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The Top 300 Greatest TV Shows of All Time: FBG Consensus: 50 Lists received. 90: The Mandalorian (141 Viewers)

t-112 - How I Met Your Mother

Score: 274
Average Rank: 31.9

A father recounts to his children, through a series of flashbacks, the journey he and his four best friends took leading up to him meeting their mother.

List Breakdown

:pickle: BlackCrowes 8
Gally 21
Instinctive 27
turnjose7 34
zamboni 35
Jayrod 68
Fake laugh track. Minus a billion points

I’ll see myself out
I'll join you and raise you with Big Bang Theory. Mainstream TV sitcom + laugh track + same, lazy, cliche ridden, warmed over, unfunny, network storyline = painfully boring and played out.
Big Bang Theory doesn't have a laugh track. It has an actual studio audience.
It is a generic studio audience track, not theirs, i believe.
Then you believe incorrectly. The series finale showed them and some of the bloopers have the cast interacting with them.
Maybe for that one episode, but they did have a live studio audience reacting to them throughout the series

"Typically with sitcoms like Friends, (the show HIMYM is easily compared to) they use a multi-camera approach where a live audience watches each scene onset and the laughter is then recorded. Since the show constantly jumps between flashbacks and flashforwards, a live studio audience would not be possible."

Like I said, you can see the cast interecting with them occasionally in the bloopers while filming the episodes.

You're both correct in part.

A bit of a too-deep dive into sitcoms, for those that want to know how the sausage is made:

Most multi-camera (aka "proscenium") sitcoms use a live studio audience for most of the filming in the main sets. A sitcom tends to shoot over two days, with any scenes that are technically difficult (think live animals, practical effects, etc) or on a non-standard set (outside, on location, etc) filmed on the first day with no audience, and then the easier scenes using the permanent sets (those that appear in nearly every episode, such as the apartment, the hallway, etc) filmed the second day in front of an audience. Some shows shoot twice on the second day... a full shoot without the audience (to get it all safely "in the can") and then again in front of them.

The audience allows for the actors to get some feedback on performance and helps with pacing the humor. A good audience reaction will multiply the effect of a joke. Any scenes that were pre-taped on day one (again... outside, on location, etc) are played back to the audience on day two so that they can 1) follow the plot, and 2) record laughs.


There is a bit of a downside to the "modern" studio audience. These average people have lived their whole lives watching sitcoms. They know what is expected of them as an audience. So, they tend to act like a laugh track. They give a genuine laugh on the first take of an unexpected joke, for sure. But on the second take? Third take? They're fake laughing and you can tell. They know they're supposed to laugh there, so they do an imitation of what they've heard on TV their whole lives. But they're not actors, nor "professional laughers" (which does exist). They're bad at it, and the laughs are bad.

But, more importantly,

(Almost) all the laughs are either augmented or replaced in editing later anyway, in a process called "sweetening". For one, even with genuine laughs, you can't cut from one take to another without using some layered sound to bridge the cut. The laughs from take one won't pair when you use a shot from take two, so you cross-fade pre-recorded laugh track over the cut to smooth the transition. And, the timing for a sitcom has to be exact. 21 and a half minutes because they've sold 17 thirty-second commercials or whatever. So the final cut has to come in at the right time. So a super long laugh from the audience gets chopped down for timing, which means fake laughter is put into the soundtrack to paper over the cut out parts.

Third, those pre-taped scenes from day one need to match the audience that sees the main set action on day two. They use some of the live laughs if they can, but they augment with fake laugh track, because that's what is easiest to match to.

But, fourth, and perhaps most influentially, there is an ego issue at play. There is one executive producer/head writer on a sitcom, who is called the "showrunner". On a show like Big Bang Theory, that would be Chuck Lorre himself. He leads the writers and is involved in every script, he's on set making the show, and he's in editing crafting the final version. The showrunner makes all the final decisions. He's also working several jobs at once... he might be writing the script for episode 6 while episode 5 is being filmed and episode 4 is being edited. His time is short and valuable. So... when it comes time to do the final sound mix after locking picture, on a professional mix stage, which for a sitcom is one full day usually the week before the episode airs... you only get the showrunner present for the last few hours at the tail end of the session. The sound mix team and the show's post production associate producer will lay down all the sound, music cues, effects, etc. they think they need. And, a special sound crew guy, a 'laugh man', will also lay in a laugh track on one of the channels (most stages can support up to 88 simultaneous tracks for all the possible sounds, which at the end get mixed into stereo, Dolby 5.1, ATMOS, etc). That laugh man will lay in the laughs thick. He'll put a laugh on every possible joke. He'll put in a laugh even if it's not funny, because they only have the showrunner present for a limited time so as a professional you build everything he might want and subtract, rather than waste the showrunner's time adding in layers later. The Laugh Man might put in several takes of laughs on different tracks... a big one, a medium one, some minor chuckles, etc., and let the showrunner pick later. And if the audience missed a joke, or didn't get one, or it didn't land right on set but they fixed it in post... you're plugging in pre-recorded laugh track there to make sure the joke hits.

