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xbox one vs ps4 (1 Viewer)

I work at a Children's Hospital and we have xbox360s in every patient room hardwired in with the TVs. The kids all know how to play them and navigate around and the only thing they have to ask for are controllers and games that come from our child life department. Not sure if we got some kind of deal from Microsoft or not but you might want to contact the MS corporate offices and see if you can get some discounts on the consoles, games, etc.

I am a PS3 (and eventually a PS4 guy probably), but I think the demographic you are going for would be more of the xbox crowd.
I agree with Bogeys.

I think 360 is the way to go. Teenagers are the prime 360 crowd and I think you will get more bang for your buck with that system and it will be viable for a while longer. It is updated and has the game library.

The X1 has a higher price point, no library compared to the 360 and as a new console is actually still being patched and updated plus people get offended if you call it the Xbone.

No question 360.

For your purposes I would actually rate the platforms 360,PS4,X1 then PS3 for hospital kids.

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I think the PS4 would be better in that scenario but definitely go with the X1 over the 360. I'd buy up the Titanfall bundle and exchange those for other games kids can play (maybe a Gamespot would help you out if you tell them what's it's for).
If you decide to go with the new gen systems, I agree with going for the PS4. It's $100 cheaper than the XB1 and has/will have a better offline game library.
I agree 360 is the best choice, but if you are going next gen PS4 would be better in my opinion. The thing I am looking at is the independent library is very diverse and a hard drive could be loaded with a lot of different Indy kids/teen titles going forward that would maximize the games that the kids would have.

The 360 is best choice here. Biggest library of age appropriate games, and very cost effective to help you stretch that money you earned to the maximum.

Buying Xbox 1's would be super cool for the kids but the reality is that you will be able to buy less than half as many systems and even worse than that for games.

Thanks for all of the great insights and ideas. The point about patches and updates is a good one. We'll be able to get the units set up out of the box, but once they're in use at the hospital, that will likely be a lot more difficult.

bigbottom said:
Thanks for all of the great insights and ideas. The point about patches and updates is a good one. We'll be able to get the units set up out of the box, but once they're in use at the hospital, that will likely be a lot more difficult.
can you make room for a PM?

bigbottom said:
Figured with all the gamers already in this thread, this would be as good a place as any to ask this question. We raised a bunch of money for the local children's hospital, and one of the things we are thinking about doing is getting 10-12 mobile gaming carts for use in the patient rooms on the inpatient cancer floor, as well as 2-3 carts in the daily infusion clinic waiting room for outpatient treatment. The hospital already has does a lot of activities for younger patients, so what we want to do is something for the older kids, say in the 10-18 years of age (which is why we're thinking XBox over Wii). We'll need to purchase A/V carts, flat screen TVs, game consoles, and a library of games. Here's where you all come in.

My son plays his XBox 360 infinitely more than our PS3, and that seems to be the case with most kids his age and older that we know. So if we go the XBox route, the question is XBox One or XBox 360?

I understand that most or all of the XBox 360 games won't play on the XBox One. So there's the game library issue to consider. And most kids who are in the hospital will be far more familiar with 360 games than games for the One. But the smaller library has it's benefits too, as we can better cover the available selection in our game library.

360 obviously has the better price point, though cost isn't a huge issue. Another issue is that I don't want to purchase 15 360s only to have them be obsolete in the next year. Keep in mind though, that given they'll be on carts and rolled around the hospital floor, I'm not expecting these units to last 5-10 years necessarily.

Finally, because this is in a hospital, it's unlikely that people will be able to log on to their XBox live accounts or anything (and we'd probably try to disable that option, if anything). The games will need to be played natively. Not sure whether that plays into the selection.

Any thoughts, advice, input, etc., that you all might have would be greatly appreciated.

By the way, the funds being used for these purchases are from donations that include gifts from the FFA. So these are your purchases as well!


