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The price of embracing right wing media (1 Viewer)

Ignorance and conspiracy theory sells. You’d think the fact that DJT got vaccinated and bragged about the vaccine development all being because of him that his most devout followers would follow his lead. Instead we get these wing nuts touting that their refusal to vaccinate is their personal freedom while also whining that their freedoms were being taken away by being forced to wear masks and work from home. 
City of Detroit that is 99% blue has one of the lowest vaccination rates.  Ford Field was capable of 6K vaccines a day and you could just walk in. Also they were offering rides to any in need and giving a 50 dollar gift car to anyone who drove a person. They ended up shutting it down because there were giving less than a thousand a day.  Also my daughters has friends who bleed blue who have been anti-vaccers and refuse any type of vaccines.

So whatever your politics are getting any type of vaccine is a personal choice.

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Technically, the quote was You will not replace us, it had nothing to do with Jews.  It had to do with eliminating their southern heritage by taking down the statues.  Yes, there were white nationalists groups which had a significant presence there, but don't distort it.
The point being it was not about the murder - as was the comparison to Chicago last week.  And the presence of white supremacists was the trigger to that event

😆 Let him go - he’s on a roll.
Not really.. My reference to Charlottesville is exactly what it was…about the mass gathering of white supremacists…and yeah it did result in a death.  It was a big deal and wasnt just some isolated thing when it comes to white supremacy.  The FBI and DHS apparently agree with me.

You can make snarky comments and laugh…or you can address my post questioning you.

The Left has shamelessly butchered the truth of this story in order to score political points.  But that’s what the Left does.  I think most people just accept that fact today and don’t expect any better.  
In what was was it butchered?

The Left has shamelessly butchered the truth of this story in order to score political points.  But that’s what the Left does.  I think most people just accept that fact today and don’t expect any better.  
Ironically, you are butchering the story comparing it to chicago

According to them, the FBI said it first, so what Biden and others on the Left said afterwards is somehow nullified.  😆
No, according to the facts, the FBI and DHS labeled it the greatest security threat.  Biden has repeated that…which is not the same as what job claimed. “White Supremacy is the biggest problem facing the nation.”

See the difference?  And how the statement  has been changed to bash “the left” and complain about the media mischaracterizing things.

Ironically, you are butchering the story comparing it to chicago
And butchering the threat of white supremacy quotes and topic to bash the left and media.  Doing exactly what they are complaining about…mischaracterizing things to bash the other side.

This is becoming a scary MO regarding the more extreme right and accepting truth.  How do you have discussions or debate with someone that just dismisses sources if they are not printed in OAN, Breitbart, or one of the other echo chambers they get their news from.  

I was discussing vaccinations with someone and pointed to an article that shows that over 99% of the deaths in the US in May from Covid, occurred in unvaccinated people.  This came from the AP and they got their information by analyzing the data from the CDC.  Of the 18,000 Covid deaths in May, only 150 occurred in fully vaccinated people.  The person who I was having this discussion refused to believe that statistic, despite it being in numerous publications.  It did not fit 'their' truth, so they just dismissed it as 'fake' news.  We are living in strange times.

This is becoming a scary MO regarding the more extreme right and accepting truth.  How do you have discussions or debate with someone that just dismisses sources if they are not printed in OAN, Breitbart, or one of the other echo chambers they get their news from.  

I was discussing vaccinations with someone and pointed to an article that shows that over 99% of the deaths in the US in May from Covid, occurred in unvaccinated people.  This came from the AP and they got their information by analyzing the data from the CDC.  Of the 18,000 Covid deaths in May, only 150 occurred in fully vaccinated people.  The person who I was having this discussion refused to believe that statistic, despite it being in numerous publications.  It did not fit 'their' truth, so they just dismissed it as 'fake' news.  We are living in strange times.
I don’t dismiss the truth.  Just the opposite.  I don’t spit out nonsense like “white supremacy is the single greatest threat facing the country”.  That’s just insane.  

The Right not getting vaccinated is sheer stupidity brought in by distrust of the Liberal media.  I don’t see anyone defending that in here.

