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what really is a ff (1 Viewer)


I have been noticing some odd happenings with not only our CBS scoring but the NFL scoring in general. Does anyone know what actually constitutes a forced fumble? I was under the impression that i.e. such as yesterday....Danta Robinson nails Carson Palmer...he fumbles but Cincy recovers and actually had a gain of 3-4 yards....if Houston would have recovered that would have been a ff..but cincy did so it would never be shown in nfl stats...where I get confused is the miami-carolina game last week where Z.Thomas forced a fumbele...the ball went out of bounds and remained carolinas ball but he actually got cbs scoring credit and nfl stats credit....seems to be a confusing stat...I thought you ahd to recover the ball in order for it to be a ff...anyone have any input?...if you look at the game stats for the cincy game it clearly stats that palmer fumbled but noone got credit for a ff and it really was a hell of a hit.

You seem to be confusing forced fumble and fumble lost. If the guy drops the ball due to the opponent tackling him, it's a forced fumble. It does not matter who recovers the ball or if it goes out of bounds. A fumble lost is when the defensive team recovers the fumble. I see in the gamebook from yesterday that Dunta Robinson did get his forced fumble. Game stats are sometimes wrong for FFs. As I can see D Robinson does not have a FF there. But in the gamebook he has is FF.

This a wierd one to understand. It seems that a player can cause a fumble then the offensive team can recover it and while techinically it is a forced fumble it really isn't because the ball never changed possessions. I don't know how software takes care of this but it seems to only score it if the fumble is actually recovered by the defensive team.

I have been noticing some odd happenings with not only our CBS scoring but the NFL scoring in general. Does anyone know what actually constitutes a forced fumble? I was under the impression that i.e. such as yesterday....Danta Robinson nails Carson Palmer...he fumbles but Cincy recovers and actually had a gain of 3-4 yards....if Houston would have recovered that would have been a ff..but cincy did so it would never be shown in nfl stats...where I get confused is the miami-carolina game last week where Z.Thomas forced a fumbele...the ball went out of bounds and remained carolinas ball but he actually got cbs scoring credit and nfl stats credit....seems to be a confusing stat...I thought you ahd to recover the ball in order for it to be a ff...anyone have any input?...if you look at the game stats for the cincy game it clearly stats that palmer fumbled but noone got credit for a ff and it really was a hell of a hit.
color me with impatience...Danta Robinson did get recognized by the NFL for the forced fumble hit on Carson Palmer...and CBS recognized it also...I guess I could have waited before I posted...still seems like a hard stat to monitor, what I wanna know is just where do you apply for this job? I want to be the guy going over film...I triple analyze how my daughter packs her bookbag in 3rd grade....hey, here's a funny stat----guess who leads the NFL in fumble recoveries?

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