Biggie, have you guys done any fund raising for Children's Miracle Network and specifically the Extra Life charity? Tried to send you a message, but I can't.

bigbottom said:
Figured with all the gamers already in this thread, this would be as good a place as any to ask this question. We raised a bunch of money for the local children's hospital, and one of the things we are thinking about doing is getting 10-12 mobile gaming carts for use in the patient rooms on the inpatient cancer floor, as well as 2-3 carts in the daily infusion clinic waiting room for outpatient treatment. The hospital already has does a lot of activities for younger patients, so what we want to do is something for the older kids, say in the 10-18 years of age (which is why we're thinking XBox over Wii). We'll need to purchase A/V carts, flat screen TVs, game consoles, and a library of games. Here's where you all come in.

My son plays his XBox 360 infinitely more than our PS3, and that seems to be the case with most kids his age and older that we know. So if we go the XBox route, the question is XBox One or XBox 360?

I understand that most or all of the XBox 360 games won't play on the XBox One. So there's the game library issue to consider. And most kids who are in the hospital will be far more familiar with 360 games than games for the One. But the smaller library has it's benefits too, as we can better cover the available selection in our game library.

360 obviously has the better price point, though cost isn't a huge issue. Another issue is that I don't want to purchase 15 360s only to have them be obsolete in the next year. Keep in mind though, that given they'll be on carts and rolled around the hospital floor, I'm not expecting these units to last 5-10 years necessarily.

Finally, because this is in a hospital, it's unlikely that people will be able to log on to their XBox live accounts or anything (and we'd probably try to disable that option, if anything). The games will need to be played natively. Not sure whether that plays into the selection.

Any thoughts, advice, input, etc., that you all might have would be greatly appreciated.

By the way, the funds being used for these purchases are from donations that include gifts from the FFA. So these are your purchases as well!


Biggie, have you guys done any fund raising for Children's Miracle Network and specifically the Extra Life charity? Tried to send you a message, but I can't.
Made some room. I am not familiar with that charity. We've been raising money for the Children's Hospital where Chance was treated.

Is now (June) a good time to finally upgrade my 9 year old boy from Wii to Xbox due to this price drop? I don't think he cares about Xbox v PS4 and I don't want to wade into that fight, but appreciate any impartial advice. He mostly plays Lego games, Mario and other Wii type games, but I think he's ready to upgrade to the big-boy stuff. I avoided buying either of these at launch date after a bit of research. I could easily wait until the fall, black Friday, etc. - curious about opinions / advice on when to make the move to Xbox or PS. tia

Is now (June) a good time to finally upgrade my 9 year old boy from Wii to Xbox due to this price drop? I don't think he cares about Xbox v PS4 and I don't want to wade into that fight, but appreciate any impartial advice. He mostly plays Lego games, Mario and other Wii type games, but I think he's ready to upgrade to the big-boy stuff. I avoided buying either of these at launch date after a bit of research. I could easily wait until the fall, black Friday, etc. - curious about opinions / advice on when to make the move to Xbox or PS. tia
As far as timing goes the E3 convention is coming up in early June so there may be better deals announced then I would wait on either system till then.

My non biased opinion is if he has any friends with x1 or ps4 I would go that way.

My biased opinion is the price point is roughly the same but the X1 is a less powerful machine and now has had its value crippled by removing the Kinect. Therefore the PS4 is still a better buy.

Also I have found the xbox community to be a little more juvenile (they instituted a anti troll system) in comparison the PS crowd.

Is now (June) a good time to finally upgrade my 9 year old boy from Wii to Xbox due to this price drop? I don't think he cares about Xbox v PS4 and I don't want to wade into that fight, but appreciate any impartial advice. He mostly plays Lego games, Mario and other Wii type games, but I think he's ready to upgrade to the big-boy stuff. I avoided buying either of these at launch date after a bit of research. I could easily wait until the fall, black Friday, etc. - curious about opinions / advice on when to make the move to Xbox or PS. tia
I would wait another year. Not enough games, very early in the new cycle, and I would buy a PS4 if you ask me which system. But I am partial to Playstation as I am a MLB The Show junkie.

