant story and a fairly serious situation involving breaking the law and attempt at a cover up.
All animals are equal. Some animals are more equal than others... :confused:

Yes, there's some weird stuff going on here. You made WILD accusations in your first post which had ZERO basis for:

'DoubleG said:
The guy is suspended for bad behavior, so he's hanging out with hookers and smashing up his car
You're not credible, and your bias is showing through. Perhaps there's more to this story, and I'll be interested to see what comes out. But I'm not rushing to judgment in a he said/she said situation. And I'm certainly not turning every mention of "women" in a news report to "hookers."
Really? I'm not the one who joined less than a year ago and is posting from Michigan. Last I checked Suh plays for a team that resides in your home state.Secondly, you quoted me as making WILD accusations. The statement you quoted has 3 such WILD accusations:

1) He is currently suspended for bad behavior

2) Some of the women were hookers

3) He crashed up his car

At least two of three are fact. The only one that is to this point unproven is the second (which, was the suggestion of how I heard it reported on the radio - not one of my own intvention). Some local radio stations have hinted that the reason for the coverup was the "profession" of at least one of the women in the car.

And the whole point of the thread - which many continue to ignore is the VERY FACT THAT WE DON'T KNOW what happened - and why. I was just suprised and disappointed at FBG's flippant "little goofiness" comment, as such a comment not only exemplifies but exacerbates the point that professional athletes get preferential treatment from (possibly in this case) law enforcement and (again, in this comment) the media.
Who cares when I joined? Is that relevant? Maybe it's a new account name? Maybe I liked to lurk? Maybe I only discovered FBG recently. When I joined is 100% irrelevant to this conversation, or whether I can function rationally.I live in Michigan. Not that hard to figure out since it's under my avatar. I'm actually also a big KC Chiefs fan. The point? You're from Chicago, am I supposed to assume you're biased based on the fact that you (presumably, like you did in my case) root for a division rival of the Lions?

Obviously I was referring to #2. The "hookers". So some radio station said it? GREAT. That doesn't change the fact that you continue to spread something with zero basis for it other than "I heard it somewhere." There's a reason this is referred to as "hearsay."

Once again, you're jumping to wild conclusions. Your make assumptions left and right in what seems like each post (i.e., the women aare not lying, Suh is) and spout of statements which you haven't given any backup for (hookers, Suh told police there were no women in the car). You resolve every question against Suh.

Again, I've said it seems suspicious and I'm curious to hear what comes out. I think Suh needs some mentoring and something needs to be done. But I don't expect reporters (fantasy or otherwise) to rush to conclusions based on some speculation you heard about what profession someone might be. First, that's not responsible journalism. Second, it can easily get out of control.

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Again, I've said it seems suspicious and I'm curious to hear what comes out. I think Suh needs some mentoring and something needs to be done. But I don't expect reporters (fantasy or otherwise) to rush to conclusions based on some speculation you heard about what profession someone might be. First, that's not responsible journalism. Second, it can easily get out of control.
The bolded is exactly my point. And has been since the OP. Minimizing what Suh did in lying to police and passing it off as "a little more goofiness" is a rush to conclusion - one that is unduly light and nonconsequential and one leads readers to believe the same.
Again, I've said it seems suspicious and I'm curious to hear what comes out. I think Suh needs some mentoring and something needs to be done. But I don't expect reporters (fantasy or otherwise) to rush to conclusions based on some speculation you heard about what profession someone might be. First, that's not responsible journalism. Second, it can easily get out of control.
The bolded is exactly my point. And has been since the OP. Minimizing what Suh did in lying to police and passing it off as "a little more goofiness" is a rush to conclusion - one that is unduly light and nonconsequential and one leads readers to believe the same.
Point taken.It can't be the other way either though, I wouldn't want them to get their pitchforks out over it. In my opinion that line is simply saying "there's more coming out here" - I don't think it was an attempt to disregard the stuff but I don't think there's much you can do with this information at this point, since there's so much we don't know.

The thread has a lot of speculation so here is information directly from Portland. Pictures of the scene of the accident, you can see how the car?

- jumped a curve

- ran into a pole and broke the foundation

- ran into and gashed a tree

- then came to rest as it ran into a water fountain.

You can se the damage to the vehicle where>

- the front left wheel well is caved in

- different dents running all along the left side

- the back left panel is smashed like an acordian

- the car looks completely totaled

If you don't believe your own eyes then you surely won't trust eye witness accounts who saw Suh drive recklessly or these other interviews like the story directly from the vitim's mouth.

Click on video, eyewitness who saw accident, victim comes forward

several people have come forward accusing him of reckless driving in a downtown crash last Saturday.

KGW broke the story about an amended police report Monday. Passengers told KGW in an exclusive interview that Suh did not tell police the whole story after the crash in Old Town. Now another witness has come forward, saying Suh flat-out lied about how the accident happened.

David, who didn’t want to reveal his last name, said he was in his own car, waiting for a red light to turn green on 3rd and Burnside, next to Suh moments before the crash.

“As soon as the signal turned green, he [suh] floored it and by mid-intersection, his back end had swung around,” David told KGW. “There’s no other way to describe it [but reckless]. He put the metal to the floor and spun the tires as fast as he could and lost control of the car."

The 1970 Chevrolet Coupe that Suh was driving hit a light pole, a fountain, and finally a tree. When police arrived at the scene, Suh told them he had been trying to pass a taxicab when he lost control, according to the initial police report. It also said that Suh told police three people were in the car and no one was hurt.

Then, on Monday, two of the passengers in the car came forward and investigators amended the police report. The new police report said that those two passengers told investigators there were four people in the car and one of those passengers was seriously injured.

