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The Good Place (1 Viewer)

I actually like the fast forwarded scripts. The opposite of the time honored practice of drawing out story lines, means they have more ideas than time to show them all.

This show is reminiscent of Arrested Development in that a rewatch is very rewarding on picking up some of the jokes in the background (e.g. restaurant names, movie titles: Bend It Like Bentham). 

Jianyu is the best character on the show.  I will die on this hill.
After last night's episode, Janet took the belt.  But all six of the regulars are doing amazing work.  Chidi as the victim of Vicki's latest torture tactic was :lmao: :lmao:  .  

I'm done with guessing where the show is headed.  I'm just going to buckle up and enjoy the ride.      

I think the finale will show this all to be a purgatory where they have to prove they have changed enough to be admitted to heaven. Michael turns out to be St. Peter and as they enter The Real Good Place the final scene will fade to white.

Hope you enjoy it.

BTW, love the avatar.  My daughter and I used to watch that show at breakfast every morning.
Just popping in to say thanks for the recommendation to give it another shot.  I had a lazy, rainy Sunday afternoon with my team on a bye (although the whole season is basically a bye anyway... thanks Giants), so I started it back up again and ended up enjoying it and going through most of the season.

Funny, my wife was even more turned off by it at first than I was, so she didn't start watching with me even after I explained that I heard it got better as it went along.  But then she was in the room for the 5th or 6th episode and when it finished, she said, "That was actually pretty good. Let's watch the next one."

Ok, we only just watched the first season 2 episode last night, so I'm getting back out of this thread before I read some spoiler by mistake.

Just popping in to say thanks for the recommendation to give it another shot.  I had a lazy, rainy Sunday afternoon with my team on a bye (although the whole season is basically a bye anyway... thanks Giants), so I started it back up again and ended up enjoying it and going through most of the season.

Funny, my wife was even more turned off by it at first than I was, so she didn't start watching with me even after I explained that I heard it got better as it went along.  But then she was in the room for the 5th or 6th episode and when it finished, she said, "That was actually pretty good. Let's watch the next one."

Ok, we only just watched the first season 2 episode last night, so I'm getting back out of this thread before I read some spoiler by mistake.
Glad you’re enjoying it.  I’ve seen every episode of Parks And Recreation and Veronica Mars, so I was designed to love this show.  Yet I found it an acquired taste I only got into revisiting months later.

They’re taking a break from new episodes until 2018 after tonight, so you’ll be caught up quick.  

Wife and I need a new series but....

Some of you mentioned something about the afterlife so I googled it. My MIL just passed and we buried her yesterday.

Maybe we should wait a little or will it be sorta therapeutic since it's a comedy?

Yes. She opened the door and he had a note from Eleanor that read something like: 'Dear Mindy, thanks for all your help. Here's two duffel bags full of cocaine and a sex robot.' Derek says: "I have wind-chimes where my ding-dong is' and Mindy says "I can work with that," and pulls him inside. That was the end of the episode.
:lmao:  Forking shirt :lmao:  

Maybe is me, but last night's episode felt more like a season finale and less like the middle if the season. What the fork are they going to do now?

You definitely have to start at the beginning. The pilot has a few shots of people in caskets. There's a lot of debate about "what happens to us after we die" that permeates the themes of just about every episode.

Might be worth waiting some. Season 1 is on Netflix and I assume by August that Season 2 will be there as well, would make for a good binge later on.
Oh I planned on starting on S1E1, I was only worried about the theme upsetting my wife.

I think I'll wait a week or two before introducing the show to her.  

Few things have made me stand up and cheer quite like seeing Mindy St. Claire get two duffel bags full of cocaine. So happy for her! 
You can stay sane only so long with just a VCR tape of Cannonball Run II  to occupy your time.

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I actually left you 12,000 clues but I am glad you figured it out!

Or something to that effect. Glad it is back, I hadn't deleted the last episode before the break and went back and re-watched it again after the new one. Had forgotten that Derek :lol:  was the previous episode right before this one, thought it had been earlier in the season. Loved seeing Vicky take the fall and them calling back to the cocoon and then Eleanor.