This is becoming a scary MO regarding the more extreme right and accepting truth.  How do you have discussions or debate with someone that just dismisses sources if they are not printed in OAN, Breitbart, or one of the other echo chambers they get their news from.  

I was discussing vaccinations with someone and pointed to an article that shows that over 99% of the deaths in the US in May from Covid, occurred in unvaccinated people.  This came from the AP and they got their information by analyzing the data from the CDC.  Of the 18,000 Covid deaths in May, only 150 occurred in fully vaccinated people.  The person who I was having this discussion refused to believe that statistic, despite it being in numerous publications.  It did not fit 'their' truth, so they just dismissed it as 'fake' news.  We are living in strange times.
The scariest thing is you believe it is only the right which is misinformed by their sources.  It is no different than having inner city minorities who fear police more than they fear gangs because of just how grossly distorted the news coverage is.

Ironically, you are butchering the story comparing it to chicago

If there are a thousand stories of violence, but only the few stories which the media cares to report and emphasize are those which white people/cops are the culprits, it creates this reality in the minds of the viewers that root of all evil is the white man/police.   This has been going on for the last decade and it is creating this environment where those on the right despise and distrust the media and those on the left see whites as the problem.  

We are wasting our time with these propagandists.  These are the same people who insist that nothing can be attributed to Black Lives Matter since there isn’t any formal membership.
You are working off a poll that again distinctly talked about domestic terrorism.  You two are doing exactly what you are complaining the media does…misrepresenting facts to fit an agenda.

To cal other people propagandists while you do this is laughable.

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You are working off a poll that again distinctly talked about domestic terrorism.  You two are doing exactly what you are complaining the media does…misrepresenting facts to fit an agenda.

To cal other people propagandists while you do this is laughable.
You are seriously making hay and hanging your hat over the semantics of 'problem' vs. 'threat'?  It is also funny that you don't respond to me by responding to others about what I said.  That is what is laughable.  

Not really.. My reference to Charlottesville is exactly what it was…about the mass gathering of white supremacists…and yeah it did result in a death.  It was a big deal and wasnt just some isolated thing when it comes to white supremacy.  The FBI and DHS apparently agree with me.

You can make snarky comments and laugh…or you can address my post questioning you.
A good documentary about this on the Nat Geo channel.

City of Detroit that is 99% blue has one of the lowest vaccination rates.  Ford Field was capable of 6K vaccines a day and you could just walk in. Also they were offering rides to any in need and giving a 50 dollar gift car to anyone who drove a person.
All of this is true but there's more to the story:

On the surface, the explanation for lack of vaccine enthusiasm in Detroit, a 78.3 percent Black city, might be simple: vaccine hesitancy and distrust of the health-care system, a historic factor that has been evident in urban areas with sizable African American populations.

But other reasons make Detroit’s situation more complex, says Ken Haddad, the digital content manager at WDIV-TV. In his morning newsletter and on his Twitter feed, Haddad has spent months identifying where vaccination clinics are operating, even inviting followers to email him directly if they need to find one.

Getting to the clinics isn’t simple for many people, though. Despite its Motor City reputation, about one-quarter of residents don’t own a vehicle, according to 2016 census data. The carless instead rely on friends, public transportation and their feet to get places.

Yes, when Ford Field, home of the Detroit Lions, was turned into a vast vaccination clinic for eight weeks this spring, about 275,000 people showed up — but most came in from the suburbs. Only about 7 percent were Detroit residents, according to the Detroit News, and when the clinic ended last month, it had fallen about 60,000 vaccinations short of its 335,000 target.

Many Detroiters might not have been able to get to Ford Field without considerable trouble, but many of them also might not have even known about the clinic. Detroit is a city where census data indicates that as of 2019, 36 percent of residents didn’t have Internet access at home. Yet official covid messaging in Detroit has largely been done through live streams, social media, an online covid dashboard and news releases.

Even the vaccine information that Haddad and others offered might not have reached many of its intended recipients. But Haddad doesn’t fault the city, saying, “They’ve thrown an enormous amount of resources and innovation at the issue.”