But... you letting the guy who wrote the jokes, and thinks of each one as his own hilarious favorite child... decide how big a laugh a joke gets. Even if the live audience didn't find it that funny. He's going to hear it on the stage with loud guffaws and uproarious laughter and it's really, really, really hard for a showrunner to make the call to dial it down. "Nah, that joke's not that funny" is never coming out of his mouth. He's gonna hear his precious baby get big laughs and love it. So that fake laughter is staying in. It's added on top of and augmenting the real stuff. But by the end of the process, there's more laugh track than genuine reaction in the final product.

So yes, a show like BBT used a live audience for the majority of each episode, but, in post, they were mostly replaced as part of the technical process. Some of the real audience lives in there, sure. But every second of the final cut has been dissected and optimized and treated and sweetened so by the end... what's in there is what the executive producer and the network want in there. They're going to sacrifice authenticity for a funnier end product. They're making entertainment, not a documentary, so whatever is more entertaining is what makes it on TV.
Some shows shoot twice on the second day... a full shoot without the audience (to get it all safely "in the can") and then again in front of them
I never knew about this until I saw an interview with Rob Reiner where he discussed how it was a source of frustration for Jean Stapleton. She had come from the theater where the performance in front of the audience was the only thing that mattered, so she coasted through the filming on the "closed set" and saved her effort for the live filming.

Norman Lear would take the best scenes from both versions and splice them together. If Carroll O'Connor had delivered a great line in the "closed set" but Jean had mailed it in, Lear would use the scene anyway. She was quite unhappy about that, and Reiner said it took her awhile to calibrate her performances in both filmings.

106 - Mystery Science Theater 3000​

Score: 293
Average Rank: 29.1

In the not-too-distant future, a man and his robots are trapped aboard the Satellite of Love, where mad scientists force them to sit through the worst movies ever made.

These are my people
List Breakdown

shuke 12
McBokonon 14
Eephus 20
Binky 22
Don Quixote 38
Jayrod 46
Sullie 52

105 - Three's Company​

Score: 294
Average Rank: 41.6

The misadventures of two women and one man living in one apartment and their neighbors.

List Breakdown

Todem 15
zamboni 16
Gally 28
Keith R 34
Atomic Punk 44
Dr Octopus 54
Shaft41 61
gr00vus 62
Maik Jeaunz 66

This is another I forgot about somehow that probably would have made it.

104 - Police Squad!​

Score: 296
Average Rank: 34

Sight-gags and non-sequiturs dominate this spoof of police dramas. The six episodes formed the basis for later very successful "Naked Gun" movies.

List Breakdown

:pickle: titusbramble 3
:pickle:John Madden's Lunchbox 9
Bottomfeeder Sports 26
Don Quixote 30
Sullie 40
Shaft41 47
gr00vus 58
krista4 59

HOW DID I FORGET THIS??!?!!?!??! Would have been top 30.

t-112 - How I Met Your Mother

Score: 274
Average Rank: 31.9

A father recounts to his children, through a series of flashbacks, the journey he and his four best friends took leading up to him meeting their mother.

List Breakdown

:pickle: BlackCrowes 8
Gally 21
Instinctive 27
turnjose7 34
zamboni 35
Jayrod 68
Fake laugh track. Minus a billion points

I’ll see myself out
I'll join you and raise you with Big Bang Theory. Mainstream TV sitcom + laugh track + same, lazy, cliche ridden, warmed over, unfunny, network storyline = painfully boring and played out.
Big Bang Theory doesn't have a laugh track. It has an actual studio audience.

Ouch, I feel absolutely terrible now. . . for those poor people that had to sit through that drivel live and have to be coached when to laugh.

104 - Police Squad!​

Score: 296
Average Rank: 34

Sight-gags and non-sequiturs dominate this spoof of police dramas. The six episodes formed the basis for later very successful "Naked Gun" movies.

