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The Official D'Angelo Williams for MVP thread! (1 Viewer)


I know I know, I think it's crazy too. But seriously, let's look at some numbers and let's decide if DWill should at least be in the discussion of MVP.

ADP - 1413 yards rushing, 9 TDs, 109 yards receiving

Portis - 1260 yards rushing, 7 TDs, 201 yards receiving

Not bad numbers, but now look at DWill's numbers which are just plain crazy!

1144 yards rushing, 13 rushing TDs, 118 yards receiving, 2 receiving TDs

The thing that sticks out the most for me is the fact that DWill has been splitting time with Stewart for a good portion of the year. I seriously think the Panthers would not even be a .500 team without DWill. Tonight, he looked like a BEAST running over defenders and breaking tackles. He honestly has a shot at 20 TDs this year. How can he not AT LEAST be considered the MVP so far in the NFL?

And before people ask, YES I'm a Panther Homer. But if you read my posts at the beginning of the year about DWill, I honestly thought that Stewart would be the main guy by now and NOT DWill. I'm not the only person who felt like that either. This speaks volumes about the kind of season he's had so far.

There are only two players I would maybe consider putting ahead of D'Angelo as MVP's, but they are both QB. That's Brees and Warner. But again, I think it should be closer than people think.

Ok I'm ready to laughed at about DWill as MVP, but I think I've got a good case.

Thoughts... :shock:

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The problem DeAngelo runs into is that if he were to get hurt, his team probably wouldn't miss him that much. He's having a great year, but he's not an MVP candidate. Maybe an offensive player of the year candidate.

What's really impressed me in Carolina is the o-line play. The holes have been there pretty constantly the past several weeks, and this is a young tea on offense(except Delhomme) so this could keep up for a while.

As for NFL MVP, I would think Warner is the front runner.

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Tonight he became the third CAR RB behind Stephen Davis and Anthony Johnson to rush for over 1,000 yards. Seemed kind of amazing to me but it's true. Soon, JStewart will be at that mark as he is in the 700+ yard range right now. CAR will have two 1,000 backs in the backfield and a 1,000 yard WR this year.

I don't think he is a MVP. He put up impressive numbers tonight but so did Stewart. It was the most even RB duel I've seen since they posted damn near identical numbers earlier this year. He is a good RB at this level, so is JStewart. Shame they are both on the same tema but the fact is they compliment each other equally and until something changes DWilliams most certainly does not deserve the MVP this year.

C'mon man

The problem DeAngelo runs into is that if he were to get hurt, his team probably wouldn't miss him that much. He's having a great year, but he's not an MVP candidate. Maybe an offensive player of the year candidate.I would think Warner is the front runner.
Wow, I completely disagree here. We can't predict injuries and the fact is, D'Angelo is NOT hurt and is carrying the Panthers right now, not JStew. Without the Panther running game, they seriously would be in trouble right now, because their defense has been getting lit up for the past month or so. My gut tells me Brees or Warner win the MVP honors, but DWill again AT LEAST deserves consideration.
arguements could be made that Williams isn't even the most valuable player in his own offense. Steve Smith is more important to Carolina's offense than Williams is imo.

