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***The Official Wikkidpissah Irish Wake Thread*** (1 Viewer)

Charlie Steiner

It's not really my place to start this thread, but then again, whose place is it really.  All I have to offer now is that we need a place to do what we're doing in the other thread but collectively not necessarily sober. In here we will work out a time as well as any other conditions we see fit to put together. This is not just my thread, it's for all who enjoyed and/or benefitted from his presence and posts, so any and all direction and contributions are welcome.

Let's have a wake that wikkid himself will be proud of.


While I'm not trying to set up ground rules, I think what I had in mind when I thought of this thread was that this would be the place where you post when you don't have to get up early the next day and/or you want/need a further outlet beyond the R.I.P. thread.. To that end, I suppose we don't really need an official start time or any other 'rules', other than make it something that wikkid himself would be proud of, and that you probably have to be lubricated in some way to post.

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I have to admit - wikkid was too smart for me or at least had a vocabulary much bigger than mine.  I frequently couldn’t follow his posts but I always still read them.  He always has nuggets of wisdom he would drop at any moment.  

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I have to admit - wikkid was too smart for me or at least had a vocabulary much bigger than mine.  I frequently couldn’t follow his posts but I always still read them.  He always has nuggets of wisdom he would drop at any moment.  
I think I said this to him once, but his style always reminded me of the poet e.e. cummings, and trying to figure out what he was saying was half the fun for me. 

I hope we'll all come back in here after the holiday weekend and hold a proper Irish wake.  We do have the RIP thread, but after some time to process I'm sure we'll all have a lot of stories and remembrances we can share in this thread.  Right now I'm so focused on the idea that I don't think I was a good enough friend to Dale that I can't stop bawling about that.  But with time I'd love to share more about how great a friend he was to me.  And of course also relay some of his best stories, which are frigging legion.  I might @ some of you later to contribute, and I hope you won't mind.

I think I figured out why losing wikkid has affected me more than the other FGBs we've lost over the years...

When you read through the R.I.P. thread, you get a picture of a man who lived to uplift others with every fiber of his being. Not that anyone else who left before him were lesser men, just that with wikkid, you always walked away feeling loved and understood if not connected. I think the greatest tribute to him that we can make is to propagate that same altruism in our own daily lives. To me, the world as it is screams for that treatment but doesn't reward it; like wikkid was to me, we need show others how to push through that and fight that battle because it's the only battle worth fighting.

I regret now not asking him more about his past.  I don't know why but I always had a weird suspicion that he was some famous writer that was here blowing off steam under an alias and didn't want to go too deep into details about his past, other than the love he still carried for his wife.

I know that sounds weird.  

I met dale on a fantasy football board around 2002.  I was a newbie.  I asked dumb questions because I’d just started in fantasy sports.  He took me under his wing.  At one point I started posting last minute injury updates.  I was on the west coast at the time. My first post was like 5 minutes after games had started.  He congratulated me on my late post and we were friends ever since.  Lol

I think I said this to him once, but his style always reminded me of the poet e.e. cummings, and trying to figure out what he was saying was half the fun for me. 
One time we got in a pissing match in the NBA thread and his response to me was just something I could not understand. I told him man I don’t even know what you’re saying to me right now and he re-wrote it in plain English lol 

-Just let it rip, man. Say what you want, let it all out. There's a reason we're all so touched by his loss, and I've come to realization that we will honor him most by letting it all out and taking forward into our lives what he gave us on a magic football message board.
Thank you for this invite. First of all, it’s a big shock. Then, when I think about how much he contributed here. When I think about that, it’s the shock, and then the loss. I really would want him to know how much he was appreciated. By me, personally. And he may not have known me. But I knew him. I knew him.  :cry:

I regret now not asking him more about his past.  I don't know why but I always had a weird suspicion that he was some famous writer that was here blowing off steam under an alias and didn't want to go too deep into details about his past, other than the love he still carried for his wife.

I know that sounds weird.  
Not weird at all. I had/have the same feelings. 

Im also pretty sure Kevin Sheehan, Colin Cowherd and Mick Foley all posted here at one time. 

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Thank you for this invite. First of all, it’s a big shock. Then, when I think about how much he contributed here. When I think about that, it’s the shock, and then the loss. I really would want him to know how much he was appreciated. By me, personally. And he may not have known me. But I knew him. I knew him:cry:
I'm woefully underqualified to have even started this thread, so I'm counting on folks like you to contribute and be willing to open up.  Thanks for rounding out the picture even more.