Police said no witnesses came forward to say Suh was driving recklessly at the time of the crash. But according to the original police report, officers only interviewed one witness.

David said he felt compelled to come forward after hearing more about the crash in the news.

"It wasn’t until I heard a passenger was injured that I decided, well, I was one of 100 witnesses but I should probably say something, because it doesn’t sound like the information was very clear about what happened," David explained.

KGW reporter Abbey Gibb asked David if he thinks Suh lied to police.

"Yeah. That's not accurate, there was no traffic ahead of us at the time," David said, referring to Suh’s mention of a taxicab in the initial police report.

And two other witnesses at that corner also told Gibb the same thing on Tuesday.

"It seemed definitely like a PR move for him to say ice and taxi [caused the crash]. After the first reports came out, we were like, 'That doesn't sit right,'" said witness Davin Michael Stedman.

"There's no way you could do that much damage without going a minimum 30-40 miles per hour," added Jake Amster.

Suh was not cited in the crash over the weekend.

On Monday, police told KGW the crash did not meet the threshold for investigation, even with the new information from the passengers and the amended police report.

On Tuesday, KGW asked police again if the new witnesses would change their stance and they said they still were not re-opening the case at this time.
Here are the Photos of the woman’s injuries, she is afraid to show her face because she has been threatened. Injured woman

Suh’s 911 phone call.

Suh's 811 phone call

Transcript from the 911 call.

Operator - We have reports of a car into a tree. Is that you?

Suh - Yes.

Operator - Ok, are you sure you don’t need an ambulance?

Suh - YES, everybody’s fine.

Repeat - Are you sure you don’t need an ambulance?

The correct answer is NO but Suh says YES.

Here are photos taken that night by eye witnesses. It was obvious that he was far exceeding the speed limit to cause that much damage.

Photos of Suh's damaged vehicle

Here is my take in what happened....Suh is a piece of sh@@, case closed! He should have been suspended for the year.

It's pretty obvious what happened here. It's also pretty obvious that Suh is an ahole. These girls were hanging with an ahole. They got aholed. Not surprising that he tried to cover it up, as he has a lot to lose and is an ahole. Big deal. Goodell will get to the bottom of it. Dude's like freaking Columbo.

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The thread has a lot of speculation so here is information directly from Portland. Pictures of the scene of the accident, you can see how the car?

- jumped a curve

- ran into a pole and broke the foundation

- ran into and gashed a tree

- then came to rest as it ran into a water fountain.

You can se the damage to the vehicle where>

- the front left wheel well is caved in

- different dents running all along the left side

- the back left panel is smashed like an acordian

- the car looks completely totaled

If you don't believe your own eyes then you surely won't trust eye witness accounts who saw Suh drive recklessly or these other interviews like the story directly from the vitim's mouth.

Click on video, eyewitness who saw accident, victim comes forward

several people have come forward accusing him of reckless driving in a downtown crash last Saturday.

KGW broke the story about an amended police report Monday. Passengers told KGW in an exclusive interview that Suh did not tell police the whole story after the crash in Old Town. Now another witness has come forward, saying Suh flat-out lied about how the accident happened.

David, who didn’t want to reveal his last name, said he was in his own car, waiting for a red light to turn green on 3rd and Burnside, next to Suh moments before the crash.

“As soon as the signal turned green, he [suh] floored it and by mid-intersection, his back end had swung around,” David told KGW. “There’s no other way to describe it [but reckless]. He put the metal to the floor and spun the tires as fast as he could and lost control of the car."

The 1970 Chevrolet Coupe that Suh was driving hit a light pole, a fountain, and finally a tree. When police arrived at the scene, Suh told them he had been trying to pass a taxicab when he lost control, according to the initial police report. It also said that Suh told police three people were in the car and no one was hurt.

Then, on Monday, two of the passengers in the car came forward and investigators amended the police report. The new police report said that those two passengers told investigators there were four people in the car and one of those passengers was seriously injured.

Police said no witnesses came forward to say Suh was driving recklessly at the time of the crash. But according to the original police report, officers only interviewed one witness.

David said he felt compelled to come forward after hearing more about the crash in the news.

"It wasn’t until I heard a passenger was injured that I decided, well, I was one of 100 witnesses but I should probably say something, because it doesn’t sound like the information was very clear about what happened," David explained.

KGW reporter Abbey Gibb asked David if he thinks Suh lied to police.

"Yeah. That's not accurate, there was no traffic ahead of us at the time," David said, referring to Suh’s mention of a taxicab in the initial police report.

And two other witnesses at that corner also told Gibb the same thing on Tuesday.

"It seemed definitely like a PR move for him to say ice and taxi [caused the crash]. After the first reports came out, we were like, 'That doesn't sit right,'" said witness Davin Michael Stedman.

"There's no way you could do that much damage without going a minimum 30-40 miles per hour," added Jake Amster.

Suh was not cited in the crash over the weekend.

On Monday, police told KGW the crash did not meet the threshold for investigation, even with the new information from the passengers and the amended police report.

On Tuesday, KGW asked police again if the new witnesses would change their stance and they said they still were not re-opening the case at this time.
Here are the Photos of the woman’s injuries, she is afraid to show her face because she has been threatened. Injured woman

Suh’s 911 phone call.

Suh's 811 phone call

Transcript from the 911 call.

Operator - We have reports of a car into a tree. Is that you?

Suh - Yes.

Operator - Ok, are you sure you don’t need an ambulance?

Suh - YES, everybody’s fine.

Repeat - Are you sure you don’t need an ambulance?

The correct answer is NO but Suh says YES.