MVP is doubtful, but I think he earned his ticket to Hawaii tonight.
Hypothetically speaking, let's just say DWill ends up with 1500 total yards and 20 TDs by the end of the year which is not too far away for him at this point, would he at least get mentioned as an MVP candidate. I know he does not have the fame like ADP, Portis, Warner, and Brees, but statistically speaking, when was the last time a player had stats like that and did not get mentioned as an MVP candidate?
arguements could be made that Williams isn't even the most valuable player in his own offense. Steve Smith is more important to Carolina's offense than Williams is imo.
OK, please make this argument then for 89. He's had a down season if you ask me. 1071 yards and 5 TDs at this point in the season is VERY average to me. DWill is the MVP for the Panthers, and as another poster put it, it's not even close.
He deserves to be in top-5 or 6 consideration, yep.
:mellow: Here's my top 5 as far as MVP through 14 weeks.BreesWarnerDWillADPPortisAgain, I think because he does not have the fame of the other four metioned players, he will miss out on MVP. But numbers wise, I just don't see how you can keep DWill out of the conversation, ESPECIALLY if he keeps up the pace he's at right now.
He deserves to be in top-5 or 6 consideration, yep.
:mellow: Here's my top 5 as far as MVP through 14 weeks.BreesWarnerDWillADPPortisAgain, I think because he does not have the fame of the other four metioned players, he will miss out on MVP. But numbers wise, I just don't see how you can keep DWill out of the conversation, ESPECIALLY if he keeps up the pace he's at right now.
You're forgetting Favre... if the Jets finish strong, he's going to win it. He and Warner are tops right now. Portis is cooling off rapidly, and ADP and Brees may not win it because their teams haven't done all that well.
arguements could be made that Williams isn't even the most valuable player in his own offense. Steve Smith is more important to Carolina's offense than Williams is imo.
OK, please make this argument then for 89. He's had a down season if you ask me. 1071 yards and 5 TDs at this point in the season is VERY average to me. DWill is the MVP for the Panthers, and as another poster put it, it's not even close.
If the Panthers didn't have DWill they would do just fine with JStew as a workhorse. If the Panthers didn't have Steve Smith there would be nothing stopping defenses from putting 9 in the box as Delhomme throwing to Dwayne Jarrett and Mushin Mohammed would scare no one.
If the Panthers didn't have DWill they would do just fine with JStew as a workhorse. If the Panthers didn't have Steve Smith there would be nothing stopping defenses from putting 9 in the box as Delhomme throwing to Dwayne Jarrett and Mushin Mohammed would scare no one.
Bingo. Or take Delhomme away and see how painful the Panthers offense becomes again, like in years past when he went down. Don't get me wrong, Williams is having an outstanding season, but Steve Smith is the Panthers offensive MVP, plain and simple.
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If Carolina runs the table and he keeps getting in the end zone every week, you would have to consider him for MVP.

arguements could be made that Williams isn't even the most valuable player in his own offense. Steve Smith is more important to Carolina's offense than Williams is imo.
OK, please make this argument then for 89. He's had a down season if you ask me. 1071 yards and 5 TDs at this point in the season is VERY average to me. DWill is the MVP for the Panthers, and as another poster put it, it's not even close.
Uhm, SS is on pace for 75/1320/6, and thats missing the first two games. If those are projected with this current stats, he'd be on pace for 85/1508/7.I'd say it's certainly close.IMO there are other RBs that deserve attention before DW. Chris Johnson and Brian Westbrook come to mind, and ADP is probably above DW as well.
I don't think he is a MVP. He put up impressive numbers tonight but so did Stewart. It was the most even RB duel I've seen since they posted damn near identical numbers earlier this year. He is a good RB at this level, so is JStewart. Shame they are both on the same tema but the fact is they compliment each other equally and until something changes DWilliams most certainly does not deserve the MVP this year.
I don't understand the part that it is a shame they are on the same team, unless you just mean for fantasy football reasons. More and more teams are using two RB's these days, which as a Panther fan I am very happy that the Panthers have this duo. As for DeAngelo and Stewart themselves, they enjoy being a duo. I read an article not long ago with DeAngelo, and he said the two have become very close friends, and they love being the two headed monster, and they support each other and make each other better. DeAngelo has two more years remaining on his contract after this year, so I hope we have at least two more years of these two together.
Westy went through a four game stretch where he NEVER topped 61 yards and did not find the end zone. He's a great player, but I just don't think he has put together and MVP type season. Chris Johnson has looked great this year, but the TDs are NOT there for him to be considered and MVP.

DWill has been MUCH MORE consistent than either Westy or CJ3.

