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Targeting injured players (1 Viewer)


I cannot pass up the potential value- I currently have Harvin, A.Brown, S.Jackson on my bench. It's a 12 team / 2QB league and thus a somewhat shorter bench. So 1/2 my bench is INJ.

How much is targeting injured players a viable strategy? How many is too many?

It comes down to how good your team is. If you are 5-2 or better, stacking injured players makes a ton of sense, although I hate SJax, guy is like cancer to anyones FF team. If you need to win now and your team sucks, you need to take a few fliers and hope for the best... A guy like SJax may have some decent trade value if someone wants to buy the name, so if you are sitting at 4-3 or worse, may make sense to shop him.

Harvin may go this week, though I personally doubt it - When he comes back say week 9 or 10 he will be a difference maker, I've got him stashed too.

In addition to record, as mentioned...

A lot also depends on who you could have on the bench instead (opportunity cost). If you've passed up guys like Keenan Allen and Boykin to hold them, I'm not sure. If you're passing on guys like Avant or Ginn, then it's obviously worth it.

The way your bye-s line up is also a factor. As is the way your waiver wire works.

like curse said it all comes down to.

not only record, but how your position for the playoffs currently is.

Right now in one league i have harvin, jackson, and vereen on the bench in a short bench league as well.. but im also in the 2nd spot, gives me a little bit more leeway when it comes to holding them then if i was battling for the last playoff spot.

But to keep them i might also have to take one more L in week 9 with all the bye weeks

I'm the same way - currently rostering Harvin and Vereen. I'm sporting a 4-3 record so it's not easy when I need wins NOW, but luckily we have an IR roster slot so that makes it a tad better.

I drafted Vereen & SJax, and kept them both.

Picked up Andre Brown 2 weeks ago off waivers.

Then just traded Ellington & Terrence Williams for Roddy & Doug Martin first thing this morning to an 2-5 owner in win or done week. Which has caused quite the uproar amongst everyone in the league for some reason.

I cannot pass up the potential value- I currently have Harvin, A.Brown, S.Jackson on my bench. It's a 12 team / 2QB league and thus a somewhat shorter bench. So 1/2 my bench is INJ.

How much is targeting injured players a viable strategy? How many is too many?
It never seems to work out ... They either get re injured, stuck behind or in a time share with the guy who was keeping his space warm or never regain the form until the following season. All the while you are passing up productive FAs.

I could be completely wrong but I have a real hard time seeing Percy Harvin doing much ...

A: He is coming off an injury and surgery so he has probably lost some speed and quickness

B: Is he going to return punts and kicks after coming back from major surgery? If not he is just a reciver that has never had 1000 yds or more than 6tds

C: Should he return Kicks & punts..,. His chance of re injury is probably greater especially if he does

D: All this and he is changing teams - nobody knows how he is going tobe used and perform on this team


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