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What the heck happened to Mario Manningham? (1 Viewer)


Any NYG homers know what's up with him. Does he have any value in a dynasty league?? With Plax presumably gone next year, there is a big void to fill. However, it doesn't even seem like Mario is alive anymore.

Anyone hanging on to him?

Any NYG homers know what's up with him. Does he have any value in a dynasty league?? With Plax presumably gone next year, there is a big void to fill. However, it doesn't even seem like Mario is alive anymore. Anyone hanging on to him?
Hurt for much pre-season and for a rookie that puts you behind the eight ball big time.Also the emergence of Hixon and quasi-competence of Sinorice Moss has push him down the depth chart for this year.He was active last week and had an end-around that went no where. (Not his fault).Depending on roster size of course, I'd hold onto him for there's bound to be some opportunity in the Giants WR corps going forward.
NY Giants homer. Avery is 100% right, being hurt in the pre-season really hurt him. He fell behind the depth chart big time, and the Giants are in no rush to force him into action. Our offense is built on knowing the system, execution, being crisp. Coughlin, as well as the team cannot afford to throw somebody as raw as Manningham out on the field. Nobody is really a star after Plax shot himself but for the most part everybody is comfortable and reliable. He won't crack the lineup over Toomer, Smith, Hixon, Moss.... and being a run first team... we are barely in 3 receiver sets to begin with.

Wasn't that him on that pathetic reverse play last week against the iggles? I wanted to break something watching that BS. They abandoned the run game but tried a reverse with Manningham :shrug:


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