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Video games...what ya playing? And what are you looking forward to? (1 Viewer)

SierraKiloBravo said:
madshot31 said:
Steve Tasker said:
Still playing GOW2, and I still want to finish Mirror's Edge - I left off halfway through.

Will buy:

Modern Warfare 2


Might buy:

Bioshock 2 (I plan on buying Bioshock 1 and working my way through it)
For me, Bioshock 1 is the best game since goldeneye for n64. If you play it try and pick up as many recordings as possible. Some will mind **** you.
That's a bold statement right there. Bold.
That's just my opinion in regards to the fun factor I had while playing it, the only other games that have come close were be diablo2 and a few rpgs most haven't heard of. But playing bioshock with the lights out, volume loud, and late at night on the hardest difficulty is :kicksrock: . The level Fort Frolic is just so damn good.
SierraKiloBravo said:
madshot31 said:
Steve Tasker said:
Still playing GOW2, and I still want to finish Mirror's Edge - I left off halfway through.

Will buy:

Modern Warfare 2


Might buy:

Bioshock 2 (I plan on buying Bioshock 1 and working my way through it)
For me, Bioshock 1 is the best game since goldeneye for n64. If you play it try and pick up as many recordings as possible. Some will mind **** you.
That's a bold statement right there. Bold.
I agree. That is bold. I'd say it's the best game since Half-Life 2. Besides, after playing a PC shooter, I could never go back to playing Goldeneye on the N64 and I still can't (Goldeneye Source is a good port if anyone wants to check that out). Even Rare's own Perfect Dark for the N64 was a superior game. No console shooter felt right until Halo perfected the controls, IMO.

Anno 1404: Kind of like a Blizzard does Civ. More focused on building and trade than warfare though. Great game from a great series.

Empire: Total War: Total War series is one of my favorites and the developers have finally fixed the AI.

I seem to be in an RTS kick. I don't play much anymore. Maybe three or four hours a week. I'm looking forward to Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, and Assassin's Creed 2.

Anno 1404: Kind of like a Blizzard does Civ. More focused on building and trade than warfare though. Great game from a great series.

Empire: Total War: Total War series is one of my favorites and the developers have finally fixed the AI.

I seem to be in an RTS kick. I don't play much anymore. Maybe three or four hours a week. I'm looking forward to Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, and Assassin's Creed 2.
I bought this for the DS a couple of weeks ago and I'm enjoying it. It's called "Dawn of Discovery" on that system.
Dragon Age: Orgins (pc/360/ps3) is coming out soon for the rpg fans out there. Its made by BioWare(mass effect, bauldurs gate). The camera view can go close up to 3rd person in the sky mode, and from the gameplay video, it looks like any way is playable, not like fallout3. Its gameplay is in line with Never Winter Nights and Bauldurs Gate. Also from what I have read it is bringing back hard mode to rpgs for the fans of getting stomped on. Gameplay Vid. FYI the video has a fbomb or two to go along with the nerd/rpg schtick commentary. Its a 20 minute vid and the gameplay starts at 3 minutes, before that is a semi showing of the item/skill interface.

Dragon Age: Orgins (pc/360/ps3) is coming out soon for the rpg fans out there. Its made by BioWare(mass effect, bauldurs gate). The camera view can go close up to 3rd person in the sky mode, and from the gameplay video, it looks like any way is playable, not like fallout3. Its gameplay is in line with Never Winter Nights and Bauldurs Gate. Also from what I have read it is bringing back hard mode to rpgs for the fans of getting stomped on. Gameplay Vid. FYI the video has a fbomb or two to go along with the nerd/rpg schtick commentary. Its a 20 minute vid and the gameplay starts at 3 minutes, before that is a semi showing of the item/skill interface.
I'll inevitably pick this up because BioWare made it, but this game looks a lot like Neverwinter Nights, which I was not particularly fond of. I'm not a fan of the micromanaging of spells, etc. required by those games.
I'm currently playing Demon's Souls. So far, this game is absolutely awesome. If you haven't seen a review yet, it's basically Dungeons and Dragons on the PS3. It's also very old-school in the sense that there's no in-game pause and no checkpoints. If you die in a particular level, you go all the way back to the start of that level. And just about every enemy you encounter is quite capable of killing you if you're careless. I haven't played a game like this since when I had my Sega Genesis. It's not as difficult as many of the reviews have made it out to be, but it is definitely unforgiving and it never holds your hand. I have Uncharted 2 coming from Amazon next week, and I'm really wishing these two games had been spaced out more because I hate having to take time away from either.

If you have a PS3, you should really do some research on this game and at least give it a rental to see if its for you.

Apparently on EA website you could of gotten Dead Space/Mirror's Edge for free.It only lasted until 5 pm EST today.

Playing on PS3

Currently playing Oblivion. I think I must be about 70 hours into this game now, the quests never seem to end :bye:

Games I am looking forward to in the near term include Fallout 3 GOTY and Borderlands.

