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☞ Official SOPRANOS Thread (2 Viewers)

I am sad to see the show come to an end and will miss the characters tremendously however I will not miss all of the complaining of people who were not satisfied with an episode b/c there wasn't enough bloodshed.

Anyone else think that their cable just went out for a split second?
That was my first reaction. I was like "Unf.....believable."Then I realized that was the actual ending.And then I realized Chase decided like many other shows he wanted to end his show without actually ending it. Some might call that creative; others might call it a cop out.
Chase wants to create something that will be discussed and dissected forever. Would wrapping it up in a bow do that?
How about the guy coming out from the john with a gun in his hand. Cut to the gun, show Tony looking at the door as Meadow comes in and then cut to black. Is that so hard?
You're missing the point. Tony is going to have to live the rest of his life wondering if the next guy through the door will be "that guy". We all know Meadow was coming through the door there. But the bell ringing, the hunter looking dude, the slimy looking guy, the ...um...black guys... :unsure: ... who will it be? It's only a matter of time. Tony's time wasn't tonight, but it will be sometime soon...I think.
That's not bad.
Perfect ending. Chase ended it exactly they way he drived the entire series, without selling out and without predictability.

I loved the finale.
sorta what i expected from the finale.all the people expecting a bloody shootout must not have been paying attention for the past few years. :goodposting:

Chase wants to create something that will be discussed and dissected forever. Would wrapping it up in a bow do that?
How about the guy coming out from the john with a gun in his hand. Cut to the gun, show Tony looking at the door as Meadow comes in and then cut to black. Is that so hard?
You're missing the point. Tony is going to have to live the rest of his life wondering if the next guy through the door will be "that guy". We all know Meadow was coming through the door there. But the bell ringing, the hunter looking dude, the slimy looking guy, the ...um...black guys... :unsure: ... who will it be? It's only a matter of time. Tony's time wasn't tonight, but it will be sometime soon...I think.
That's not bad.
How is that any different then the way he has lived since he became boss?
What the hell. :goodposting:
I'd read that cut to black as being Tony's instantaneous departure. He was shot by the guy coming back from the John. Without Tony there is no show so upon his death we end.
This is what I thought :confused: The show was about Tony, and I guess we all ended like him... HOW IN THE F ARE YOU GOING TO END THE LAST EPISODE WITH TONY HOLDING THE BADDEST GUN THAT HAS EVER BEEN ON THE SHOW, AND NOT LET US SEE HIM USE IT!!!!!! :hot: :rant: :hot: :rant: :unsure: :thumbdown: (Capella was right) ;) Way to blow it Chase :thumbdown:
I am sad to see the show come to an end and will miss the characters tremendously however I will not miss all of the complaining of people who were not satisfied with an episode b/c there wasn't enough bloodshed.
:goodposting:that #### was getting ridiculous.
Say what you want about creativity, leaving it to the viewer to decide what happens...whatever.

The bottom line is the audience and the fans were cheated. I didn't need the big bloody ending or money shot or whatever....I simply wanted an ending.

Freaking Chase took years in between seasons at times, made us suffer through dream sequence, week after week. Hundreds of story lines left swinging in the breeze.....

I don't think it is too much to ask to make the finale worthwhile and give the fans satisfaction in the ending, one way or another. He took the cheap way out and dissapointed the very people who made the show great.

What a tool.

Look, Chase hasn't answered any major questions in how many years? Why would anyone think he would start now ?

***I am still pissy I about the Russian in the woods***

Perfect ending. Chase ended it exactly they way he drived the entire series, without selling out and without predictability.

I loved the finale.
sorta what i expected from the finale.all the people expecting a bloody shootout must not have been paying attention for the past few years. :goodposting:
Didn't mind an "alls well" final - but the way it happened was just a cluster F. Only characterization is the post before about him living his life looking over his shoulder - but the other angle - did he get shot - leaves it too open for a finale IMO. Just fade out - don't make the quick cut!
AJ's story mirrors the thematic incompleteness. Guy finally grows into an identity and someone maybe sort of interesting in the vein of an idiot savant Hamlet when he shifts on a dime and is placated by the model girlfriend, the BMW and the movie job. To me that spit in the face of where it was all headed. But maybe the point is a cynical one -- that the meaningless grind and the doubts and fears and questioning never has a pay off. We shift and change and push through adversity only to have it all end up meaningless and a big joke with the only thing left when we go punchlines that haven't been sprung.Thanks Chase. Now I'm battling depression.
Or that AJ is a typical 19 yo #### up who changes his mind every other week.
It feels like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book:

Choice A) the guy comes out of the john with guns blazing taking out the whole family

Choice B) Tony gets taken down by Carlo and the Feds

I think either way you want to read it Chase implies that Tony was going down...he just wasn't going to tell us which way. At first I was :goodposting: , but then I thought, genius.

