need2know said:
Chachi said:
This thread on a weekly basis has single handedly ruined my fantasy football season.
Oakland gave me -1 yesterday and will likely be out of the playoffs.
In the previous 5 weeks using advice from this thread my defences have scored -2,0,-1,0,3.
So the right choice is the one you believe in and not the one recommended here!
Lesson learned by me the hard way.
The Chachinator agrees with this post. I realized quickly if you want to lose then follow the advice around here.
The Chachinator is already up $23,000 this year and that number should go way up now that the playoffs have started.
The Chachinator only uses his own advice.
Wth is a chachi? Oak had some serious flags about that matchup. It was risky going in. Don't blame the thread for your choices
Agreed. I've been in and out of here all year. I grabbed KC in one league, but I knew come Denver part 1, they were in trouble and in another league I have been playing the wire all year. I was checking since week 8 and my waiver D's have averaged 15 ppg the past 7 weeks. That is almost 1ppg better than KC's yearly average, so 14ppg is the #1 D. I had one bad week (Cincy against Miami, which was supposed to be a great one), but other than that, I have gotten 9, 10, 11, 22, 23 and 27 points.I posted that I liked Arizona in the week 14 thread since they have been solid at home (they are the 9, 11, and 23 above). I didn't see many people agree, but anyone who took my advice might have advanced in their 1st round like I did. I had the high score for the week and needed it to win by 2. This thread and thinking through options has helped me a lot.
That said, I didn't like the Oakland option either. The things I look at are home/away splits, total scoring so far and matchups. I don't like going with crappy Ds with great matchups away (like Oakland). Those hardly ever work out. A decent D at home with a great matchup is cherry.