And the campaign continues, now looping in sports teams. Members of the Detroit Tigers, one of the first Major League Baseball teams to reach an 85 percent vaccination threshold, have taped public service announcements. The team recently offered two free tickets to anyone who took part in a vaccination clinic across from Comerica Park.

Billboards have gone up, and the city’s Good Neighbor program awards a $50 gift card to anyone who drives a friend to a clinic to get vaccinated. There are now vaccination spots in different parts of the city, and free rides abound, in acknowledgment of the challenges those who don’t own a car face.

All of this is true but there's more to the story:

I agree with the article, but I go once a month to city council meetings for my job as we have a number of dealings in the city.  Detroit Officials are dismayed by the lack of intereest and indifference of city residents to even try to get a vaccine even with all the resources offered.  Even those without computers have had to get some info. It was on every TV news station and every local radio station multible times a day with PSAs.

It is probably the same in many places regardless of who you vote for. Some people just don`t want a vaccine.

Not really.. My reference to Charlottesville is exactly what it was…about the mass gathering of white supremacists…and yeah it did result in a death.  It was a big deal and wasnt just some isolated thing when it comes to white supremacy.  The FBI and DHS apparently agree with me.

You can make snarky comments and laugh…or you can address my post questioning you.
It was not a mass gathering of white supremist.  That is how the media lies about it.  There were white nationalists groups there, but that was not what the rally was about.  

All you did was deny that there is a race war and disagree that the media is causing these rising racial problems.  But yet we went for a decade with only 40% of the people thinking race relations were a major problem, to now 73%.  This steady rise in the deterioration of race relations and levels of concern is the direct result of the news coverage focusing a large amount of coverage on this issue.  This whole woke movement is a war on white people.  

Of course Mr. SOURCE can make any claim you want without any sources.  And making a big deal about how huge difference between problem and threat make zero difference.  You can interchange the words into any quote I made, and my point was still accurate.  The left has blown racial problems way out of proportion in the last 8 years and is creating a level of hatred between the races we have not seen since the 60's.   

It was not a mass gathering of white supremist.  That is how the media lies about it.  There were white nationalists groups there, but that was not what the rally was about.  

All you did was deny that there is a race war and disagree that the media is causing these rising racial problems.  But yet we went for a decade with only 40% of the people thinking race relations were a major problem, to now 73%.  This steady rise in the deterioration of race relations and levels of concern is the direct result of the news coverage focusing a large amount of coverage on this issue.  This whole woke movement is a war on white people.  

Of course Mr. SOURCE can make any claim you want without any sources.  And making a big deal about how huge difference between problem and threat make zero difference.  You can interchange the words into any quote I made, and my point was still accurate.  The left has blown racial problems way out of proportion in the last 8 years and is creating a level of hatred between the races we have not seen since the 60's.   
Was it an armed mass gathering?  Tiki torches can technically kill someone.

Probably depends on the context, no?  In response to mask mandates, sure.  In response to Twitter TOS suspensions, no.  If reenacting Braveheart, no.
In this context, the government is Cuba's which is a dictatorship.  I can't think of another word more anti-dictatorship than "freedom".  

Ben Shapiro

This article is a case study in "hey your side does all this bad ####" with no self awareness or balance, from MSM.  I think there are actually a lot of points to be made about Shapiro, some of which not good, which I might bother to ponder if this article actually had some interest in exploring them fairly.  And I think npr is one of the sites that folks claim is balanced?

Here's a passage of interest.  In some alternate universe, NPR would actually point out the courage of moral consistency here in the face of what his audience is perceived to disagree with.  Actually take something that has merit, cast it negatively....and lets throw in he's anti-LGBT in case you realize our original framing is terrible and I need to make sure you know he's bad. 

Shapiro has also publicly denounced the alt-right and other people in Trump's orbit, like Steve Bannon, as well as the conspiracy theory that Trump is the rightful winner of the 2020 election.

"Last week, the Capitol was breached by a group of fringe Trump supporters who had bought into a series of lies," Shapiro wrote shortly after the violence on Jan. 6.

But in the same column, he quickly turned his attention back to Democrats, and their support of the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests last summer which many conservatives have falsely sought to paint broadly as riots. He's been widely condemned for anti-LGBT comments.