Here are photos taken that night by eye witnesses. It was obvious that he was far exceeding the speed limit to cause that much damage.

Photos of Suh's damaged vehicle
From the pictures of the women, one looks like a couple stitches over the eye and one looks like herpes. Neither look like they require an ambulance.
The thread has a lot of speculation so here is information directly from Portland. Pictures of the scene of the accident, you can see how the car?

- jumped a curve

- ran into a pole and broke the foundation

- ran into and gashed a tree

- then came to rest as it ran into a water fountain.

You can se the damage to the vehicle where>

- the front left wheel well is caved in

- different dents running all along the left side

- the back left panel is smashed like an acordian

- the car looks completely totaled

If you don't believe your own eyes then you surely won't trust eye witness accounts who saw Suh drive recklessly or these other interviews like the story directly from the vitim's mouth.

Click on video, eyewitness who saw accident, victim comes forward

several people have come forward accusing him of reckless driving in a downtown crash last Saturday.

KGW broke the story about an amended police report Monday. Passengers told KGW in an exclusive interview that Suh did not tell police the whole story after the crash in Old Town. Now another witness has come forward, saying Suh flat-out lied about how the accident happened.

David, who didn’t want to reveal his last name, said he was in his own car, waiting for a red light to turn green on 3rd and Burnside, next to Suh moments before the crash.

“As soon as the signal turned green, he [suh] floored it and by mid-intersection, his back end had swung around,” David told KGW. “There’s no other way to describe it [but reckless]. He put the metal to the floor and spun the tires as fast as he could and lost control of the car."

The 1970 Chevrolet Coupe that Suh was driving hit a light pole, a fountain, and finally a tree. When police arrived at the scene, Suh told them he had been trying to pass a taxicab when he lost control, according to the initial police report. It also said that Suh told police three people were in the car and no one was hurt.

Then, on Monday, two of the passengers in the car came forward and investigators amended the police report. The new police report said that those two passengers told investigators there were four people in the car and one of those passengers was seriously injured.

Police said no witnesses came forward to say Suh was driving recklessly at the time of the crash. But according to the original police report, officers only interviewed one witness.

David said he felt compelled to come forward after hearing more about the crash in the news.

"It wasn’t until I heard a passenger was injured that I decided, well, I was one of 100 witnesses but I should probably say something, because it doesn’t sound like the information was very clear about what happened," David explained.

KGW reporter Abbey Gibb asked David if he thinks Suh lied to police.

"Yeah. That's not accurate, there was no traffic ahead of us at the time," David said, referring to Suh’s mention of a taxicab in the initial police report.

And two other witnesses at that corner also told Gibb the same thing on Tuesday.

"It seemed definitely like a PR move for him to say ice and taxi [caused the crash]. After the first reports came out, we were like, 'That doesn't sit right,'" said witness Davin Michael Stedman.

"There's no way you could do that much damage without going a minimum 30-40 miles per hour," added Jake Amster.

Suh was not cited in the crash over the weekend.

On Monday, police told KGW the crash did not meet the threshold for investigation, even with the new information from the passengers and the amended police report.

On Tuesday, KGW asked police again if the new witnesses would change their stance and they said they still were not re-opening the case at this time.
Here are the Photos of the woman’s injuries, she is afraid to show her face because she has been threatened. Injured woman

Suh’s 911 phone call.

Suh's 811 phone call

Transcript from the 911 call.

Operator - We have reports of a car into a tree. Is that you?

Suh - Yes.

Operator - Ok, are you sure you don’t need an ambulance?

Suh - YES, everybody’s fine.

Repeat - Are you sure you don’t need an ambulance?

The correct answer is NO but Suh says YES.

Here are photos taken that night by eye witnesses. It was obvious that he was far exceeding the speed limit to cause that much damage.

Photos of Suh's damaged vehicle
From the pictures of the women, one looks like a couple stitches over the eye and one looks like herpes. Neither look like they require an ambulance.
So in the course of a motor vehicle accident, something hit this woman on her head or she hit something with her head so hard that it broke her skin and she required a few stitches. You don't think that she should get taken in for a possible brain injury? Do you have a brain injury yourself?
I don't see how there won't be a significant fantasy impact. After reading this thread of analysis, it appears Suh is facing at least 4 counts of solicitation, 3 felony counts of drug possession, reckless driving, driving under the influence, perjury, intimidation of a witness, and endangering public health by knowingly spreading herpes.

I don't get the passengers. If I'm out driving with my friends, I don't contradict what is on the police report if no one got in trouble. What's her excuse, an insurance deductible?

The thread has a lot of speculation so here is information directly from Portland. Pictures of the scene of the accident, you can see how the car?

- jumped a curve

- ran into a pole and broke the foundation

- ran into and gashed a tree

- then came to rest as it ran into a water fountain.

You can se the damage to the vehicle where>

- the front left wheel well is caved in

- different dents running all along the left side

- the back left panel is smashed like an acordian

- the car looks completely totaled

If you don't believe your own eyes then you surely won't trust eye witness accounts who saw Suh drive recklessly or these other interviews like the story directly from the vitim's mouth.

Click on video, eyewitness who saw accident, victim comes forward

several people have come forward accusing him of reckless driving in a downtown crash last Saturday.

KGW broke the story about an amended police report Monday. Passengers told KGW in an exclusive interview that Suh did not tell police the whole story after the crash in Old Town. Now another witness has come forward, saying Suh flat-out lied about how the accident happened.

David, who didn’t want to reveal his last name, said he was in his own car, waiting for a red light to turn green on 3rd and Burnside, next to Suh moments before the crash.