Games I am looking forward to in the future are BioShock 2, FF13 and Fallout New Vegas

I'm currently playing Demon's Souls. So far, this game is absolutely awesome. If you haven't seen a review yet, it's basically Dungeons and Dragons on the PS3. It's also very old-school in the sense that there's no in-game pause and no checkpoints. If you die in a particular level, you go all the way back to the start of that level. And just about every enemy you encounter is quite capable of killing you if you're careless. I haven't played a game like this since when I had my Sega Genesis. It's not as difficult as many of the reviews have made it out to be, but it is definitely unforgiving and it never holds your hand. I have Uncharted 2 coming from Amazon next week, and I'm really wishing these two games had been spaced out more because I hate having to take time away from either.

If you have a PS3, you should really do some research on this game and at least give it a rental to see if its for you.
That looks like a cool game. If I still owned a PS3 I would absolutely pick that up.
I have never played Oblivion--there I said it.

However, I don't think now is a good time to start it with Uncharted 2 tomorrow and Left for Dead 2 and Modern Warfare 2 right around the corner.

I did just order Wii Resort for my daughter this morning, so I am sure she will pull me into that as well.

Looking forward to: FIFA 10
:confused: I'm not the only one.
I'll be playing as well. (probably on the 360). I've heard the manager mode has some horrible bugs right now though. (which is the main draw for me). I'm learning to play with full manual controlls on the demo (no direction assist, not even for short passes). It hurts on the short passes (especially against pressure) but it makes my through ball game so much better. Its much more satisfying to score. I'm not really playing anything current. Mostly BF2 on the PC and college hoops 2K8 (finishing up my legacy mode before the EA game comes out in november) with some BF1943 sprinkled in.Waiting for....Fifa 10(october)Battlefield Bad Company 2 (march)Assassins Creed 2 (November)NCAA basketball 2010 (november)I've got some other games i've considered, but this should be enough to keep me busy.
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Dragon Age: Orgins (pc/360/ps3) is coming out soon for the rpg fans out there. Its made by BioWare(mass effect, bauldurs gate). The camera view can go close up to 3rd person in the sky mode, and from the gameplay video, it looks like any way is playable, not like fallout3. Its gameplay is in line with Never Winter Nights and Bauldurs Gate. Also from what I have read it is bringing back hard mode to rpgs for the fans of getting stomped on. Gameplay Vid. FYI the video has a fbomb or two to go along with the nerd/rpg schtick commentary. Its a 20 minute vid and the gameplay starts at 3 minutes, before that is a semi showing of the item/skill interface.
I'm looking forward to this as well. Big fan of the Baldur's Gate series.
NCAA basketball 2010 (november)
Is this game going to be good this year? I haven't cared for the EA Sports basketball games for a long time now and I still play College Hoops 2k7 when I need my college basketball fix.
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NCAA basketball 2010 (november)
Is this game going to be good this year? I haven't cared for the EA Sports basketball games for a long time now and I still play College Hoops 2k7 when I need my college basketball fix.
it looks very promising. its based on the NBA Live engine (which is getting very good reviews) and has unmatched presentation (both CBS and ESPN announcers and graphics). Like any other sports game (especially a college game) it comes down to the dynasty mode for me. if its great, i'll be there on day 1. if it sucks, i'm out.
I just went through Bioshock maybe a month or two back. Great, great game. As soon as I finished it, I wanted to play the whole thing over again.

Currently playing: Halo ODST. It's fun if you are into Halo (it's mostly just more of the same) and Firefight mode will keep my friends and I occupied for a few months until something new comes out.

At some point I will pick Fallout 3 back up but I had to force myself to take a break from that game as it can consume your life.

Can't wait for Bioshock 2, loved the first one.

Fallen Earth for the PC. This one came out of no where for me. Best mmorpg to come out in a while and I have beta'ed/played most over the last couple of years.

360 - atleast rented or gameflyed most of the new stuff. Batman:AA was great. Dirt2>NFS:Shift but both are good. MUA2 is good but keep losing interest.

Still playing a ton of Orange Box on 360, esp Team Fortress 2. Simply addictive. 360 gamer tag is bowlin75. I will be either the above average Engineer or the really bad Spy.

Have on my shelf: Assassin's Creed, GTAIV, Lego Star Wars, Lego Indy Jones/Kung Fu Panda combo, some Harry Potter game for my wife, Ultimate Alliance/Forza combo, Amped 3.

Really need to play some of these before I go and buy any others. Always looking at bargin bin games, so will get the Bioshock/Oblivion combo soon.

For my PC, I still need to finish Bioshock, the Crysis campaign, the Crysis Warhead Campaign, among others. For the 360, I still have not finished the GoW2 campaign, R6:V and R6:V2 campaigns as well as Mass Effect. This dearth in games is OK with me for now. I have almost no time for gaming anymore. :rolleyes:

ETA I need to finish HL2: Ep 2 as well.

