A move to global communism. Less freedoms and more top down governmental control in all aspects of life. Basically the opposite of what the US was founded on. Maybe eventually their commitment to atheism and the lack of morality to the point that eugenics becomes the only logical conclusion. Ordered births and governmental control of who is fit to live or die or move or work job X or how much everyone can earn and what a good life is like.Sure. Of those three, China is the most realistic to take our place. Not ideal, but I’m not concerned what that would mean for the US.Who the next superpower is is what concerns me.Meh. What consequence of not being the world’s top superpower concerns you? How far do you think we’ll fall?The problem is that basically nobody agrees with you. I do, but nobody else does. Those people vote, and their vote counts the same as ours.And if your version of history goes back only 100 or even 200 years, you are fooling yourself thinking this is some permanent cycle of growth and wealth we are in.
People living in the US generally operate under the theory that the US is immune from history, and we're immune from the problems that have caused other great powers to decline over time. That is very much not the case, and I would argue that the US is already in sharp and irreversible decline. The problem is that none of the metrics that I would use to defend that view are admissible in this forum, so I'll just leave that as a raw assertion. IYKYK.
More generally though, folks just don't understand history, and in particular they don't really understand US history. For example, it is 2024. The Battle of Little Big Horn, in which a US Army division was literally annihilated by a group of stone-age warriors, was less than 150 years ago. Our grandparents would have had direct access to people who were were there. Fast forward a bit to WWI. When the US entered WWI, we were an afterthought. Our military probably would have been routed by the likes of Poland. Horses were still being used in warfare back then, and we think of that as part of the "modern" era.
We've been a global superpower for about three or four generations. That's it. The UK fell from a much higher perch to also-ran status during that exact same period. It can happen to us, and it is happening to us. I recommend looking out for yourself.
Not a fan of what a China/Russia/Iran centric world domination would be like.
What consequence do you fear from China at the top?
Those consequences. Sure not in my lifetime, but in a couple of generations? Not too far fetched.