Grady Wilson said:
I teach accounting classes online in the evenings as a second job. I make some decent coin. You must have at least your Masters though. If you have that then I would check into it if I were you.
This is pretty good thanks.
I am experienced at Photoshop. Could I be a freelance graphic designer?
I don't recommend it for most things, because spec work is bad for the design industry, but you could enter some design contests on to see if you have the skill to win some of the contests. Again, wouldn't recommend them as an ongoing source of business, but great way to find out if you have the chops to win some contests. Spec work has it's place for those just starting out. See below. And then see this link:
Professionals do not work for free (unless it’s for a good cause!).People tend to go to places like that when they’re first starting out to build confidence, skills etc. Once you get good enough and confident in your abilities – then you expect to get paid for your work. This is not an unfair assumption.
Don't waste your time on 99designs.
Let me walk you through the lifeline of a typical job open for competition at 99D.
- Job goes up, and within 1.3 seconds, half a million Asians with rudimentary English are looking at the listing, wondering what it says.
- Time passes, and eventually competent first world artists hoping to make a living start submitting designs.
- More time passes, and sooner or later, the job poster starts giving feedback and says that he likes one particular design.
- Instantly, those half a million Asians copy the design getting the good feedback exactly, except this time with the logo in blue, or in a slightly different font, or with a drop shadow, know, two or three variations for each hack designer.
- The job poster returns, selects one of them seemingly at random, and reduces the gifted original designer's chances of landing the commission to a lottery.
I've never met anyone who worked for 99D for more than a month or so who didn't want to slit his or her wrists and nuke SE Asia.