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If Carolina runs the table and he keeps getting in the end zone every week, you would have to consider him for MVP.
:shrug: If this happens, he could approach 1500 total yards and 20 TDs. I ask you again. How can these numbers be ignored as a possible MVP candidate? I said it before and I'll say it again. He probably won't get the MVP because he does not have the fame that players like Brees, Warner, and ADP have, but the stats are there!
He deserves to be in top-5 or 6 consideration, yep.
:mellow: Here's my top 5 as far as MVP through 14 weeks.BreesWarnerDWillADPPortisAgain, I think because he does not have the fame of the other four metioned players, he will miss out on MVP. But numbers wise, I just don't see how you can keep DWill out of the conversation, ESPECIALLY if he keeps up the pace he's at right now.
You're forgetting Favre... if the Jets finish strong, he's going to win it. He and Warner are tops right now. Portis is cooling off rapidly, and ADP and Brees may not win it because their teams haven't done all that well.
I think the last 2 weeks have dropped Favre out of the top 5 right now.Losses this year to Oakland, Denver, and San Fran will poor performances IMO, has doomed him.
He deserves to be in top-5 or 6 consideration, yep.
:lmao: Here's my top 5 as far as MVP through 14 weeks.BreesWarnerDWillADPPortisAgain, I think because he does not have the fame of the other four metioned players, he will miss out on MVP. But numbers wise, I just don't see how you can keep DWill out of the conversation, ESPECIALLY if he keeps up the pace he's at right now.
You're forgetting Favre... if the Jets finish strong, he's going to win it. He and Warner are tops right now. Portis is cooling off rapidly, and ADP and Brees may not win it because their teams haven't done all that well.
I think the last 2 weeks have dropped Favre out of the top 5 right now.Losses this year to Oakland, Denver, and San Fran will poor performances IMO, has doomed him.
:goodposting: I was not even going to respond to that suggestion. The Jets are a mess right now, and a lot of has to do with Favre being out of sync with his receivers.
Westy went through a four game stretch where he NEVER topped 61 yards and did not find the end zone. He's a great player, but I just don't think he has put together and MVP type season. Chris Johnson has looked great this year, but the TDs are NOT there for him to be considered and MVP. DWill has been MUCH MORE consistent than either Westy or CJ3.
Dude, there was a 4 game stretch where DWill didn't top 86 yards and didn't find the endzone.Williams 4 game stretch: 86, 31, 27, 54, with 6 catches over this time.Westbrook 4 game stretch: 61, 26, 60, 39, with 14 catches over this time.Was Williams' 4 game stretch really that much, or even better?
Guess who's the #1 ranked fantasy RB now?
Double :lmao: JeffI'm telling you, he has the numbers to be in consideration for MVP. I know how crazy it sounds, but through 14 weeks, you'd be hard pressed to find a better RB than DWill. The stats are there!
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Westy went through a four game stretch where he NEVER topped 61 yards and did not find the end zone. He's a great player, but I just don't think he has put together and MVP type season. Chris Johnson has looked great this year, but the TDs are NOT there for him to be considered and MVP. DWill has been MUCH MORE consistent than either Westy or CJ3.
Dude, there was a 4 game stretch where DWill didn't top 86 yards and didn't find the endzone.Williams 4 game stretch: 86, 31, 27, 54, with 6 catches over this time.Westbrook 4 game stretch: 61, 26, 60, 39, with 14 catches over this time.Was Williams' 4 game stretch really that much, or even better?
"Dude" calm down over there. I love Westy and actually have him on my fantasy team if you look at my sig. What kind of stats would DA put up if he was NOT splitting carries. Westy was not splitting carries through that four game stretch. My point is what he is doing is insane with the amount of touches he's getting. DWill has not had more than 21 carries in a game the whole year.
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Guess who's the #1 ranked fantasy RB now?
Double :goodposting: JeffI'm telling you, he has the numbers to be in consideration for MVP. I know how crazy it sounds, but through 14 weeks, you'd be hard pressed to find a better RB than DWill. The stats are there!
Again, I think you are missing the point of the MVP. As others have posted, it's not about stats it's about who's most valuable to their team. Stewart also looks good when in the game, so I'm with a few of the other posters in saying that the Panthers would do just fine if DWill wasn't in the picture. The same couldn't be said for backs like ADP, LT, Portis, Forte, and QBs like Warner, Brees, and maybe Favre.
Westy went through a four game stretch where he NEVER topped 61 yards and did not find the end zone. He's a great player, but I just don't think he has put together and MVP type season. Chris Johnson has looked great this year, but the TDs are NOT there for him to be considered and MVP. DWill has been MUCH MORE consistent than either Westy or CJ3.