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Still playing a ton of Orange Box on 360, esp Team Fortress 2. Simply addictive. 360 gamer tag is bowlin75. I will be either the above average Engineer or the really bad Spy.Have on my shelf: Assassin's Creed, GTAIV, Lego Star Wars, Lego Indy Jones/Kung Fu Panda combo, some Harry Potter game for my wife, Ultimate Alliance/Forza combo, Amped 3.Really need to play some of these before I go and buy any others. Always looking at bargin bin games, so will get the Bioshock/Oblivion combo soon.
Still play a ton of TF2 myself. Great game.
Still playing a ton of Orange Box on 360, esp Team Fortress 2. Simply addictive. 360 gamer tag is bowlin75. I will be either the above average Engineer or the really bad Spy.Have on my shelf: Assassin's Creed, GTAIV, Lego Star Wars, Lego Indy Jones/Kung Fu Panda combo, some Harry Potter game for my wife, Ultimate Alliance/Forza combo, Amped 3.Really need to play some of these before I go and buy any others. Always looking at bargin bin games, so will get the Bioshock/Oblivion combo soon.
Still play a ton of TF2 myself. Great game.
I loved TF2 but EA never patched the PS3 version so there are a lot fewer players daily. No spy will get by me unburned.
Fallen Earth for the PC. This one came out of no where for me. Best mmorpg to come out in a while and I have beta'ed/played most over the last couple of years.
Gonna check this out. Any suggestions?
Start out knowing you are going to have to figure out a lot on your own. One of the things I like best about the game is that it doesn't hand feed you every thing. The learning curve isn't as hard core as EVE but it is very similar to the learning curve when EQ launched. You have to figure things out on your own and you will likely make mistakes. If you feel that your character has to be the most powerful possible then you will probably end up starting over a few times. It would take a lot to screw up a character to the point of being unplayable but some people get hung up the whole min/max idea.Throw everything you know about classes out the window. Champions Online got caught between trying to have classes without having classes and never found it's way. In FE there are no classes. Each character will end up different. Not sure how this is going to work for groups but it definitely works for the role playing side of things.Pick a weapon specialty and work from there. It boils down to pistol/rifle/melee in the beginning. Focus your skill points on one of those to start. You get enough skill points where you can probably support two of the three but it reduces the margin of error in other parts of the skill system.Get a horse early. You can use ATV's early but they cost a lot more to keep running and money is very tight for the first 10+ levels. The world is huge even in the early levels so some sort of transportation really helps. I didn't know this and went with a special offer that gave me a free ATV. The ATV is sitting in the garage because I can't afford to keep gas in it.The crafting system is really nice. You don't have to craft to enjoy the game but it certainly helps. If you like the challenge of figuring things out for yourself, then put time into crafting. When you go into larger cities turn down the slider that controls how far out the game tries to draw other players. I think it is something like "Draw Actor Distance". I read this tip early and I haven't had a single frame rate problem. On the same note run at the the highest resolution your PC can handle. When I was deciding whether to buy the game a lot of people were talking about how the graphics were dated. I started out on the default resolution and could see what they meant. I changed nothing besides my resolution and it made a world of difference. It is on par with if not better than most of the other mmo graphics. So far my system has been able to run at the higher resolution without a problem.Goes for all MMOs in my opinion but turn off the Help chat channel unless you actually need help. The maturity level of FE seems to be a good bit higher than most mmos but there is only one server so every punk and whiner is in the help channel trying to get attention.That covers a good bit of it but there is a lot to learn. The good thing is that it is fun learning it. With EVE there was a lot to learn but I didn't have much fun learning it. With WoW so little to learn it turned into a race to find something I had to think about to feel any sense of accomplishment.
Fallen Earth for the PC. This one came out of no where for me. Best mmorpg to come out in a while and I have beta'ed/played most over the last couple of years.
Gonna check this out. Any suggestions?
Goes for all MMOs in my opinion but turn off the Help chat channel unless you actually need help. The maturity level of FE seems to be a good bit higher than most mmos but there is only one server so every punk and whiner is in the help channel trying to get attention.
I saw that offer for the free ATV and I figure I will go with that as well so good tip on the gas. Now as far as the servers...One server for every single player in the game? How is this possible?

Fallen Earth for the PC. This one came out of no where for me. Best mmorpg to come out in a while and I have beta'ed/played most over the last couple of years.
Gonna check this out. Any suggestions?
Goes for all MMOs in my opinion but turn off the Help chat channel unless you actually need help. The maturity level of FE seems to be a good bit higher than most mmos but there is only one server so every punk and whiner is in the help channel trying to get attention.
I saw that offer for the free ATV and I figure I will go with that as well so good tip on the gas. Now as far as the servers...One server for every single player in the game? How is this possible?
I imagine they are planning on quite a bit fewer users than WoW. Quite a few are going this route nowadays. The last few new mmos that opened with 10+ servers have all consolidated servers because some were ghost towns. I don't know their user numbers but performance wise it has been ok except for absolute prime time. They have had a few resets over the past few nights. Nothing unexpected at release.Game wise it has only been an issue for one set of quests. A lot of people for one set of spawns. Again nothing I haven't seen in every other mmo. I think they started adding instanced quest zones late in the design process. I have had quests in instanced small houses with 10-15 mobs. I have had a set of quests in a huge dungeon with hundreds of mobs all as part of the open world. So it seems like at some point they started doing more of one than the other.


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