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Warning - FOG/Presidential Suite dynasty leagues - Do I feel like a su (2 Viewers)

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Personal info is correct compared to my records.

I'm out $75 for a future year trade deposit. He did pay in full in one of the leagues that I won last year.

Here's an email that he sent out today to one of his leagues

That's why it's always a good idea to not buy into rumors and innuendo.

They have a life all their own. I'll send out a message later to address the status and future of this league.

One more thing before you leave. Did you (dragons) get paid when you won?

The same can be asked of anybody else who has won in any of these leagues.
Boxers a little context may help too....that e-mail he sent above was in response to a post in Field of Green II after someone read this thread:Subject: Has anyone got paid yet?


Rumor has it that other leagues run by our commish are getting ZIPPO

I'm retired from this league

Sounds like something crazy is going on with him for sure, but it's a positive sign (I think) that he's e-mailing a few teams in the leagues he runs from the same oakassin e-mail. Might just take some time, but gotta see if the guy comes through and honors his word here I guess. Pretty crazy, I wouldn't want to go through this on his end that's for sure. I'm going through it already on my end being out a good team/league and $75. He probably didn't know how deep he was in.

yes that was the message board post that he replied to and sent to several league owners including myself

he was an active commish and active owner in other leagues that I played in. I assume he will respond with what is going on at some point. My opinion would be that this wasn't initially intending to rip everyone off but apparently got in over his head.

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yes that was the message board post that he replied to and sent to several league owners including myselfhe was an active commish and active owner in other leagues that I played in. I assume he will respond with what is going on at some point. My opinion would be that this wasn't initially intending to rip everyone off but apparently got in over his head.
What does "got in over his head" mean? You're either honest or you're not.
people not getting paid and short deposits so I'll vote dishonest

my point is he clearly didn't make much effort to hide his personal info. If the initial plan was to take everyone's money and run then you'd think he wouldn't be using work e-mails, mailing checks, etc.

Hey guys, I know there have been some comments about other commish's who screwed with people too, but can we keep this one Aquil? Trying to ask in the nicest possible way; Don't mean to be making demands or anything, I just think separate threads for separate issues would help us all keep things sorted.

Anyways, does anybody out there have a picture of Aquil? I'm trying to get him posted on a very popular site with high traffic and SEO results (dirty.com), but they want a picture. This guy is pretty major, has a lot of contacts, I've been following their site for a few years now and it's legit. If we can get him posted on there, he'll be pretty high on google searches for Aquil Sahaduneen or whatever the heck his name is. Right now, google shows up his FB page and linked in account as the top two results, then squat. If anyone knew him personally and would like to share a pic, this will help us bigtime. Nobody's going after this idiot, we just want to screw him over like he did us

Maybe the temptation to touch or spend money in your posession that you were holding for a few months. Money that would be leaving your hands real soon. Some people shouldn't be around that type of temptation I guess?

Or outside factors like bookies, trips over to Vegas, muscle coming down on you?

I like your idea of PayPal and keeping FF dough away from your personal accounts and things...but yea, in the end you have to be able to not touch that stuff and know the consequences could be what's happening here.

