John Maddens Lunchbox
Socialism for Dummies
Cant do the one about Sex, Drugs and Rock N Roll.Im easy (thats what she said) in all this.Hi JML, I am, but have to think about the timing of it all.Not sure if @Zegras11 is interested in doing another of his artist threads?
I got back last Tuesday from a week in Florida (only six MLB parks left to see), and have been trying to catch up on this thread.
When do you think would be a good day to start? May 1? May 15? June 1? LMK
If you are ready to do an artists thread, i will have an artist or 2 ready
If @krista4 has an idea ready to go for a draft/MAD countdown or anyone else has a draft i will consider what i can offer.
I usually have an idea floating around in this birds nest of a brain, but all i can think of is the sex, drugs and rock n roll one which got rejected by admin here.
I love the sex drugs & rock'n'roll one, and also the idea for a summer-themed draft!
Categories for the first 2 are a problem with management.
Eg - Songs about Oral, Songs about Cocaine use.
I cant even think of a way to dress it up to pass censorship