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unofficial third pick (1 Viewer)


Assuming AP is gone.

Martin / McCoy / Charles?

I liked Charles before the injury. I assume Martin will be gone. If he isn't do I grab him? Anyone have any thoughts?

I've beenn Debating Spiller, Lynch, Or Charles..McCoy To An Extent But Those Other Three Have Me Thinking...

What Has Everyone Else Been Seeing? What's Your StrategY?

I'm thinking Richardson here as well. I'd rather have the number 6 or 7 pick and I would feel more comfortable taking Richardson and getting an earlier round 2 pick. I think Richardson, Charles and McCoy have higher upside than Spiller. I don't think Martin will be there but would you take him over the rest?

Stryker said:
Man of Zen said:

(ETA: Trent. Not Daryl, who might be a reach at 1.03)
Do you say this also because of the addition of Norv Turner?
As I've said elsewhere, but I don't mind preaching the gospel everywhere I can, he brings (to my mind) the best combo of ANY RB in the draft when taking into account...

...current health (seems 100%)

....willingness and ability to play through injury (really solid year in a lot of pain last year)

...coach and system (Norv backs who have gotten anywhere near feature back touches for a whole year have never fallen shy of 1600yfs/11, and all but one have been significantly better than that)

...line (a top 5 OL by most accounts)

...competition for backfield touches (less than none)


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Man, this Richardson hype may have me considering him also..

Spiller I docked a little bit now because of his QB situation. Just not confident on how that will shake out..

Confused why this thread only talks about who you pick in the first round. Is that all that matters?!

Just rank the top runningbacks 1 thru 3 and take the guy highest on your list in the first. Ok. We got that out of the way.

How about the remaining rounds?...

I drafted from the 3 tonight in a 12 team, non-ppr, 1/2/2/1TE/1flex/K/D and decided to mix it up and go Graham in the 2nd round.

It certainly hurt my WRs, since I want to grab 3 RBs to start, including the flex spot. My draft ended up like this:

QB: Romo 7, Vick 9

RB: Charles 1, Wilson 3, Matthews 4, Ingram 8

WR: Bowe 5, Nelson 6, Stevie Johnson 10, E Sanders 12, Blackmon 13

TE: Graham 2

K: Hauschka 14

D: Dnver 11

I gotta say that I hated taking Graham the second after I did it even though it might have been the "right" thing to do. I'm high on Wilson (obviously) so happy he was there at 3.03. Hopefully Matthews stays healthy (he pulled something just by me typing that). If Nelson gets/stays healthy and gets half way back to his 2011 form, I'm ok with my WRs. But if I didn't go Graham, I could've had Brandon Marshall and I would've felt better slumming in the TE dept.

Basically, I'm left unsure on this approach but this is generally a guppy work league so I decided to try something a little different.


Confused why this thread only talks about who you pick in the first round. Is that all that matters?!

Just rank the top runningbacks 1 thru 3 and take the guy highest on your list in the first. Ok. We got that out of the way.

How about the remaining rounds?...

I drafted from the 3 tonight in a 12 team, non-ppr, 1/2/2/1TE/1flex/K/D and decided to mix it up and go Graham in the 2nd round.

It certainly hurt my WRs, since I want to grab 3 RBs to start, including the flex spot. My draft ended up like this:

QB: Romo 7, Vick 9

RB: Charles 1, Wilson 3, Matthews 4, Ingram 8

WR: Bowe 5, Nelson 6, Stevie Johnson 10, E Sanders 12, Blackmon 13

TE: Graham 2

K: Hauschka 14

D: Dnver 11

I gotta say that I hated taking Graham the second after I did it even though it might have been the "right" thing to do. I'm high on Wilson (obviously) so happy he was there at 3.03. Hopefully Matthews stays healthy (he pulled something just by me typing that). If Nelson gets/stays healthy and gets half way back to his 2011 form, I'm ok with my WRs. But if I didn't go Graham, I could've had Brandon Marshall and I would've felt better slumming in the TE dept.

Basically, I'm left unsure on this approach but this is generally a guppy work league so I decided to try something a little different.

Not a terrible pick, Graham at TE is almost like having a WR1 to be honest, but I would have gone Marshall to feel a little more confident in the WR position, your WRs didnt turn out to be too bad though, if they stay healthy.

I'm glad you brought this up because in my league I am deciding whether I go RB/WR or WR/RB or even WR/WR at the 2/3 turn. 6 points per TD including QBs has me considering a QB, but I think I am gonna pass again and get value at other positions, even though having a Brees or Manning would be nice. Pros/cons of getting a QB early?..last year in my draft, 8 QBs went in the first 4 rounds

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Confused why this thread only talks about who you pick in the first round. Is that all that matters?!

Just rank the top runningbacks 1 thru 3 and take the guy highest on your list in the first. Ok. We got that out of the way.