people not getting paid and short deposits so I'll vote dishonestmy point is he clearly didn't make much effort to hide his personal info. If the initial plan was to take everyone's money and run then you'd think he wouldn't be using work e-mails, mailing checks, etc.
Regardless how he lost the money, if he didn't intentionally rob us, he's either irresponsible, stupid, sick (gambler), or all three. If a drunk driver runs over a child and kills him, do we blame the booze? or do we blame the person?
Regardless how he lost the money, if he didn't intentionally rob us, he's either irresponsible, stupid, sick (gambler), or all three. If a drunk driver runs over a child and kills him, do we blame the booze? or do we blame the person?
I agree. Not that it is going to help those of us that have lost money but I'd like to at least know which of these reasons he has. Wasn't trying to stick up for the guy at all and hope he tries to do the right thing
people not getting paid and short deposits so I'll vote dishonestmy point is he clearly didn't make much effort to hide his personal info. If the initial plan was to take everyone's money and run then you'd think he wouldn't be using work e-mails, mailing checks, etc.
Its a thought, but it doesn't matter the money is gone. If this was really an "honest mistake", or knew the money would indeed be paid, he would've been as active on this thread as all of us combined, and we would be getting emails from this guy pleading with us not to screw him. He might not have planned it from the start, but regardless he stole a massive amount of money from a lot of people and is ghost now. Maybe he was an amateur and thought nobody would care? I mean, like i said earlier, only about 20% of the guys in each league placed in the money. The rest wouldn't care if the few that won didn't make a big deal about it. Honestly, looks like there's ALOT of people who really don't care, because if there were, there'd be more different posters on this thread as the thread was emailed to everyone in his leagues. When the original email went out from Aquil, only 3-4 guys were even talking about it. The rest seemed to vanish, because, they are only out a deposit for next year and it's not enough to freak out about. He probably thought he'd only have to answer a few questions, string along 20% of us, hope that as the weeks/months go on, that more of us stopped caring, and let things die down over the next 8 months and disappear.Or, which I think is more likely, he lost it gambling or on hookers or something, and now is screwed cuz he can't pay us back. The set up of his leagues and the amount that he started this year and the fact we haven't heard a peep from the guy through all this makes me think it was planned from the start, and not going as smoothly as he thought
people not getting paid and short deposits so I'll vote dishonestmy point is he clearly didn't make much effort to hide his personal info. If the initial plan was to take everyone's money and run then you'd think he wouldn't be using work e-mails, mailing checks, etc.
Its a thought, but it doesn't matter the money is gone. If this was really an "honest mistake", or knew the money would indeed be paid, he would've been as active on this thread as all of us combined, and we would be getting emails from this guy pleading with us not to screw him. He might not have planned it from the start, but regardless he stole a massive amount of money from a lot of people and is ghost now. Maybe he was an amateur and thought nobody would care? I mean, like i said earlier, only about 20% of the guys in each league placed in the money. The rest wouldn't care if the few that won didn't make a big deal about it. Honestly, looks like there's ALOT of people who really don't care, because if there were, there'd be more different posters on this thread as the thread was emailed to everyone in his leagues. When the original email went out from Aquil, only 3-4 guys were even talking about it. The rest seemed to vanish, because, they are only out a deposit for next year and it's not enough to freak out about. He probably thought he'd only have to answer a few questions, string along 20% of us, hope that as the weeks/months go on, that more of us stopped caring, and let things die down over the next 8 months and disappear.Or, which I think is more likely, he lost it gambling or on hookers or something, and now is screwed cuz he can't pay us back. The set up of his leagues and the amount that he started this year and the fact we haven't heard a peep from the guy through all this makes me think it was planned from the start, and not going as smoothly as he thought
The pressure must be put on and not let up, not in 6 months, not in 6 years. This will turn out to be his worst nightmare if he doesn't make it right with everyone. Not just those who won money, but those of us who are out their deposit fees. I'm not rich and I spend about a $1000 a year on fantasy entry fees, so even $125 hurts.
I kinda figured we would have much more than 25 members at the facebook site considering he screwed over a lot more people than that....

I agree. I didn't know anything about any of this until today when something was posted on my league message board by another owner. Clearly he isn't taking a very proactive approach to informing everyone about the situation and the strategy for trying to make this right.

Without being directed here by another screwed owner, I probably would have never found this thread in the looking for leagues forum because I'm not looking for anymore leagues. Everyone should spread the word.

