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Titans vs Ravens (1 Viewer)

Orlando Brown is on my #### list...anybody need a RT?Codos to Tenn for getting off the schnide...if they have to go to NE, I'm thinking they have a shot

Sorry Ravens fans - we'll see ya next year. The rest of the home teams will win their ball games through this weekend - bank on it - but don't necessarily bank on all of them to cover. This was the only ball game I was unsure about and took both sides in separate parlays. If the Ravens had won, I'd have had to worry about which team would make the upset through the rest of the weekend (even though I believe the Titans were 1.5 point faves in this game).The Ravens got their A-s handed to them - JLew stuffed, Wright picked off twice, Titans moved the ball real well and ground out offense with Eddie and CBrown, and the only reason this was not significantly worse of a score was two uncharacteristic McNair TOs - one for a TD. Sorry Ravens, but the clearly better team won today - and a team that is significantly more likely to head into NE or KC and come out with a win.

Great game. good thing i took Tenn on all my brackets.now, Panthers blow out Dallas
Yup - that's how the NFL playoffs wild card weekends work: One game is close and the other is a blowout by the favorite. There is also always one upset during the weekend - and the Titans going into Baltimore, where they've lost 5 times in a row, should count as the upset of the weekend.
Any other Steeler fans taking just a little bit of pleasure in the fact that an ex-Steeler knocked these jagoffs out? :D

Any other Steeler fans taking just a little bit of pleasure in the fact that an ex-Steeler knocked these jagoffs out? :D
hey Squeeler fan...how's the golf, while we're involved in the playoffs
Sorry Ravens fans - we'll see ya next year. The rest of the home teams will win their ball games through this weekend - bank on it - but don't necessarily bank on all of them to cover. This was the only ball game I was unsure about and took both sides in separate parlays. If the Ravens had won, I'd have had to worry about which team would make the upset through the rest of the weekend (even though I believe the Titans were 1.5 point faves in this game).The Ravens got their A-s handed to them - JLew stuffed, Wright picked off twice, Titans moved the ball real well and ground out offense with Eddie and CBrown, and the only reason this was not significantly worse of a score was two uncharacteristic McNair TOs - one for a TD. Sorry Ravens, but the clearly better team won today - and a team that is significantly more likely to head into NE or KC and come out with a win.
Yup, the better team won today. Without Jamal this offense is nothing. Kudos to Jim Schwartz, defensive coordinator of the Titans, he is after all from Maryland... :thumbup: Co- Player of the Games- George and O Brown. That 15 yard penalty killed us.
Well, Ravens' fans, I've enjoyed the reparte', but I'm sorry for you guys right now. Good f'n game, though. Good season, all in all.Props for the Division W. Be interesting to see what happens at QB next year - if Boller can take them further.
that Billy, is CLASS :thumbup:
Is Ed Reed playing today?Unfortunately, he's had too many games this year similar to todays.having said that, he'll return a fumble for the game winning TD now
He had an INT in the first half and he deflected the pass that was intercepted and returned for a touchdown, so you cannot say he didn't come up big today.
True, but fantasy wise it probably wasn't a good game. (0 tackles, 1 pick, 2 passes defended)
The result says it all.......George and Brown have run reasonably well....just grind it . Use up some clock and then make your play.
I understand the result, but its 2nd and short. YOu can get the first down on 3rd down. Usually a deep pass into single coverage with the mvp throwing it isn't that risky.
How bout that MVP Jamal Lewis? He gets 500 yards against a porous Browns Defense, but when he faces a REAL team like the Titans he shows his true colors. Dude could have played 12 quarters and he wouldn't have had 100 yards against the Titans D. Did Jamal break a single tackle all game?
Where you at Beermutt. Show your face!
I am going to go the roof and think things over... :hot: I am headed out with the wife, but I will return.Maybe when I get back you can tell us who you pull for?
The result says it all.......George and Brown have run reasonably well....just grind it . Use up some clock and then make your play.
I understand the result, but its 2nd and short. YOu can get the first down on 3rd down. Usually a deep pass into single coverage with the mvp throwing it isn't that risky.
How bout that MVP Jamal Lewis? He gets 500 yards against a porous Browns Defense, but when he faces a REAL team like the Titans he shows his true colors. Dude could have played 12 quarters and he wouldn't have had 100 yards against the Titans D. Did Jamal break a single tackle all game?
Sorry but either you our saying that the Browns are quitters or the Titans are good. Which is it? And no RB would of gained anything against 9 or 10 guys in the box. The Titans knew what they had to do and they did it. Great game. And I think he broke 1 tackle.... :)
The Ravens got their A-s handed to them
Yeah that's why it took a last-second (long) FG to win it :rolleyes: This was close the whole way, good game and good 2003 showing by the Ravens who most expected much less out of. Also props to Wright for giving them life late in the season. Certainly not the future, but worth keeping around as a backup at least.
Yes, but you have to admit that was a pretty good effort from Gary Anderson. Once a Steeler, always a Steeler. :D
gave my codos to TENN team effort already, which I've noticed you've failed to dobut we expect to see this from the Squeeler bunch...no class bunch of hacks
I would guess that Orlando Brown will be cut.
He had 10 penalties during the regular season (7 false start, 2 holding). I'm guessing that has to be tops in the league.
Orlando needs a better psychiatrist I think. That fishbowl in the lockerroom to calm him down isn't working. :thumbdown: Fun game to watch. Congrats to the Titans fans! If the Ravens get a QB next year, they'll be dangerous. Time to go watch the juggernaut that is the Cowboys. :rotflmao:

gave my codos to TENN team effort already, which I've noticed you've failed to do
But did you give direct codos to the ex-Steeler, Gary Anderson? I mean, doesn't it suck to overtake the Steelers for the division, only to have an ex-Steeler squash your hopes and dreams with a last second field goal that he had NO business making at his ripe, old age?
my hopes and dreams?PLAYOFFS...3 of the last 4 years, including SB winSolid core of returning players...while 8 PB'ers was a bit generous, there are a bunch of quality, top of there position players returning...and $24M to solve the problem at RT and WR!Looking forward to Pitt in '04, as the division surely goes to one of usand yes...nice boot from the old f'er, as I didn't think he had enough leg to get it there...46 yd'r, and he kicked it 46 yds, 6"...but good, is good :thumbup:

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The Ravens got their A-s handed to them
Yeah that's why it took a last-second (long) FG to win it :rolleyes: This was close the whole way, good game and good 2003 showing by the Ravens who most expected much less out of. Also props to Wright for giving them life late in the season. Certainly not the future, but worth keeping around as a backup at least.
I HATE having my words taken out of context. Thje reason behind my saying they had their A-s handed to them is apparent from my original post.The Ravens got diddly, plus squat, going on offense, and were lucky to snuff two McNair drives with INTs ((which are rare for him). If it were not the fortune of being able to run one TO back for a TD, the Heap TD would have been a meaningless gesture. Re-read, re-think, re-post.
I'm really not a fan of either team but if I were to take a side, I'd go with Balt. That said, is anyone else sick of RLewis' antics after *every* play? I mean, make the tackle and go back to the huddle.
That's my point. Ray is an excellent LB. Playmaker. Heart and soul.The dude can play.But, come on, it is not the Ray show. You are on a TEAM. That is the only thing I have against him.Great game.
Frusteration. Because they see that the game is going the exact same way their last playoff game went.
Except that this time Al Del Greco wasn't there to bail the Ravens out of a game in which they totally got their asses dominated up and down the field like in 00. Unlike in 00, the best team on the field actually won today.
10-7! I'm calling it right now...Tennessee won't score another TD. The game is now over.
Unbelievable. Leave it to a Baltimore Raven fan to announce a game as over in which his team goes 3 and out 7 out of 13 possessions. The Ravens are a joke. They only got in the playoffs cuz they played in the worst division in football. They were annhilated on both sides of the line of scrimmage today. Only some fortunate TO's kept them in the game. They were thoroughly dominated physically.
Man, that was a tough, gutsy effort from the Titans. They stuffed Jamal and moved the ball well enough to get a well-deserved win. Now that my Ravens are done, I'll be pulling for them the rest of the way.In today's NFL, nothing is predictable but the Baltimore franchise is well-positioned to be a force for the next three years or so. Watching them spend their extra money in the offseason will be very interesting.LOL at Steeler fans talking smack. Better you should be starting a thread about ways to improve your third place team.

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