To me, the volume of his posts is second to the content, to which I've elaborated recently. 

I bolded part of your post because I think this is a salient point about wikkid as a person IRL. He certainly doesn't have the most posts here by a long shot, but like I said a few posts above, it was what he did in those posts that made all the difference. You knew him because he allowed you (and us) to know him, because (I'm guessing here) that he inferred that by allowing himself to be known by others, they would feel a connection to him. @krista4 shared this quote from him in the other thread:

happiness is simple, cheri. not always easy, but simple, it has existed as an entity since larger mammals gave themselves catbaths in the shade after a filling kill. there's only one thing you have to do to make joy always possible - keep enough of a path clear thru life's turbulence for it to land. the simplest way to do that is to reach out every time you wanna hunker down. find & mollify/satisfy someone else's trouble is the best way to stay clear of one's own. our forum gives me plenty folk to encourage, excite to their possibilities thru words. i am as thrilled by it as me Da is by new snow.

I bolded the parts that stand out most to me, because they are things that you can do regardless of your station in life, and now at his passing, we can see that was a common thread in all of his posts. That's why he let us know him, and I believe the greatest goal of letting us know him.

I am far from a prolific poster on these boards, but I remember my first DM exchange with Wikkid. He had posted about a dalliance he had back in the day with a B list celebrity. He didn’t name names, but he gave a few of the actress’s credits as a clue in the post. I was pretty sure I knew who the celebrity was, so I PMed Wikkid. His response was simply “!!!!” For a man that had many lengthy posts filled with language that painted vivid, vibrant pictures, he communicated all he had to using only punctuation. 

That and a PM from Ditkaless Wonders calling jokes I made in some posts “top shelf and excellent work” made me think maybe there was a place for me in the FFA.

The FFA lost a great one in wikkidpissah.

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Not weird at all. I had/have the same feelings. 

Im also pretty sure Kevin Sheehan, Colin Cowherd and Mick Foley all posted here at one time. 
I don't think I know who Sheehan and Foley are, but I'm also convinced that Cowherd used to at least lurk here. Some of the things he discussed on his old ESPN Radio show were just too close to posts in hot threads here. I could never pair him with a specific poster, though.

Same with Steve Czaban.

Thank you for this invite. First of all, it’s a big shock. Then, when I think about how much he contributed here. When I think about that, it’s the shock, and then the loss. I really would want him to know how much he was appreciated. By me, personally. And he may not have known me. But I knew him. I knew him.  :cry:
Beautiful post.

I’ve tried to tell myself all day that, even if we didn’t fully express our love for him, he knew of it.  And really, he was so wise and attuned to each of us that it’s reasonable to believe he did.

Like many here, I've had a bunch of personal interactions with Dale over the years. Some random stuff:

1. He was a huge help to me when I had my first cancer diagnosis 11-12 years ago (as many others here were, too). He PMed me out of the blue and offered up some really good thoughts that helped me get my mind right.

2. I would be both thrilled and terrified when I'd see he had quoted a post of mine :lol:

3. Our last set of PMs was from around this time last year (and the only one I still have, dammit). He had mentioned in some thread a British TV series called Unforgotten that PBS was airing here in the States. I binged it and wrote him with thanks for turning me onto the show. As you guys can attest through your own experiences, that conversation took about eleventy billion turns. Anyway, at one point he wrote this:

i never wanted to write, i could just always come up w sumn when somebody asked me. the closest i came to taking it seriously was, not long after i "retired" from it in my late 20s, i was dating a college girl who, during pillow talk, asked me about a story i had told at a dinner party earlier in the evening. without boring you w the deets, i concluded my remarks by telling her "the most interesting part of every person lies in how they are haunted". she found that fascinating, which was great cuz i was trying to be fascinating.

a few months after our relationship had run its course (it always did in those days) i get a very fuzzy phone call (in the days when long-distance calls often sounded fuzzy from this gal). turns out she was a very rich college girl, was now studying in France and, on a holiday on the Cote D'Azur, she saw a house that made her think about me. 

"how so?", i asked

"i just could see you there, writing about how people are haunted. if i buy it, will you come and write the Great American Novel here?"

after asking if it wouldnt then be the Great French Novel, i spent three of the strangest days of my life cogitating upon that astounding proposal before telegramming her my grateful decline. wish i'd been up to it.