Dude, there was a 4 game stretch where DWill didn't top 86 yards and didn't find the endzone.Williams 4 game stretch: 86, 31, 27, 54, with 6 catches over this time.Westbrook 4 game stretch: 61, 26, 60, 39, with 14 catches over this time.Was Williams' 4 game stretch really that much, or even better?
"Dude" calm down over there. I love Westy and actually have him on my fantasy team if you look at my sig. What kind of stats would DA put up if he was NOT splitting carries. Westy was not splitting carries through that four game stretch. My point is what he is doing is insane with the amount of touches he's getting. DWill has not had more than 21 carries in a game the whole year.
If he wasn't splitting carries he'd probably be out with an injury.
Westy went through a four game stretch where he NEVER topped 61 yards and did not find the end zone. He's a great player, but I just don't think he has put together and MVP type season. Chris Johnson has looked great this year, but the TDs are NOT there for him to be considered and MVP. DWill has been MUCH MORE consistent than either Westy or CJ3.
Dude, there was a 4 game stretch where DWill didn't top 86 yards and didn't find the endzone.Williams 4 game stretch: 86, 31, 27, 54, with 6 catches over this time.Westbrook 4 game stretch: 61, 26, 60, 39, with 14 catches over this time.Was Williams' 4 game stretch really that much, or even better?
"Dude" calm down over there. I love Westy and actually have him on my fantasy team if you look at my sig. What kind of stats would DA put up if he was NOT splitting carries. Westy was not splitting carries through that four game stretch. My point is what he is doing is insane with the amount of touches he's getting. DWill has not had more than 21 carries in a game the whole year.
If he wasn't splitting carries he'd probably be out with an injury.
Yea you're right. We can all predict injuries right? :goodposting:
Guess who's the #1 ranked fantasy RB now?
Double :goodposting: JeffI'm telling you, he has the numbers to be in consideration for MVP. I know how crazy it sounds, but through 14 weeks, you'd be hard pressed to find a better RB than DWill. The stats are there!
Again, I think you are missing the point of the MVP. As others have posted, it's not about stats it's about who's most valuable to their team. Stewart also looks good when in the game, so I'm with a few of the other posters in saying that the Panthers would do just fine if DWill wasn't in the picture. The same couldn't be said for backs like ADP, LT, Portis, Forte, and QBs like Warner, Brees, and maybe Favre.
Except it is about stats.Fans like to use the "take him off the team and what happens" argument all the time...but the stats do matter too...as does winning.
Guess who's the #1 ranked fantasy RB now?
Double :goodposting: JeffI'm telling you, he has the numbers to be in consideration for MVP. I know how crazy it sounds, but through 14 weeks, you'd be hard pressed to find a better RB than DWill. The stats are there!
Again, I think you are missing the point of the MVP. As others have posted, it's not about stats it's about who's most valuable to their team. Stewart also looks good when in the game, so I'm with a few of the other posters in saying that the Panthers would do just fine if DWill wasn't in the picture. The same couldn't be said for backs like ADP, LT, Portis, Forte, and QBs like Warner, Brees, and maybe Favre.
Which RB in Carolina has been dealing with injuries? Without DWill, the Panthers would have to lean on JStew a lot more, and I'm not sold that he could handle the load. He's looked great, don't get me wrong but he's also been dinged up. Do people really think that without DWill the Panthers would still be 10-3? I love Jake, but he has not been playing great football, and DWill has been the one carrying the team.
Guess who's the #1 ranked fantasy RB now?
Double :lmao: JeffI'm telling you, he has the numbers to be in consideration for MVP. I know how crazy it sounds, but through 14 weeks, you'd be hard pressed to find a better RB than DWill. The stats are there!
Again, I think you are missing the point of the MVP. As others have posted, it's not about stats it's about who's most valuable to their team. Stewart also looks good when in the game, so I'm with a few of the other posters in saying that the Panthers would do just fine if DWill wasn't in the picture. The same couldn't be said for backs like ADP, LT, Portis, Forte, and QBs like Warner, Brees, and maybe Favre.
Which RB in Carolina has been dealing with injuries? Without DWill, the Panthers would have to lean on JStew a lot more, and I'm not sold that he could handle the load. He's looked great, don't get me wrong but he's also been dinged up. Do people really think that without DWill the Panthers would still be 10-3? I love Jake, but he has not been playing great football, and DWill has been the one carrying the team.
No, but I think they'd still be 8-5/9-4 and maybe drop a couple games without him. I think taking out the other players I mentioned would hurt their teams quite a bit more. JMO.

