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Who you rather have: Reggie Bush or Matt Forte? (1 Viewer)

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andyk803 said:
oh. I wasn't looking for a trade advice. Just curious to see who head who ranked higher, but ok.
Right, just randomly curious about the relative rankings of two specific RB's in a 1 PPR league going into week 2. :rolleyes:

I know you're new here, so just to be clear, this kind of thread is not appropriate for the Shark Pool. That's why there's a note at the top of the forum that says:

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE SHARK POOL Threads that are asking for advice on how you should draft or manage your team belong in The Assistant Coach forum.


andyk803 said:
oh. I wasn't looking for a trade advice. Just curious to see who head who ranked higher, but ok.
SMH with a side of BS.

Let's all pretend for a moment that you're not full of ####. The problem remains that this thread is indistinguishable from the kind where OP really is just trying to get help managing his magic football team. So this kind of thread still doesn't belong in the Shark Pool, because even if we pretend that's not what you're doing here, it looks exactly like the kind of thread where that is what OP is doing. So our options as a community are to either allow both kinds of threads, or disallow both. Now, like I said, you may not be aware since you're new here, but the decision that was made years ago was to not allow these kinds of threads in the Shark Pool, and instead create a special forum which is specifically devoted to these kinds of questions. I hope that helps clear up your confusion.

The more we have these discussions, the less and less I understand what exactly IS allowed to be discussed here.

We all come here to the Shark Pool looking for some insight into how to manage our fantasy football teams. Very few, if any, people are coming in here to discuss the relative merits of one player over the other for purely academic purposes. If you're involved in a discussion, you're likely vested in that player/team/discussion in some way with your fantasy team(s).

Yes, there's a specific forum for "Who do I start between X and Y?" and "I have an offer for W for Z...what do you think of that value given my league scoring shown below?"

But really...there's a pretty hazy line on what would actually qualify for meaningful discussion in this forum between people who want to improve their teams and an individual wanting a specific answer to set their lineup for that week.

The Gestapo can take it easy a bit. If you want meaningful forum activity, you're going to have some grey areas. Or maybe they would rather have the Shark Pool turn into a tepid cesspool with no circulation, with 3-week-old threads on the first page.

I dunno.

But back to the Bush vs. Forte overall issue? The answer depends on individual scoring systems, but I think it's about even, giving points on one side for explosiveness/offensive system and taking points back for injury history/risk.

Forte, Minnesota is weak and were playing in Detroit, Bush was as healthy as he would be all year being week 1. He did look great but people have a tendency to over react to one week performances and willing to throw out a career of history.

There both great backs on good offesnsive teams that do throw a lot to the speedy backs when there in there.

I tend to lean towards Bush, I think if he stays healthy(yah I know predict injuries) I think he has an higher upside.

I've got both, 1 of each in 2 different leagues, if I had to have only 1 I'd take Bush (and back um up with Joique) :)


Hope that was helpful..

Thanks to those who were actually helpful and didn't assume things. It was a simple question, yet people here over reacted and assume things.

The more we have these discussions, the less and less I understand what exactly IS allowed to be discussed here.

We all come here to the Shark Pool looking for some insight into how to manage our fantasy football teams. Very few, if any, people are coming in here to discuss the relative merits of one player over the other for purely academic purposes. If you're involved in a discussion, you're likely vested in that player/team/discussion in some way with your fantasy team(s).

Yes, there's a specific forum for "Who do I start between X and Y?" and "I have an offer for W for Z...what do you think of that value given my league scoring shown below?"

But really...there's a pretty hazy line on what would actually qualify for meaningful discussion in this forum between people who want to improve their teams and an individual wanting a specific answer to set their lineup for that week.

The Gestapo can take it easy a bit. If you want meaningful forum activity, you're going to have some grey areas. Or maybe they would rather have the Shark Pool turn into a tepid cesspool with no circulation, with 3-week-old threads on the first page.

I dunno.
I agree that there's certainly some gray area in general. "Who would you rather have in a 1 pt PPR league, Reggie Bush or Matt Forte?" does not fall into that gray area, however. This is exactly the kind of topic the ACF was designed for.

