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Weather in San Diego? (1 Viewer)

Mostly cloudy right now. Forcast is for light rain this afternoon and early evening. Nothing to warrant pulling any players from the game.Hope this helps....

Mostly cloudy right now. Forcast is for light rain this afternoon and early evening. Nothing to warrant pulling any players from the game.

Hope this helps....
Thanks for the help
sitting in my apartment 6-8 miles from Qualcomm and it's partly cloudy, though the sun looks to be peeking through.Nothing to affect the status of any Chargers or Broncos. I'll update if the status changes.

This thread title keeps making me laugh. I live on the opposite side of the country, but I could still guess what the weather is like in San Diego. 78 and sunny. :)

This thread title keeps making me laugh. I live on the opposite side of the country, but I could still guess what the weather is like in San Diego. 78 and sunny. :)
lol! The only reason I opened this thread was to answer something similar to that. Is it cold in Alaska this time of year?? I wonder how it'll be for the probowl in Hawaii. :rolleyes:

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