But the PS3 has more functionality than the new PS4. I learned not to be an early adopter. Game developers take a few cycles to get the games really humming on the new hardware. Especially in the Sports genere. Plus the actual console will be better in a another year or two after they work out the kinks and add more features that are missing (like USB ports and MP3 capability on the PS4).

Also by waiting you will get a better price on the system (believe me you will) and the game library will be far better......and also again less expensive as you will be able to pick up great games for him used and cheap.

Wait another year.

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So the XB1 is basically now just a less powerful PS4 (albeit with some sweet exclusives).

I'd rather them have just stuck to their pre-E3 all-digital guns and we had a choice of two consoles that were actually different.

Wait until the E3 presentations in June to make your decision. After all, a gaming console is for exactly that...games.

I'm not sure why people are going gaga over the "price drop" when this thing has been regularly sold for cheaper over the last few months.

They had the Titanfall bundle for $399, the Forza/Titanfall bundle for $450, and plenty more. And those came with the Kinect to boot.

Seems like people are going to end up paying more than they could have just so they can say "ha ha I didn't have to pay for that Kinect thingy that I didn't want!", and then realize that the thing was actually kind of handy to have.

CEO Kaz Hirai @KazHiraiCEO
FollowXbox One without Kinect will not respond to voice commands, as opposed to with Kinect when it only usually didn’t respond to voice commands
I laughed.
I was having lunch with a group of 9 year old boys in between games at a soccer tournament on Saturday, and they all agreed the voice command function was a deal-breaker for Xbox because their sisters could ruin games by yelling "Xbox off" at the machine.

So the XB1 is basically now just a less powerful PS4 (albeit with some sweet exclusives).

I'd rather them have just stuck to their pre-E3 all-digital guns and we had a choice of two consoles that were actually different.
That is my take away, there were things that the X1 had that were cool features like the Kinect that MS thought would drive sales because people wanted "one" console. Then the sales pretty much told them that people wanted a game system and they stripped all the cool expensive stuff out of it.

The X1 is now a weak PS4 with a smaller game library for the same price and they think that will help them catch up in sales? Mind Boggling.

So the XB1 is basically now just a less powerful PS4 (albeit with some sweet exclusives).

I'd rather them have just stuck to their pre-E3 all-digital guns and we had a choice of two consoles that were actually different.
That is my take away, there were things that the X1 had that were cool features like the Kinect that MS thought would drive sales because people wanted "one" console. Then the sales pretty much told them that people wanted a game system and they stripped all the cool expensive stuff out of it.

The X1 is now a weak PS4 with a smaller game library for the same price and they think that will help them catch up in sales? Mind Boggling.

Jobber said:
Loan Sharks said:
FreeBaGeL said:
So the XB1 is basically now just a less powerful PS4 (albeit with some sweet exclusives).

I'd rather them have just stuck to their pre-E3 all-digital guns and we had a choice of two consoles that were actually different.
That is my take away, there were things that the X1 had that were cool features like the Kinect that MS thought would drive sales because people wanted "one" console. Then the sales pretty much told them that people wanted a game system and they stripped all the cool expensive stuff out of it.

The X1 is now a weak PS4 with a smaller game library for the same price and they think that will help them catch up in sales? Mind Boggling.
??? Are you arguing that the X1 is more powerful or that 165 is more than 238?

This is a list of retail and digital PS4 games planned for release. Multiple titles are currently in development. Some publishers have indicated that they are developing titles for the PS4 without explicitly stating what they will be, which are not included in this list.[1] Sony says they have "every" significant third-party developer supporting the PS4.[2]

There are currently 238 games on this list (15 of which have been confirmed as free-to-play).