One of the things I'm going to miss about Wikkid is his absence from the RIP folder.  He very often knew the celeb who had died or had some recollection of them.  It's like he freaking knew everybody.  How the hey did he do that?  I guess he made the time for that.

I'm glad he made the time for us.

(Also, I will be posting stone cold sober.  I just don't drink that much.)

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I have to admit - wikkid was too smart for me or at least had a vocabulary much bigger than mine.  I frequently couldn’t follow his posts but I always still read them.  He always has nuggets of wisdom he would drop at any moment.  
Same exact for me.  loved his posts & his style.

He lived a most interesting life. Mr. CIA is going to compile his posts in some sort of Google doc I believe. A few title suggestions perhaps?

The Wild World of Wikkidpissah

The Book of Wikkid Wisdom

A Bird's Eye View

He lived a most interesting life. Mr. CIA is going to compile his posts in some sort of Google doc I believe. A few title suggestions perhaps?

The Wild World of Wikkidpissah

The Book of Wikkid Wisdom

A Bird's Eye View

In one of these threads somebody had a good name - Wikkidpedia

One of the things I'm going to miss about Wikkid is his absence from the RIP folder.  He very often knew the celeb who had died or had some recollection of them.  It's like he freaking knew everybody.  How the hey did he do that?  I guess he made the time for that.

I'm glad he made the time for us.

(Also, I will be posting stone cold sober.  I just don't drink that much.)
Just dawned on me he won’t get to see how the Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad series ends. He spent thousands of words in those threads admiring the writing and how well put together those shows are, especially compared to other shows. There were only a handful of episodes left. 

That sucks. 

Hey y'all,

I'll kick off this not-so-mini-project of scraping the forums for all Wikkid's nuggets and boulders in the next day or two.  First, @Joe Bryant, does the forum software have a feature that will all you to export all posts by username.  If not, cool. I'm approaching this as a labor of love,  but an easy button is always welcome.  Or, if there's a python or PHP nerd with a script in their hip pocket for scraping web content selectively, holler.  Probably not.

For more than a minute last night I asked myself how I can I pull this off, but I think I figured out a method, and it relies on the "show content" to maintain integrity and show the same results all the time - 560 pages of results (25 per page). For purposes of gathering everything, I'll create separate docs for each page of results (560 docs!) and begin to copy/paste 25 posts per. Obviously I'll enlist the help of anyone who wishes to help, and I'll fire up a spreadsheet to track each block of 25.

That's the first step, gather everything. Next will  be formatting, and deciding whether to include back and forth dialog between fellow posters, and deciding how to group and partition posts. Maybe separate out sports comments, obituary comments, thoughts on happiness, and course all the trials and tribulations, and especially Mary.  Also will figure out the inclusion of email exchanges, PMs, etc.

Last will be how to stitch it altogether - a massive PDF, a WordPress site, or a Wiki (wikkidpedia, obviously).  I may not be the guy for this leg of the journey. 

My next steps are to build out the empty docs, create the tracking spreadsheet, get good at sharing permissions to docs, and making backups of everything, and making sure someone has access to it all should I jump in front of a bus.  I have never done anything like this, and I promise to welcome all tips and suggestions (and cleverly crafted criticisms).

Full disclosure: I'm about to kick off a huge project at work (one of two people under the spotlight) that will consume most of my remaining 2022; I have to help some one move this week; and, I have to go back to Verizon and beg their forgiveness for switching to a really ###### carrier. Once things are rolling though, I'll do my level best to chip away a little each day.

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Hey y'all,

I'll kick off this not-so-mini-project of scraping the forums for all Wikkid's nuggets and boulders in the next day or two.  First, @Joe Bryant, does the forum software have a feature that will all you to export all posts by username.  If not, cool. I'm approaching this as a labor of love,  but an easy button is always welcome.  Or, if there's a python or PHP nerd with a script in their hip pocket for scraping web content selectively, holler.  Probably not.

For more than a minute last night I asked myself how I can I pull this off, but I think I figured out a method, and it relies on the "show content" to maintain integrity and show the same results all the time - 560 pages of results (25 per page). For purposes of gathering everything, I'll create separate docs for each page of results (560 docs!) and begin to copy/paste 25 posts per. Obviously I'll enlist the help of anyone who wishes to help, and I'll fire up a spreadsheet to track each block of 25.

