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GM's thread about nothing (2 Viewers)

"DNA Will Prove You Got My 17 Year Old Pregnant"....classic MauryI miss being able to watch daytime TV now that I'm not in college anymore
Andrea, 17, believes that Keenan, 18, is her baby's father. Audrey, Andrea's mother, thinks that Keenan is the baby's father because the baby "looks just like his ugly ###".
He IS the father.
I hate you for being able to watch this on your couch while I slave away on another potential 12-14 hour day.But I love you for the live updates. I feel like I'm there. Did she do a dance and the pointy finger thing?
"DNA Will Prove You Got My 17 Year Old Pregnant"....classic MauryI miss being able to watch daytime TV now that I'm not in college anymore
Andrea, 17, believes that Keenan, 18, is her baby's father. Audrey, Andrea's mother, thinks that Keenan is the baby's father because the baby "looks just like his ugly ###".
He IS the father.
I hate you for being able to watch this on your couch while I slave away on another potential 12-14 hour day.But I love you for the live updates. I feel like I'm there. Did she do a dance and the pointy finger thing?
The daughter didn't, but the mother got right in his face with the pointy finger. Backstage, Keenan agreed to take care of his child after consulting with Maury.We've got a good story brewing here...Ashley thinks that her husband Evan may not be the father of their child. She confessed her cheating; Evan says that it's "my kid no matter what". Crowd roars in support.
Anybody ever have incredible stabbing pains in the back of their eyes? I have chronic sinus problems and allergies. These I can live with. Recently I've been getting these really bad stabbing pains...mostly directly behind my left eye. Ball cancer?
Not a doctor, but have you, by chance been stabbed in or near the eye lately? Because that would do it.
The daughter didn't, but the mother got right in his face with the pointy finger. Backstage, Keenan agreed to take care of his child after consulting with Maury.We've got a good story brewing here...Ashley thinks that her husband Evan may not be the father of their child. She confessed her cheating; Evan says that it's "my kid no matter what". Crowd roars in support.
Apparently I missed the resolution of this while looking for the Wimbledon match. Damn.
Anybody ever have incredible stabbing pains in the back of their eyes? I have chronic sinus problems and allergies. These I can live with. Recently I've been getting these really bad stabbing pains...mostly directly behind my left eye. Ball cancer?
Not a doctor, but have you, by chance been stabbed in or near the eye lately? Because that would do it.
First thing I checked. Nope.
The daughter didn't, but the mother got right in his face with the pointy finger. Backstage, Keenan agreed to take care of his child after consulting with Maury.We've got a good story brewing here...Ashley thinks that her husband Evan may not be the father of their child. She confessed her cheating; Evan says that it's "my kid no matter what". Crowd roars in support.
Apparently I missed the resolution of this while looking for the Wimbledon match. Damn.
God dammit.
Hey GM, surprised you didn't just smoke the drums/thighs on a grill.
With the divorce went my grill. I just don't have room for it at my townhouse. I have a little smoker that doubles as a grill, but that wasn't going to cut it. And I don't have the time to do it today, unfortunately. The dry rub wings from last night tasted great. Should be very well received tonight with a little dipping sauce for those who desire. Cooking now I've got a sweet BBQ sauce with pineapple, ginger, garlic. Never used a crock pot before, but I don't think it's the worst way to do this.
What's been depressing me lately (long):