Here is the really sad thing: DeAngalo will still be lucky to make the Pro Bowl. Three RBs make it from each conference, and in the NFC, Adrian Peterson is a lock, and I would bet Michael Turner and Clinton Portis would get the nod over DW right now. Players who start hot, like Portis did, usually make it over players who finish hot, like DW, and considering Portis is already an established star, I think Carolina fans had better prepare themselves for Williams not making it, barring an injury.

Here is the really sad thing: DeAngalo will still be lucky to make the Pro Bowl. Three RBs make it from each conference, and in the NFC, Adrian Peterson is a lock, and I would bet Michael Turner and Clinton Portis would get the nod over DW right now. Players who start hot, like Portis did, usually make it over players who finish hot, like DW, and considering Portis is already an established star, I think Carolina fans had better prepare themselves for Williams not making it, barring an injury.
Am I the only one that thinks Portis is not having an MVP season? I just posted his numbers and I am just not that impressed. Plus he's dinged up and not playing well right now. He's done next to NOTHING in four out of the last five games. I would hope that voters see that DWill deserves the Pro Bowl over Portis. I would agree with ADP and Turner though.
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Since 1980, only 8 RB's have won the award:

1985 - Marcus Allen

1991 - Thurman Thomas

1993 - Emmitt Smith

1997 - Barry Sanders (co-MVP w/Favre)

1998 - Terrell Davis

2000 - Marshall Faulk

2005 - Shaun Alexander

2006 - LaDainian Tomlinson

From that list, 6 RB's (Allen, Tomlinson, Faulk, Thomas) accumulated over 2000 Yards From Scrimmage (Davis & Sanders reached 2000 just by rushing). Two set the single season TD mark (Alexander, Tomlinson). And the 2 who did not accumulate 2000 Yards From Scrimmage (Smith & Alexander), accumulated 1900.

Williams' season, while a revelation, simply isn't in the category of previous RB winners to warrant much consideration. At the moment, Williams is 9th in the NFL in YFS. Honestly, I don't know if he really has much merit in the Offensive Player of the Year voting considering there are 2 QB's threatening 5,000 yards passing.

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The problem DeAngelo runs into is that if he were to get hurt, his team probably wouldn't miss him that much. He's having a great year, but he's not an MVP candidate. Maybe an offensive player of the year candidate.

I would think Warner is the front runner.
Wow, I completely disagree here. We can't predict injuries and the fact is, D'Angelo is NOT hurt and is carrying the Panthers right now, not JStew. Without the Panther running game, they seriously would be in trouble right now, because their defense has been getting lit up for the past month or so. My gut tells me Brees or Warner win the MVP honors, but DWill again AT LEAST deserves consideration.
I'm a big fan of D.Williams but I can't go so far as to say MVP. I THINK he is very valuable to his team and I think that if they didn't have him they would be in big trouble. J.Stewart's injury issues this year support that contention. And you are spot on about the spotty defensive play, which many people seem to overlook.But as much as I'd like to estimate his yardage and TD totals if Stewart were not eating into his touches, the fact is Stewart is eating into his touches so we don't know for sure what he'd be doing. I can no more project Stewart's vulturing out of the equation for MVP than I could project a hypothetical injury into it. I agree with you and think that if Stewart wasn't there, D.Williams would be looking at 25 TD's and 2000 total yards. But I don't think you can use that kind of estimation to vote for an MVP.

On a slightly different topic, while the blocking was good last night, there were a couple of runs where Williams flat out made something happen that wasn't really there. I remember on one occasion his breaking a tackle in the backfield immedaitely after getting the handoff and then breaking another tackle at the line before picking up a nice gain. I've said this before, he can't change direction and accelerate like Barry Sanders, but he seems to have that knack for making contact at angles that give him the opportunity to bounce off or run through it.

I know D.Williams made strides this offseason, but he didn't suddenly learn how to run this off season. As happy as Fox is with D.Williams's production this year, he ought to be ashamed of himself for not taking advantage of this talent for the previous two years.