Perfect ending. Chase ended it exactly they way he drived the entire series, without selling out and without predictability.

I loved the finale.
sorta what i expected from the finale.all the people expecting a bloody shootout must not have been paying attention for the past few years. :goodposting:
I wasn't expecting bloodshed, just a solid finish to one of TV's great series.
just curious what you were hoping for from it? what ending woulda satisfied you? and for that matter anyone else?serious question

Perfect ending. Chase ended it exactly they way he drived the entire series, without selling out and without predictability.

I loved the finale.
sorta what i expected from the finale.all the people expecting a bloody shootout must not have been paying attention for the past few years. :goodposting:
I'm not disappointed there wasn't a lot of bloodshed and as I posted earlier today Tony's family has always been the most prominent theme of the show, so I'm not surprised Chase ended it with all of them together (or attempting to be together). I just think it was a very unoriginal ending. Other shows have done the "it's not really an ending ending" so I don't see a lot of creativity here. Given how Tony was looking up from his seat and not behind, there's no reason to believe the guy from the bathroom had come out to shoot him. He looked up and saw Meadow and that's how the series ended. I suppose going silent could be a way of referencing his death (like "24" does with its silent clock) but I'm not sure I buy that either. I wasn't expecting a grand shootout and "Scarface" type of ending but I was expecting more. Maybe in time I'll reflect and think more of the ending but my initial response is one of disappointment.

Chase wants to create something that will be discussed and dissected forever. Would wrapping it up in a bow do that?
How about the guy coming out from the john with a gun in his hand. Cut to the gun, show Tony looking at the door as Meadow comes in and then cut to black. Is that so hard?
You're missing the point. Tony is going to have to live the rest of his life wondering if the next guy through the door will be "that guy". We all know Meadow was coming through the door there. But the bell ringing, the hunter looking dude, the slimy looking guy, the ...um...black guys... :confused: ... who will it be? It's only a matter of time. Tony's time wasn't tonight, but it will be sometime soon...I think.
That's not bad.
:unsure: :thumbdown: Its different because Tony doesn't feel invincable for the 1st time in his life... :thumbdown:

When was the last time a show's last episode was any good?
Seinfeld was actually brilliant in its own way. Same with Roseanne. People still rave about the end of Newhart to this day (even though it was a boring POS.) NYPD Blue had a satisfying ending. St. Elsewhere is one of the most talked about finales in TV history.And that's just off the top of my head. No excuse for Chase's latest BS.
Perfect ending. Chase ended it exactly they way he drived the entire series, without selling out and without predictability.

I loved the finale.
sorta what i expected from the finale.all the people expecting a bloody shootout must not have been paying attention for the past few years. :shrug:
Didn't mind an "alls well" final - but the way it happened was just a cluster F. Only characterization is the post before about him living his life looking over his shoulder - but the other angle - did he get shot - leaves it too open for a finale IMO. Just fade out - don't make the quick cut!
yeah, well, he got what he wanted.. millions of people talking about the show right now. :shrug:
#### you to all the apologists for this show that will try to pass this off as a good finale.

It wasn't...it sucked.

I kept looking at the clock thinking how are they gonna do this in 3 minutes. Lol, I guess they weren't.

The cut to black instead of fade to black makes me think that he is dead, but yeah who knows. Lots of questions still which is messed up. Didn't pay off for the fans who have been loyal to this show throughout it's messed up scheduling.

It feels like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book:Choice A) the guy comes out of the john with guns blazing taking out the whole familyChoice B) Tony gets taken down by Carlo and the Feds
Or the series ended with the family eating onion fries.
Perfect ending. Chase ended it exactly they way he drived the entire series, without selling out and without predictability.I loved the finale.
I need to rewatch it. There were times I thought it was going to be interesting, but perhaps I'm most upset that there was too much closure on certain things. A lot of it felt cheesy to me. Complex loose ends were tied up with amazing ease, especially the whole Butchie thing.The whole thing at the end with her driving a Lexus and getting married and getting a job offer for 170k was incredibly lame. (By the way, there's no ####### thing as "pre-law", and talking about a 170k a year job at a law firm when you HAVEN'T GONE TO LAW SCHOOL? Give me a break. Paralegals, which is what she would be, make under $100k in NYC, and that's the 45 yr old career paralegals, not the hot 23 yr olds). And AJ driving the BMW and having everything go right?I don't know. It felt like the cheesy ending to a movie like Mean Girls to me, regardless of what that guy was going to do when he came out of the bathroom, and regardless of what Carlo was going to testify about. Maybe the hype was too much and it can never live up to our expectations - and I would have been fine with things being left open, but the cheesiness got to me a little.
Chase wants to create something that will be discussed and dissected forever. Would wrapping it up in a bow do that?
How about the guy coming out from the john with a gun in his hand. Cut to the gun, show Tony looking at the door as Meadow comes in and then cut to black. Is that so hard?
You're missing the point. Tony is going to have to live the rest of his life wondering if the next guy through the door will be "that guy". We all know Meadow was coming through the door there. But the bell ringing, the hunter looking dude, the slimy looking guy, the ...um...black guys... :unsure: ... who will it be? It's only a matter of time. Tony's time wasn't tonight, but it will be sometime soon...I think.
That's not bad.
:shrug: :coffee: Its different because Tony doesn't feel invincable for the 1st time in his life... :hey:
You mean like the time he reached out to Phil when he was in the hospital to convey the life lessons he learned from his near-death experience.
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Perfect ending. Chase ended it exactly they way he drived the entire series, without selling out and without predictability.