That's the first step, gather everything. Next will  be formatting, and deciding whether to include back and forth dialog between fellow posters, and deciding how to group and partition posts. Maybe separate out sports comments, obituary comments, thoughts on happiness, and course all the trials and tribulations, and especially Mary.  Also will figure out the inclusion of email exchanges, PMs, etc.

Last will be how to stitch it altogether - a massive PDF, a WordPress site, or a Wiki (wikkidpedia, obviously).  I may not be the guy for this leg of the journey. 

My next steps are to build out the empty docs, create the tracking spreadsheet, get good at sharing permissions to docs, and making backups of everything, and making sure someone has access to it all should I jump in front of a bus.  I have never done anything like this, and I promise to welcome all tips and suggestions (and cleverly crafted criticisms).

Full disclosure: I'm about to kick off a huge project at work (one of two people under the spotlight) that will consume most of my remaining 2022; I have to help some one move this week; and, I have to go back to Verizon and beg their forgiveness for switching to a really ###### carrier. Once things are rolling though, I'll do my level best to chip away a little each day.
Mentioned to you by PM, but I remain here to help.  Once you’re ready, assign me as many pages as you’d like.  Thanks again for leading this.

I regret now not asking him more about his past.  I don't know why but I always had a weird suspicion that he was some famous writer that was here blowing off steam under an alias and didn't want to go too deep into details about his past, other than the love he still carried for his wife.

I know that sounds weird.  
I always thought the same thing. 

Just dawned on me he won’t get to see how the Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad series ends. He spent thousands of words in those threads admiring the writing and how well put together those shows are, especially compared to other shows. There were only a handful of episodes left. 

That sucks. 
no fear cappy he now already knows exactly how it ends  take that to the bank bromigo

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I'm still in shock and lost today.  Cancelled all my plans for the day so that I can just sit with this instead.  It's too hard for me to read and post about some of our emails, so I'm sticking with the lighter ones for now.   I think food posts are appropriate at this Irish wake!

Inspired by some of Dale's posts in @Eephus's foodapalooza draft, this spring I sent him a couple of packages.  The first was from Portillo's - Italian beef and sausage combos.  The second was an amalgamation of various desserts he'd mentioned in his stories - biscotti, cheesecake, and cannoli.  These all happened to arrive at the same time that his sister was visiting for Easter.  I'm taking some solace today in the sheer joy he had in eating this stuff and his ability to share that love.  Hope you guys will enjoy reading these, too.

When the Portillo's arrived:

you one crazy mammajamma! check that - you one crazy GREAT mammajamma!!

i guessed it might be sumn like this, because you are soooo connected to the Windy City, but i never imagined the extent one could go to post an entire food experience. get this - the instructions go so far as to instruct the assembler to place the sausage in the roll "smile side up". ima change my will to instruct my survivors to bury me similarly...it's immaculate, and i mean that in the holy, rather than anal-retentive way. ima be smilin' all day tomorrow, if i can put it together for us right.. eternal thanks -

do you know who Aaron Russo is? as i slobber my way thru the beef, ima try to trigger my memory and reassemble that single day outta this entire life that i spent in Chicago. i've never told the story and it's been 48 or so years, so i'm hoping that jardiniere acts as Proust's madeleine in reconstructing the particulars. i should think you'd know who he was if not knew him personally with your orientation, but i wanted to check to know how much to fill you in.

it was worth almost half a century of Italian Combo celibacy to work myself into a condition to appreciate the utter magnanimity of this act. i hope its not sexist to say that you're an angel. i will check back with a full belly and the story.  :heart:  

Later, when he shared them with his family:

awwww, maaaan. to see the entire family lean in unison - Rockettes of gluttony - into our combos was almost as delicious as the beef itself. it lit up more of me ol' Da's six remaining taste buds than anything has in years. we went semi-dipped (fortunately i toasted the rolls enough to hold up to the first coupla bites). even Sis allowed me to serve hers a lil wet. a resounding success! 

p.s. and enough stuff for me to solo for most the rest of the week. the only thing Portillo's forgot was resuscitation paddles. thx ever so...

Enjoying with Better Call Saul, @Capella!  "Bun fugitives" is one of my favorite turns of wikkid phrase ever.

yeesh - dense wkend. because we are halfway between both Boston/NYC and the family seat (Newport VT, up on the Canada border), we get a lot of people come by on the way back & forth from holiday visits. Sis has a cold, so i did all the hosting for four separate drop-ins, only one of which was expected. everybody's gone now, so i'm going to prepare my 4th sammich from your gift to sit down with to the final-season premiere of Better Call Saul tonite. I think i'll make this a just beef so it'll be less fallapartie in front of the tube. just juicy bites and spoonsful of tasty bun fugitives. mmmmmm!

