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Biden taking a hit in the polls per liberal media sources... (1 Viewer)

yep.  badly handled withdrawal made worse by badly handled white house press team.  he had the right message when he took responsibility and said the buck stopped with him.  should have stuck with that regardless instead of going into the bunker, backtracking and sending conflicting messages.   just say the decision was right and the execution was wrong.  get a general to take responsibility and resign at the very worst.

Biden should be taking a hit but it really does not matter as he will still be POTUS for 41 more months and there is no way he runs again if he finishes his term.

Afganistan AND Covid. He got a John Stocton assist and still missed the Covid layup.  
I highly doubt the liberal polls would ding him on the covid front.   From that side of the aisle it's not Biden, it's anti-vaxxers.   Afghanistan is not the same.  

The honeymoon was bound to end at some point, and the Afghanistan withdrawal was a legit once-in-a-generation disaster.  I'm still glad Biden won the 2020 election, but my expectations for basic competence are greatly tempered compared to where they were a couple of months ago.

It's pretty telling that he is still polling higher than Trump ever did in his 4 years. It's a completely valid comparison.

You can use your "but Trump" shtick all you want but it doesn't take away from the facts. 

Carry on.  :thumbup:
Why is it a valid comparison? What does Trump's numbers have to do with Bidens?   It's actually a ridiculous comparison.

Polls are dumb by the way.

The honeymoon was bound to end at some point, and the Afghanistan withdrawal was a legit once-in-a-generation disaster.  I'm still glad Biden won the 2020 election, but my expectations for basic competence are greatly tempered compared to where they were a couple of months ago.

Glad Biden won too but very disappointed that he was our only option.  Been watching old videos of Biden as he was before my time and he never seemed very sharp even in his younger days.  Now it is magnified.

I'll say this recent military operation tossed a wrench in the vaccine mandate for the military.  Covid guidelines were front and center until a new priority arose. Covid guidelines were largely pushed to the side to get the job done and it's going to be difficult for the DOD to rebound from this. 

Glad Biden won too but very disappointed that he was our only option.  Been watching old videos of Biden as he was before my time and he never seemed very sharp even in his younger days.  Now it is magnified.
Only option is a good way of putting it.  The democratic party was far more concerned about putting up a "woke" candidate.  Homosexual, people of color, far left liberals.....I always found it funny that after trying to hard to find the wokest candidate, the party went ahead and put two old white guys at the top of the heap.  

Ugly week?  Where have you been the last 4 years?   

Ugly week for him politically

I'm not one to care one iota about what happens in Afghanistan.  But he is getting consistently hammered in the MSM so it's no surprise his numbers are taking a hit

Ugly week for him politically

I'm not one to care one iota about what happens in Afghanistan.  But he is getting consistently hammered in the MSM so it's no surprise his numbers are taking a hit

I agree.  The media has been very gentle with Biden until now.  So it does seem out of the norm to see Biden get hammered from all outlets now.

I agree.  The media has been very gentle with Biden until now.  So it does seem out of the norm to see Biden get hammered from all outlets now.

I think they have been pretty gentle with him because he's normal and there wasn't much happening.  

This is a great news story, people hanging from planes, babies crying...everything the news loves wrapped into one

I think they have been pretty gentle with him because he's normal and there wasn't much happening.  

This is a great news story, people hanging from planes, babies crying...everything the news loves wrapped into one

LOL..only thing that would make it more spicey would be the US planes taking off with people hanging on to the wings.

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It's pretty telling that he is still polling higher than Trump ever did in his 4 years. It's a completely valid comparison.

You can use your "but Trump" shtick all you want but it doesn't take away from the facts. 

Carry on.  :thumbup:
As predicted! Wouldn’t be the PSF without this from a regular, love it. 

Glad Biden won too but very disappointed that he was our only option.  Been watching old videos of Biden as he was before my time and he never seemed very sharp even in his younger days.  Now it is magnified.
He wasn’t the only option. The Dems fielded a primary of over a dozen candidates. 

It makes sense when events are handled poorly.  It should reflect that.  Glad the "media" isn't protecting him like some media on the other side protected the former guy no matter what he said or did


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