I kinda figured we would have much more than 25 members at the facebook site considering he screwed over a lot more people than that....
One guy emailed me and said he was in all 6 leagues. He was in the two that started last year that actually paid out. I think Aquil's plan was to recruit as few unique players as possible and convince them to be in more than 1 league, as it's fewer people to screw over, fewer to come after him, but same amount of money. Figure his alias Alan Fern was probably in every league as well, as was Nter the draggin, and all the repeat players, it's likely an estimate of 80 guys is high and it's more likely 40-50. Still, a guy in all 6 leagues probably got screwed out of a grand himself. Now I know why people are considering legal action....
Been reading this thread with great interest. I was in a California based league ($100 buy in, $5 per transaction, CBS based) in 2009 - damn commish has yet to pay me off - keeps claiming he has "financial difficulties" and promises to send out a check, but never delivers - this has gone on to the point of ridiculous. He has always given nothing but excuses every time. I am wondering what the legal options are - I have plenty of documentation (emails) that he admits he owes me, but is that enough to take him to small claims court? To do so entails a lot of extra expenses (filing fees, service fees, debtors examination fees) that will be reimbursed IF (and that's a big IF) you win the case - but really, I'm not sure where the court would stand on Fantasy Football league payouts - I've already spent a lot of hours trying to get this commish to pay up to nothing but anguish on my part.

Does anyone here have real legal expertise on this? I'm looking for real advice.

btw, this POS commish's name is Dan Bauer - he lives in Anaheim CA 714-743-1146, email address is loan_wizard2008@yahoo.com; feel free to let him know if you wish that ripping off your league mates is not cool. I really am asking for help here - this commish isn't on the level of Aquil but for sure this guy's pocketed the entry fees and is not paying out the winnings, even given a year to do so.

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I am still owed $800 from a commish who took the dough and ran a few years ago. He said the same things that Aquil appears to be saying. "Just give me time", "I will pay each and every one of you", "I had some unexpected personal problems (wife left me)........etc.

Don't let this guy get out of contact for any amount of time if you can, if he is sincere and really intends to make things right, then you need to always be able to contact him, if not, he will more than likely just vanish. That is alot of $$$ that he owes. I estimated that my commish walked off with only around 2K from the leagues that I knew he commished, nothing near what this guy owes you.

