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The elite (1 Viewer)

I don’t think it is that his supporters like him so much as they hate being lied to about climate change so Al Gore and his buddies can make billions.

So instead of voting for a very tired old and deeply crooked Clinton who is wife to a suspected pedophile and womanizer they made a purely logical choice by voting against the wicked woman. Lesser evil I guess.
Maybe, but that's not the kind of Trump supporter who Stein visits with.  He spends some time in a deeply conservative Texas community that voted overwhelmingly for Trump and genuinely seemed to like Trump as more than just the lesser of two evils.  He also talks with Scott Adams and Tucker Carlson, both of whom like Trump, or at least the populist anti-globalization worldview Trump represents.  

Maybe, but that's not the kind of Trump supporter who Stein visits with.  He spends some time in a deeply conservative Texas community that voted overwhelmingly for Trump and genuinely seemed to like Trump as more than just the lesser of two evils.  He also talks with Scott Adams and Tucker Carlson, both of whom like Trump, or at least the populist anti-globalization worldview Trump represents.  
Well my best guess for the next part of the elitist influenced Hollywood script we call news is going to be that Trump gets re-elected.

The Mueller flop and impeachment fantasy isn’t playing well. Why not let the people decide in a year?

So Trump gets another four years and the elites pull the plug on the money supply. Crashing the world economy after a decade of easy money. Then blaming the debacle on populism.

If anyone ever accidentally somehow comes to think that Trump actually does give a scintilla of a hint of a crap about the little guy, or the "common people", watch the doc "You've been Trumped" sometime.  It's about one of Trump's Scottish golf course developments and his efforts to remove locals from their land and homes.  They're simple farmer types, many of whose families have lived there for generations.  Normally this sort of stuff would be settled between lawyers or other representatives, but Trump, being Trump, can't leave it at that.  He has to disparage them and in TV interviews say how their places are "pigsties" and "slums" and the people "live like pigs" etc.  He simply can't not attack anyone who opposes him, no matter how valid their position.  He's completely without empathy.  It's peak Trump.


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As a Democrat, it’s about time I get the respect I deserve.

I’ll have to elaborate on this later because I just got a call to go fix a lady’s toilet.

Hey, 20 bucks is 20 bucks  :shrug:
He likes to be treated like a dog.... ~Chris Hansen 

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I think folks that support him have always used it. Being the underdog outsider and not part of the elite has always been a huge part of his appeal. It's how I've always understood the people who support him. I totally see the appeal of it. It's why people love to see the Patriots lose. 
You’re right that he has always been outside of the “elite”, in terms of upper wast side acceptance.  But it is a quantum leap to conflate that with him being an “underdog” in any normative sense for the average middle class non-coastal American.  

Trump has spent his entire adult life trying to prove he belongs with the elites.  Never quite got there, and he has proven to be immoral and unethical in that pursuit.

so then he becomes a quasi Marvel Spider-Man villain.  Courts the people he only ever saw out of the tinted glass windows of his Lincoln by spreading divisive rhetoric that he knows they will eat up.  A quantum leap from where he truly wanted to be, but hey last hoorahs and all that.

hyperbolic?  Maybe.  

But does trump really care about the average American?  Lmfao.  get real   

no kidding.  the whole thing has been bizarre from the beginning: 

manhattan real-estate developer forever trying desperately to get in the inner, inner circle of the upper east and west side elite, develops a global brand based on opulence and which caters to the rich.   gifted a 100 million to get going.

Ironic commercial given where we are now.
If anyone ever accidentally somehow comes to think that Trump actually does give a scintilla of a hint of a crap about the little guy, or the "common people", watch the doc "You've been Trumped" sometime.  It's about one of Trump's Scottish golf course developments and his efforts to remove locals from their land and homes.  They're simple farmer types, many of whose families have lived there for generations.  Normally this sort of stuff would be settled between lawyers or other representatives, but Trump, being Trump, can't leave it at that.  He has to disparage them and in TV interviews say how their places are "pigsties" and "slums" and the people "live like pigs" etc.  He simply can't not attack anyone who opposes him, no matter how valid their position.  He's completely without empathy.  It's peak Trump.

I jumped around, but three things that I noticed- one, while doing an interview, he stops and says “how’s my hair?” They point to the camera and say “you can look at the screen and see” to which he replies “I can’t see that, give me a mirror. Do you have a mirror?” He’s so vain. 
He’s also giving a press conference and singles out one critical reporter and says “I want real journalists.” So the fake news train was already in full swing.

Third, every time he talks about anything relating to the project it’s littered with hyperbole- “It’s going better than we could have expected in our wildest dreams!” “I’ve done great things for the environment but what I’m doing here in Scotland might be the best I’ve ever done!” Tremendous. beautiful. Ugly houses, no one has a problem with any of this, well, except maybe the people that live in the houses do. I want that house down, I don’t care, who cares, I want it down. It’s hideous. 

It’s not even that some of these houses were in the way or anything, he just didn’t want to look at them. And I suppose if you are making some playground for the “elite” you probably don’t want to have some 

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I don’t think it is that his supporters like him so much as they hate being lied to about climate change so Al Gore and his buddies can make billions.

So instead of voting for a very tired old and deeply crooked Clinton who is wife to a suspected pedophile and womanizer they made a purely logical choice by voting against the wicked woman. Lesser evil I guess.
So they voted for a “suspected pedophile and womanizer” instead? Not saying you’re wrong, but it’s about the same amount of proof, if not more, to suggest that accusation about Clinton as there is Trump. Curious if you see it the same way.

I’m hearing this term used more and more lately by conservatives and Trump fans as a “catch-all” to describe liberals, world leaders, neocons, the FBI, the CIA, Wall Street types, and just about anybody else who either opposes Donald Trump, supports globalism, or some combination of the two. 