Here is the really sad thing: DeAngalo will still be lucky to make the Pro Bowl. Three RBs make it from each conference, and in the NFC, Adrian Peterson is a lock, and I would bet Michael Turner and Clinton Portis would get the nod over DW right now. Players who start hot, like Portis did, usually make it over players who finish hot, like DW, and considering Portis is already an established star, I think Carolina fans had better prepare themselves for Williams not making it, barring an injury.
Am I the only one that thinks Portis is not having an MVP season? I just posted his numbers and I am just not that impressed. Plus he's dinged up and not playing well right now. He's done next to NOTHING in four out of the last five games. I would hope that voters see that DWill deserves the Pro Bowl over Portis. I would agree with ADP and Turner though.
Portis' hot start will likely give him the edge. No, he hasn't done much lately, but most of the voting is probably already done by now, and Williams wasn't great enough early on to warrant much voting at all, so I think he is gonna have a tough time making it. Forte and Jacobs are NFC RBs who are also gonna miss the Pro Bowl despite having great seasons.
Since 1980, only 8 RB's have won the award:1985 - Marcus Allen1991 - Thurman Thomas1993 - Emmitt Smith1997 - Barry Sanders (co-MVP w/Favre)1998 - Terrell Davis2000 - Marshall Faulk2005 - Shaun Alexander2006 - LaDainian TomlinsonFrom that list, 6 RB's (Allen, Tomlinson, Faulk, Thomas) accumulated over 2000 Yards From Scrimmage (Davis & Sanders reached 2000 just by rushing). Two set the single season TD mark (Alexander, Tomlinson). And the 2 who did not accumulate 2000 Yards From Scrimmage (Smith & Alexander), accumulated 1900.Williams' season, while a revelation, simply isn't in the category of previous RB winners to warrant much consideration. At the moment, Williams is 9th in the NFL in YFS. Honestly, I don't know if he really has much merit in the Offensive Player of the Year voting considering there are 2 QB's threatening 5,000 yards passing.
Since 1980, only 8 RB's have won the award:1985 - Marcus Allen1991 - Thurman Thomas1993 - Emmitt Smith1997 - Barry Sanders (co-MVP w/Favre)1998 - Terrell Davis2000 - Marshall Faulk2005 - Shaun Alexander2006 - LaDainian TomlinsonFrom that list, 6 RB's (Allen, Tomlinson, Faulk, Thomas) accumulated over 2000 Yards From Scrimmage (Davis & Sanders reached 2000 just by rushing). Two set the single season TD mark (Alexander, Tomlinson). And the 2 who did not accumulate 2000 Yards From Scrimmage (Smith & Alexander), accumulated 1900.Williams' season, while a revelation, simply isn't in the category of previous RB winners to warrant much consideration. At the moment, Williams is 9th in the NFL in YFS. Honestly, I don't know if he really has much merit in the Offensive Player of the Year voting considering there are 2 QB's threatening 5,000 yards passing.
:popcorn:I can't argue with this post. Like I said previously, I think it may be Brees or Warner winning it. But DWill has had the best season for a RB so far through 14 weeks. I would at least like to hear his name mentioned as a possible MVP candidate from some of the so called "experts."
Not sure about NFL, but he's hands down the FF MVP IMHO.


* Drafted as mid-late round flier

* 11 total TDs weeks 7-13

* Huge performance (30 points) week 1 of most playoffs

The problem DeAngelo runs into is that if he were to get hurt, his team probably wouldn't miss him that much. He's having a great year, but he's not an MVP candidate. Maybe an offensive player of the year candidate.

I would think Warner is the front runner.
Wow, I completely disagree here. We can't predict injuries and the fact is, D'Angelo is NOT hurt and is carrying the Panthers right now, not JStew. Without the Panther running game, they seriously would be in trouble right now, because their defense has been getting lit up for the past month or so. My gut tells me Brees or Warner win the MVP honors, but DWill again AT LEAST deserves consideration.
I'm a big fan of D.Williams but I can't go so far as to say MVP. I THINK he is very valuable to his team and I think that if they didn't have him they would be in big trouble. J.Stewart's injury issues this year support that contention. And you are spot on about the spotty defensive play, which many people seem to overlook.But as much as I'd like to estimate his yardage and TD totals if Stewart were not eating into his touches, the fact is Stewart is eating into his touches so we don't know for sure what he'd be doing. I can no more project Stewart's vulturing out of the equation for MVP than I could project a hypothetical injury into it. I agree with you and think that if Stewart wasn't there, D.Williams would be looking at 25 TD's and 2000 total yards. But I don't think you can use that kind of estimation to vote for an MVP.

On a slightly different topic, while the blocking was good last night, there were a couple of runs where Williams flat out made something happen that wasn't really there. I remember on one occasion his breaking a tackle in the backfield immedaitely after getting the handoff and then breaking another tackle at the line before picking up a nice gain. I've said this before, he can't change direction and accelerate like Barry Sanders, but he seems to have that knack for making contact at angles that give him the opportunity to bounce off or run through it.

