For the purposes of this discussion, I’m going to assume that the Democrats wincontrol of the House of Representatives in November. If they fail to do so, it’s a whole different conversation.
This is bound to be unpopular with a lot of people here, conservatives and liberals alike. Earlier this year, I wrote that, regrettably, the Democrats needed to move on from Pelosi: she was being villainized by the Right, and we needed new, younger faces to lead the party. Over the months I’ve come to reconsider that position, and last night, after I read about a speech Pelosi just gave in which I found myself agreeing with her 100%, I changed my mind completely and am now for her. Here’s what she said:
1. When asked about what her priorities would be after the election, assuming the Democrats win the House, she said, first: lowering health care costs. Second, rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure. Third , resolving the immigration issue. And then she mentioned gun control.
2. When asked how much she would cooperate with the White House, she said she hopes to a lot, on whatever issues they can agree on. She is absolutely opposed to a “scorched earth” policy.
3. When asked about impeachment, she said that until and unless Robert Mueller delivers a clear indictment of the President, it was premature to even discuss it. And she has no interest in impeaching Brett Kavanaugh.
I am convinced that this is the correct way to govern, both for the Democratic Party and the nation. It would only help Trump’s 2020 chances if the Dems go nuclear against him, or if they attempt to impeach him based on murky or unclear evidence (which, let’s face it, would fail in the Senate anyhow.) Of course since climate change is such a big concern I wish she had mentioned it, but she knows that nothing is to be done until and unless Democrats win all 3 houses, which is not going to happen in 2018.
I know people will ask me, why shouldn’t she treat Trump the way that McConnell and the Republicans treated Obama? My answer is: because its bad for the country. It was bad then and it’s bad now. If Trump is willing to work with the Democrats on healthcare, on infrastructure, on immigration, let him. If he refuses let it be on him. This is the way to win in 2020.
This is bound to be unpopular with a lot of people here, conservatives and liberals alike. Earlier this year, I wrote that, regrettably, the Democrats needed to move on from Pelosi: she was being villainized by the Right, and we needed new, younger faces to lead the party. Over the months I’ve come to reconsider that position, and last night, after I read about a speech Pelosi just gave in which I found myself agreeing with her 100%, I changed my mind completely and am now for her. Here’s what she said:
1. When asked about what her priorities would be after the election, assuming the Democrats win the House, she said, first: lowering health care costs. Second, rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure. Third , resolving the immigration issue. And then she mentioned gun control.
2. When asked how much she would cooperate with the White House, she said she hopes to a lot, on whatever issues they can agree on. She is absolutely opposed to a “scorched earth” policy.
3. When asked about impeachment, she said that until and unless Robert Mueller delivers a clear indictment of the President, it was premature to even discuss it. And she has no interest in impeaching Brett Kavanaugh.
I am convinced that this is the correct way to govern, both for the Democratic Party and the nation. It would only help Trump’s 2020 chances if the Dems go nuclear against him, or if they attempt to impeach him based on murky or unclear evidence (which, let’s face it, would fail in the Senate anyhow.) Of course since climate change is such a big concern I wish she had mentioned it, but she knows that nothing is to be done until and unless Democrats win all 3 houses, which is not going to happen in 2018.
I know people will ask me, why shouldn’t she treat Trump the way that McConnell and the Republicans treated Obama? My answer is: because its bad for the country. It was bad then and it’s bad now. If Trump is willing to work with the Democrats on healthcare, on infrastructure, on immigration, let him. If he refuses let it be on him. This is the way to win in 2020.
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