So my brother and his wife had their baby two months ago. First grandchild on our side of the family. They live on the west coast and we live on the east. So my father goes out to visit a couple weeks back. Now granted, he can be a little gruff, even rude, but barely underneath that veneer is a very family-focused, principled and upstanding man. However, apparently his manner was so unbearable to my SIL that she decided to start the sequel to the Biggie/2pac bi-coastal beef.Apparently my father made some comment about not liking it when anyone insults one of his kids, which prompted her to lay into him for being rude to her son. Who's two months old. :mellow: I guess my father had said "can't we quiet that kid down?" during game 7 of the Stanley Cup, and in my SIL's estimation, he was more interested in sports than her grandson, didn't ask to hold the baby, didn't compliment the new parents enough (at all?) on their hard work, and didn't offer to help out around the house while he was there.So my father falls all over himself apologizing, offers to do whatever he can to help, and makes it clear that he was just joking around with his comments. The remaining time there is torture for my father, and my SIL says to my brother that she doesn't think dad's apology was sincere, and even though he cooks every meal for the remainder of his trip, it was fake and only done to get along, as far as she is concerned.Now my brother is "no confrontation guy." Absolutely cannot, will not, confront anyone about anything. He's basically in his own personal version of hell. My father is as mad as I've ever seen him (he dropped more f bombs than I have ever heard him utter in my life in one phone call from their house), and my mother is basically on the verge of tears, even though my parents are divorced, because she knows what a ####### disaster this is all around.The kicker is that SIL decides after my father leaves that she needs to go to stay at her mother's house with the baby for the next week, "to get some rest." Her mom lives 5 hours away. So I'm talking to my brother and my mother pretty much every day, not knowing what to say. My brother realizes that he actually has some marriage issues to work on that are way bigger than this situation (who goes home to mommy when things get tough? Is she 12?). My mother wants everything to be unicorns and rainbows, but there is literally no way to repair this. My father hates SIL now and will probably never return to the west coast to see his grandson.I am so angry and sad at the same time. I am worn out. I have rehashed this stupid thing with everyone ad nauseum. Thanks for reading if you did. Blech. :sadbanana:
Hey Thorn, I know you're not necessarily looking for advice here, so at the risk of sounding like a d-bag offering unsolicited advice:Just to encourage you in the role of son/brother - it's not your job to fix this. It sounds like you're getting pulled into the middle of the family drama. I wonder if you've been put in the role of peacemaker before? My wife and I have been going through some stuff on dysfunctional family systems, cause God knows we've come out of them and are trying to break those patterns in our own family. It's good your brother sees the need to fix bigger stuff in his marriage, because he and his wife have their own dysfunction they're creating/perpetuating together (as you note, running home to mama being a great example of that). Also, your dad already apologized, and it's not up to him to convince SIL it was sincere. It's up to her to grow up and forgive him.Anyway, just some random thoughts as I read. Sorry you're going through that. Family drama is the suck. Again, just to encourage you: the only person you can control/fix is you. Everyone else is responsible for themselves. Good luck, man.
:goodposting: Agree with a lot of this, though I'm sure it's pulling Thorn apart. Seems as if his brother is incapable of fixing this himself and Thorn feels obligated to coach him on what to do so it doesn't turn out as he dreads.Sigh....This isn't an answer, but an anecdote to let you know I've been in the middle of this, only I was where your brother is now. My ex-wife and my mother got off to a terrible start. My mother and father flew up from Texas to visit me in Portland in 1999. I had just moved in with my now ex-wife and was really excited to have my parents come up and stay with us. I saw them only once or twice a year and since I'm close to them, it was always great to see each other. First night they are in town, we go out and celebrate. My mom knocks back some Wild Turkey and compares my ex to my old GF in college (Michelle)...said they looked alike, etc. This pissed my ex off, but she shrugged it off. Later, at our apartment, we're watching the Dallas Stars beat up on the Sabres in the Finals when my mother actually CALLS my ex "Michelle". Well, this was it. Ex screams at my mother and storms off, slamming the door. My mother goes to follow, shouting "WAIT, MICHELLE! I MEAN TAMARA"So that's how things started. It never really improved. They tried to get along and on the surface they did, but there was always tension and it carried over into other family members and got worse as the years went by. There were probably 20 nasty, horrible, all-involving fights between her grand mother, my mother, my sister, my ex-wife, my best friend and his wife, my aunts...Thorn, it was a nightmare that last for nearly a decade. And I was in the middle of it all. It nearly destroyed my life. It absolutely helped to destroy my first marriage. And I was terrified that at some point, my ex would threaten to keep our children from my family. These things can get personal and nasty and awful and painful in a hurry. And once that cat has come out of the bag, there's really no putting it back in for good. Your father will be hypersensitive to anything your SIL says to him and will be very quick to fire back. Your SIL will be the same way. And your poor brother...my god. I feel so bad for him. And you.Sounds like you'll be there to help him along. I never really had that. My sister was leading the charge against my ex. Hates her to this day. So, I know you are in a bad spot. It's impossible not to take sides, but I think you are wise enough to do it. Be there for your brother as best you can. Chances are he's feeling very helpless right now. I sure did. Hope he doesn't hit the bottle like I did.Good luck.
Thanks GB. I think you hit on the worst part, which is, I don't know that there is any way to fix this. Ratfarts.Well, I wasn't able to do it, but I can't replace a kitchen sink and don't know why MOP's math was wrong on the pizza. So, I would think smarter, more level headed people could work through it. Your SIL sounds like a real peach. I'm guessing playing nice with others is not on her resume.
Hey GM, surprised you didn't just smoke the drums/thighs on a grill.
With the divorce went my grill. I just don't have room for it at my townhouse. I have a little smoker that doubles as a grill, but that wasn't going to cut it. And I don't have the time to do it today, unfortunately. The dry rub wings from last night tasted great. Should be very well received tonight with a little dipping sauce for those who desire. Cooking now I've got a sweet BBQ sauce with pineapple, ginger, garlic. Never used a crock pot before, but I don't think it's the worst way to do this.
Have you already begun? I never slow cook chicken, as it usually gets stringier rather than more tender with time. If its all dark meat you may be ok. Breasts are the worst (a phrase I seldom say)
Hey GM, surprised you didn't just smoke the drums/thighs on a grill.
With the divorce went my grill. I just don't have room for it at my townhouse. I have a little smoker that doubles as a grill, but that wasn't going to cut it. And I don't have the time to do it today, unfortunately. The dry rub wings from last night tasted great. Should be very well received tonight with a little dipping sauce for those who desire. Cooking now I've got a sweet BBQ sauce with pineapple, ginger, garlic. Never used a crock pot before, but I don't think it's the worst way to do this.
Have you already begun? I never slow cook chicken, as it usually gets stringier rather than more tender with time. If its all dark meat you may be ok. Breasts are the worst (a phrase I seldom say)
The drumsticks were done last night and I think they turned out great. They've been in the fridge since I took them out. Right now I've got a mixture of thighs/drumsticks...we'll see. This could be a mistake but I'll eat it over the next week if everybody else leaves it alone. My wife is also making a buttload of mostaccioli with homemade sauce passed down from her grandmother's family (true Italian). Despite her vegetarian ways, she uses a chuck roast in the mix as it just doesn't taste the same without it. :wub: So I won't be offended if people pass up the chicken for her pasta.
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Back in high school, I went on the ski trip to Winter Park, Colorado. Guys on one side, girls on the other side of the large place, which resembled a cabin, but there were probably 200 of us there. Anyway, after dinner one night, I came back to my room to find a group gathered in the hall and I eventually figure out they are interested with something in the bathroom across the hall. There was a turd snaked up the drain of the toilet and in one, complete piece, it had at least 2 inches sticking above the surface of the water. Now, that might be the most impressive #2 I've ever seen, but what I can't get over in my mind is the fact there was ZERO toilet paper in the bowl with the masterpiece.