I know D.Williams made strides this offseason, but he didn't suddenly learn how to run this off season. As happy as Fox is with D.Williams's production this year, he ought to be ashamed of himself for not taking advantage of this talent for the previous two years.
Fox biggest fault is that he is too loyal to his players. He stuck with DeShaun Foster for WAY TOO LONG. And last year, there were injuries all over the offensive line, so that's why I feel like the running game struggled. I've always felt DWill has had the talent, but really not give the opportunity. I love what the Panthers are doing though with the running game right now.
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Since 1980, only 8 RB's have won the award:1985 - Marcus Allen1991 - Thurman Thomas1993 - Emmitt Smith1997 - Barry Sanders (co-MVP w/Favre)1998 - Terrell Davis2000 - Marshall Faulk2005 - Shaun Alexander2006 - LaDainian TomlinsonFrom that list, 6 RB's (Allen, Tomlinson, Faulk, Thomas) accumulated over 2000 Yards From Scrimmage (Davis & Sanders reached 2000 just by rushing). Two set the single season TD mark (Alexander, Tomlinson). And the 2 who did not accumulate 2000 Yards From Scrimmage (Smith & Alexander), accumulated 1900.Williams' season, while a revelation, simply isn't in the category of previous RB winners to warrant much consideration. At the moment, Williams is 9th in the NFL in YFS. Honestly, I don't know if he really has much merit in the Offensive Player of the Year voting considering there are 2 QB's threatening 5,000 yards passing.
:goodposting:I can't argue with this post. Like I said previously, I think it may be Brees or Warner winning it. But DWill has had the best season for a RB so far through 14 weeks. I would at least like to hear his name mentioned as a possible MVP candidate from some of the so called "experts."
Williams has certainly emerged, but to say that he clearly has had a better season than Adrian Peterson, Michael Turner, Thomas Jones - even Matt Forte...I couldn't say that. No doubt that over the last 6 weeks he's been on fire and the best RB in the NFL. But to overlook that for the first half of the season, he total 522 rushing yards and 5 TD's...that's a big chunk of the season where he was rather pedestrian.
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I know D.Williams made strides this offseason, but he didn't suddenly learn how to run this off season. As happy as Fox is with D.Williams's production this year, he ought to be ashamed of himself for not taking advantage of this talent for the previous two years.
I disagree here. If you watched DeAngelo his first two years, he did not run with authority and break tackles, and he lacked on blocking. The OL didn't help him or Foster, but still he wasn't improving on things that he should have been. He was fast, but he just lacked improvement on important skills needed to be a great RB in the NFL in all facets. He himself has said that a light came on in him over the offseason, and he worked very hard at becoming the player he knew he could be if he stepped up his game, learned and really worked on what he needed to to get to the next level, and took his job more seriously. His coaches and teammates all said he improved tremendously over the offseason. Drafting Stewart was really the best thing to happen to DeAngelo. DeAngelo said that when that happened he had to become the leader, and pass on things Foster had taught him to Stewart, and in doing so he realized things he himself should have been doing all this time. It was an awakening for him.
Part of it...IMO...is over the last few weeks...the QBs have had their struggles when they had a chance to take charge.

Warner and Brees last week...Romo this week...Favre the last 2 weeks.

Meanwhile Williams is getting hot at the right time and could help lead his team to the #1 seed in the NFC.

Peterson was getting there...then was average against Detroit and fumbled what...4 times (sure, they did not lose them...but still)

Here's another stat that should maybe support DWill's case for MVP.

The guy is averaging a sick 5.4 yards per carry, which is the BEST in the NFL for starting RB's. :hophead:

KarmaPolice said:
laughinboy_2000 said:
Jeff Haseley said:
Guess who's the #1 ranked fantasy RB now?
Double :thumbup: JeffI'm telling you, he has the numbers to be in consideration for MVP. I know how crazy it sounds, but through 14 weeks, you'd be hard pressed to find a better RB than DWill. The stats are there!
Again, I think you are missing the point of the MVP. As others have posted, it's not about stats it's about who's most valuable to their team. Stewart also looks good when in the game, so I'm with a few of the other posters in saying that the Panthers would do just fine if DWill wasn't in the picture. The same couldn't be said for backs like ADP, LT, Portis, Forte, and QBs like Warner, Brees, and maybe Favre.
The problem there is that the Vikings would be OK if ADP goes down (Taylor runs extremely well and catches the ball better). So you can't simply rest the MVP trophy on the "if player X got hurt how would his team do?". For me, MVP probability leans toward the best or most dominant (statistically) player on the best team. So if the Panthers stay at or near the top in the standings in the last few games, and if teams like the Vikings and Saints struggle (hypothetically), I'd like DW's chances over guys like ADP and Brees.

