Based on Dodds Sunday updates, here is how everyone is doing this week:
BassNBrew: 202.0 (Still has T. Bell left - doesn't matter - won't be caught)
TFox: 170.9 (Still has Watts left - can add anything W gets beyond 3.6)
SpOOfy: 169.3 DONE
Nugget: 164.3 (Still has Kennison left - can add anything K gets beyond 9.8)
MikeyT: 158.2 (Still has T. Green, Terrell, Gonzo left)
Nipsey: 141.8 (Still has Broncos DEF - but Jets already have 14.0 for him)
Marvin88: 137.8 (Still has Plummer, Anderson, LJ, Putzier left)
Sonoran: 137.6 (Still has Elam left - but Vanderjagt has already gotten 7.0)
Gouda: 137.2 (Still has Tynes left - but Vinatieri has already got 13.0)
Wheelhouse: 127.6 (Still has R. Smith left - whatever he gets - add to total)
Raidergil: 99.5 (Still has Priest, S. Parker left)
Worm: 89.9 (Still has Lelie left - can add anything L gets beyond 2.1)