Exclusive = 28 (1 of these are free-to-play) Sony Exclusive = 19 Console exclusive and/or timed = 69/1 (8 of these are free-to-play) Multiplatform = 121 (1 of these is free-to-play) Playable = 71 available to purchase (10 of these are exclusive to PS4)
This is a list of Xbox One games currently planned for release either at retail or via download.

There are currently 165 games on this list.

Exclusive = 17 Microsoft exclusive = 9 Console exclusive or timed = 11/3 Multiplatform = 125 Playable = 42 available to purchase (9 of these are exclusive to Xbox One)
Jobber said:
Loan Sharks said:
FreeBaGeL said:
So the XB1 is basically now just a less powerful PS4 (albeit with some sweet exclusives).

I'd rather them have just stuck to their pre-E3 all-digital guns and we had a choice of two consoles that were actually different.
That is my take away, there were things that the X1 had that were cool features like the Kinect that MS thought would drive sales because people wanted "one" console. Then the sales pretty much told them that people wanted a game system and they stripped all the cool expensive stuff out of it.

The X1 is now a weak PS4 with a smaller game library for the same price and they think that will help them catch up in sales? Mind Boggling.
??? Are you arguing that the X1 is more powerful or that 165 is more than 238?

This is a list of retail and digital PS4 games planned for release. Multiple titles are currently in development. Some publishers have indicated that they are developing titles for the PS4 without explicitly stating what they will be, which are not included in this list.[1] Sony says they have "every" significant third-party developer supporting the PS4.[2]

There are currently 238 games on this list (15 of which have been confirmed as free-to-play).

Exclusive = 28 (1 of these are free-to-play) Sony Exclusive = 19 Console exclusive and/or timed = 69/1 (8 of these are free-to-play) Multiplatform = 121 (1 of these is free-to-play) Playable = 71 available to purchase (10 of these are exclusive to PS4)
This is a list of Xbox One games currently planned for release either at retail or via download.

There are currently 165 games on this list.

Exclusive = 17 Microsoft exclusive = 9 Console exclusive or timed = 11/3 Multiplatform = 125 Playable = 42 available to purchase (9 of these are exclusive to Xbox One)
Quality, not quantity. Not to mention the overwhelming number of indies on the PS4 list.

Jobber said:
Loan Sharks said:
FreeBaGeL said:
So the XB1 is basically now just a less powerful PS4 (albeit with some sweet exclusives).

I'd rather them have just stuck to their pre-E3 all-digital guns and we had a choice of two consoles that were actually different.
That is my take away, there were things that the X1 had that were cool features like the Kinect that MS thought would drive sales because people wanted "one" console. Then the sales pretty much told them that people wanted a game system and they stripped all the cool expensive stuff out of it.

The X1 is now a weak PS4 with a smaller game library for the same price and they think that will help them catch up in sales? Mind Boggling.
??? Are you arguing that the X1 is more powerful or that 165 is more than 238?
This is a list of retail and digital PS4 games planned for release. Multiple titles are currently in development. Some publishers have indicated that they are developing titles for the PS4 without explicitly stating what they will be, which are not included in this list.[1] Sony says they have "every" significant third-party developer supporting the PS4.[2]

There are currently 238 games on this list (15 of which have been confirmed as free-to-play).Exclusive = 28 (1 of these are free-to-play) Sony Exclusive = 19 Console exclusive and/or timed = 69/1 (8 of these are free-to-play) Multiplatform = 121 (1 of these is free-to-play) Playable = 71 available to purchase (10 of these are exclusive to PS4)
This is a list of Xbox One games currently planned for release either at retail or via download.

There are currently 165 games on this list.Exclusive = 17 Microsoft exclusive = 9 Console exclusive or timed = 11/3 Multiplatform = 125 Playable = 42 available to purchase (9 of these are exclusive to Xbox One)
Quality, not quantity. Not to mention the overwhelming number of indies on the PS4 list.
Don't feed the troll.