I was at a wedding last summer and ran into a guy who was there and the topic eventually came up where I learned he thought it was me who was responsible. I'd be more than happy to take credit for something that impressive, but sadly, he was mistaken.

I've never seen any copies, but people were taking pictures next to the bowl that night before the eventual flush.

Back in high school, I went on the ski trip to Winter Park, Colorado. Guys on one side, girls on the other side of the large place, which resembled a cabin, but there were probably 200 of us there. Anyway, after dinner one night, I came back to my room to find a group gathered in the hall and I eventually figure out they are interested with something in the bathroom across the hall. There was a turd snaked up the drain of the toilet and in one, complete piece, it had at least 2 inches sticking above the surface of the water. Now, that might be the most impressive #2 I've ever seen, but what I can't get over in my mind is the fact there was ZERO toilet paper in the bowl with the masterpiece. I was at a wedding last summer and ran into a guy who was there and the topic eventually came up where I learned he thought it was me who was responsible. I'd be more than happy to take credit for something that impressive, but sadly, he was mistaken. I've never seen any copies, but people were taking pictures next to the bowl that night before the eventual flush.
:lmao: I went to this really lame summer camp for a couple of weeks when I was about 10. One of the highlights of the session was this brown anaconda somebody left in one of the toilets. As word spread around groups of camps went to go check it out. Nobody was really sure who the owner was but eventually most of us suspected the one counselor that looked like Bruce Jenner's half-wit brother.
Saw this guy at the dog park tonight.

