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Where does T.O. Land? (1 Viewer)


Agent says he's been approached by several teams. Not sure he holds and FF value, but here are my guesses:




What says you?

I could see a bottom feeder like Oakland maybe taking a chance, but if you aren't a contender, why do you need Owens? And if you are a contender, why do you want a pain in the ### like Owens hurting the team?

He is done.

I thought the post read, "Where IS T.O. Land." What I thought it read is is the answer to what it really read. T.O. lands in TO Land, not with an NFL team... Dude will be bankrupt inside five years...

His agent is bull sxxxxxr who probably called several teams himself to gauge interest and then said in an interview HE was approached.

Either way I don't see any team wanting him at this point. His skill level isn't worth the price they'd have to pay in dollars and headaches.

Any team that might get desperate for a WR because of injuries has a few veterans out there who could pick up a system quickly for much less cash and baggage.

I seriously doubt he plays anywhere. Having said that, I don't think he is as "done" as people toss out there. He actually played pretty good in Cincy just a short time ago.

Having said that, the scenario, if any exists, that I see him playing, is something like this: The Texans are 9-2 and looking good. THe window is there and closing. something happens to AJ and he is gone for the season and the Texans see a similar fit and hire a gun for the run. T.O. is motivated to be on a playoff team with potential, comes in and plays nice, and actually fits the vacated need ideally. Everybody wins (including the guy that scarfs him up in fantasy).

Even under that scenario there couldn't be more than 3-4 places where that scenario could open up.

The last time we saw Owens, he was dropping what should have been easy catches in Seattle last preseason. And they weren't exactly loaded at WR last year, so for them to even cut him as early as they did spoke volumes.

his agent is trying to create some smoke....he's done.

If he didn't have such a history with being a problem child I'm sure he would've gotten more attention last year but he's no longer good enough to take a risk on the potential baggage that comes along with him.

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Put another way, I don't see much of a market for a 39-year-old head case that hasn't played since 2010 and has since had major knee surgery. And IIRC, when T.O. expressed an interest in playing with the Pats, N.E. squashed that almost instantaneously.

Donsmith753 said:
Well if his agent says there's interest then there must be, he has no reason to lie.
He has every reason to lie. It builds up interest for TO. Agents do this all the time. There is a good chance that not a single team called with interest in TO, but the Agent makes up this story just to get other teams thinking. He doesn't have to name any teams. And by him doing this, if there is a team out there that has been slightly interested in TO, this ploy would possibly make them jump the gun and sign him before those other "Interested teams" get him. This type of mind game is played all the time with sports agent.

TO is the NFL equivalent of Megalodon. People are so easily fooled by what they see/hear. TO isn't signing with anyone. Come on.

He didn't do to well as forecasting the Weather on daytime News either...

The guy did have an insane game against the Steelers when he last played.... He can still be a valuable asset and teach these little skinny youngsters how to get in shape..the guy got to train with Jerry Rice.. He's still a physical beast

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Ghost Rider said:
The last time we saw Owens, he was dropping what should have been easy catches in Seattle last preseason. And they weren't exactly loaded at WR last year, so for them to even cut him as early as they did spoke volumes.
If he couldn't make the roster last season, it's not happening this season. Seattle had no depth at WR last season and dude couldn't make the team.

To play devil's advocate... If memory serves, he only practiced for like a week and played one game last year, right? That's not much time to knock the rust off. I remember thinking it seemed a bit hasty when they cut him last year.

Seattle had decided they were only going to sign one of TO/Braylon. They got sold on Braylon pretty quickly.

The Philly situation was totally mishandled on all sides, including Andy Reid. Every place he's been since, he has been a team player.

I seriously doubt he plays anywhere. Having said that, I don't think he is as "done" as people toss out there. He actually played pretty good in Cincy just a short time ago.

Having said that, the scenario, if any exists, that I see him playing, is something like this: The Texans are 9-2 and looking good. THe window is there and closing. something happens to AJ and he is gone for the season and the Texans see a similar fit and hire a gun for the run. T.O. is motivated to be on a playoff team with potential, comes in and plays nice, and actually fits the vacated need ideally. Everybody wins (including the guy that scarfs him up in fantasy).

Even under that scenario there couldn't be more than 3-4 places where that scenario could open up.
I can definitely see this. But please use a scenario like Sidney Rice, or Jordy Nelson, or anyone not on my fantasy team. Thanks!

[SIZE=medium]Where will TO land let me guess?[/SIZE]

  1. [SIZE=medium]Jail[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=medium]Morgue[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=medium]VH1 – Dating Show[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]But then ends up on Basketball wives were he courts Evelyn.[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=medium]0-17 Jets (Which I’m figuring that Rex Ryan will be stubborn and start SanSuck all season.)[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=medium]Arena football team[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=medium]Cheerleader for an NBA team his last ditch effort to get into the NBA.[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=medium]Couch – Eating Popcorn and crying I’m better than all those Patriots receivers.[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=medium]Agents couch saying please oh please lord help me please get into the league.[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=medium]Realistically if he passes the psychological exam he should try out for ESPN or NFL Network.[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=medium]HOF in 4 years like someone else mentioned. With Chad Johnson’s yellow HOF blazer. Saying someone who was worthy has to wear these threads.[/SIZE]

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