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I have 5 Ravens on my fantasy team, what do I do?? (1 Viewer)


I am in a 12 man ppr extra flex league and have 5 Ravens. I obviously can't rely on the Ravens this much, or can I? Do I trade/drop one of them, or keep It as It stands? Plz Help! I also have an open IR spot.

1. Mark Andrews
2. Dobbins
3. Odell
4. Bateman
5. Ravens D
I am in a 12 man ppr extra flex league and have 5 Ravens. I obviously can't rely on the Ravens this much, or can I? Do I trade/drop one of them, or keep It as It stands? Plz Help! I also have an open IR spot.

1. Mark Andrews
2. Dobbins
3. Odell
4. Bateman
5. Ravens D
I think this one depends on who else you have too. I.e., are Odell and Bateman your 1-2, or your 3-4, etc.
Ah, you'll be fine.

If I hear the pre-season fantasy prognosticators correctly, Todd Monken is the savior. His entire NFL career was running inefficient offenses on losing teams, and then he found success in college when his players were markedly better than everyone else's.

He's about to unlock the key to the NFL by deciding to go more up tempo and throw the ball more.
I can't believe nobody else thought of that.
I wouldn't worry about it too much. Presumably you're not starting either of the WRs, at least not out of the gate. You'll probably end up dropping the D at some point, too. So it's really just Andrews, JKD and maybe one of the WRs eventually. If you get to that point you could look to trade.

Also, the Ravens have a very late bye week (13); guaranteed by that point you don't have them all on your roster
5 Ravens and you don't have the one that matters most... My dog was "woof" :shakeshead:
(before someone gets slick, I do NOT mean Lamar)
I am in a 12 man ppr extra flex league and have 5 Ravens. I obviously can't rely on the Ravens this much, or can I? Do I trade/drop one of them, or keep It as It stands? Plz Help! I also have an open IR spot.

1. Mark Andrews
2. Dobbins
3. Odell
4. Bateman
5. Ravens D

I assume you are only starting 3 because you drafted other wrs earlier and the Ravens defense doesn't really vulture your other positions like Andrews and Dobbins do.
This reminds me of a situation in my league quite a few years ago. Last week before the playoffs, this guy had 5 or 6 seattle players. He just needed a mediocre game to get into the playoffs. Instead of making it in Seattle was shut out and so was he. I lost in the first round of the playoffs to the team that just squeaked in. My team was loaded and would have won the championship if not for him scoring the fewest points in any 1 game that year.
I am in a 12 man ppr extra flex league and have 5 Ravens. I obviously can't rely on the Ravens this much, or can I? Do I trade/drop one of them, or keep It as It stands? Plz Help! I also have an open IR spot.

1. Mark Andrews
2. Dobbins
3. Odell
4. Bateman
5. Ravens D
Quickly trade Bateman for Flowers
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Guess you’re a Ravens fan now! Honestly that offense should be a top unit this season so I’d say you’ll be fine apart from Week 13.
Get a different D for starts.
Why? They have an incredible week 1 matchup.
Because Op says he has too many Ravens and he can replace them easily.
Not sure if he meant TOO many... not sure that's even an issue anyways though. Especially not if one of them is a Def.
Yeah I get it but I assumed and would say he has too many. Ravens aren’t a great Def either. Yes a pretty good matchup. I’d rather take a shot at an undrafted D to diversify. If streaming is the plan well then so be it.
I am in a 12 man ppr extra flex league and have 5 Ravens. I obviously can't rely on the Ravens this much, or can I? Do I trade/drop one of them, or keep It as It stands? Plz Help! I also have an open IR spot.

1. Mark Andrews
2. Dobbins
3. Odell
4. Bateman
5. Ravens D
Wait at least for week 1 to see the new look offense in action. Could get a lot of clarity for all five of these fantasy players. If Baltimore's offense is airing it out and Lamar looks good passing, all four of the offensive players get a boost in value. If both Odell and Bateman look good but only one has a good fantasy score you could trade that one with added value and keep the other for at least next week to see how they fare.

Ravens D should definitely be started week 1. I like Stroud but a 21 year old rookie QB starting on the road in his first career game with a weak receiving group against an above average defense is a recipe for a good D/ST score.
Get a different D for starts.
Why? Ravens have a nice week one matchup.
Because the OPs team needs diversity and can replace Ravens easily right now.
So you're suggesting he diversify now and grab a defense projected to perform worse in week one? That makes no sense to me. Ravens are a top streaming defense week one and their production is only loosely/indirectly tied to the production of his other players. I get that diversification is one of many factors for a fantasy owner to consider, but suggesting he cuts a defense in a week where it's a top play seems to be akin to suggesting he cut off his nose to spite his face.

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