How about the remaining rounds?...

I drafted from the 3 tonight in a 12 team, non-ppr, 1/2/2/1TE/1flex/K/D and decided to mix it up and go Graham in the 2nd round.

It certainly hurt my WRs, since I want to grab 3 RBs to start, including the flex spot. My draft ended up like this:

QB: Romo 7, Vick 9

RB: Charles 1, Wilson 3, Matthews 4, Ingram 8

WR: Bowe 5, Nelson 6, Stevie Johnson 10, E Sanders 12, Blackmon 13

TE: Graham 2

K: Hauschka 14

D: Dnver 11

I gotta say that I hated taking Graham the second after I did it even though it might have been the "right" thing to do. I'm high on Wilson (obviously) so happy he was there at 3.03. Hopefully Matthews stays healthy (he pulled something just by me typing that). If Nelson gets/stays healthy and gets half way back to his 2011 form, I'm ok with my WRs. But if I didn't go Graham, I could've had Brandon Marshall and I would've felt better slumming in the TE dept.

Basically, I'm left unsure on this approach but this is generally a guppy work league so I decided to try something a little different.

I feel the same way when I look at my roster after drafting Graham. The difference between him and other TE's is more than the drop off of production from other positions. I think it's going to work out fine.
I've got the #3 pick in a ten team non PPR with scoring heavily slanted to the QB (6 point TD, 1 point per 20 yards passing, 2 points per 20 after 300.) Rodgers will almost certainly go #1, ADP will likely go 2 - is the play here to go ahead and lock up a QB by taking Brees, or go for whoever I think the best RB available is? IMHO this is one of the worst years to have the #3 pick - McCoy, Charles, Spiller, Lynch, Martin, Rice are the same guy to me. Would rather get one of them at #7 and have a better 2nd round pick. Thoughts?

drafted today. 12 team, h2h, redraft, flex. start 2 WR long time league:

qd - luck

rb - trent richardson, ridley, reggie bush, lacy, vereen

wr - decker, nicks, gordon, jennings, randle

te - fred davis

K - legatron

D - by committee

went RB heavy. 1st 4 picks were rbs. WR i think are serviceable, set up nicely to trade a RB if i need to.

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LOCO said:
drafted today. 12 team, h2h, redraft, flex. start 2 WR long time league:

qd - luck

rb - trent richardson, ridley, reggie bush, lacy, vereen

wr - decker, nicks, gordon, jennings, randle

te - fred davis

K - legatron

D - by committee

went RB heavy. 1st 4 picks were rbs. WR i think are serviceable, set up nicely to trade a RB if i need to.
Interested as to who was gone at 3 and why you choose richardson over the other available backs. I have a league with the same settings as yours and I was thinking of going Richardson with my first pick as well but I am also thinking Charles or Spiller. I was thinking of going RB/RB/WR but I may go RB/RB/RB with flex position. flex position is new to league.

LOCO said:
drafted today. 12 team, h2h, redraft, flex. start 2 WR long time league:

qd - luck

rb - trent richardson, ridley, reggie bush, lacy, vereen

wr - decker, nicks, gordon, jennings, randle

te - fred davis

K - legatron

D - by committee

went RB heavy. 1st 4 picks were rbs. WR i think are serviceable, set up nicely to trade a RB if i need to.
Interested as to who was gone at 3 and why you choose richardson over the other available backs. I have a league with the same settings as yours and I was thinking of going Richardson with my first pick as well but I am also thinking Charles or Spiller. I was thinking of going RB/RB/WR but I may go RB/RB/RB with flex position. flex position is new to league.



went with trent as i think norv turner = fantasy gold.

Sorry. Really have a bug up my ### about this...

Is who got picked 1st and 2nd overall REALLY what is the big question for folks in these threads?!? Just confounds me that people can't come up with their top 3 list and move on to the more important questions like "what are the options for the REST of the draft".


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I've got third as well in my main league tomorrow night. (Thursday)

Most of the options have injury warts - Charles, Shady, Foster, TRich, Spiller.

I think everyone is in love with the upside of the injury picks listed above and not worried about the safe play?

In a .5 PPR league I'm thinking Ray Rice as the safe pick here. Talk me out of my logic.

I've got third as well in my main league tomorrow night. (Thursday)

Most of the options have injury warts - Charles, Shady, Foster, TRich, Spiller.

I think everyone is in love with the upside of the injury picks listed above and not worried about the safe play?

In a .5 PPR league I'm thinking Ray Rice as the safe pick here. Talk me out of my logic.
Injury warts? I can maybe see shuffling the rankings a little based on the health of some of those guys. But all? Not seeing it.

I've got third as well in my main league tomorrow night. (Thursday)

Most of the options have injury warts - Charles, Shady, Foster, TRich, Spiller.