“As soon as the signal turned green, he [suh] floored it and by mid-intersection, his back end had swung around,” David told KGW. “There’s no other way to describe it [but reckless]. He put the metal to the floor and spun the tires as fast as he could and lost control of the car."

The 1970 Chevrolet Coupe that Suh was driving hit a light pole, a fountain, and finally a tree. When police arrived at the scene, Suh told them he had been trying to pass a taxicab when he lost control, according to the initial police report. It also said that Suh told police three people were in the car and no one was hurt.

Then, on Monday, two of the passengers in the car came forward and investigators amended the police report. The new police report said that those two passengers told investigators there were four people in the car and one of those passengers was seriously injured.

Police said no witnesses came forward to say Suh was driving recklessly at the time of the crash. But according to the original police report, officers only interviewed one witness.

David said he felt compelled to come forward after hearing more about the crash in the news.

"It wasn’t until I heard a passenger was injured that I decided, well, I was one of 100 witnesses but I should probably say something, because it doesn’t sound like the information was very clear about what happened," David explained.

KGW reporter Abbey Gibb asked David if he thinks Suh lied to police.

"Yeah. That's not accurate, there was no traffic ahead of us at the time," David said, referring to Suh’s mention of a taxicab in the initial police report.

And two other witnesses at that corner also told Gibb the same thing on Tuesday.

"It seemed definitely like a PR move for him to say ice and taxi [caused the crash]. After the first reports came out, we were like, 'That doesn't sit right,'" said witness Davin Michael Stedman.

"There's no way you could do that much damage without going a minimum 30-40 miles per hour," added Jake Amster.

Suh was not cited in the crash over the weekend.

On Monday, police told KGW the crash did not meet the threshold for investigation, even with the new information from the passengers and the amended police report.

On Tuesday, KGW asked police again if the new witnesses would change their stance and they said they still were not re-opening the case at this time.
Here are the Photos of the woman’s injuries, she is afraid to show her face because she has been threatened. Injured woman

Suh’s 911 phone call.

Suh's 811 phone call

Transcript from the 911 call.

Operator - We have reports of a car into a tree. Is that you?

Suh - Yes.

Operator - Ok, are you sure you don’t need an ambulance?

Suh - YES, everybody’s fine.

Repeat - Are you sure you don’t need an ambulance?

The correct answer is NO but Suh says YES.

Here are photos taken that night by eye witnesses. It was obvious that he was far exceeding the speed limit to cause that much damage.

Photos of Suh's damaged vehicle
From the pictures of the women, one looks like a couple stitches over the eye and one looks like herpes. Neither look like they require an ambulance.
So in the course of a motor vehicle accident, something hit this woman on her head or she hit something with her head so hard that it broke her skin and she required a few stitches. You don't think that she should get taken in for a possible brain injury? Do you have a brain injury yourself?
Married woman in a car with Suh at 1:30AM? I think she may have already had a brain injury before the accident.
The thread has a lot of speculation so here is information directly from Portland. Pictures of the scene of the accident, you can see how the car?

- jumped a curve

- ran into a pole and broke the foundation

- ran into and gashed a tree

- then came to rest as it ran into a water fountain.

You can se the damage to the vehicle where>

- the front left wheel well is caved in

- different dents running all along the left side

- the back left panel is smashed like an acordian

- the car looks completely totaled

If you don't believe your own eyes then you surely won't trust eye witness accounts who saw Suh drive recklessly or these other interviews like the story directly from the vitim's mouth.

Click on video, eyewitness who saw accident, victim comes forward

several people have come forward accusing him of reckless driving in a downtown crash last Saturday.

KGW broke the story about an amended police report Monday. Passengers told KGW in an exclusive interview that Suh did not tell police the whole story after the crash in Old Town. Now another witness has come forward, saying Suh flat-out lied about how the accident happened.

David, who didnt want to reveal his last name, said he was in his own car, waiting for a red light to turn green on 3rd and Burnside, next to Suh moments before the crash.

As soon as the signal turned green, he [suh] floored it and by mid-intersection, his back end had swung around, David told KGW. Theres no other way to describe it [but reckless]. He put the metal to the floor and spun the tires as fast as he could and lost control of the car."

The 1970 Chevrolet Coupe that Suh was driving hit a light pole, a fountain, and finally a tree. When police arrived at the scene, Suh told them he had been trying to pass a taxicab when he lost control, according to the initial police report. It also said that Suh told police three people were in the car and no one was hurt.

Then, on Monday, two of the passengers in the car came forward and investigators amended the police report. The new police report said that those two passengers told investigators there were four people in the car and one of those passengers was seriously injured.

Police said no witnesses came forward to say Suh was driving recklessly at the time of the crash. But according to the original police report, officers only interviewed one witness.

David said he felt compelled to come forward after hearing more about the crash in the news.

"It wasnt until I heard a passenger was injured that I decided, well, I was one of 100 witnesses but I should probably say something, because it doesnt sound like the information was very clear about what happened," David explained.

KGW reporter Abbey Gibb asked David if he thinks Suh lied to police.

"Yeah. That's not accurate, there was no traffic ahead of us at the time," David said, referring to Suhs mention of a taxicab in the initial police report.

And two other witnesses at that corner also told Gibb the same thing on Tuesday.

"It seemed definitely like a PR move for him to say ice and taxi [caused the crash]. After the first reports came out, we were like, 'That doesn't sit right,'" said witness Davin Michael Stedman.

"There's no way you could do that much damage without going a minimum 30-40 miles per hour," added Jake Amster.

Suh was not cited in the crash over the weekend.

