No names, so it isn't an AC topic...
We started a Keeper league this year, amongst good friends. PPR, start 1/2/3/1/1/1/1. 12 team league
Anyways... doesn't matter... Let's say it's time to choose your keepers and you're stacked w great players at RB/WR (imo, the ONLY positions worth keeping.)
All things equal (in regards to stud status) would you, in a Keep 3 League:
- Keep 3 WRs
- Keep 3 RBs
- Mix n Match
Again... let's assume you own 5RBs and 5WRs that are indisitinguishable in stud status.... What do you do?
We started a Keeper league this year, amongst good friends. PPR, start 1/2/3/1/1/1/1. 12 team league
Anyways... doesn't matter... Let's say it's time to choose your keepers and you're stacked w great players at RB/WR (imo, the ONLY positions worth keeping.)
All things equal (in regards to stud status) would you, in a Keep 3 League:
- Keep 3 WRs
- Keep 3 RBs
- Mix n Match
Again... let's assume you own 5RBs and 5WRs that are indisitinguishable in stud status.... What do you do?