And the best part, when the desserts arrived:

you one crazy #####, Krista, Esq! 

me ol' Da is STILL laughing up there and he doesnt laugh about anything but imprudent bodily emissions. in two boxes, you re-created a Puleo Sunday we havent experienced since the 60s (Sis dont even remember em, they were so long ago), right down to the goodies inside the pastry cream and the "dunkin' biskits" (Da) & almond candies in the biscotti pkg and then hooked it up to me Ma with the 3rd box cheesecake she was so thiefproud to have appropriated "from Lindy's". there were tears in his eyes at one point - not sure if it was a function of nostalgia or bewilderment that any would be this nice to his son - and we three adult-onset diabetics were spinning around the kitchen, dunkin & stuffing & crunching to a point juuuust short of hypergycemic coma. your wand has made magic, Sweet Angel - thx ever so..

More dessert investigation:

a sensory experience resulting from your most recent gift:

the cannoli are incendiary - real pastry for the tubes (in case you havent had them) - que rico the cheesecake, and a wonderful assortment of biscotti. when i unpacked the latter, however, i noticed a number of small, dark lumps among the exquisitely formed, filled & frosted other members of the package. filler? couldnt be, not among such an assortment.

so, for some reason, i first used my old Irish schnozz to investigate. the sesame hinted at a more demure sweetness than the others. i sensed they were for tea and that i knew why.

i'm a coffee person all the way, but me ol' Ma wasnt. sure enough, there was still a packet of Bewley's in the cupboard. i quickly realized it would now have to be at least two years old but there would be no guarantee of any local store offering anything better. if Ma hadnt given her bone china to an admiring family member, i would have trotted that out, but a ceramic pot would have to do. the old sterling strainer was still in its place tho and i brewed and poured a cuppa. a bite and a sip instantly confirmed my suspicion of why they'd be so skippable on the platter. they were for the baker, so she could fulfill her Catholic duty of offering her best to all, but these be most likely to be available for her solitary enjoyment after family and guests were done. sure enough, these unprepossessing nuggets were the most, smoky, gentle, round & fulfilling bites in the box and i only stopped in order to enjoy them as many times as i could. ah, the ways of those who made us....

Finishing up:

well, the Portillos pkg is finally a memory - and a grand one. i decided about halfway thru that wet beefs were better than combos that sog around the sausage tube, so i had 3 beefs then 3 sassage/jardiniere sammiches to close it out. i cant even say that if i lived in Chicago i would weigh 300 pounds, because that would mean i lost 50. but it was exceptional to have such a food joy at a time when there are so few others available.

i still have biscotti. i made another pot o' tea and imagined a Mama Puleo i never saw - sitting in that Gothic dining room, savoring quiet, sesame respite...

i LOVE the way biscotti degrade. the pkg from the bakery was more airtight than the way i'm able to keep them. some get more stubborn & stiff, some relax into a sconey ennui. no stage of staleness is uninteresting. Italian food is always interesting.

anyway, thx again for brining my buds with all those elements of flavor.. umami :heart:  

I'll post his Chicago story separately, since this post is pretty long already.  :heart:  

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Here's the Chicago story:

"so far, four beefs/combos have not triggered memories of the only Chicago day of my lifetime as i had hoped. it certainly was a heady thing at the time - my first real business trip.

by way of background,i had gotten into showbiz cuz my gf pimped me into putting together a benefit for one of her endless causes and it turned out to be an unprecedented event, catching the eye of Bonnie Raitt's mgr, who'd attended. he wanted an outdoor-event element to his company, but didnt know what to do with the fact that the promoter of this 11.000-antendee inner-city concert wasnt 19yo yet. my sound guy was older but he was just a tech nerd who'd built his own revolutionary PA system. we were contracted to Avalon but, by the time he trusted us the outdoor season was pretty much over

then the sound guy tried to run a play over my head to be the face of our non-existent company. he was so bad at it that it was gonna sink both our chances

my response was to try to "sell" my sound guy to Avalon for my own chance to join the company. that saved both our asses (tho it broke us up) and i found myself on the road with an Avalon client, Orleans, who opened for Bonnie. i needed to show my value in that milieu before the next outdoor concert season would prove how actually little i knew about staging festival events. that's when i found out how ruinous the cost of drug use was to tours and innovated a solution that gave me my own status in the company (and hella kickbacks from drug dealers).

