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Unicorns, Show Ponies, Where's the beef? (1 Viewer)

On Patriots radio analyst Scott Zolak’s colorful reaction to the game-winning TD pass and if he understands what he was saying: “You know, I do not. I know Zolak a little bit and he gets pretty excited but I don’t think anyone could comprehend what he was saying. ... I think he’s been watching too many Will Ferrell movies.”

~ Julian Edelman

Zolak is pretty annoying. Almost as much as his radio sidekick, Andy Gresh. Gresh played OL at that formidable, powerhouse University of Rhode Island and thinks he knows everything. At least Zolak held a clipboard on Sundays and played a little bit.

Zolak and Gresh are great. They're real as hell and say what's on their mind, rather than tow the company line like the clowns like Joe Buck. Zolak just get s pumped up from watching the Pats. Don't be a downer

I hate the Patriots and thought that was an over-the-top, great call. Unicorns!!! Show ponies!!! Where's your beef?

Zolak has as much football knowledge as anyone currently on the media-side of things...he was also a guy his teammates loved...a real character who marches to his own drummer...

Zolak and Gresh are great. They're real as hell and say what's on their mind, rather than tow the company line like the clowns like Joe Buck. Zolak just get s pumped up from watching the Pats. Don't be a downer
I listen to Gresh and Zo, and enjoy the show. However, let's not say he doesn't tow the company line. Whether it's intentional or not, he toes the Patriots company line quite well. It's a local radio show, so I don't expect anything different, but let's get that straight.


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