He told me he was also going to get this and this.

whoa. Tara and bridesmaids> how y'all doin'?
:lmao: I wish I had pics of the wedding I did the month before that one. 8 bridesmaids and 7 of them were "7s" at least...including the pregnant one.
Me too.
I'm not so sure. None of them were asian and they were all old enough to buy fireworks.
I have to cook 10 lbs of chicken for my son's birthday party tomorrow. I was going to do it in the crock pot overnight and all day tomorrow (two separate batches). I wanted to buy wings, but they didn't have wings. So I went with drumsticks and thighs. Can I do those in a crock pot? I've googled a bunch of recipes, but I'm not loving any of them. I don't want a soupy mess...This is the leader in the clubhouse for the drumsticks. Needs something for thighs. Any help? Slap it low?

Slow Cooker Sticky Chicken Drumsticksrecipe adapted from Busy Cooks2 tsp. salt1 Tbsp. paprika2 tsp. chili powder1 tsp. onion powder1 tsp. thyme leaves1/2 tsp. garlic powder1/2 tsp. black pepper4 lbs. chicken drumsticks, skinned if desiredfoil for crumpling up in crockpotIn a small bowl, thoroughly combine salt and all the spices. Rinse drumsticks and pat dry with paper towel. Rub the spice mixture into the chicken. Crumple up foil and put in the bottom of a 4 quart crockpot.Top the foil with the spice rubbed chicken pieces.Cook on LOW for 8-12 hours until very tender. (mine was perfect after 6 hours on Low)The verdict?I put crumpled foil in the bottom of the crockpot, and it really kept the chicken crunchy and not goopy. I took off the skin from the drumsticks to keep the fat down, and with the spice coating, it still created a crunchy outer coating. And you have gotta love the convenience of the slow cooker! This is going into the routine!
thighs are pretty easy on the grill, use this recipe buddy2 cups soy sauce2 cup brown sugar, 1 can coke1-2 TB chili garlic paste (chinese section at store)several dashes of sesame oil1-2 small bunch of green onions, dice the green part, throw away the white partyou can thin out with 1-2 cups water if needed:mix sauce well, pour over thighs and marinate for 2hrs to a day if you have the time, then just grill on medium heat for 15-25 minutes till done, turning regularly. If you don't turn them often enough you'll get a lot of charring where the sugary sauce is on the meat. Some people like that but i doubt kids will.
About 12 years ago, the ex-Mrs. GM was the Maid of Honor for her childhood friend who was, like her new husband, devoutly religious. Both the wedding AND the reception were held in the church, with nary a drop of booze to be found. It was, without a doubt, the worst wedding experience I've ever had. The ceremony was excruciatingly long and the reception was my personal version of hell. To top it all off, I didn't know a soul there. I can usually work a room pretty well, but these people....they were like aliens. Nothing I said earned so much as a smile. And to make matters even worse, I was battling a horrendous hangover from the night before, was oozing booze, dying for a drink and, oh yeah....my stomach was an absolute mess.

Midway through the reception, a violent storm hits my lower intestines and disaster is imminent. I rush to the only bathroom I can find and as I open the door, a flock of giggling little boys come darting out. Great, they probably pissed all over the seat or took a dump in the sink. Whatever, I gotta go. Well, I quickly realized what was so funny. These little turds locked all the bathroom stalls and slithered out underneath them. As the poo sweats trickled down my face, I knew there was no time to try and find a new bathroom in a strange church. So I had to army crawl my way through god knows what was on the bathroom floor under the stall door. As I'm about halfway through, another man walks in and says "OH MY GOD, ARE YOU OKAY?"....I guess he thought I was a dead body on the floor or something. I briefly answered him with an incoherent mumble, stood, turned, dropped and absolutely unloaded. I didn't even have time to inspect the seat, wipe it down or use an asssshat, which I do about 99.99999% of the time.

After I was done, I begged the ex to go home, but she had to stay for pictures. The poor dude who walked in behind me must have spotted me as he saw my clothes slinking under the stall and probably told his entire table about the destruction I brought to his ears, nose and church's toilet.