Been reading this thread with great interest. I was in a California based league ($100 buy in, $5 per transaction, CBS based) in 2009 - damn commish has yet to pay me off - keeps claiming he has "financial difficulties" and promises to send out a check, but never delivers - this has gone on to the point of ridiculous. He has always given nothing but excuses every time. I am wondering what the legal options are - I have plenty of documentation (emails) that he admits he owes me, but is that enough to take him to small claims court? To do so entails a lot of extra expenses (filing fees, service fees, debtors examination fees) that will be reimbursed IF (and that's a big IF) you win the case - but really, I'm not sure where the court would stand on Fantasy Football league payouts - I've already spent a lot of hours trying to get this commish to pay up to nothing but anguish on my part.Does anyone here have real legal expertise on this? I'm looking for real advice.btw, this POS commish's name is Dan Bauer - he lives in Anaheim CA 714-743-1146, email address is loan_wizard2008@yahoo.com; feel free to let him know if you wish that ripping off your league mates is not cool. I really am asking for help here - this commish isn't on the level of Aquil but for sure this guy's pocketed the entry fees and is not paying out the winnings, even given a year to do so.
a few years ago i was in a $300 league. he ran many leagues as a business (20+) much like the commercial leagues we can join but a lot less structured taking out commissions for his work. i paid a $75 min deposit to hold my keepers and said i would pay but went past the full payment due date. i just forgot about it but a few days later he 'reminded' me with an e-mail CC'd to the magistrate in florida (his home state, not mine). i paid the remainder and everything was fine but my point is, ff seems eligible for small claims court. or at least in floridafrom watching judge judy, those e-mails should e enough for you
I kinda figured we would have much more than 25 members at the facebook site considering he screwed over a lot more people than that....
I joined and he didn't rip me off. Maybe a lot of these people don't have facebook?
I think this needs to be moved back to the SP. It is getting lost here by everyone who didn't see it that first few days.
I'm amused as to why the powers to be felt the need to move it, yet they let less deserving topics stay in the SP. For once I wish they would put the wishes of the board readers first.
Thanks Joe!So did this guy take any cuts for commishing?How many total leagues did he have?Did he play in the leagues?
No he didn't take any cuts. At least he didn't in the 2 leagues of his I was in.He was the commish over 6 leagues and yes he played in each league.
Ugh...I would have been 1 to sign up if the time was right, but yea, no one LOVES this THAT much, that they volunteer to commish 6 dynasty leagues i would think.
Actually there are many commissioners that do not take cuts and commish around the same amount.
I do 1,I know someone who does 2.We don't take cuts.But 6, and not taking a cut just raises a flag.Not that they are crooked, just raises a flag.It could be a good amount of work to do that many for no compensation
I run 4 and don't take cuts :lmao: Yeah it's work, but I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it. Misfits has 15+ leagues IIRC and Steve doesn't take any cuts. Jeter23 has 4 and no cut. Now, in all these instances.... these leagues have been created over a number of years.
I run 4 and don't take cuts :homer: Yeah it's work, but I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it. Misfits has 15+ leagues IIRC and Steve doesn't take any cuts. Jeter23 has 4 and no cut. Now, in all these instances.... these leagues have been created over a number of years.
As an established commissioner, would you be offended if the owners in your league asked to use LeagueSafe even though you have obviously made payouts for years? I just wonder if it doesn't make sense for all leagues to use this. I had an instance 3 years ago where the commissioner died and his wife/son could not retrieve the funds from PayPal. I'm still not sure that was the case but I wasn't going to push it. I was out a lot of money. My point is though that things in life happen - death, families member sick, etc. I'm kind of thinking that it would make sense for all leagues to have some form of protection to mitigate the risk of anything happening. 3% really isn't much. I don't want to slap my longstanding commissioner's in the face by asking for this, but it would basically ensure no future happenings of this nature.
I kinda figured we would have much more than 25 members at the facebook site considering he screwed over a lot more people than that....
I joined and he didn't rip me off. Maybe a lot of these people don't have facebook?
I think this needs to be moved back to the SP. It is getting lost here by everyone who didn't see it that first few days.
Do you think we could start a new thread in the SP with only a link to here, that is bumped every now and again? Or maybe the link in the title? How about in the FFA forum, that gets more views than the SP especially by the legal folk.
As an established commissioner, would you be offended if the owners in your league asked to use LeagueSafe even though you have obviously made payouts for years? I just wonder if it doesn't make sense for all leagues to use this. I had an instance 3 years ago where the commissioner died and his wife/son could not retrieve the funds from PayPal. I'm still not sure that was the case but I wasn't going to push it. I was out a lot of money. My point is though that things in life happen - death, families member sick, etc. I'm kind of thinking that it would make sense for all leagues to have some form of protection to mitigate the risk of anything happening. 3% really isn't much. I don't want to slap my longstanding commissioner's in the face by asking for this, but it would basically ensure no future happenings of this nature.
Not offended, no, and I wouldn't object, but it would be quite a pain to shift everything over when I have a process in place that works. In the grand scheme of things, 3% isn't really much, but why skim more off the top from established leagues (i.e., HA, Misfits) when the likelihood of an event like you described above is pretty remote. That's really the risk with the established leagues.In the leagues I'm currently in (HA and Misfits being some of them), I have no intentions of starting some discussion to move towards leaguesafe given the commishes are well established. What's done there has worked for the 6+ years I've participated. However, it's highly unlikely that I'll join a league without leaguesafe in the future after reading all this.
It seems odd to me that no one who is involved, has made any direct calls to the local police of the FBI. Is the question not to do it, arising from the belief that fantasy football is some form of gambling? I think the authorities should be able to steer you straight. As far as small claims court, unless you approached it as individuals, I don't think it is a small claim; but I am not a lawyer.