On Monday, police told KGW the crash did not meet the threshold for investigation, even with the new information from the passengers and the amended police report.

On Tuesday, KGW asked police again if the new witnesses would change their stance and they said they still were not re-opening the case at this time.
Here are the Photos of the womans injuries, she is afraid to show her face because she has been threatened. Injured woman

Suhs 911 phone call.

Suh's 811 phone call

Transcript from the 911 call.

Operator - We have reports of a car into a tree. Is that you?

Suh - Yes.

Operator - Ok, are you sure you dont need an ambulance?

Suh - YES, everybodys fine.

Repeat - Are you sure you dont need an ambulance?

The correct answer is NO but Suh says YES.

Here are photos taken that night by eye witnesses. It was obvious that he was far exceeding the speed limit to cause that much damage.

Photos of Suh's damaged vehicle
From the pictures of the women, one looks like a couple stitches over the eye and one looks like herpes. Neither look like they require an ambulance.
So in the course of a motor vehicle accident, something hit this woman on her head or she hit something with her head so hard that it broke her skin and she required a few stitches. You don't think that she should get taken in for a possible brain injury? Do you have a brain injury yourself?
Married woman in a car with Suh at 1:30AM? I think she may have already had a brain injury before the accident.
She got a little shiner and a cut. I have came out of a couple of bar brawls in way worse shape than that. This lady wanted to party with a star and is now looking to cash in with a nice payday.

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'DoubleG said:
Detroit Lions DL Ndamukong Suh lied to police about his crash in downtown Portland, according to two passengers in the car. Suh said that he was trying to pass a taxicab when he lost control of the 1970 Chevrolet Coupe and crashed into a tree, according to the original police report. He also said that no one was injured. No citations were issued. However, two of the people who were passengers in the car have since come forward with information that disputes Suh’s story and the amended police report also quotes a third passenger who said she, too, was injured in the crash. 'When the light turned green, he floored it,' one of the passengers said. 'I just remember going so fast and it was violent and just getting thrown around like rag dolls.' The woman said she was injured in the crash and she had a cut above her eyebrow which required stitches, a black eye and a busted lip.[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ OUR VIEW ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]A little more goofiness from Suh here. Let's hope we can get the news focus back to Football for him soon.
A "little more goofiness"? Seriously? The guy lied to police. There are things that I would call goofiness - lying to police officers in a traffic accident is not one of them. Also completely ignored are the underlying questions about who the "women" were and why they were in the car...and why Suh would cover up the fact that they were in the car at all. The guy is suspended for bad behavior, so he's hanging out with hookers and smashing up his car (despite the fact that his hometown police saying he "wasn't impaired"...just like Big Ben just happened to need to use the facilities) - and this is a "little more goofiness"?Wow. Talk about minimizing. Sometimes it's no wonder that professional athletes think they can get away with anything. Next, when it's confirmed that the "women" were prostitutes is the next item going to be "well, boys will be boys..."? :confused: I hate to sound all "holier than thou" - but usually you're better than this.
How would you have expanded Joe's fantasy "take" on this?
Well, according to his post he would have made up a story about Suh having hookers in his car like he did in this thread.
'DoubleG said:
Detroit Lions DL Ndamukong Suh lied to police about his crash in downtown Portland, according to two passengers in the car. Suh said that he was trying to pass a taxicab when he lost control of the 1970 Chevrolet Coupe and crashed into a tree, according to the original police report. He also said that no one was injured. No citations were issued. However, two of the people who were passengers in the car have since come forward with information that disputes Suh’s story and the amended police report also quotes a third passenger who said she, too, was injured in the crash. 'When the light turned green, he floored it,' one of the passengers said. 'I just remember going so fast and it was violent and just getting thrown around like rag dolls.' The woman said she was injured in the crash and she had a cut above her eyebrow which required stitches, a black eye and a busted lip.[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ OUR VIEW ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]A little more goofiness from Suh here. Let's hope we can get the news focus back to Football for him soon.
A "little more goofiness"? Seriously? The guy lied to police. There are things that I would call goofiness - lying to police officers in a traffic accident is not one of them. Also completely ignored are the underlying questions about who the "women" were and why they were in the car...and why Suh would cover up the fact that they were in the car at all. The guy is suspended for bad behavior, so he's hanging out with hookers and smashing up his car (despite the fact that his hometown police saying he "wasn't impaired"...just like Big Ben just happened to need to use the facilities) - and this is a "little more goofiness"?Wow. Talk about minimizing. Sometimes it's no wonder that professional athletes think they can get away with anything. Next, when it's confirmed that the "women" were prostitutes is the next item going to be "well, boys will be boys..."? :confused: I hate to sound all "holier than thou" - but usually you're better than this.
How would you have expanded Joe's fantasy "take" on this?
Well, according to his post he would have made up a story about Suh having hookers in his car like he did in this thread.
I already answered that question - and your accusation. Reading is a skill. Give it a shot lest you come off looking like a complete tool.
I don't get the passengers. If I'm out driving with my friends, I don't contradict what is on the police report if no one got in trouble. What's her excuse, an insurance deductible?
lawsuit. :moneybag: she needed to get the police report changed to preserve her right to sue/use as evidence in a suit. I am speculating here but I'd be willing to bet that she 'ammended her story' to police based on the advice/instructions of her lawyer.
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I wonder whatOregon's laws are on contributory negligence. By saying she was 'tossed around the car like a rag doll' she is pretty much admitting she wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