A lot of it is opinion, and I'm sure Sony will line up some sweet exclusives once Naughty Dog and the like get rolling, but right now there's little doubt that most people far prefer the exclusives currently available and upcoming on the XB1.

ETA: That's really the only thing it has going for it.

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Wife wants to get us a system. She is very M$ biased, so wants the one. For her it's I guess more chick like games, prob fantasy type games and "being a more complete system" than the ps4.

My gut tells me the sony is the way to go for pure gameplay. Convincing her may not be worth the squeeze though. Is the PS3 really JUST as good as the 4 for gaming only? and if so, how cheap can you get a 3 if I were to also get a One.

Wife wants to get us a system. She is very M$ biased, so wants the one. For her it's I guess more chick like games, prob fantasy type games and "being a more complete system" than the ps4.

My gut tells me the sony is the way to go for pure gameplay. Convincing her may not be worth the squeeze though. Is the PS3 really JUST as good as the 4 for gaming only? and if so, how cheap can you get a 3 if I were to also get a One.
I can't really say what the deal is with the one as they ripped the Kinect out of it and I thought that was the best reason to get the one, so the X1 guys will have better info on the one now. If I were to get a X1 I would still think the kinect one has the additional tv functionality that your wife would appreciate.

You are correct on the gameplay, for gaming PS4 has been superior to X1 in just about every technical measurable. In regards to the PS3 vs PS4 decision The PS3 is great for gaming but there are last gen things that bug me that I never noticed until I started PS4 that it is hard to play PS3 anymore.

The PS3 will play everything just fine. But here are some of the key differences for me PS3-PS4.

1. Load times they were fine when I was on ps3 but compared to PS4 the load times are painfully slow

2. doing stuff in the backround you can pretty much do anything you want on PS4 and you don't have to log out of the game to do it

3. general connectivity wifi is better few disconnects

4. party chat

5. transitioning from thing to thing and in general PS4 is seamless. What they did was address pretty much every flaw in the PS3.

In general PS3 is fine but PS4 is a lot better.

As far as games go. Announced games

PS4 253, exclusives 28, Out now 80, 10 exclusives

X1 174, exclusives 16, Out now 42, 9 exclusives

E3 is tomorrow so there will be a lot of new announcements for the direction the consoles are going. Good Luck!

Wife wants to get us a system. She is very M$ biased, so wants the one. For her it's I guess more chick like games, prob fantasy type games and "being a more complete system" than the ps4.

My gut tells me the sony is the way to go for pure gameplay. Convincing her may not be worth the squeeze though. Is the PS3 really JUST as good as the 4 for gaming only? and if so, how cheap can you get a 3 if I were to also get a One.
The games thing is tricky because the PS4 plays them better but most agree that the XB1 currently has better games. Sony has been strong with exclusives in the past though so things could change quickly on that front.

Definitely wait until after E3 this week as we should know more then. Keep in mind though that Sony has a habit of teasing things at E3 that are a looooonnnngg way off. I still remember that Last Guardian tease from E3 2009 and we still don't have that game yet.

Wait until the results of E3 are in. The conference starts tomorrow. You'll see all the upcoming games for 2014-15. If use that to base your decision.

Dumb to buy a system right before E3. Wait to see what gets announced first.

That said, Microsoft has dramatically upped its game since this time last year. The PS4 is still objectively better hardware and PS+ > XML, but the gap is closer now and I don't think anybody should feel ripped off by the kinectless Xbox1, especially if there's something exclusive to that console that you really want.

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Pre-E3, I still lean PS4. I don't own either system, but since the Kinect-drop the biggest decision for me comes based on the time it takes to get going once I put the disc in the tray. The Xbox One just takes far too long to get started on the first load. The PS4 is near instant. Game libraries are near even right now, but I swing toward the PS4 library more since I didn't own a PS3 and I still hate that I missed on certain games as opposed to the Xbox's options. Games always subjective.