What's been depressing me lately (long):

So my brother and his wife had their baby two months ago. First grandchild on our side of the family. They live on the west coast and we live on the east. So my father goes out to visit a couple weeks back. Now granted, he can be a little gruff, even rude, but barely underneath that veneer is a very family-focused, principled and upstanding man. However, apparently his manner was so unbearable to my SIL that she decided to start the sequel to the Biggie/2pac bi-coastal beef.

Apparently my father made some comment about not liking it when anyone insults one of his kids, which prompted her to lay into him for being rude to her son. Who's two months old. :mellow: I guess my father had said "can't we quiet that kid down?" during game 7 of the Stanley Cup, and in my SIL's estimation, he was more interested in sports than her grandson, didn't ask to hold the baby, didn't compliment the new parents enough (at all?) on their hard work, and didn't offer to help out around the house while he was there.

So my father falls all over himself apologizing, offers to do whatever he can to help, and makes it clear that he was just joking around with his comments. The remaining time there is torture for my father, and my SIL says to my brother that she doesn't think dad's apology was sincere, and even though he cooks every meal for the remainder of his trip, it was fake and only done to get along, as far as she is concerned.

Now my brother is "no confrontation guy." Absolutely cannot, will not, confront anyone about anything. He's basically in his own personal version of hell. My father is as mad as I've ever seen him (he dropped more f bombs than I have ever heard him utter in my life in one phone call from their house), and my mother is basically on the verge of tears, even though my parents are divorced, because she knows what a ####### disaster this is all around.

The kicker is that SIL decides after my father leaves that she needs to go to stay at her mother's house with the baby for the next week, "to get some rest." Her mom lives 5 hours away.

So I'm talking to my brother and my mother pretty much every day, not knowing what to say. My brother realizes that he actually has some marriage issues to work on that are way bigger than this situation (who goes home to mommy when things get tough? Is she 12?). My mother wants everything to be unicorns and rainbows, but there is literally no way to repair this. My father hates SIL now and will probably never return to the west coast to see his grandson.

I am so angry and sad at the same time. I am worn out. I have rehashed this stupid thing with everyone ad nauseum.

Thanks for reading if you did. Blech. :sadbanana:
A couple of thoughts.First- bleh. Too bad you're in the middle of this. But I guess it's your family and what can you do.

B: Could mommy still be going through some postpartum :crazy: that's different behavior than normal for her? Or just still trying to figure out how to deal with a baby, especially around new (new around the baby) people? We were pretty low-key about things with our first kid, but still went a bit nutso over inlaws/family-members trying to give us "advize" about how to raise/deal-with our baby.

3i: Is it an option to just let the blowup at dad slide? I mean, she was definitely over the line, but IMO some slack's gotta be given to the new mom... unless this is typical/recurring behavior.

Lastly: I want ice cream.

I have to cook 10 lbs of chicken for my son's birthday party tomorrow. I was going to do it in the crock pot overnight and all day tomorrow (two separate batches). I wanted to buy wings, but they didn't have wings. So I went with drumsticks and thighs.

Can I do those in a crock pot? I've googled a bunch of recipes, but I'm not loving any of them. I don't want a soupy mess...This is the leader in the clubhouse for the drumsticks. Needs something for thighs. Any help? Slap it low?

Slow Cooker Sticky Chicken Drumsticks

recipe adapted from Busy Cooks

2 tsp. salt

1 Tbsp. paprika

2 tsp. chili powder

1 tsp. onion powder

1 tsp. thyme leaves

1/2 tsp. garlic powder

1/2 tsp. black pepper

4 lbs. chicken drumsticks, skinned if desired

foil for crumpling up in crockpot

In a small bowl, thoroughly combine salt and all the spices. Rinse drumsticks and pat dry with paper towel. Rub the spice mixture into the chicken.

Crumple up foil and put in the bottom of a 4 quart crockpot.

Top the foil with the spice rubbed chicken pieces.

Cook on LOW for 8-12 hours until very tender. (mine was perfect after 6 hours on Low)

The verdict?