What did you really say to Janet? "Something, something, Vicky, something, something." :lmao:

can someone tell me how the episode ended - im not sure if i fell asleep or not :lol:

The last thing I remember seeing was them all agreeing to go see the judge.

can someone tell me how the episode ended - im not sure if i fell asleep or not :lol:

The last thing I remember seeing was them all agreeing to go see the judge.
That was basically it.  They got on a train and the neighborhood kinda folded up/collapsed as they departed.

can someone tell me how the episode ended - im not sure if i fell asleep or not :lol:

The last thing I remember seeing was them all agreeing to go see the judge.
That and the reveal that they have to pass through the Bad Place undetected to get to the portal (if that's even true ;) )

And kudos to Danson for winning the Critics Choice award.  

Watched it last night for the first time.  I'm not sure what took me so long (love all of Michael Schur's stuff, going back to the FJM days).  Going to have go back and start from episode 1, but hope I did not spoil too much of it by watching last night's (as it seemed kind of a "goodbye" episode, it at least caught me up on the plot for going forward).

That and the reveal that they have to pass through the Bad Place undetected to get to the portal (if that's even true ;) )

And kudos to Danson for winning the Critics Choice award.  
Yeah that part - iremember - we have to go to the bad place, reach the portal undetected, then try to convince the judge 

everyone: ok!@@!

Not the exact lines but best I can remember:

Michael: "Oh that was reboot #111, all the restaurants were kebob places and I gave you a pet lizard and it kept pooping on you!"

"Janet you are one awesome robot! - NOT a robot.

You are one awesome girl! - NOT a girl.

You are one smoking hottie! - I am very attractive, aren't I?" :lol:

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Every year for my Super Bowl bash, in addition to the standard football party food (pizza, wings, chips, etc.) I make a themed dish for every team. Crab cakes for the Seahawks, New England clam chowder for the Patriots, Denver omelette frittatas for the Broncos, Carolina-style BBQ pulled pork for the Panthers, etc.

Can't really think of a dish that pertains to Jacksonville, so, if they go to the Super Bowl, I'm making "Jason (aka Jianyu) Mendoza's Jalapeno Poppers". 

(Edit: and I really hope they go because I'm running out of different New England foods to make. I hate repeating myself. Plus, a lot of their regional dishes are expensive to get the ingredients for this time of year on the west coast. Go Jags!)
We knew all along the Jaguars just needed new players on offense, on defense, and a few rule changes to be competitive. 
Jason Mendoza's Jalapeno Poppers would be perfect.

So if the Eagles win.... cheesesteaks?  

And if the Vikings win... Lutefisk? Lefse?
(Two bars a few blocks apart in south Minneapolis claim to have invented the "Jucy Lucy" burger, cheese trapped inside two patties pressed together.  So when you bite into it, cheesy goodness oozes out... that's a Jucy Lucy!  And yeah, the spelling is intentional.  When one of the bars first put it up on the menu board they spelled "juicy" like "Lucy", and just left it.) 

Definitely going with mini cheesesteak sliders or something similar if Philly goes. Plus Rolling Rock beer. I also have to come up with a hard liquor drink, too. Sometimes that's more challenging. Boston Rum Punch, Carolina Hurricanes and moonshine, Denver Mules (Moscow Mules with Coors-brand beer), and Atlanta's own crunk juice all fit pretty easily. Not sure about Philly. Maybe some kind of alcoholic water ice. Shock Top makes a pretzel beer. Pretzels would be good too. And it's almost impossible to find out here, but, one bar in North Hollywood CA does serve Yuengling. I wonder if they'll sell me a six-pack.
Be sure to line up those Yuenglings in shotgun formation

Definitely going with mini cheesesteak sliders or something similar if Philly goes. Plus Rolling Rock beer. I also have to come up with a hard liquor drink, too.
you need yuengling, not rolling rock... it is referred to simply as "Lager" in Philly. For liquor you either do the "Citywide Special" (PBR pounder and a shot of jack) or "Schuylkill punch" (the Schuylkill river runs through the city).


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