The world leaders who mocked Trump the other day are being derided as “global elites”. Pelosi and Schiff have been called “Democrat elites.” Last night, in anticipation of the disappointing IG report, I heard Horowitz labeled as a “typical Justice Department elite type.” 

The term seems to be used in the same way that pro-McCarthy types in the 50s used the word “egghead”- to describe a know it all intellectual type. Yet there may also be an element of hidden money and power too, which brings us dangerously close to traditional anti-Semitic tropes. 

Just wondering if anybody else has noticed this? 
I think it also about flipping the traditional script that Republican Party policies lean towards the wealthy and dems about the poor.  By calling dems elites, he portraying them as rich too and hypocrites in that some of their agendas will hurt the middle class and poor.  

You’re right that he has always been outside of the “elite”, in terms of upper wast side acceptance.  But it is a quantum leap to conflate that with him being an “underdog” in any normative sense for the average middle class non-coastal American.  

Trump has spent his entire adult life trying to prove he belongs with the elites.  Never quite got there, and he has proven to be immoral and unethical in that pursuit.

so then he becomes a quasi Marvel Spider-Man villain.  Courts the people he only ever saw out of the tinted glass windows of his Lincoln by spreading divisive rhetoric that he knows they will eat up.  A quantum leap from where he truly wanted to be, but hey last hoorahs and all that.

hyperbolic?  Maybe.  

But does trump really care about the average American?  Lmfao.  get real   
Sure. The equal from the cracked.com article is he's their Tony Stark. 

The vast majority of Trump voters know he's obviously not like them. But a great many think "he's their guy" to help them get what they want. 

And to be clear, nobody is drawing any real political science conclusions from Cracked.com analogies. 

But to me, it's not hard at all to see how this has worked 

I think it also about flipping the traditional script that Republican Party policies lean towards the wealthy and dems about the poor.  By calling dems elites, he portraying them as rich too and hypocrites in that some of their agendas will hurt the middle class and poor.  
Absolutely. From a "marketing" and "positioning" angle, it seems like a smart strategy for them. 

An elitist has little to do with being a rich or Republican.  It has to do with taking power from the masses and moving it into fewer and fewer hands.  Many rich people tend to be leftist elitist.  In theory it sounds great to have the smartest people in the world make rules for the better good of everyone.  In practice, the thousands of times it has been tried has resulted in tyranny and unimaginable abuses of the people.  Every time.   Of course abuses from unchecked capitalism also occurs.  Which is why our system which has checks and balances and strict limited powers at the highest levels of government was the single greatest advancement in government ever.  It is still imperfect, but it is far better than giving too much power to the federal government or even worse an international body.  

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A guy dressed-to-impress on a business trip to a podunk town says "wth" & picks up the fat, ugly gal at the end of the bar at last call. They end up having a pretty damned good time and start going out. At a small, social occasion, he confesses that he's seen the light, that homely, desperate women are the way to go, have so much love in their hearts and are tossing good lays. He gets so many "awwwws" that he becomes declarative & humblebraggy about it everywhere he goes. He then adds parables about what his rich guy friends used to say about salt-of-the-earth women and how wrong & terrible & beneath contempt they are for that and he don't care who knows it. He becomes the dream of every overlooked woman in every godforesaken town. They forget he's the type who trolls lastcalls, that he only had a towncar that night for business, that he's now using his beloved status among women to nail offdee9s - he's the guy who made them feel valued, ever how briefly and accidentally-intended, and can do no wrong.

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In theory it sounds great to have the smartest people in the world make rules for the better good of everyone.  In practice, the thousands of times it has been tried has resulted in tyranny and unimaginable abuses of the people.  Every time.   
Hmm. You know I think James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, et al might take issue with you on this. 

Snorkelson said:
So they voted for a “suspected pedophile and womanizer” instead? Not saying you’re wrong, but it’s about the same amount of proof, if not more, to suggest that accusation about Clinton as there is Trump. Curious if you see it the same way.
Clinton flew to pedo island 27 times. He’s pretty much convicted in the court of public opinion. He was also impeached for his womanizing. Trump not so much.

Hillary’s hero is Saul Alinsky who praised satan as the ultimate rebel. She also interned under two well known Bay Area communists.

I guess Americans just hate communist devil worshippers more than Trump and his well known flaws.


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Clinton flew to pedo island 27 times. He’s pretty much convicted in the court of public opinion. He was also impeached for his womanizing. Trump not so much.

Hillary’s hero is Saul Alinsky who praised satan as the ultimate rebel. She also interned under two well known Bay Area communists.

I guess Americans just hate communist devil worshippers more than Trump and his well known flaws.

Ok guy.

Well my best guess for the next part of the elitist influenced Hollywood script we call news is going to be that Trump gets re-elected.

The Mueller flop and impeachment fantasy isn’t playing well. Why not let the people decide in a year?

So Trump gets another four years and the elites pull the plug on the money supply. Crashing the world economy after a decade of easy money. Then blaming the debacle on populism.
And if Trump isn’t re-elected, what will the script be?

Terminalxylem said:
And if Trump isn’t re-elected, what will the script be?
At this point I don’t see anyone on the left who can win in the field right now. If you really want to win you better get Oprah Winfrey out there ASAP. I thought the Starbucks guy would have been a strong pick but he’s not running either.

Jim Jordan played the card last night: “This isn’t about Trump. They don’t like us. The ones in flyover country.” 

This grievance never gets old.

@Gary Coal Man who checked in on May 20th. What's up with you, Gary? Us plebes fightin' it out here in the ole ditch. We wanna know how it looks in the big, fancy, expensive jet plane.


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