I'll offer my two-cents on CBatm32: When a person owes you money, there is a big span from the total amount and zero, it seems to me that a guy who is paying something and staying in touch, is a hell of a lot better than someone who disappears. I don't think that CB needs to be seen as some sort of stand-up guy but if he does pay everyone back he does deserve "credit" for that.

I kinda figured we would have much more than 25 members at the facebook site considering he screwed over a lot more people than that....
One guy emailed me and said he was in all 6 leagues. He was in the two that started last year that actually paid out. I think Aquil's plan was to recruit as few unique players as possible and convince them to be in more than 1 league, as it's fewer people to screw over, fewer to come after him, but same amount of money. Figure his alias Alan Fern was probably in every league as well, as was Nter the draggin, and all the repeat players, it's likely an estimate of 80 guys is high and it's more likely 40-50. Still, a guy in all 6 leagues probably got screwed out of a grand himself. Now I know why people are considering legal action....
Without knowing Aquil, I can't say what his plan was/is but I would speculate that he was trying to use this years money to stay current with previous years payouts; a typical pyramid scheme. The more the merrier in a pyramid, my guess is that he would take as many guys with money, as he could get.
I kinda figured we would have much more than 25 members at the facebook site considering he screwed over a lot more people than that....
One guy emailed me and said he was in all 6 leagues. He was in the two that started last year that actually paid out. I think Aquil's plan was to recruit as few unique players as possible and convince them to be in more than 1 league, as it's fewer people to screw over, fewer to come after him, but same amount of money. Figure his alias Alan Fern was probably in every league as well, as was Nter the draggin, and all the repeat players, it's likely an estimate of 80 guys is high and it's more likely 40-50. Still, a guy in all 6 leagues probably got screwed out of a grand himself. Now I know why people are considering legal action....
This dude Aquil played the whole time with his alter ego Allan Fern and nobody ever picked up on it. Aquil and Fernie made trades together and co-commished all the leagues Aquil (Fern) is one slick Kreminal ! Try to find Allan Fern in California where he supposedly lived on google or any other search type site and the only thing you will find is a Indian ghost with 20 large stuffed up his as&%$hole! You will never find Fernmister in any other league than the "Kreminal's" and you never will find his phone number or address info. All Fern's and Kreminal's emails always came "iPhone" ..... the perfect crime was Orchestrated by the thief of all fantasy crooks....the KREMINAL!
I kinda figured we would have much more than 25 members at the facebook site considering he screwed over a lot more people than that....
One guy emailed me and said he was in all 6 leagues. He was in the two that started last year that actually paid out. I think Aquil's plan was to recruit as few unique players as possible and convince them to be in more than 1 league, as it's fewer people to screw over, fewer to come after him, but same amount of money. Figure his alias Alan Fern was probably in every league as well, as was Nter the draggin, and all the repeat players, it's likely an estimate of 80 guys is high and it's more likely 40-50. Still, a guy in all 6 leagues probably got screwed out of a grand himself. Now I know why people are considering legal action....
This dude Aquil played the whole time with his alter ego Allan Fern and nobody ever picked up on it. Aquil and Fernie made trades together and co-commished all the leagues Aquil (Fern) is one slick Kreminal ! Try to find Allan Fern in California where he supposedly lived on google or any other search type site and the only thing you will find is a Indian ghost with 20 large stuffed up his as&%$hole! You will never find Fernmister in any other league than the "Kreminal's" and you never will find his phone number or address info. All Fern's and Kreminal's emails always came "iPhone" ..... the perfect crime was Orchestrated by the thief of all fantasy crooks....the KREMINAL!
I believe Allan is in one of the BB leagues that Patoons commishes. In Presidential, these two never made lopsided trades. In fact, Allan traded much more than Aquil. I still think it's two different people. I'm not sure why Allan has not shed any light in this thread though.
I believe Allan is in one of the BB leagues that Patoons commishes. In Presidential, these two never made lopsided trades. In fact, Allan traded much more than Aquil. I still think it's two different people. I'm not sure why Allan has not shed any light in this thread though.
I do have Allan Fern and the team name / email is "BallzofSteel"... this one in the same? Are we saying co-commish (Allan) = commish (Aquil)? Joe Bryant is saying no IP aliases, and Ballz didn't join my league under "Kremenull", so I think they're two different people. See the BB4 thread from where Allan joined - not sure which of these FBG handles is AllanAm I missing something?
I believe Allan is in one of the BB leagues that Patoons commishes. In Presidential, these two never made lopsided trades. In fact, Allan traded much more than Aquil. I still think it's two different people. I'm not sure why Allan has not shed any light in this thread though.
I do have Allan Fern and the team name / email is "BallzofSteel"... this one in the same? Are we saying co-commish (Allan) = commish (Aquil)? Joe Bryant is saying no IP aliases, and Ballz didn't join my league under "Kremenull", so I think they're two different people. See the BB4 thread from where Allan joined - not sure which of these FBG handles is AllanAm I missing something?
I don't think you are. I think they are two separate people for sure.
People keep mentioning a 3% fee with League Safe, but I didn't think there were any fees charged for using Charch's service. Are there certain instances ($ threshholds) where there are and others where there aren't fees?