I put crumpled foil in the bottom of the crockpot, and it really kept the chicken crunchy and not goopy. I took off the skin from the drumsticks to keep the fat down, and with the spice coating, it still created a crunchy outer coating. And you have gotta love the convenience of the slow cooker! This is going into the routine!
thighs are pretty easy on the grill, use this recipe buddy2 cups soy sauce

2 cup brown sugar, 1 can coke

1-2 TB chili garlic paste (chinese section at store)

several dashes of sesame oil

1-2 small bunch of green onions, dice the green part, throw away the white part

you can thin out with 1-2 cups water if needed


mix sauce well, pour over thighs and marinate for 2hrs to a day if you have the time, then just grill on medium heat for 15-25 minutes till done, turning regularly. If you don't turn them often enough you'll get a lot of charring where the sugary sauce is on the meat. Some people like that but i doubt kids will.
Right, I'm no stranger to grilling chicken. Big fan. But I don't have the time nor the grill to do it today. Hence the slow cooker. Time will tell, but the first batch came out looking like this.
There was a thread I found on the first page of a forum I visit where people were recounting funny stories from the boat ramp. The thing was started over 2 years ago and still going strong, but this was my submission today:

My first, and favorite story came when I was just a kid and it didnt happen at a public boat ramp. My dad bought this old, heavy, tri-hull boat about 14-15 long. It was the boat I learned to fish on when I was 9-10 years old. We had a cabin on the lake my grandfather built when they moved him in the 50s while building the dam for Lay Lake. It was at the top of a sharp incline, just off the main channel near Okamo Marina. My father owned an old, 2 wheel drive pick-up I called Fred and with the chert driveway, he was worried about getting the truck stuck at the bottom where we had just put in a concrete pad for the boat ramp. My uncle was there that first day, for the first launch of my little boat into the lake. They backed Fred about halfway down the hill to a point my father thought was far enough. After what was probably a couple of beers and much discussion, I heard my dad say, What were going to do is pick the trailer up off the hitch, and guide it down the driveway to the water. My mom and I were standing there and just earlier in the day, we were filming each other skiing. I remember asking her, Mom, do you think I should get the camera, but before I could even get the word camera out of my mouth, the fun had begun.It didnt take long for it all to happen, but it did all happen in slow motion for me. My father lifted the boat off the hitch and from what I remember, it shot off down the driveway like it had a jet pack attached next to the trolling motor. My dad ran along, holding the front of the boat and trying to guide it as straight as possible. My uncle had other ideas, grabbing the winch like he had a bull by the horns, sticking his feet out in front of him with his butt on the ground, doing all he could to wrestle the beast to a stop. Naturally, he was unsuccessful with only a case of the red butt to show for his troubles, standing up and slapping it like it was on fire once the action subsided.Surprisingly no one was hurt and my little boat sailed off into the lake with what seemed like a perfect launch. My mother and I still talk about that to this day, just knowing we missed out on a pile of cash from Americas Funniest Home Videos because we werent given enough time to grab the video camera and turn it on.
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"DNA Will Prove You Got My 17 Year Old Pregnant"....classic MauryI miss being able to watch daytime TV now that I'm not in college anymore
Andrea, 17, believes that Keenan, 18, is her baby's father. Audrey, Andrea's mother, thinks that Keenan is the baby's father because the baby "looks just like his ugly ###".
He IS the father.
:lmao:After a crappy week, love coming back to this thread. This whole page has been awesome.
What's been depressing me lately (long):