List Breakdown

:pickle: titusbramble 3
:pickle:John Madden's Lunchbox 9
Bottomfeeder Sports 26
Don Quixote 30
Sullie 40
Shaft41 47
gr00vus 58
krista4 59
Forgot about this one, and I believe it was short-lived but so funny.
We have it on DVD. It does hold up, especially the guest stars.
had 106 &105 on list at the start and moved from some nostalgia, but loved both of these. you three's company people, were you an RF or a Roper's person?
Not a big Three's Company fan, but the episodes with the Ropers were way better.
I used to get a kick out of whenever Norman Fell would always look at the camera after making a joke.
Walking Dead was amazing at its peak, I rode it out but I was definitely just hate watching at the end. Just too many stupid characters I didn’t care about

Tried a few of the spinoffs but meh. I’m just done with that universe
By the time I quit watching, I was only doing so in hopes that Carl would die a horrible death.
I remember my wife yelling at the tv one night saying would you just die coral!

111 - Archer​

Score: 280
Average Rank: 36

At ISIS, an international spy agency, global crises are merely opportunities for its highly trained employees to confuse, undermine, betray and royally screw each other.

List Breakdown

Tick 13
AAABatteries 18
kupcho1 23
Hastur 27
The Gator 49
landrys hat 51
Dan Lambskin 53
McBokonon 54
I'm top ranker here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gpop_dVpqc was fun to watch as a quick recap that reminded me of a bunch of things that happened over the 14 seasons.

I thought it dipped in the themed seasons in the middle, but started and finished strong. It surprised me at how far it went many times, and it stayed funny throughout.
I don't get the Archer thing. Had a buddy who highly recommended it. I tried, and couldn't get into it. Maybe I should try again I guess

100 - Psych​

Score: 310
Average Rank: 9

A novice sleuth is hired by the police after he cons them into thinking he has psychic powers which help solve crimes. With the assistance of his reluctant best friend, the duo take on a series of complicated cases.

List Breakdown

:pickle: landrys hat 1
:pickle:Jayrod 4
:pickle:BLOCKED PUNT 8
UncleZen 15
Gally 17

I assume this is where Ashton Kutcher pops out and tells me we’ve been Punked?
Up next is a show that has had multiple hosts and some of you may have only ranked it with a specific host, but I lumped them all together. Consider this advance notice and to just talk about which you voted for in the discussion.

100 - Psych​

Score: 310
Average Rank: 9

A novice sleuth is hired by the police after he cons them into thinking he has psychic powers which help solve crimes. With the assistance of his reluctant best friend, the duo take on a series of complicated cases.

List Breakdown

:pickle: landrys hat 1
:pickle:Jayrod 4
:pickle:BLOCKED PUNT 8
UncleZen 15
Gally 17
Good, enjoyable show - but surprised to see it crack the Top 100.

100 - Psych​

Score: 310
Average Rank: 9

A novice sleuth is hired by the police after he cons them into thinking he has psychic powers which help solve crimes. With the assistance of his reluctant best friend, the duo take on a series of complicated cases.

List Breakdown

:pickle: landrys hat 1
:pickle:Jayrod 4
:pickle:BLOCKED PUNT 8
UncleZen 15
Gally 17
Good, enjoyable show - but surprised to see it crack the Top 100.
Was just outside my top 70

100 - Psych​

Score: 310
Average Rank: 9

A novice sleuth is hired by the police after he cons them into thinking he has psychic powers which help solve crimes. With the assistance of his reluctant best friend, the duo take on a series of complicated cases.

List Breakdown

:pickle: landrys hat 1
:pickle:Jayrod 4
:pickle:BLOCKED PUNT 8
UncleZen 15
Gally 17
I liked what I saw, I just didn't see enough to put it on my list. The chemistry between the two leads was excellent.

100 - Psych​

Score: 310
Average Rank: 9

A novice sleuth is hired by the police after he cons them into thinking he has psychic powers which help solve crimes. With the assistance of his reluctant best friend, the duo take on a series of complicated cases.

List Breakdown

:pickle: landrys hat 1
:pickle:Jayrod 4
:pickle:BLOCKED PUNT 8
UncleZen 15
Gally 17
Good, enjoyable show - but surprised to see it crack the Top 100.
It had only 5 votes but all were in the top 17. The people who liked it REALLY liked it. This is consistent with what I remember in the AV Club comment sections back in the day.