As far as technical aspects, I think it's a moot point. Anyone who cares about the specs of their gaming system is playing on PC. The consoles are made to pander to those who want to get in and play. I think both systems do that well.

That all said, definitely wait until after E3 to make a decision. What we know today may change tomorrow.

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Wife wants to get us a system. She is very M$ biased, so wants the one. For her it's I guess more chick like games, prob fantasy type games and "being a more complete system" than the ps4.

My gut tells me the sony is the way to go for pure gameplay. Convincing her may not be worth the squeeze though. Is the PS3 really JUST as good as the 4 for gaming only? and if so, how cheap can you get a 3 if I were to also get a One.
My girlfriend has a xbox one and she absolutely loves the voice commands and Xbox fitness.
Wife wants to get us a system. She is very M$ biased, so wants the one. For her it's I guess more chick like games, prob fantasy type games and "being a more complete system" than the ps4.

My gut tells me the sony is the way to go for pure gameplay. Convincing her may not be worth the squeeze though. Is the PS3 really JUST as good as the 4 for gaming only? and if so, how cheap can you get a 3 if I were to also get a One.
My girlfriend has a xbox one and she absolutely loves the voice commands and Xbox fitness.
That may be a key factor for my wife, too. And I

supposed we both win, in that case.

Wife wants to get us a system. She is very M$ biased, so wants the one. For her it's I guess more chick like games, prob fantasy type games and "being a more complete system" than the ps4.

My gut tells me the sony is the way to go for pure gameplay. Convincing her may not be worth the squeeze though. Is the PS3 really JUST as good as the 4 for gaming only? and if so, how cheap can you get a 3 if I were to also get a One.
The games thing is tricky because the PS4 plays them better but most agree that the XB1 currently has better games. Sony has been strong with exclusives in the past though so things could change quickly on that front.

Definitely wait until after E3 this week as we should know more then. Keep in mind though that Sony has a habit of teasing things at E3 that are a looooonnnngg way off. I still remember that Last Guardian tease from E3 2009 and we still don't have that game yet.
I might be biased since I have a PS4, but I think PS4 has the more appealing exclusive games to most gamers, myself included. Xbox has Titanfall (though sequels will be on PS4 as well most likely) and that is really it. PS4 has Infamous, MLB The Show (best sports game I ever played) and the remastered edition of the Last of Us coming out in the next few weeks for those of us who never played it on PS3

Wife wants to get us a system. She is very M$ biased, so wants the one. For her it's I guess more chick like games, prob fantasy type games and "being a more complete system" than the ps4.

My gut tells me the sony is the way to go for pure gameplay. Convincing her may not be worth the squeeze though. Is the PS3 really JUST as good as the 4 for gaming only? and if so, how cheap can you get a 3 if I were to also get a One.
The games thing is tricky because the PS4 plays them better but most agree that the XB1 currently has better games. Sony has been strong with exclusives in the past though so things could change quickly on that front.

Definitely wait until after E3 this week as we should know more then. Keep in mind though that Sony has a habit of teasing things at E3 that are a looooonnnngg way off. I still remember that Last Guardian tease from E3 2009 and we still don't have that game yet.
I might be biased since I have a PS4, but I think PS4 has the more appealing exclusive games to most gamers, myself included. Xbox has Titanfall (though sequels will be on PS4 as well most likely) and that is really it. PS4 has Infamous, MLB The Show (best sports game I ever played) and the remastered edition of the Last of Us coming out in the next few weeks for those of us who never played it on PS3
I'm strongly biased toward Sony on this dimension too, but that's because I tend to like "Sony" exclusives. One thing I've learned from reading the video games thread, though, is that some people just don't care for them. Personally, I could play Uncharted over and over again, but some people really don't like the gameplay in that franchise. Likewise, I have no interest in ever playing a Gears title, but lots of folks swear by its multiplayer. I've found that Sony tends to produce the sorts of games that I tend to like, but I don't fault anyone for wanting something different. SlaX is right that this is highly subjective.