So my brother and his wife had their baby two months ago. First grandchild on our side of the family. They live on the west coast and we live on the east. So my father goes out to visit a couple weeks back. Now granted, he can be a little gruff, even rude, but barely underneath that veneer is a very family-focused, principled and upstanding man. However, apparently his manner was so unbearable to my SIL that she decided to start the sequel to the Biggie/2pac bi-coastal beef.Apparently my father made some comment about not liking it when anyone insults one of his kids, which prompted her to lay into him for being rude to her son. Who's two months old. :mellow: I guess my father had said "can't we quiet that kid down?" during game 7 of the Stanley Cup, and in my SIL's estimation, he was more interested in sports than her grandson, didn't ask to hold the baby, didn't compliment the new parents enough (at all?) on their hard work, and didn't offer to help out around the house while he was there.So my father falls all over himself apologizing, offers to do whatever he can to help, and makes it clear that he was just joking around with his comments. The remaining time there is torture for my father, and my SIL says to my brother that she doesn't think dad's apology was sincere, and even though he cooks every meal for the remainder of his trip, it was fake and only done to get along, as far as she is concerned.Now my brother is "no confrontation guy." Absolutely cannot, will not, confront anyone about anything. He's basically in his own personal version of hell. My father is as mad as I've ever seen him (he dropped more f bombs than I have ever heard him utter in my life in one phone call from their house), and my mother is basically on the verge of tears, even though my parents are divorced, because she knows what a ####### disaster this is all around.The kicker is that SIL decides after my father leaves that she needs to go to stay at her mother's house with the baby for the next week, "to get some rest." Her mom lives 5 hours away. So I'm talking to my brother and my mother pretty much every day, not knowing what to say. My brother realizes that he actually has some marriage issues to work on that are way bigger than this situation (who goes home to mommy when things get tough? Is she 12?). My mother wants everything to be unicorns and rainbows, but there is literally no way to repair this. My father hates SIL now and will probably never return to the west coast to see his grandson.I am so angry and sad at the same time. I am worn out. I have rehashed this stupid thing with everyone ad nauseum. Thanks for reading if you did. Blech. :sadbanana:
Your brother sounds like a little #####. It's his wife, he should handle it.
Anybody ever have incredible stabbing pains in the back of their eyes? I have chronic sinus problems and allergies. These I can live with. Recently I've been getting these really bad stabbing pains...mostly directly behind my left eye. Ball cancer?
Migraine? Light sensitivity, flashes of light? Dizzy? Vision blurred? Whatever you do, don't go to the doctor, let us do a complete diagnosis first.
Currently posting while taking a dump in a Kohl's bathroom. :bye: :toilet:
I love taking a dump at work. Been working for 20 years now and sometimes I still can't believe I get paid to poop.That was one of my childhood dreams. The other was to make $60 an hour. I thought that if someone gave you a dollar every single minute you worked, it would be incredible.And then if you combine the two, you could pick up $10 or $15 every day for pooping.
'Gadzooks said:
I love poop stories. "favorite pair of underwear" was my favorite part. I picture Ian looking like the fat kid in Stand By Me.
I pictured Chuck from Goonies. :thumbup:Updates?I now officially am living under my parents roof. :pickle:Not that I moved in with them but they are now the proud owners of my house. Spent today looking at houses to buy....people sure try to sell a lot of crap. Apparently the price of paint and soap has skyrocketed to where it's no longer feasible to sell your house clean and freshly painted. :yucky:
What's been depressing me lately (long):