Turned anger into an art form...lol nice start to ensure the reader you are coming at this with an open mind.  What this really should say is that news doesn't sell, opinion does and political content posing as news (like this npr article) do.  Its what all of the outlets below peddle, one has been a lot more successful at it than the rest.  Oh Yah, CNN isn't peddling anger lol.

But The Daily Wire has turned anger into an art form and recycled content into a business model.

In May, The Daily Wire generated more Facebook engagement on its articles than The New York Times, The Washington Post, NBC News and CNN combined.
NYT, WAPO etc....We're not selling anger we are reporting the news!!!

Here's some interesting threading...

The articles The Daily Wire publishes don't normally include falsehoods (with some exceptions)...But as Settle explains, by only covering specific stories that bolster the conservative agenda (like negative stories about socialist countries, and polarizing stories about race and sexuality issues) and only including certain facts
Seems like a strange way to say they are mostly right on facts, like most organizations, but ok.  But here's the bad part...they bolster stories that fit the conservative agenda!  You don't say, what a breakthrough someone should give MSM a heads up on this hidden tactic.

Back to only including certain facts.  Hmm...you mean like saying that Shapiro is anti-LGBT, referencing one specific comment and not disclosing his full view inclusive of support for what specific LGBT rights.  Lets call out Ben Shapiro and try to do our best Ben Shapiro in the process lol....self-awareness down?

I'm not going to spend time highlighting more, wasted enough time.  Parting thought, if you see a Ben Shapiro tweet its usually overrun with folks on the left commenting, I didn't see any stats on this but I'm sure a huge portion of his clicks are from the left.  Making money from the folks your trolling...that is indeed art.

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Seems like a strange way to say they are mostly right on facts, like most organizations, but ok.  But here's the bad part...they bolster stories that fit the conservative agenda!  You don't say, what a breakthrough someone should give MSM a heads up on this hidden tactic.
This part is wonderful:

An NPR review of stories on The Daily Wire about the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two months found numerous stories about potential side effects from COVID vaccines, but none that portrayed the scientifically demonstrated efficacy of the vaccines or which focused explicitly on the hesitancy that has slowed the U.S. rollout.
Remember when the CDC and MSM ganged up on the J&J vaccine over a statistically-irrelevant side effect?  But it was cute when their side did it.

This part is wonderful:

Remember when the CDC and MSM ganged up on the J&J vaccine over a statistically-irrelevant side effect?  But it was cute when their side did it.
Unbelievably exceptional journalism by NPR. No mention of him being 100% pro vaccine and he has never promoted DW as unbiased news. Anyone with half of a brain is aware of this. 

On another note -

Republicans seize

IvanKaramazov said:
This part is wonderful:

Remember when the CDC and MSM ganged up on the J&J vaccine over a statistically-irrelevant side effect?  But it was cute when their side did it.

IvanKaramazov said:
This part is wonderful:

Remember when the CDC and MSM ganged up on the J&J vaccine over a statistically-irrelevant side effect?  But it was cute when their side did it.


Seems particularly worrisome with it being NPR. Funded by our tax dollars. 

I have noticed all the people who get their panties in a bind when I talk about left wing this and left wing that, have not complained about this thread.  As usual, it is ok to talk in general about right wing stuff, but try to characterize the group affectionately known as leftist and you are a nut job who must be ignored and reported.  


Seems particularly worrisome with it being NPR. Funded by our tax dollars. 
WaPo NPR & Opulence

“NPR showed off the 400,000-square-foot complex, which has been open since April, to members of the media earlier this week. It immediately began drawing some grumbles from those who see the edifice as far too luxe for a nonprofit radio and digital-news organization that depends, in part, on taxpayer support. In effect, the building briefly became a new club with which to beat NPR over an old issue: whether public radio and television should be subsidized with federal and state funds.”