As I said above, even if we pretend that OP isn't just trying to get ACF advice on managing his team, this thread is indistinguishable from someone who is just trying to do that. This thread has no value for 99+% of the people visiting this forum, because in week 2 of the season, 99% of people aren't faced with some choice between Bush and Forte in a 1 PPR league for the rest of the season. This is a highly specific question that adds no value to the Shark Pool. That's why there's an ACF. Granted, the ACF gets much less traffic (because really, not many people can be bothered to care about some stranger's fantasy football team) and that's why people try to "cleverly" ask their questions in the Shark Pool instead.

Some of us remember what it was like when there was actual moderation on these forums and guess what? It didn't turn into a "tepid cesspool with no circulation, with 3-week-old threads on the first page." It was the best football forum on the internet, with tens of thousands of members and so many useful threads you could barely read them quickly enough to catch up with all the information during the busiest parts of the season. The forums have apparently been abandoned by the moderators and overrun by new members who have brought a, "Meh, whatever" attitude to what does and does not belong.

But back to the Bush vs. Forte overall issue? The answer depends on individual scoring systems
OP was kind enough to mention he's in a PPR league, so you can provide him more specific advice about how to manage his team. Oh wait, that's not what he's doing (wink wink), he just randomly thought it would be fun and interesting to discuss Bush vs Forte rest of season value going into week 2 in a 1 PPR league.

Thanks to those who were actually helpful and didn't assume things. It was a simple question, yet people here over reacted and assume things.
No assumptions are needed to come to the conclusion that this isn't a shark pool thread.

Thanks to those who were actually helpful and didn't assume things. It was a simple question, yet people here over reacted and assume things.
No assumptions are needed to come to the conclusion that this isn't a shark pool thread.
"Thanks to those who were actually helpful..." He's not even trying to pretend this wasn't a self-serving attempt to get help managing his team. That comment says it all - this wasn't a general topic meant to start an interesting and relevant discussion. OP needed strangers to help him decide on a trade offer or whatever, a few people gave him opinions, and he thanked them for their help.

It's really a shame that it's gotten to the point that we're the ones that are out of line for pointing out the only rule that was (at least at one time) considered so important to the health of the Shark Pool that it is literally posted right at the top of the forum.

andyk803 said:
oh. I wasn't looking for a trade advice. Just curious to see who head who ranked higher, but ok.
SMH with a side of BS.No
Let's all pretend for a moment that you're not full of ####. The problem remains that this thread is indistinguishable from the kind where OP really is just trying to get help managing his magic football team. So this kind of thread still doesn't belong in the Shark Pool, because even if we pretend that's not what you're doing here, it looks exactly like the kind of thread where that is what OP is doing. So our options as a community are to either allow both kinds of threads, or disallow both. Now, like I said, you may not be aware since you're new here, but the decision that was made years ago was to not allow these kinds of threads in the Shark Pool, and instead create a special forum which is specifically devoted to these kinds of questions. I hope that helps clear up your confusion.
Hey Napoleon. Dance!
Thanks to those who were actually helpful and didn't assume things. It was a simple question, yet people here over reacted and assume things.
No assumptions are needed to come to the conclusion that this isn't a shark pool thread.
"Thanks to those who were actually helpful..." He's not even trying to pretend this wasn't a self-serving attempt to get help managing his team. That comment says it all - this wasn't a general topic meant to start an interesting and relevant discussion. OP needed strangers to help him decide on a trade offer or whatever, a few people gave him opinions, and he thanked them for their help.

It's really a shame that it's gotten to the point that we're the ones that are out of line for pointing out the only rule that was (at least at one time) considered so important to the health of the Shark Pool that it is literally posted right at the top of the forum.
Give it a break already... you said your peace... can we see what everyone else has to say now? :P

Straight up AC question just like many others on this board today. Can the Mods just issue a warning and move the thread to the appropriate forum?

Perfectly good question as there pretty "evenly matched" guy's in 2 very similar situations,

An Perfectly fine to be here in SP for some, for those it doesn't benefit just move along then.

Not every thread will benefit the wide mases, many don't....

Look people, the admins are cool with any thread being anywhere. It's not a big deal. Until they want AC type threads in the AC forum, let's not get annoyed by seeing AC type threads anywhere else.

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