Okay. I have read and read and read and read and read about the the train wreck that was last night. It seems that there are two main problems with what happened.
First, here is the video of Bob DuPuy talking to Chris Myers right after they put the tarp on. If you watch that video, it is very obvious that DuPuy--speaking for Major League Baseball on national TV during their marquee event--had no idea what the plan was. He keeps emphasizing that because the game was tied, they'd be able to suspend it and start on Tuesday (or Wednesday, as it were). From Sheehan's piece:
Having discussed the situation Saturday and yesterday with both Rays president Matt Silverman and Phillies GM Pat Gillick, Selig correctly concluded that the World Series is a special case with special rules.
So there were special rules in place. Silverman, Selig, and Gillick knew about them. But FOX obviously didn't. DuPuy very clearly didn't. The players didn't. The managers didn't. Everyone directly involved in a World Series game did not know the rules which were in place, and nobody in a position to alert the viewing audience in a timely fashion knew either. That is absurd.
Second, if they had this plan in place, why did they play the top of the sixth? That was not baseball. Hamels couldn't throw a curveball (Stark reported this on OTL, but check the Gameday; no curves in the 6th). Rollins couldn't field a ground ball. It's a wonder that Upton made it all the way around the bases without falling over. Burrell couldn't make a decent throw to the plate. Okay, maybe that last thing isn't so rare. But still, it is mind boggling that they played under those conditions with a clearly superior contingency plan in place.
Even worse, the Rays batted one more time in these conditions that the Phillies did. That was the whole point of the old rule (changed last year), where the score reverted back to the last full inning; if the weather is bad, both teams had to suffer equally. It's pretty obvious that the Rays benefited from this, allowing them to tie an elimination game in the World Series because baseball has an incompetent commissioner.