I bought my son a PS4 for his birthday. It worked for 5 minutes, then crashed and wouldn't turn back on. Apparently it's not an uncommon problem. I took it back and will be getting him an XBOX instead. <_<

Wife wants to get us a system. She is very M$ biased, so wants the one. For her it's I guess more chick like games, prob fantasy type games and "being a more complete system" than the ps4.

My gut tells me the sony is the way to go for pure gameplay. Convincing her may not be worth the squeeze though. Is the PS3 really JUST as good as the 4 for gaming only? and if so, how cheap can you get a 3 if I were to also get a One.
The games thing is tricky because the PS4 plays them better but most agree that the XB1 currently has better games. Sony has been strong with exclusives in the past though so things could change quickly on that front.

Definitely wait until after E3 this week as we should know more then. Keep in mind though that Sony has a habit of teasing things at E3 that are a looooonnnngg way off. I still remember that Last Guardian tease from E3 2009 and we still don't have that game yet.
I might be biased since I have a PS4, but I think PS4 has the more appealing exclusive games to most gamers, myself included. Xbox has Titanfall (though sequels will be on PS4 as well most likely) and that is really it. PS4 has Infamous, MLB The Show (best sports game I ever played) and the remastered edition of the Last of Us coming out in the next few weeks for those of us who never played it on PS3
I'm strongly biased toward Sony on this dimension too, but that's because I tend to like "Sony" exclusives. One thing I've learned from reading the video games thread, though, is that some people just don't care for them. Personally, I could play Uncharted over and over again, but some people really don't like the gameplay in that franchise. Likewise, I have no interest in ever playing a Gears title, but lots of folks swear by its multiplayer. I've found that Sony tends to produce the sorts of games that I tend to like, but I don't fault anyone for wanting something different. SlaX is right that this is highly subjective.
Absolutely, but I commented primarily on the comment from Bagel that "most agree that XB1 currently has better games." That is a load of hogwash, as Xb1 has only had Titanfall which most have said is cool for a few hours but then super repetitive while PS4 already has Infamous and the SHow out now.

Absolutely, but I commented primarily on the comment from Bagel that "most agree that XB1 currently has better games." That is a load of hogwash, as Xb1 has only had Titanfall which most have said is cool for a few hours but then super repetitive while PS4 already has Infamous and the SHow out now.
Well, part of that is that I find Titanfall to be the best and most unique multiplayer shooter that has come out in at least 5 years, if not longer. I'll probably put 1000+ hours into the game by the time that all is said and done.

Your definition of "most" is even more of a hyperbole than mine. Titanfall has been a big hit and far from "most" people are bored of it yet. I don't think I could ever play a Call of Duty or Battlefield game again after this, they would just be too boring.

Forza, Killer Instinct, Dead Rising 3, even Ryse ended up being decent. That's not even accounting for games like PvZ which would probably be the best multiplayer game out on the PS4 right now if it were available there, but is somewhat overlooked on the XB1 because of all of the other exclusives.

There's no telling what games will come in the future as Sony has some awesome exclusive franchises (some of which I expect they'll show off at E3) and pretty well dominated the back half of last gen as far as exclusives go, but while it's highly subjective and unique to each person, in a vacuum I think there's little doubt that the XB1 has a far superior offering on that front right now. One of my buddies is a huge Sony nut and he's advised me against buying one yet because he says there's nothing to play on it. Infamous is a 12 hour and done game and The Show hits a pretty niche audience (baseball). There are also some nice arcade releases and Warframe has developed a bit of a cult following despite pretty mediocre reviews, but all in all I wouldn't give the same "don't buy one yet, wait for more games to come out" warning to a potential XB1 buyer.

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- $59.99


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For those making the decision based on Titanfall, EA announced Titanfall 2 will be released on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC. No release window yet. Maybe that will be mentioned during EA's presser.


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