Ghost Rider said:
awesomeness said:
If the Panthers didn't have DWill they would do just fine with JStew as a workhorse. If the Panthers didn't have Steve Smith there would be nothing stopping defenses from putting 9 in the box as Delhomme throwing to Dwayne Jarrett and Mushin Mohammed would scare no one.
Bingo. Or take Delhomme away and see how painful the Panthers offense becomes again, like in years past when he went down. Don't get me wrong, Williams is having an outstanding season, but Steve Smith is the Panthers offensive MVP, plain and simple.
9 in the box? They're going to leave two CB's to cover 2WR's in single coverage with no safety help and let the TE run free if Steve Smith isn't in the game? Comeon. This hyperlative is becoming my pet peeve. Defenses frequently double or help deep on an opponent's best WR, no matter how bad he is. They also frequently cover an opponent's best WR man to man, no matter how good he is. It's determined more by what the D expects the O to do on a given down and distance situation than anything else.In 2003, the Panthers ranked 7th and 18th in rushing and passing yards (respectively) while the Defense ranked 10th in yards allowed and went 11-5.

In 2004, they ranked 28th and 9th and 16th respectively and went 7-9.

In 2005, they ranked 19th and 17th and 5th respectively and went 11-5.

In 2006, they ranked 24th and 15th and 9th respectively and went 8-8.

In 2007 they ranked 14th and 29th and 15th respectively and went 7-9.

In 2008 they rank 9th and 27th and 6th respectively and have gone 10-3.

Smith is a valuable player, but it looks to me like the defense and having a respectable running game does more to rack up wins than it does getting the ball to Steve Smith. Smith had a career best 1500 yards in 2005 and they won 11 games, but yet they went 5-4 in game where he went over 100 yards.

Delhomme is having a average to below average year and hasn't been playing all that well. He's ranked 21st in the league in QB rating and 25th in completion percentage. Even if you give him the benefit of the doubt and say his totals are down due to the improved running game, the efficiency stats aren't indicative of guy playing at a high level. He ranks 19th in attempts but 9th in INT's. That's not so hot.

With the Panthers schedule the next three weeks, let's just say DWill stays healthy and posts these numbers.

Denver - 130 total yards, 2 TDs

NYG - Good Giants D, but so were the Bucs. But let's say 60+ total yards and a score

N.O - again 130 total yards, and two scores.

With those numbers, he would have around 1500 yards and 20 TDs. My point is, these stats for the next three games will get him close to the ridiculous 1500 total yard 20 TD mark I've been hyping him to get. These are MVP type stats, regardless of IF he wins or not. And he WILL BE in the 2009 Pro Bowl as well. He's having a better season statistically than any other RB through 14 weeks.

I know he has no chance to win it but I think Chad Pennington has meant more to the Dolphins than most of the other MVP candidates. He has been stable and put up decent numbers and with out Pennington the Dolphins are a train wreck again instead of playoff bound.

Plus I heard from some guys around here that Williams isn't even better than Deshawn Foster.
:shrug: :rolleyes: WTF!!! That was not called for Sharks! If I had to pick an All-Time Panther that I HATE, it would be DeShaun. All that dude did was dance around in the back field, do the hokie pokie and fall down once a defender or his own player laid a fingernail on him! Getting rid of him I believe is one of the reasons the Panthers are 10-3. Good luck in San Fran DeShaun, and may you never wear a Panther uniform EVER again!
With the Panthers schedule the next three weeks, let's just say DWill stays healthy and posts these numbers.Denver - 130 total yards, 2 TDsNYG - Good Giants D, but so were the Bucs. But let's say 60+ total yards and a scoreN.O - again 130 total yards, and two scores.With those numbers, he would have around 1500 yards and 20 TDs. My point is, these stats for the next three games will get him close to the ridiculous 1500 total yard 20 TD mark I've been hyping him to get. These are MVP type stats, regardless of IF he wins or not. And he WILL BE in the 2009 Pro Bowl as well. He's having a better season statistically than any other RB through 14 weeks.
For me, I guess I have a difficult time believing any RB this year is worthy of the award. Most years, they are simply not.Consider:Of the list I presented above, the average amount of touches/game each RB had was 24.75. Williams is currently at 17.76 a full 7 touches lower than the average. The lowest touch/game figure came from Barry Sanders (23/game) who in his MVP season:1) Broke the magic 2000 rushing yard barrier by averaging 6.1 YPC :goodposting: 2) Shared the award with Brett FavreI think it's been established that 1900 YFS is the bare minimum for MVP consideration and while the 20 TD's would be a healthy figure, typical RB MVP seasons seem to be a 16 week march to greatness and in some cases sports immortaility. There is the feeling that the RB has to put the team on his back and lead them to the play-offs or division championship. I don't think you can say that about Williams even with his great breakthrough season.

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