Seems particularly worrisome with it being NPR. Funded by our tax dollars. 
WaPo NPR & Opulence

“NPR showed off the 400,000-square-foot complex, which has been open since April, to members of the media earlier this week. It immediately began drawing some grumbles from those who see the edifice as far too luxe for a nonprofit radio and digital-news organization that depends, in part, on taxpayer support. In effect, the building briefly became a new club with which to beat NPR over an old issue: whether public radio and television should be subsidized with federal and state funds.”
I think it's fair to debate whether a media outlet such as NPR should exist at all and/or be (wholly or partially) publicly funded.  I don't think it's fair to criticize their content based on the fact that they are publicly funded.  Publicly funded or not, I don't think we want the government in control of the content.

I think it's fair to debate whether a media outlet such as NPR should exist at all and/or be (wholly or partially) publicly funded.  I don't think it's fair to criticize their content based on the fact that they are publicly funded.  Publicly funded or not, I don't think we want the government in control of the content.
I'm not following.  You don't think it is fair for the public to criticize the content of a publicly funded media outlet?

I feel the need to point out again that last year NPR posted a story about right wingers using their vehicles as weapons and attacking poor defenseless protesters. 

The headline case turned out to be a black driver and an armed black robber. 

So they edited the story, deleted the tweet. 

Welp, turns out the new tweet and updated story was still wrong, so they just got rid of any specific current mentions, used a picture of charlottesville and kept up the basic premise of just trust us, it is happening. 

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I'm not following.  You don't think it is fair for the public to criticize the content of a publicly funded media outlet?
No.  I think it's fair to criticize the content of any media outlet, whether public, private, or half-and-half.  I don't think it's fair to criticize the content based on the fact that they are publicly funded (beyond, say, outright pornography).  The below probably makes it more clear.

Fair: That content is inappropriate / wrong / unfair / biased / something.

Not fair: That specific content would be fine for a private media outlet, but is not fine for a publicly funded media outlet.  The government should be exercising more editorial control.

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No.  I think it's fair to criticize the content of any media outlet, whether public, private, or half-and-half.  I don't think it's fair to criticize the content based on the fact that they are publicly funded (beyond, say, outright pornography).  The below probably makes it more clear.

Fair: That content is inappropriate / wrong / unfair / biased / something.

Not fair: That specific content would be fine for a private media outlet, but is not fine for a publicly funded media outlet.  The government should be exercising more editorial control.
I understand what you're saying, think we have a minor disconnect on semantics.

My ideal state is that public dollars shouldn't be used to to produce content by media outlets that is politically biased (which per your definition biased is unfair).  I think you would say that is a valid opinion to hold?

That is not me advocating for the government to exercise more editorial control (for a number of reasons).  That is me advocating to stop spending the money if it can't be spent producing content that is fair.

I understand what you're saying, think we have a minor disconnect on semantics.

My ideal state is that public dollars shouldn't be used to to produce content by media outlets that is politically biased (which per your definition biased is unfair).  I think you would say that is a valid opinion to hold?

That is not me advocating for the government to exercise more editorial control (for a number of reasons).  That is me advocating to stop spending the money if it can't be spent producing content that is fair.
I think it's a valid opinion to hold.  But given that "biased" and "fair" are inherently subjective terms, I think that's an impossible standard.  At some level, even "political" is a subjective term.  Is COVID content political?  Is vaccine content political?  Heck, this forum argued that sports coverage of Naomi Osaka withdrawing from the French Open (I think it was the French Open) was political.  If your standard is biased/fair, who is deciding whether the content is biased/fair?  My argument is that I don't want the government itself deciding, which then amounts to, more or less, arguing the publicly funded outlet shouldn't exist at all.

Is NPR, or anyone besides Tucker, talking about this?  Doubtful.  “IT’S A PANDEMIC OF THE UNVACCINATED!!!!”

In UK, Up to 40% of People Being Admitted to Hospital for COVID Have Been Fully Vaccinated
First off, it notes that "up to 40%" are fully vaccinated, knowing full well that the actual number is less than that.  More importantly, a simple % of hospitalizations by vaxxed/unvaxxed doesn't really tell us anything useful (by the way, this is true in reverse too).

