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Why is this league in a trade funk? (1 Viewer)


I joined a redraft league (my only redraft) this off-season... Great group of local guys get together for a live draft, however there is very little trading going on... Current settings are:


12 team league

18 man roster


Standard OFFENSE scoring plus 300yd pass, 100yd rush/pass 1 Pt bonus

My team:

QB Rodgers, Rothlisberger, Orton

RB Turner, Lynch, Ronnie Brown

WR Wayne, Santana Moss, Bowe, Housh, Edwards

TE Carlson, Lee

I was looking for an upgrade at TE for one of my WR's and got very few offers. I have 4 of the top 12 scoring WR's (Edwards is outside top 20). I think it's the current settings, lack of flex spot or PPR that prevents interest. If you put a top RB up for trade you also get very little interest... Is it a lame league, or is it just the current settings (lack of flex spot or PPR)

What were some of the offers? Is it possible that no one wanted to give you fair trade value?

I mean, it's kind of hard to give TE value for Bowe.

What were some of the offers? Is it possible that no one wanted to give you fair trade value?I mean, it's kind of hard to give TE value for Bowe.
Offers were few, Dallas Clark & Jets for Braylon Edwards, Winslow for Wayne...

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