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You will never look at the NFL Draft the same again (1 Viewer)

Thanks for posting. Anybody aware of analytics was aware of the GM Incentive, though. That's been discussed quite a bit over the years, especially in baseball.

Really, the only thing surprising about that video was the surplus value of the late first-round picks holding more value than early first-rounders.
Thanks for posting. Anybody aware of analytics was aware of the GM Incentive, though. That's been discussed quite a bit over the years, especially in baseball.

Really, the only thing surprising about that video was the surplus value of the late first-round picks holding more value than early first-rounders.
That was my take away. The most valuable picks in the draft appear to be from 15-30. If you hit there, you get the sweet spot of talent at somewhat cheaper cost than the top 14 guys.

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