100 - Psych​

Score: 310
Average Rank: 9

A novice sleuth is hired by the police after he cons them into thinking he has psychic powers which help solve crimes. With the assistance of his reluctant best friend, the duo take on a series of complicated cases.

List Breakdown

:pickle: landrys hat 1
:pickle:Jayrod 4
:pickle:BLOCKED PUNT 8
UncleZen 15
Gally 17
You freaking bunch of tools.

The fact that this isn't top 50 is criminal.

If you grew up in the 80's/90's this is in your wheelhouse. I've never laughed more at any show in my life. I have 2 comedies ranked above it and they are likely in the top 10 here. Brilliance episode in and out.

Suuuuuccckkk it!!!!!!

100 - Psych​

Score: 310
Average Rank: 9

A novice sleuth is hired by the police after he cons them into thinking he has psychic powers which help solve crimes. With the assistance of his reluctant best friend, the duo take on a series of complicated cases.

List Breakdown

:pickle: landrys hat 1
:pickle:Jayrod 4
:pickle:BLOCKED PUNT 8
UncleZen 15
Gally 17
I liked what I saw, I just didn't see enough to put it on my list. The chemistry between the two leads was excellent.
Go back, rethink every decision you've made in life, and watch every episode.

100 - Psych​

Score: 310
Average Rank: 9

A novice sleuth is hired by the police after he cons them into thinking he has psychic powers which help solve crimes. With the assistance of his reluctant best friend, the duo take on a series of complicated cases.

List Breakdown

:pickle: landrys hat 1
:pickle:Jayrod 4
:pickle:BLOCKED PUNT 8
UncleZen 15
Gally 17
Good, enjoyable show - but surprised to see it crack the Top 100.
Was just outside my top 70
Then you aren't very smart.

Sorry, it is just a fact. That and your NBA knowledge is subpar.

(Sorry, I'm just really angry about Psych right now. Sorry about Luka. You are one of my favorite posters, TBH).

111 - Archer​

Score: 280
Average Rank: 36

At ISIS, an international spy agency, global crises are merely opportunities for its highly trained employees to confuse, undermine, betray and royally screw each other.

List Breakdown

Tick 13
AAABatteries 18
kupcho1 23
Hastur 27
The Gator 49
landrys hat 51
Dan Lambskin 53
McBokonon 54
I'm top ranker here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gpop_dVpqc was fun to watch as a quick recap that reminded me of a bunch of things that happened over the 14 seasons.

I thought it dipped in the themed seasons in the middle, but started and finished strong. It surprised me at how far it went many times, and it stayed funny throughout.
I don't get the Archer thing. Had a buddy who highly recommended it. I tried, and couldn't get into it. Maybe I should try again I guess
Nah, it doesn’t change - watch something else with your time. Letterkenny is a good option :-)

100 - Psych​

Score: 310
Average Rank: 9

A novice sleuth is hired by the police after he cons them into thinking he has psychic powers which help solve crimes. With the assistance of his reluctant best friend, the duo take on a series of complicated cases.

List Breakdown

:pickle: landrys hat 1
:pickle:Jayrod 4
:pickle:BLOCKED PUNT 8
UncleZen 15
Gally 17

I assume this is where Ashton Kutcher pops out and tells me we’ve been Punked?
As in this is too low? I concur. This is like a surreal alternate universe.
I’ve never watched a single episode of Psych, but may have it give it a whirl. I think when I heard about it, I just lumped it in with all of the other CSI type shows that I’d rather gouge my eye out than watch. But maybe an unfair assessment.
Last edited:
I’ve never watched a single episode of Psych, but may have it give it a whirl. I think when I heard about it, I just lumped it in with all of the other CSI effect type shows that I’d rather gouge my eye out than watch. But maybe an unfair assessment.

It is a pure comedy rife with constant 80's/90's pop culture references, shtick and tugs at the heartstrings. Great casting, writing and execution.

It can get a bit campy at times, but there are 120 episodes plus 3 movies.
I’ve never watched a single episode of Psych, but may have it give it a whirl. I think when I heard about it, I just lumped it in with all of the other CSI effect type shows that I’d rather gouge my eye out than watch. But maybe an unfair assessment.

It is a pure comedy rife with constant 80's/90's pop culture references, shtick and tugs at the heartstrings. Great casting, writing and execution.

It can get a bit campy at times, but there are 120 episodes plus 3 movies.

Not sure I can commit to that but I might at least check it out. Probably better than watching [redacted] reruns after dinner

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