I believe Allan is in one of the BB leagues that Patoons commishes. In Presidential, these two never made lopsided trades. In fact, Allan traded much more than Aquil. I still think it's two different people. I'm not sure why Allan has not shed any light in this thread though.
I do have Allan Fern and the team name / email is "BallzofSteel"... this one in the same? Are we saying co-commish (Allan) = commish (Aquil)? Joe Bryant is saying no IP aliases, and Ballz didn't join my league under "Kremenull", so I think they're two different people. See the BB4 thread from where Allan joined - not sure which of these FBG handles is AllanAm I missing something?
I don't think you are. I think they are two separate people for sure.
Allan was at the Pres II site 16 hours ago and never said a word...Dont you think the co-commish would have said something to ease the mobs mind?
People keep mentioning a 3% fee with League Safe, but I didn't think there were any fees charged for using Charch's service. Are there certain instances ($ threshholds) where there are and others where there aren't fees?
Paypal is 1.5%, IIRC, which while nothing is half.
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People keep mentioning a 3% fee with League Safe, but I didn't think there were any fees charged for using Charch's service. Are there certain instances ($ threshholds) where there are and others where there aren't fees?
Paypal is 1.5%, IIRC, which while nothing is half.
Paypal is actually 0% if you send the money as a "gift." But my question is that I didn't think LeagueSafe charged a fee, yet 3% has been mentioned in here a couple times. Anyone?
I believe Allan is in one of the BB leagues that Patoons commishes. In Presidential, these two never made lopsided trades. In fact, Allan traded much more than Aquil. I still think it's two different people. I'm not sure why Allan has not shed any light in this thread though.
I do have Allan Fern and the team name / email is "BallzofSteel"... this one in the same? Are we saying co-commish (Allan) = commish (Aquil)? Joe Bryant is saying no IP aliases, and Ballz didn't join my league under "Kremenull", so I think they're two different people. See the BB4 thread from where Allan joined - not sure which of these FBG handles is AllanAm I missing something?
I don't think you are. I think they are two separate people for sure.
Allan was at the Pres II site 16 hours ago and never said a word...Dont you think the co-commish would have said something to ease the mobs mind?
If Allan isnt an alias and is actually a person, im thinking he is in on it with Aquil, the silence from the co-commish in all these leagues is deafening...
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People keep mentioning a 3% fee with League Safe, but I didn't think there were any fees charged for using Charch's service. Are there certain instances ($ threshholds) where there are and others where there aren't fees?
I think the only time there isn't a fee is if you deposit with your bank account. If you deposit with a CC, for example, you are hit with the 3%. I could be wrong.
People keep mentioning a 3% fee with League Safe, but I didn't think there were any fees charged for using Charch's service. Are there certain instances ($ threshholds) where there are and others where there aren't fees?
I think the only time there isn't a fee is if you deposit with your bank account. If you deposit with a CC, for example, you are hit with the 3%. I could be wrong.
Thanks doowain. I just checked and while I can't confirm the 3% fee, it does look like you get hit with a fee if you deposit by any means other than an e-check. Withdrawal/payouts at year-end have very minimal fees ($0 for a prepaid Visa, $5 for a transfer back to your checking, or $0.99 for a mailed check.
People keep mentioning a 3% fee with League Safe, but I didn't think there were any fees charged for using Charch's service. Are there certain instances ($ threshholds) where there are and others where there aren't fees?
I think the only time there isn't a fee is if you deposit with your bank account. If you deposit with a CC, for example, you are hit with the 3%. I could be wrong.
Thanks doowain. I just checked and while I can't confirm the 3% fee, it does look like you get hit with a fee if you deposit by any means other than an e-check. Withdrawal/payouts at year-end have very minimal fees ($0 for a prepaid Visa, $5 for a transfer back to your checking, or $0.99 for a mailed check.
Doesn't a fee get hit for CC on Paypal even if it's a gift? I've heard that as of late, but normally don't use my CC on Paypal.
People keep mentioning a 3% fee with League Safe, but I didn't think there were any fees charged for using Charch's service. Are there certain instances ($ threshholds) where there are and others where there aren't fees?
I think the only time there isn't a fee is if you deposit with your bank account. If you deposit with a CC, for example, you are hit with the 3%. I could be wrong.
Thanks doowain. I just checked and while I can't confirm the 3% fee, it does look like you get hit with a fee if you deposit by any means other than an e-check. Withdrawal/payouts at year-end have very minimal fees ($0 for a prepaid Visa, $5 for a transfer back to your checking, or $0.99 for a mailed check.
Doesn't a fee get hit for CC on Paypal even if it's a gift? I've heard that as of late, but normally don't use my CC on Paypal.
To be honest, I don't know what the rhyme or reason is with Paypal fees anymore. All of FF winnings sent to me this year....none of them incurred fees. But this past season in the leagues I commish, dues that were paid to me were hit with fees. Now, it could be that my winnings were sent as "gifts". I have no idea.
Paypal charges 2.9% + a .30 cent fee for every payment made based on the amount of the league fee.