I think everyone is in love with the upside of the injury picks listed above and not worried about the safe play?

In a .5 PPR league I'm thinking Ray Rice as the safe pick here. Talk me out of my logic.
Injury warts? I can maybe see shuffling the rankings a little based on the health of some of those guys. But all? Not seeing it.
How should I be looking at it then?


(ETA: Trent. Not Daryl, who might be a reach at 1.03)
Do you say this also because of the addition of Norv Turner?
As I've said elsewhere, but I don't mind preaching the gospel everywhere I can, he brings (to my mind) the best combo of ANY RB in the draft when taking into account......current health (seems 100%)

....willingness and ability to play through injury (really solid year in a lot of pain last year)

...coach and system (Norv backs who have gotten anywhere near feature back touches for a whole year have never fallen shy of 1600yfs/11, and all but one have been significantly better than that)

...line (a top 5 OL by most accounts)

...competition for backfield touches (less than none)

I have the third pick tonight. Right now I have my rankings as ADP/Charles/Richardson.

So it will probably come down to Charles vs Richardson since Martin seems to be the consensus #2.

Leaning Richardson right now only because of coach/system. Reid has never been known to pound the rock and he apparently really believes Smith is good.

So I'm taking Richardson. Kinda regret taking McCoy over him this past Saturday.

I drafted from the 3 hole last night - 10 team, non PPR, all 6 pt TDs, 1 pt/20 passing/10 rush or receiving, double after 300 passing/100 rush or receiving.

I expected Rodgers to go #1 since the league is QB heavy and the guy who drew #1 is a GB homer, but he took Peterson and Foster went 2nd. Here's how my team ended up playing out;

1. Jamaal Charles - debated between he and Spiller for the full 3 minutes before I took Charles. Spiller went next.

2. Aaron Rodgers - Calvin, Green, and Bryant were gone a this point, along with RBs all the way down to Ridley. Brees was taken at 1.10, felt I had to go with Rodgers here.

3. Julio Jones

4. Lacy

5. Welker

6. Wallace

7. Witten

8. Tate

9. Andre Brown

10. Seahawks D

11. Matt Bryant

12. Britt

13. Blackmon

14. Eli Manning

15. Kendricks

16. Ravens D

All in all I'm pretty happy with how I ended up - didn't expect to land a stud RB and a top 2 QB. Felt Wallace was great value in the 6th, and I like stashing Blackmon late in the draft for the playoff push. If I did it again tonight I may take a completely different strategy, who knows? Would like to see how others ended up from the 3 hole.

I had the 3rd ... traded for all picks at the 6th spot.... got Richardson/Ridley in the first two rounds (CJ was still there as well). The 3rd is bad because all the RBs are gone by your second pick. You pretty much HAVE to go best WR available (DT/Julio/Marshall/whatever) and I didn't want to do that.

I Don't Mind Going WR/WR At The 2/3 Turn And Hoping Sproles Falls In The 4Th. If Not, Take Gronk/QB/another WR And Roll The DiceWith Montee Ball. I'mIn A League Where You Can Start 2Rb And 3Wr Or Flex That To A 1Rb And 4 Wr..Considering it

McCoy and run to the podium with the pick.
This - But to be fair I am an Eagles fan. The lanes that this offense is going to open are going to be huge and a much improved O-Line = a monster year for McCoy.
So am I but apparently my negativity in the Eagles' thread makes me a horrible fan. :shrug: That said, I think McCoy may be the number one RB and the only thing holding back is an unforeseen injury to him or extensive injuries to the OL. I'd grab Brown as insurance late because he looks to be just as big if the unforeseen injury happens.

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I picked from the 3rd spot PRIOR to Bell injury. Bumming about it alot now. 12 team. half ppr. start 1qb/2rb/2wr/1flex/1te/1k/1dst

  1. Martin
  2. DT
  3. Murray
  4. Bell
  5. Bowe
  6. Kaepernick (2nd to last top 12 QB of the board, went him over romo)
  7. Steve Smith
  8. Mike Williams
  9. Jared Cook
  10. Ronnie Hillman
  11. Jordan Cameron
  12. Bengals
  13. Knowshon Moreno
  14. Randy Bullock
In hindsight I wish I went Vereen in the 7th. Bell was a big blow to me since the injury happened a couple days after. Hoping he will be back soon or else I may be very weak at RB3. Thinking about dropping hillman for blackmon. Thoughts?

Heavily debating at the 2/3 turn if I am going to go RB/WR or WR/WR..If Demaryious is there I am going to take him at 2.08, but what I want to do in the 3rd is what has me. I could get possibly Julio or Fitz, or even go a top QB with 6 points per TD pass..then hope for sproles, miller, etc to be there at 4.08..or do I take a David Wilson at 3.02?? What say you sharks?


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