The general premise here is to redo the Oscars for Best Picture and get it right. The Academy has had some real clunkers (Crash, Driving Miss Daisy, etc.) So with hindsight on our side, let’s get it right. I will serve as the Academy and choose which 6ish movies are nominated. You, the FBGuys and FBGals will vote for your winner.
Now, this is also a veiled vanity project where I really just give my own personal Best Picture award. At the end of each voting period, I will reveal my winner for Best Picture. During the thread, there is room for all you to sway me to your side.
I am aware that the most frequent comment will be “why didn’t you include ____?” and “can I write in____?” I welcome the bashing but once the nominations are announced, it’s final. My nominations will attempt to mimic how the Academy actually works. This won’t be Best Superhero/Bond/Rambo movie. There won’t be any documentaries and very rarely will a foreign or animated film get nominated. Nothing against them, it’s just not how the Oscars go. This is meant as an Oscar do-over and not a total re-imagining of the Oscars. Here is my general guide for nominations:
The Test of Time Rule aka The Tom Jones Rule: I don’t care how wildly popular a movie was when it was released if it just doesn’t hold up at all then it is out.
The Other Test of Time Rule aka The Blade Runner Rule: If a movie wasn’t a commercial success or a major critical darling during its original release but has since become a classic, it is the exact kind of movie I want to nominate.
The Entertainment Factor aka The Cimarron Factor: No matter how successful, popular or even groundbreaking a film was, it has to be entertaining.
The Power of Influence aka The Power of Star Wars: Even if a movie is a bit flawed, it will get major bonus points if it made a lasting impression on the future of films.
Zeitgeist Factor aka The Black Panther Factor: While being timeless is great, it is also important to find movies that capture the spirit of their time.
It will be done in 2-year increments to keep the convo somewhat focused. I am starting with the 90s since it’s a fun decade and one where most of us are likely to have seen most of the movies. Also just to make things easier, I am sorting the years by the year the movies came out and now when the Oscars were held. Technically the 1991 Oscars honored the best of 1990, but there is no need to complicate things IMO.
1990 and 1991
Write-Up and Final Polling Results
FBG and Ilov80s 1990: Goodfellas,
FBG and Ilov80s 1991: Silence of the Lambs
1992 and 1993
Write-Up and Final Polling Results
FBG and Ilov80s 1992: Unforgiven
FBG and Ilov80s 1993: Schindler's List
1994 and 1995
Write-up and Final Polling Results
1994 FBG: Pulp Fiction, Ilov80s: Shawshank Redemption
1995 FBG: The Usual Suspects, Ilov80s: Toy Story
1996 and 1997
Write-up and Final Polling Results
FBG and Ilov80s 1996: Fargo
FBG and Ilov80s 1997: Goodwill Hunting
1998 and 1999
Write-up and Final Polling Results
1998 FBG: Saving Private Ryan, and Ilov80s: The Truman Show
1999 FBG: Fight Club, Ilov80s: Being John Malkovich
Now, this is also a veiled vanity project where I really just give my own personal Best Picture award. At the end of each voting period, I will reveal my winner for Best Picture. During the thread, there is room for all you to sway me to your side.
I am aware that the most frequent comment will be “why didn’t you include ____?” and “can I write in____?” I welcome the bashing but once the nominations are announced, it’s final. My nominations will attempt to mimic how the Academy actually works. This won’t be Best Superhero/Bond/Rambo movie. There won’t be any documentaries and very rarely will a foreign or animated film get nominated. Nothing against them, it’s just not how the Oscars go. This is meant as an Oscar do-over and not a total re-imagining of the Oscars. Here is my general guide for nominations:
The Test of Time Rule aka The Tom Jones Rule: I don’t care how wildly popular a movie was when it was released if it just doesn’t hold up at all then it is out.
The Other Test of Time Rule aka The Blade Runner Rule: If a movie wasn’t a commercial success or a major critical darling during its original release but has since become a classic, it is the exact kind of movie I want to nominate.
The Entertainment Factor aka The Cimarron Factor: No matter how successful, popular or even groundbreaking a film was, it has to be entertaining.
The Power of Influence aka The Power of Star Wars: Even if a movie is a bit flawed, it will get major bonus points if it made a lasting impression on the future of films.
Zeitgeist Factor aka The Black Panther Factor: While being timeless is great, it is also important to find movies that capture the spirit of their time.
It will be done in 2-year increments to keep the convo somewhat focused. I am starting with the 90s since it’s a fun decade and one where most of us are likely to have seen most of the movies. Also just to make things easier, I am sorting the years by the year the movies came out and now when the Oscars were held. Technically the 1991 Oscars honored the best of 1990, but there is no need to complicate things IMO.
1990 and 1991
Write-Up and Final Polling Results
FBG and Ilov80s 1990: Goodfellas,
FBG and Ilov80s 1991: Silence of the Lambs
1992 and 1993
Write-Up and Final Polling Results
FBG and Ilov80s 1992: Unforgiven
FBG and Ilov80s 1993: Schindler's List
1994 and 1995
Write-up and Final Polling Results
1994 FBG: Pulp Fiction, Ilov80s: Shawshank Redemption
1995 FBG: The Usual Suspects, Ilov80s: Toy Story
1996 and 1997
Write-up and Final Polling Results
FBG and Ilov80s 1996: Fargo
FBG and Ilov80s 1997: Goodwill Hunting
1998 and 1999
Write-up and Final Polling Results
1998 FBG: Saving Private Ryan, and Ilov80s: The Truman Show
1999 FBG: Fight Club, Ilov80s: Being John Malkovich
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