I loved the finale.
sorta what i expected from the finale.all the people expecting a bloody shootout must not have been paying attention for the past few years. :shrug:
I wasn't expecting bloodshed, just a solid finish to one of TV's great series.
just curious what you were hoping for from it? what ending woulda satisfied you? and for that matter anyone else?serious question
What ending would have been satisfying? Any ending.
Perfect ending. Chase ended it exactly they way he drived the entire series, without selling out and without predictability.

I loved the finale.
sorta what i expected from the finale.all the people expecting a bloody shootout must not have been paying attention for the past few years. :shrug:
I wasn't expecting bloodshed, just a solid finish to one of TV's great series.
just curious what you were hoping for from it? what ending woulda satisfied you? and for that matter anyone else?serious question
What ending would have been satisfying? Any ending.
Seinfeld was actually brilliant in its own way. Same with Roseanne. People still rave about the end of Newhart to this day (even though it was a boring POS.) NYPD Blue had a satisfying ending. St. Elsewhere is one of the most talked about finales in TV history.
Newhart's was freaking classic. Hill St. Blues did well with its "life goes on as always" ending. I hated St. Elsewhere's ending with the fire of a thousand suns. Seinfeld's was disappointing as well. NYPD Blue's was OK.
Perfect ending. Chase ended it exactly they way he drived the entire series, without selling out and without predictability.

I loved the finale.
sorta what i expected from the finale.all the people expecting a bloody shootout must not have been paying attention for the past few years. :shrug:
I wasn't expecting bloodshed, just a solid finish to one of TV's great series.
just curious what you were hoping for from it? what ending woulda satisfied you? and for that matter anyone else?serious question
What ending would have been satisfying? Any ending.
:shrug: that was an ending. :coffee:

Chase wants to create something that will be discussed and dissected forever. Would wrapping it up in a bow do that?
How about the guy coming out from the john with a gun in his hand. Cut to the gun, show Tony looking at the door as Meadow comes in and then cut to black. Is that so hard?
You're missing the point. Tony is going to have to live the rest of his life wondering if the next guy through the door will be "that guy". We all know Meadow was coming through the door there. But the bell ringing, the hunter looking dude, the slimy looking guy, the ...um...black guys... :shrug: ... who will it be? It's only a matter of time. Tony's time wasn't tonight, but it will be sometime soon...I think.
That's not bad.
How is that any different then the way he has lived since he became boss?
The difference is YOU have never lived it. Tonight is as close as it going to get for a lot of us. Tell me you didn't get more tense everytime that door opened.
If anyone wants to see how a show should go out, watch The Shield next season. Best show on TV AND the writers deliver what the viewers want.

Chase wants to create something that will be discussed and dissected forever. Would wrapping it up in a bow do that?
How about the guy coming out from the john with a gun in his hand. Cut to the gun, show Tony looking at the door as Meadow comes in and then cut to black. Is that so hard?
You're missing the point. Tony is going to have to live the rest of his life wondering if the next guy through the door will be "that guy". We all know Meadow was coming through the door there. But the bell ringing, the hunter looking dude, the slimy looking guy, the ...um...black guys... :unsure: ... who will it be? It's only a matter of time. Tony's time wasn't tonight, but it will be sometime soon...I think.
That's not bad.
:shrug: :coffee: Its different because Tony doesn't feel invincable for the 1st time in his life... :hey:
You mean like the time he reached out to Phil when he was in the hospital to convey the life lessons he learned from he near-death experience.
I guess... :shrug: good point though

Yo, people, Cheers had a really good last episode.

As for tonight, I will have to rewatch it again, but the whole thing was pretty underwhelming, and the ending, which I sort of get, just wasn't satisfying.

Here is something that is kinda cool - Tivo has the capability of logging immediate replays of scenes, stopping of recording and the like.

Count me amongst the people that, when it went black, immediately checked to see that it was still recording - hitting record and then confirming that I wanted it to continue recording. I'll be interested to see the number of people similarly "fooled".

And for what it's worth, despite the ending being "unsatisfying" for the viewer, it was edge of the seat tense - but really ended sort of as I predicted, with onion rings as opposed to vanilla ice cream.


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