But i always looked for other ways to cement myself. Turns out my boss was political, Bonnie was political, the leader of Orleans was political (2-term Congressman after his music career). And it turns out they respected that my entire CV was having promoted a benefit for Zero Population Growth. we talked long nights on the road about the possibility of touring in front of causes so, while they were busy entertaining, i started making calls. the guy making the most noise on the subject was club-owner-turned-personal-manager named Aaron Russo. Turns out a political friend of John knew him so some calls were made and i was flown to Chicago to change the world.

i was picked up by Aaron's guy (also named Aaron, oddly enough - i think he had managed local legends The Flock) @ OHare and it was he who took me to a place i dont know the name of but remember as little more than a hotdog stand for my first Italian beef. We bounced around Skokie a lilbit in what i thought was the attempt to connect me w Russo, but i really couldnt tell you (it's these events i was hoping the experience you provided would jog my memory on). we ended up at a restaurant, then at a club to see either Siegel or Schwall - dont know if you heard of them but they were big in their day - they'd just broken up, and then at another club that was kinda Russo's clubhouse, where we finally met the Great Man. He was one of those guys who convinced you that each moment was gonna change the world someday and i was kinda swept up in it and just hoped that i represented my peeps and their concerns well. i'm kinda glad that the beef had sat so thickly inside me so i didnt imbibe anywhere near as much as they wanted me to, which included adrenochrome (one of the first designer drugs, made famous by Hunter Thompson,which had been synthesized by a Chicago psychiatrist who traumatized the adrenal glands of mental patients to get it),.

i was fortunately sound enough the next afternoon to ask Aaron2 to take me for another beef, which is when he introduced me to the Combo, on the way back to the airport. never had another Chicago combo til the ones you sent me. i left that org within a yr and i dont know if my machinations had any effect on this but the first big political concert after George's Bangladesh was John & Bonnie's No Nukes 1979 concert - a great success and the best live album you never heard. and that's that" 

Link that he sent along with it.

This does sound awesome.  I'm not sure I can afford the calories.  And all I can send in return is BBQ.  So much BBQ.

Hmm.  I wonder if Conan's Pizza ships.

As soon as I sent all that food, I regretted it because I realized he'd been battling health issues for which that was not going to be a help.  I realized this and told him he could ignore what I had sent him.  He was, of course, gracious and told me that, other than quitting smoking, he'd never edited his intake of anything for health purposes, leaving me with a directive to "stuff me like a goose, baby!"  And to a later note when we were discussing his health, he added this:  "p.s. it surprised me, in light of your generous recent tributes to my tastebuds & waistline, that i had not gained but lost a little poundage at this wk's weigh-in. good food cant hurt you. tata"

So you might lose weight if I send you anything.  ;)  

I'll post his Chicago story separately, since this post is pretty long already.  :heart:  
That really made me hungry. I just did a search of the chicago italian beef and sausage combo to look at pictures. It looks good!

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I'm still in shock and lost today.  Cancelled all my plans for the day so that I can just sit with this instead.  It's too hard for me to read and post about some of our emails, so I'm sticking with the lighter ones for now.   I think food posts are appropriate at this Irish wake!

Inspired by some of Dale's posts in @Eephus's foodapalooza draft, this spring I sent him a couple of packages.  The first was from Portillo's - Italian beef and sausage combos.  The second was an amalgamation of various desserts he'd mentioned in his stories - biscotti, cheesecake, and cannoli.  These all happened to arrive at the same time that his sister was visiting for Easter.  I'm taking some solace today in the sheer joy he had in eating this stuff and his ability to share that love.  Hope you guys will enjoy reading these, too.

When the Portillo's arrived:

Later, when he shared them with his family:

Enjoying with Better Call Saul, @Capella!  "Bun fugitives" is one of my favorite turns of wikkid phrase ever.

And the best part, when the desserts arrived:

More dessert investigation:

Finishing up:

I'll post his Chicago story separately, since this post is pretty long already.  :heart:  
There is so much about this post that I love. You and wikkid made a combo that rivals the Italian Beef and Sausage: wit, graciousness and the milk of human kindness.

I would gladly read anything that man ever wrote. He told me about two of the novels he worked on and then quit writing. They sounded, of course, amazing. WIsh he had written them because he was among the most gifted talents I have ever had the pleasure of reading.


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