You think it will end up being a big deal from a fantasy football perspective?
That depends. If Suh lied to cover up something illegal (drugs, alcohol, prostitution, driving under the influence, etc.) than an investigation that yields such findings would certainly lead to a suspension. Obviously, if all he lied about was that he was driving like an idiot - probably not. (While Roger Goodel like to rule with an iron fist I don't think being an idiot driver is grounds for suspension...yet.)
the cops have already said that this is a dead issue and that they aren't investigating anything/issuing citations. If our 24 hour new cycle didn't need to be constantly fed to be satisfied this would be a non-story.
Sounds like the women might be angling for a lawsuit.
And they'd win. Suh was being reckless and injured them. They should be compensated.
Suh was showing off with his muscle car. By all accounts other than his account he was reckless. Funny that the same guy who has played in 27 games and has 8 personal fouls in his time in the league, which leads the entire NFL BTW over the period of time that he has been in the league, meaning he can only barely play a bit more than three games before he has another personal foul and costs his team 15 yards. A guy who simnply refuses to take responsiblity for his actions. A guy voted thee dirties player in the National Football League by the NFL players. A guy who just doesn't get it is the only one who disputed what every other witness said happened. Ndamukong Suh has no credibility at all whatsoever. He's a proven liar and self delusional which is the definitiion of a psychopath personality. The assinine suggestion made that the women were angling for a big payday is absurd. First Suh is the one who was driving the vehicle. Suh is the one who drove recklessly. Suh is the person responsible for the accident. Suh is the one who refused the woman who was seriously injured medical help. Suh is the one who filed a FALSE POLICE REPORT. Lying isn't a crime. Filing a FALSE POLICE REPORT IS A CRIME. Their may also be a Good Semiritan law on the books where Suh would have HAD TO COMPLIED WITH THE PERSON HE WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR INJURING MEDICAL ASSITENCE SINCE SHE ASKED FOR IT AND HE REFUSED HER REQUEST.Suh is not qualified to make medical judgements and refuse medical treatment for someone he is responsible for injuring. At minimum he should be criminally changed with filing a false police report and I hope like hell that the women sue SUH'S ### for everything they can get from him. I also hope the city of Portland files a lawsuit against him to replace the street post and for a any other damage he caused. I also hope that Rodger Goodell ups Suh's suspension to five games, the same suspension he gave to Albert Hainsworth when he kicked the Dallas center while he was on the ground. To say the women somehow masterminded Suh into showing off and then crashing his car and then getting injured just so they could rip him off defies the lies of Ndamukong Suh and his sick psychopathic actions. Also if the woman was after money why did she bother to have her insurance company pay the tab for her medical bill? Wow, she is really ripping off Suh by having HER insurance company pay for the injries that Ndamukong Suh is responsible for. What a gold digger. The nerve of someone who pays for insurance to actually expect the insurance company to pay for medical treatment. Gosh that cost Suh, um ah, NO MONEY but it should cost him an extension on hispension that he got because he kicked a player who was on the ground. The dirtiest player in the league voted on by his peers. A guy who can't play four games without getting another personal foul. Hell I hope that the women sue his dumb ### for everything and that he goes to jail so he learns his lesson. He isn't bigger than the rules of the NFL or the laws that everyone else has to abide by. He has to take responsibly for his actions and up to his point in time it is obvious he hasn't taken responbility.
Sounds like the women might be angling for a lawsuit.
And they'd win. Suh was being reckless and injured them. They should be compensated.
Suh was showing off with his muscle car. By all accounts other than his account he was reckless. Funny that the same guy who has played in 27 games and has 8 personal fouls in his time in the league, which leads the entire NFL BTW over the period of time that he has been in the league, meaning he can only barely play a bit more than three games before he has another personal foul and costs his team 15 yards. A guy who simnply refuses to take responsiblity for his actions. A guy voted thee dirties player in the National Football League by the NFL players. A guy who just doesn't get it is the only one who disputed what every other witness said happened. Ndamukong Suh has no credibility at all whatsoever. He's a proven liar and self delusional which is the definitiion of a psychopath personality. The assinine suggestion made that the women were angling for a big payday is absurd. First Suh is the one who was driving the vehicle. Suh is the one who drove recklessly. Suh is the person responsible for the accident. Suh is the one who refused the woman who was seriously injured medical help. Suh is the one who filed a FALSE POLICE REPORT. Lying isn't a crime. Filing a FALSE POLICE REPORT IS A CRIME. Their may also be a Good Semiritan law on the books where Suh would have HAD TO COMPLIED WITH THE PERSON HE WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR INJURING MEDICAL ASSITENCE SINCE SHE ASKED FOR IT AND HE REFUSED HER REQUEST.Suh is not qualified to make medical judgements and refuse medical treatment for someone he is responsible for injuring. At minimum he should be criminally changed with filing a false police report and I hope like hell that the women sue SUH'S ### for everything they can get from him. I also hope the city of Portland files a lawsuit against him to replace the street post and for a any other damage he caused. I also hope that Rodger Goodell ups Suh's suspension to five games, the same suspension he gave to Albert Hainsworth when he kicked the Dallas center while he was on the ground. To say the women somehow masterminded Suh into showing off and then crashing his car and then getting injured just so they could rip him off defies the lies of Ndamukong Suh and his sick psychopathic actions. Also if the woman was after money why did she bother to have her insurance company pay the tab for her medical bill? Wow, she is really ripping off Suh by having HER insurance company pay for the injries that Ndamukong Suh is responsible for. What a gold digger. The nerve of someone who pays for insurance to actually expect the insurance company to pay for medical treatment. Gosh that cost Suh, um ah, NO MONEY but it should cost him an extension on hispension that he got because he kicked a player who was on the ground. The dirtiest player in the league voted on by his peers. A guy who can't play four games without getting another personal foul. Hell I hope that the women sue his dumb ### for everything and that he goes to jail so he learns his lesson. He isn't bigger than the rules of the NFL or the laws that everyone else has to abide by. He has to take responsibly for his actions and up to his point in time it is obvious he hasn't taken responbility.
Good luck with the vendetta and all...it's really been entertaining seeing someone get so worked up over a nothing incident which you did not witness and involves a whole bunch of people you've never met. If you wanna have some real fun later just google "casey anthony". It will blow your mind :thumbup:
The thread has a lot of speculation so here is information directly from Portland. Pictures of the scene of the accident, you can see how the car?