However if you pay via echeck I believe that is free........and when my acct is funded with fees existing in it already I do not have any fees to pay.......but if its secured by CC or if you do not use Echecks there are fees in most cases.

Its hard as a collector to know someone elses acct so it has to be the guy sending the paypal acct knowing their own situation. I would suggest sending via paypal to a commish and asking if there were fees so you understand your own acct.

I do not believe leaguesafe is completely free as I have heard it cost people to Pay ...........and a small fee to remove funds. So twice. But it does seem the fees are minimal and similar to paypal in the end. But I also think there are options where you do not have to pay to withdrawl but it is on some credit card thing that isnt as easy to use for some......or so I have heard. But it is still a free option regardless....so its your choice.

Again I have not used it but the AMOUNT of information Leaguesafe needs about you is what slows me down. It took me awhile to trust my information to paypal..........but I finally did. It is a secure site I get that........but so is my work and we have had 3 breaches in 3 yrs. My point is putting my personal information out on the internet is my concern......not leaguesafes....I just am hesitant to put it on yet one more site to take yet one more risk.

Not trying to be anti leaguesafe or pro leaguesafe.........just pointing out my concern

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I believe Allan is in one of the BB leagues that Patoons commishes. In Presidential, these two never made lopsided trades. In fact, Allan traded much more than Aquil. I still think it's two different people. I'm not sure why Allan has not shed any light in this thread though.
I do have Allan Fern and the team name / email is "BallzofSteel"... this one in the same? Are we saying co-commish (Allan) = commish (Aquil)? Joe Bryant is saying no IP aliases, and Ballz didn't join my league under "Kremenull", so I think they're two different people. See the BB4 thread from where Allan joined - not sure which of these FBG handles is AllanAm I missing something?
I don't think you are. I think they are two separate people for sure.
Allan was at the Pres II site 16 hours ago and never said a word...Dont you think the co-commish would have said something to ease the mobs mind?
If Allan isnt an alias and is actually a person, im thinking he is in on it with Aquil, the silence from the co-commish in all these leagues is deafening...
Im sure we all appreciate the info of the pros and cons on paypal or leaguesafe but can we try and stay on topic?
My other concern is commishes sending and receiving payments via paypal as gifts to avoid fees.

