KarmaPolice said:
Rookie question:
Love listening to classical and would like more on my ipod. It is quiet intimidating searching for stuff on the library site. I think Beethoven yields 300+ cds to choose from. What in the world am I looking for as far as different versions/orchestras?
It can be complicated as different conductors can specialize in certain composers or styles, orchestras sound different and work better for certain pieces. The easiest guide that will yield consistent results are to go for works by the top orchestras in the world. Anything by the following should be good to great:
Vienna Philharmonic
Berlin Philharmonic
London Symphony Orchestra
Royal Concertgebouw
New York Philharmonic
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Cleveland Symphony Orchestra
Czech Philharmonic
San Fran Symphony
Those are the best all around IMO if you are looking for large scale works like symphonies.