So my brother and his wife had their baby two months ago. First grandchild on our side of the family. They live on the west coast and we live on the east. So my father goes out to visit a couple weeks back. Now granted, he can be a little gruff, even rude, but barely underneath that veneer is a very family-focused, principled and upstanding man. However, apparently his manner was so unbearable to my SIL that she decided to start the sequel to the Biggie/2pac bi-coastal beef.Apparently my father made some comment about not liking it when anyone insults one of his kids, which prompted her to lay into him for being rude to her son. Who's two months old. :mellow: I guess my father had said "can't we quiet that kid down?" during game 7 of the Stanley Cup, and in my SIL's estimation, he was more interested in sports than her grandson, didn't ask to hold the baby, didn't compliment the new parents enough (at all?) on their hard work, and didn't offer to help out around the house while he was there.So my father falls all over himself apologizing, offers to do whatever he can to help, and makes it clear that he was just joking around with his comments. The remaining time there is torture for my father, and my SIL says to my brother that she doesn't think dad's apology was sincere, and even though he cooks every meal for the remainder of his trip, it was fake and only done to get along, as far as she is concerned.Now my brother is "no confrontation guy." Absolutely cannot, will not, confront anyone about anything. He's basically in his own personal version of hell. My father is as mad as I've ever seen him (he dropped more f bombs than I have ever heard him utter in my life in one phone call from their house), and my mother is basically on the verge of tears, even though my parents are divorced, because she knows what a ####### disaster this is all around.The kicker is that SIL decides after my father leaves that she needs to go to stay at her mother's house with the baby for the next week, "to get some rest." Her mom lives 5 hours away. So I'm talking to my brother and my mother pretty much every day, not knowing what to say. My brother realizes that he actually has some marriage issues to work on that are way bigger than this situation (who goes home to mommy when things get tough? Is she 12?). My mother wants everything to be unicorns and rainbows, but there is literally no way to repair this. My father hates SIL now and will probably never return to the west coast to see his grandson.I am so angry and sad at the same time. I am worn out. I have rehashed this stupid thing with everyone ad nauseum. Thanks for reading if you did. Blech. :sadbanana:
I think it's a law somewhere that you're supposed to dislike your inlaws. Plus she's probably hormonal. Explain that part to your dad. Your brother...well...he married her. Good luck staying out of it.
Anybody ever have incredible stabbing pains in the back of their eyes? I have chronic sinus problems and allergies. These I can live with. Recently I've been getting these really bad stabbing pains...mostly directly behind my left eye. Ball cancer?
Migraine? Light sensitivity, flashes of light? Dizzy? Vision blurred? Whatever you do, don't go to the doctor, let us do a complete diagnosis first.
None of those things. Sinus headache and stabbing pain. That's it.Wouldn't dare go to a doctor until I get a full workup and chem panel here.
Anybody ever have incredible stabbing pains in the back of their eyes? I have chronic sinus problems and allergies. These I can live with. Recently I've been getting these really bad stabbing pains...mostly directly behind my left eye. Ball cancer?
Migraine? Light sensitivity, flashes of light? Dizzy? Vision blurred? Whatever you do, don't go to the doctor, let us do a complete diagnosis first.
None of those things. Sinus headache and stabbing pain. That's it.Wouldn't dare go to a doctor until I get a full workup and chem panel here.
Did you accidentally snort a hedgehog?
Right, I'm no stranger to grilling chicken. Big fan. But I don't have the time nor the grill to do it today. Hence the slow cooker. Time will tell, but the first batch came out looking like this.
sorry dude, missed that. You could broil them, same deal really.i'm not good at reading, or other things that require you know, actual effort.

or look up a recipe for chicken paprikash, you can do that all in a crockpot or large stockpot.

Anybody ever have incredible stabbing pains in the back of their eyes? I have chronic sinus problems and allergies. These I can live with. Recently I've been getting these really bad stabbing pains...mostly directly behind my left eye. Ball cancer?
Migraine? Light sensitivity, flashes of light? Dizzy? Vision blurred? Whatever you do, don't go to the doctor, let us do a complete diagnosis first.
None of those things. Sinus headache and stabbing pain. That's it.Wouldn't dare go to a doctor until I get a full workup and chem panel here.
I've had such a pain with a sinus infection.
Right, I'm no stranger to grilling chicken. Big fan. But I don't have the time nor the grill to do it today. Hence the slow cooker. Time will tell, but the first batch came out looking like this.
sorry dude, missed that. You could broil them, same deal really.i'm not good at reading, or other things that require you know, actual effort.

or look up a recipe for chicken paprikash, you can do that all in a crockpot or large stockpot.
Crock pot batch number one looks and tastes good. I'm hoping round two is okay too. we shall see!
We have to work "the full day", but I have checked out since 1:30.

What should I do for the next 2 hours while pretending to work?

Anybody ever have incredible stabbing pains in the back of their eyes? I have chronic sinus problems and allergies. These I can live with. Recently I've been getting these really bad stabbing pains...mostly directly behind my left eye. Ball cancer?
Migraine? Light sensitivity, flashes of light? Dizzy? Vision blurred? Whatever you do, don't go to the doctor, let us do a complete diagnosis first.
None of those things. Sinus headache and stabbing pain. That's it.Wouldn't dare go to a doctor until I get a full workup and chem panel here.
I've had such a pain with a sinus infection.
This. Or ball cancer.
We have to work "the full day", but I have checked out since 1:30.What should I do for the next 2 hours while pretending to work?
We could recreate the 'wife rape' thread with emoticons. :unsure:
I've spent three full minutes thinking about this. Don't think it could be done without a timeout.
We have to work "the full day", but I have checked out since 1:30.What should I do for the next 2 hours while pretending to work?
Pretty sure you're already doing it. :thumbup:
I'm here while working. I'm looking to REALLY waste time. :thumbup: :thumbup:

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