I am not telling anyone what to do, but I had a buddy get his acct suspended for doing that. It is all worked out now, but they told him he could send FF fund but not as a gift because it isnt a gift. I am not sure risking a paypal acct over 1-2 dollars is worth it. I think if a commish offers snail mail and a FREE Option he should have the right to avoid a suspension on his acct.

I know people use the gift option and maybe even for years to avoid fees and have not been approached by PAYPAL.....I dont doubt that, but my acct is my responsibility......I just want to follow the rules as well as I understand them.

I believe Allan is in one of the BB leagues that Patoons commishes. In Presidential, these two never made lopsided trades. In fact, Allan traded much more than Aquil. I still think it's two different people. I'm not sure why Allan has not shed any light in this thread though.
I do have Allan Fern and the team name / email is "BallzofSteel"... this one in the same? Are we saying co-commish (Allan) = commish (Aquil)? Joe Bryant is saying no IP aliases, and Ballz didn't join my league under "Kremenull", so I think they're two different people. See the BB4 thread from where Allan joined - not sure which of these FBG handles is AllanAm I missing something?
I don't think you are. I think they are two separate people for sure.
Allan was at the Pres II site 16 hours ago and never said a word...Dont you think the co-commish would have said something to ease the mobs mind?
If Allan isnt an alias and is actually a person, im thinking he is in on it with Aquil, the silence from the co-commish in all these leagues is deafening...
Allan Fern has to be in on this scheme for sure, he was the co-commish in all the leagues! He deserves a facebook page as much as Aquil if they truly are 2 separate crooks.
I kinda figured we would have much more than 25 members at the facebook site considering he screwed over a lot more people than that....
I joined and he didn't rip me off. Maybe a lot of these people don't have facebook?

The basic part is up, now I just need to tinker with the details.
I'm not a victim here, but also got on board. I think everyone should do the same.
I'm not a victim and I *started* the page. No reason we can't do something as simple as click a button to help our fellow fbg's.
One thing I will say because I have asked this all last year..........why cant I pay through leaguesafe with my paypal acct.......then I dont have to regive my personal information to another site..........I just have to keep trusting paypal only. But Leaguesafe wont take paypal as a form of payment.

It would be nice if they did

jwb said:
frogjumper said:
Allan Fern has to be in on this scheme for sure, he was the co-commish in all the leagues! He deserves a facebook page as much as Aquil if they truly are 2 separate crooks.
This is mob mentality at its finest...
No kidding. I'm in BBIV with Allan and there is nothing to say that he has any involvement with this scam. Let him speak before you start blasting him publicly. Unreal.
jwb said:
frogjumper said:
Allan Fern has to be in on this scheme for sure, he was the co-commish in all the leagues! He deserves a facebook page as much as Aquil if they truly are 2 separate crooks.
This is mob mentality at its finest...
No kidding. I'm in BBIV with Allan and there is nothing to say that he has any involvement with this scam. Let him speak before you start blasting him publicly. Unreal.
Yeah, nothing's ever occured with Allan in BBIV to indicate this. Hopefully he stops by and posts here (if he sees it).
Sorry guys, but Allan Fern either co-owned a team with "Kremenull" in one of my leagues back in 2007 or they are the same person. He used both emails listed here in trade talks. He never said he had a partner. He "spoke" the exact same way in both emails, you know, butchering the English language, talking like a foul mouthed rapper? Yep, same guy. Sorry.

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