- jumped a curve

- ran into a pole and broke the foundation

- ran into and gashed a tree

- then came to rest as it ran into a water fountain.

You can se the damage to the vehicle where>

- the front left wheel well is caved in

- different dents running all along the left side

- the back left panel is smashed like an acordian

- the car looks completely totaled

If you don't believe your own eyes then you surely won't trust eye witness accounts who saw Suh drive recklessly or these other interviews like the story directly from the vitim's mouth.

Click on video, eyewitness who saw accident, victim comes forward

several people have come forward accusing him of reckless driving in a downtown crash last Saturday.

KGW broke the story about an amended police report Monday. Passengers told KGW in an exclusive interview that Suh did not tell police the whole story after the crash in Old Town. Now another witness has come forward, saying Suh flat-out lied about how the accident happened.

David, who didn’t want to reveal his last name, said he was in his own car, waiting for a red light to turn green on 3rd and Burnside, next to Suh moments before the crash.

“As soon as the signal turned green, he [suh] floored it and by mid-intersection, his back end had swung around,” David told KGW. “There’s no other way to describe it [but reckless]. He put the metal to the floor and spun the tires as fast as he could and lost control of the car."

The 1970 Chevrolet Coupe that Suh was driving hit a light pole, a fountain, and finally a tree. When police arrived at the scene, Suh told them he had been trying to pass a taxicab when he lost control, according to the initial police report. It also said that Suh told police three people were in the car and no one was hurt.

Then, on Monday, two of the passengers in the car came forward and investigators amended the police report. The new police report said that those two passengers told investigators there were four people in the car and one of those passengers was seriously injured.

Police said no witnesses came forward to say Suh was driving recklessly at the time of the crash. But according to the original police report, officers only interviewed one witness.

David said he felt compelled to come forward after hearing more about the crash in the news.

"It wasn’t until I heard a passenger was injured that I decided, well, I was one of 100 witnesses but I should probably say something, because it doesn’t sound like the information was very clear about what happened," David explained.

KGW reporter Abbey Gibb asked David if he thinks Suh lied to police.

"Yeah. That's not accurate, there was no traffic ahead of us at the time," David said, referring to Suh’s mention of a taxicab in the initial police report.

And two other witnesses at that corner also told Gibb the same thing on Tuesday.

"It seemed definitely like a PR move for him to say ice and taxi [caused the crash]. After the first reports came out, we were like, 'That doesn't sit right,'" said witness Davin Michael Stedman.

"There's no way you could do that much damage without going a minimum 30-40 miles per hour," added Jake Amster.

Suh was not cited in the crash over the weekend.

On Monday, police told KGW the crash did not meet the threshold for investigation, even with the new information from the passengers and the amended police report.

On Tuesday, KGW asked police again if the new witnesses would change their stance and they said they still were not re-opening the case at this time.
Here are the Photos of the woman’s injuries, she is afraid to show her face because she has been threatened. Injured woman

Suh’s 911 phone call.

Suh's 811 phone call

Transcript from the 911 call.

Operator - We have reports of a car into a tree. Is that you?

Suh - Yes.

Operator - Ok, are you sure you don’t need an ambulance?

Suh - YES, everybody’s fine.

Repeat - Are you sure you don’t need an ambulance?

The correct answer is NO but Suh says YES.

Here are photos taken that night by eye witnesses. It was obvious that he was far exceeding the speed limit to cause that much damage.

