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"when I think about...." (1 Viewer)

Judge Smails

I'm participating remotely in a meeting with a company we may acquire.  I swear this guy is starting every other sentence with "when I think about..".  Literally.  It's getting comical.  Why do people try so hard to sound smart? Can you unpack that for me?

I'm participating remotely in a meeting with a company we may acquire.  I swear this guy is starting every other sentence with "when I think about..".  Literally.  It's getting comical.  Why do people try so hard to sound smart? Can you unpack that for me?

I'm going to have to let this marinate a bit before I give you a firm answer.

I pick up on those disfluencies in conversations too such as the “umms” and the “you knows”.    Most times I can’t even focus on what they’re saying and instead start focusing on tallying the number of times those are said. 

I'm participating remotely in a meeting with a company we may acquire.  I swear this guy is starting every other sentence with "when I think about..".  Literally.  It's getting comical.  Why do people try so hard to sound smart? Can you unpack that for me?
Why are you not trying harder?


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