Imagine a scenario where 1 person is unvaccinated and 99 are vaccinated.  The 1 unvaxxed person ends up in the hospital.  1 of the 99 vaxxed ends up in the hospital.  A claim that "50% of hospitalizations are from vaxxed people" is true, but wildly misleading.  In fact, a much more useful statistic would be 100% of unvaxxed people are hospitalized while ~1% of vaxxed people are hospitalized.  Again, this works exactly the same way in reverse.  Without knowing the percentage of the population who are unvaxxed, partially vaxxed, and fully vaxxed, any "N% of hospitalizations are from group X" statistics aren't meaningful.

First off, it notes that "up to 40%" are fully vaccinated, knowing full well that the actual number is less than that.  More importantly, a simple % of hospitalizations by vaxxed/unvaxxed doesn't really tell us anything useful (by the way, this is true in reverse too).

Imagine a scenario where 1 person is unvaccinated and 99 are vaccinated.  The 1 unvaxxed person ends up in the hospital.  1 of the 99 vaxxed ends up in the hospital.  A claim that "50% of hospitalizations are from vaxxed people" is true, but wildly misleading.  In fact, a much more useful statistic would be 100% of unvaxxed people are hospitalized while ~1% of vaxxed people are hospitalized.  Again, this works exactly the same way in reverse.  Without knowing the percentage of the population who are unvaxxed, partially vaxxed, and fully vaxxed, any "N% of hospitalizations are from group X" statistics aren't meaningful.
Those vax numbers are readily available.  Link

I'm not jumping out of the vaccine window, but at first blush 40% vs 68.8% fully vaxed is not what I would have expected with 95% vax effectiveness.

You are correct on the "up to".  I don't know what the hell that means, it could also be said as less than 41%....and there are a lot of numbers way less than 41% lol.

Those vax numbers are readily available.  Link

I'm not jumping out of the vaccine window, but at first blush 40% vs 68.8% fully vaxed is not what I would have expected with 95% vax effectiveness.

You are correct on the "up to".  I don't know what the hell that means, it could also be said as less than 41%....and there are a lot of numbers way less than 41% lol.
Sure, I just didn't feel like looking them up, trying to match them to the timeframe from the study/quote, etc.  Just pointing out the math for those who are interested.

Sure, I just didn't feel like looking them up, trying to match them to the timeframe from the study/quote, etc.  Just pointing out the math for those who are interested.
OK, I mean neither did I but seems it took less time, about 45 seconds, than imagining and writing out a bunch of scenarios.

djmich said:
Ben Shapiro

This article is a case study in "hey your side does all this bad ####" with no self awareness or balance, from MSM.  I think there are actually a lot of points to be made about Shapiro, some of which not good, which I might bother to ponder if this article actually had some interest in exploring them fairly.  And I think npr is one of the sites that folks claim is balanced?

Here's a passage of interest.  In some alternate universe, NPR would actually point out the courage of moral consistency here in the face of what his audience is perceived to disagree with.  Actually take something that has merit, cast it negatively....and lets throw in he's anti-LGBT in case you realize our original framing is terrible and I need to make sure you know he's bad. 

Turned anger into an art form...lol nice start to ensure the reader you are coming at this with an open mind.  What this really should say is that news doesn't sell, opinion does and political content posing as news (like this npr article) do.  Its what all of the outlets below peddle, one has been a lot more successful at it than the rest.  Oh Yah, CNN isn't peddling anger lol.

NYT, WAPO etc....We're not selling anger we are reporting the news!!!

Here's some interesting threading...

Seems like a strange way to say they are mostly right on facts, like most organizations, but ok.  But here's the bad part...they bolster stories that fit the conservative agenda!  You don't say, what a breakthrough someone should give MSM a heads up on this hidden tactic.

Back to only including certain facts.  Hmm...you mean like saying that Shapiro is anti-LGBT, referencing one specific comment and not disclosing his full view inclusive of support for what specific LGBT rights.  Lets call out Ben Shapiro and try to do our best Ben Shapiro in the process lol....self-awareness down?

I'm not going to spend time highlighting more, wasted enough time.  Parting thought, if you see a Ben Shapiro tweet its usually overrun with folks on the left commenting, I didn't see any stats on this but I'm sure a huge portion of his clicks are from the left.  Making money from the folks your trolling...that is indeed art.
Matt Taibbi on the NPR article


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