Photos of Suh's damaged vehicle
From the pictures of the women, one looks like a couple stitches over the eye and one looks like herpes. Neither look like they require an ambulance.
So in the course of a motor vehicle accident, something hit this woman on her head or she hit something with her head so hard that it broke her skin and she required a few stitches. You don't think that she should get taken in for a possible brain injury? Do you have a brain injury yourself?
Married woman in a car with Suh at 1:30AM? I think she may have already had a brain injury before the accident.
She got a little shiner and a cut. I have came out of a couple of bar brawls in way worse shape than that. This lady wanted to party with a star and is now looking to cash in with a nice payday.
Cool. So becuase Da Guru from The Internet gets beat up at bars and thinks he looks worse, then this woman shouldn't at least be taken to the hospital for brain injuries.
Sounds like the women might be angling for a lawsuit.
And they'd win. Suh was being reckless and injured them. They should be compensated.
Suh was showing off with his muscle car. By all accounts other than his account he was reckless. Funny that the same guy who has played in 27 games and has 8 personal fouls in his time in the league, which leads the entire NFL BTW over the period of time that he has been in the league, meaning he can only barely play a bit more than three games before he has another personal foul and costs his team 15 yards. A guy who simnply refuses to take responsiblity for his actions. A guy voted thee dirties player in the National Football League by the NFL players. A guy who just doesn't get it is the only one who disputed what every other witness said happened. Ndamukong Suh has no credibility at all whatsoever. He's a proven liar and self delusional which is the definitiion of a psychopath personality. The assinine suggestion made that the women were angling for a big payday is absurd. First Suh is the one who was driving the vehicle. Suh is the one who drove recklessly. Suh is the person responsible for the accident. Suh is the one who refused the woman who was seriously injured medical help. Suh is the one who filed a FALSE POLICE REPORT. Lying isn't a crime. Filing a FALSE POLICE REPORT IS A CRIME. Their may also be a Good Semiritan law on the books where Suh would have HAD TO COMPLIED WITH THE PERSON HE WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR INJURING MEDICAL ASSITENCE SINCE SHE ASKED FOR IT AND HE REFUSED HER REQUEST.Suh is not qualified to make medical judgements and refuse medical treatment for someone he is responsible for injuring. At minimum he should be criminally changed with filing a false police report and I hope like hell that the women sue SUH'S ### for everything they can get from him. I also hope the city of Portland files a lawsuit against him to replace the street post and for a any other damage he caused. I also hope that Rodger Goodell ups Suh's suspension to five games, the same suspension he gave to Albert Hainsworth when he kicked the Dallas center while he was on the ground. To say the women somehow masterminded Suh into showing off and then crashing his car and then getting injured just so they could rip him off defies the lies of Ndamukong Suh and his sick psychopathic actions. Also if the woman was after money why did she bother to have her insurance company pay the tab for her medical bill? Wow, she is really ripping off Suh by having HER insurance company pay for the injries that Ndamukong Suh is responsible for. What a gold digger. The nerve of someone who pays for insurance to actually expect the insurance company to pay for medical treatment. Gosh that cost Suh, um ah, NO MONEY but it should cost him an extension on hispension that he got because he kicked a player who was on the ground. The dirtiest player in the league voted on by his peers. A guy who can't play four games without getting another personal foul. Hell I hope that the women sue his dumb ### for everything and that he goes to jail so he learns his lesson. He isn't bigger than the rules of the NFL or the laws that everyone else has to abide by. He has to take responsibly for his actions and up to his point in time it is obvious he hasn't taken responbility.
:cry: :lmao: a couple of you are so obsessed with Suh that it is DOWNRIGHT PATHETIC. :rolleyes:
Sounds like the women might be angling for a lawsuit.
And they'd win. Suh was being reckless and injured them. They should be compensated.
Suh was showing off with his muscle car. By all accounts other than his account he was reckless. Funny that the same guy who has played in 27 games and has 8 personal fouls in his time in the league, which leads the entire NFL BTW over the period of time that he has been in the league, meaning he can only barely play a bit more than three games before he has another personal foul and costs his team 15 yards. A guy who simnply refuses to take responsiblity for his actions. A guy voted thee dirties player in the National Football League by the NFL players. A guy who just doesn't get it is the only one who disputed what every other witness said happened. Ndamukong Suh has no credibility at all whatsoever. He's a proven liar and self delusional which is the definitiion of a psychopath personality. The assinine suggestion made that the women were angling for a big payday is absurd. First Suh is the one who was driving the vehicle. Suh is the one who drove recklessly. Suh is the person responsible for the accident. Suh is the one who refused the woman who was seriously injured medical help. Suh is the one who filed a FALSE POLICE REPORT. Lying isn't a crime. Filing a FALSE POLICE REPORT IS A CRIME. Their may also be a Good Semiritan law on the books where Suh would have HAD TO COMPLIED WITH THE PERSON HE WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR INJURING MEDICAL ASSITENCE SINCE SHE ASKED FOR IT AND HE REFUSED HER REQUEST.Suh is not qualified to make medical judgements and refuse medical treatment for someone he is responsible for injuring. At minimum he should be criminally changed with filing a false police report and I hope like hell that the women sue SUH'S ### for everything they can get from him. I also hope the city of Portland files a lawsuit against him to replace the street post and for a any other damage he caused. I also hope that Rodger Goodell ups Suh's suspension to five games, the same suspension he gave to Albert Hainsworth when he kicked the Dallas center while he was on the ground. To say the women somehow masterminded Suh into showing off and then crashing his car and then getting injured just so they could rip him off defies the lies of Ndamukong Suh and his sick psychopathic actions. Also if the woman was after money why did she bother to have her insurance company pay the tab for her medical bill? Wow, she is really ripping off Suh by having HER insurance company pay for the injries that Ndamukong Suh is responsible for. What a gold digger. The nerve of someone who pays for insurance to actually expect the insurance company to pay for medical treatment. Gosh that cost Suh, um ah, NO MONEY but it should cost him an extension on hispension that he got because he kicked a player who was on the ground. The dirtiest player in the league voted on by his peers. A guy who can't play four games without getting another personal foul. Hell I hope that the women sue his dumb ### for everything and that he goes to jail so he learns his lesson. He isn't bigger than the rules of the NFL or the laws that everyone else has to abide by. He has to take responsibly for his actions and up to his point in time it is obvious he hasn't taken responbility.
Good luck with the vendetta and all...it's really been entertaining seeing someone get so worked up over a nothing incident which you did not witness and involves a whole bunch of people you've never met. If you wanna have some real fun later just google "casey anthony". It will blow your mind :thumbup:
Lets see:

If any one of us were in an accident with a 70 Chevelle where we raced it

an lost control them smashed the crap out of it, would we tell the "whole"

story, or would we fib quite a bit to get less cop trouble? Humm, which one.

And how many have crashed there fast cars? Uhhmm yah quite a few of us I bet.

Sorry but there is no "big story here", and one Many have done in there lives.

(there's a zillion of these accidents every day, ooohh people got scratched)

But hey keep pumping the SuH deserves worse angle if you feel so compelled here.

Yep he lied, just like 90-99% or more do in "traffic accidents" every single darn day. :)


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