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GM's thread about nothing (2 Viewers)

:nerd: And those speeder bike things flying through the forest was some amazing/thrilling special effects at the time. Plus you see Luke do some serious Jedi-#### (for the first time) during the Han escape.
Why not lead with that?did you really think R2 and C3P0 would get han free??? really???Jedi was Episode 1 before Episode 1 was, it was just a lot of special effects and not much morewhich was great! but then don;t rip on Ep1 for being the same thing.Speeder bike scene = podracegungans = ewoksat least darth maul died in a saber duel, Bobba Fett got run into and his jetpack went off. SERIOUSLY!
St. Louis Bob said:
Having sex 1 time in three weeks
Lucky *******.
Does filling a cup count? I've been going gang-busters, if so.
Been there, not even close.FTR it was once on Friday night and I had to get her pretty lubed up on wine for that. But if you go back farther, it has been about 3 weeks or so. I'm not a heartless ******* much but I can only drink so much to relieve the tension.
Aside from sexless, how's the Mrs holding up? Gotta be rough for her.
I thought this, in the proposed LaGarrette Blount nickname thread, was gold. Maybe the funniest thing I've ever posted- admittedly not a high bar. It's getting nothing. Too esoteric? Are other people not as familiar with perverted sex acts as I am?


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I've heard lots of people bash Jedi for being the worst of the original trilogy but never heard anyone defend the new trilogy as being anything other than a complete and total mess.

Ranking goes something like:

1. Empire

2. Star Wars

3. Jedi

4.5.6. Whatever the new ones were called

Maybe this should go in the unpopular opinion thread but I hate the freaking Goonies.
Just recently, or always?I liked the movie a lot when it came out, dunno how it holds up.
Always. You have to remember that I was a little older than the target audience when this thing came out. It was a 'kids' movie to me. When I finally got around to seeing this on VHS or HBO or whatever I thought it was stupid. And obviously it holds no nostalgic value for me.
Goonies is horrible, but I was the right age when it came out. It's a classic.


those magical creatures who showed us that the elaborate storm trooper armor, which we already know does no good against blasters or light sabers, also cannot withstand a small rock or a pointy stick.

and what a great plan that whole endor thing was, lets sneak down to a forest moon with a bunch of people in camouflage and SHINY GOLD ####### ROBOT along with a robot on wheels, which should do well at navigating a forest floor.

Of course that plan looks like the strategy of the millennium compared to the farcical attempts to rescue Han from Jaba.
:kicksrock: :lmao: :lmao: you win

Maybe this should go in the unpopular opinion thread but I hate the freaking Goonies.
Just recently, or always?I liked the movie a lot when it came out, dunno how it holds up.
Always. You have to remember that I was a little older than the target audience when this thing came out. It was a 'kids' movie to me. When I finally got around to seeing this on VHS or HBO or whatever I thought it was stupid. And obviously it holds no nostalgic value for me.
Goonies is horrible, but I was the right age when it came out. It's a classic.
That's kind of how I view Gremlins
I've heard lots of people bash Jedi for being the worst of the original trilogy but never heard anyone defend the new trilogy as being anything other than a complete and total mess.Ranking goes something like:1. Empire2. Star Wars3. Jedi4.5.6. Whatever the new ones were called
i contend that this is not because jedi belongs at 3, but just because people remember it as better than it wasstar wars ranks firstempire secondthere is a gap hererevenge of the sith thirdthere's a chasm hereattack of the clonessmall gapReturn of the jedi edges out phantom menace purely for sentimental reasons
Maybe this should go in the unpopular opinion thread but I hate the freaking Goonies.
Just recently, or always?I liked the movie a lot when it came out, dunno how it holds up.
Always. You have to remember that I was a little older than the target audience when this thing came out. It was a 'kids' movie to me. When I finally got around to seeing this on VHS or HBO or whatever I thought it was stupid. And obviously it holds no nostalgic value for me.
Goonies is horrible, but I was the right age when it came out. It's a classic.
My take on the icon/BF/shiny thing:

I think that although it was never mentioned how shiny passed, quite a few of us assumed it was suicide. We have to realize that many people have different views on suicide. As a guy who's had a family member do it, I myself have had a ton of different feelings at different times on the subject. I agree that it is a little tacky for icon to have shiny's teletubbie in his avatar being that icon feels the way he does about suicide. That being said, I believe him when he says he didn't know how shiny passed. Give him the benefit of the doubt and move on. Don't hold a grudge against him.
For the record I removed it immediately after someone pointed that out out... when i put it up I was trying to pay homage to the guy. Hindsight is 20/20. :mellow:
:mellow: And those speeder bike things flying through the forest was some amazing/thrilling special effects at the time. Plus you see Luke do some serious Jedi-#### (for the first time) during the Han escape.
Why not lead with that?did you really think R2 and C3P0 would get han free??? really???
Didn't they all end up being a necessary piece of the plan? Granted it was a convoluted plan, but still...R2 and C3P0 never really attempted to spring Han. They delivered a message from Luke and were presented as gifts. That assures Luke he'll have access to a lightsaber.Lando was the inside man. Again never attempted to free Han on his own.Same with Chewie. He was presented to Jabba, to get Leia in and also provide some muscle for when #### went down. Leia's role may have been to simply free Han from the carbonite to make him easier to move later. Anything beyond that would be a bonus, but Luke would have to come back for Chewie (and maybe the droids). Though it's possible Lando could have handled that.Luke was the key player, but he couldn't have done it on his own. Jedi or not... he's still just one guy. No way he busts in, takes on everyone, straps frozen Han on his back, and walks out. And even if he could... what fun would that be?My god... I can't believe I analyzed all that. :angry: :bag: :nerd:
:mellow: And those speeder bike things flying through the forest was some amazing/thrilling special effects at the time. Plus you see Luke do some serious Jedi-#### (for the first time) during the Han escape.
Why not lead with that?did you really think R2 and C3P0 would get han free??? really???
Didn't they all end up being a necessary piece of the plan? Granted it was a convoluted plan, but still...R2 and C3P0 never really attempted to spring Han. They delivered a message from Luke and were presented as gifts. That assures Luke he'll have access to a lightsaber.Lando was the inside man. Again never attempted to free Han on his own.Same with Chewie. He was presented to Jabba, to get Leia in and also provide some muscle for when #### went down. Leia's role may have been to simply free Han from the carbonite to make him easier to move later. Anything beyond that would be a bonus, but Luke would have to come back for Chewie (and maybe the droids). Though it's possible Lando could have handled that.Luke was the key player, but he couldn't have done it on his own. Jedi or not... he's still just one guy. No way he busts in, takes on everyone, straps frozen Han on his back, and walks out. And even if he could... what fun would that be?My god... I can't believe I analyzed all that. :angry: :bag: :nerd:
they were part of the plan if the plan was to have Jaba sail you out to the sarlac pit on the sail barge.of course that makes 0 sense as a planhan is encased in carbonite, he is safe. Go in as a group and level that place, burn it down. If teddy bears with sticks can defeat a platoon of stormtroopers, i think luke lando and chewie coulda handled jaba's dorks
they ended up fighting all of themn anyway, only they were all bound, lue did not have his weapon, and jaba was no where near them.

han is encased in carbonite, he is safe. Go in as a group and level that place, burn it down. If teddy bears with sticks can defeat a platoon of stormtroopers, i think luke lando and chewie coulda handled jaba's dorks
This is really the best plan. Luke and Lando should have locked the doors from the outside and just torched the place, thereby getting rid of Jabba. Once the entire place has burned to the ground, just drag Han out of there and melt the carbonite.
han is encased in carbonite, he is safe. Go in as a group and level that place, burn it down. If teddy bears with sticks can defeat a platoon of stormtroopers, i think luke lando and chewie coulda handled jaba's dorks
This is really the best plan. Luke and Lando should have locked the doors from the outside and just torched the place, thereby getting rid of Jabba. Once the entire place has burned to the ground, just drag Han out of there and melt the carbonite.
the beauty of the plan is its simplicity
Yeah, some of those older movies hold up well. My son really enjoyed watching Ghostbusters, The Karate Kid, Raiders of the Lost Ark, A Christmas Story, Willy Wonka, and of course the original Star Wars trilogy.

We haven't gotten to Goonies or Back to the Future yet.
The original Star Wars trilogy is far and away better than the crap they made a few years ago. With far less technical innovations, they were able to create a masterpiece. 30 years later, with far more technological advancement, they made a pile of poop. Why? Nobody bothered to write a story that was compelling. It was lazy film making, relying upon special effects to wow the masses. In much the same way, I feel like today's movies bank upon the fact that 3-D and special effects will overshadow the need to invent a fresh and original story. I didn't see "Avatar", (nor do I plan on it) but wasn't it just the story of "Pocahontas" only set in blue? Course I'm sure some old guy was saying the same thing in the early 80's that I'm saying now. But I'll take 'A Christmas Story' over any 'holiday' that's come out in the last 10 years. Nostalgia be damned...it's just better.
PLEASEI love me some star wars but I am SICK TO DEATH of the pedestal the original trilogy is held to, Jedi in particular. Jedi was great for one reason, it was Star Wars. The entire movie is filled with ridiculous story elements that make the later movies look like masterpieces.

Jedi was crap, utter and complete crap, but we loved it because it was Star Wars.
It was my least favorite of the original three, but you are stoned on crank and drunk on malt liquor if you think Jedi was worse than any of the three turds Lucas spit on us this decade. Jedi gave us Ewoks, Leia in a bikini, more Lando, a sinister Emperor, Darth Vader redemption and one of the greatest internet memes of all time.What did the three piles of puke Lucas released post 2000 yield us? Jar Jar Binks, a wussified Samuel L. Jackson, a bore-me-to-tears Obi Wan and a mother forking ANTI SMOKING MESSAGE. Remember that? Remember the ridiculous scene where Ewan McGregor used the Jedi Mind Trick to convince some muppet that he didn't want to puff on a 'death stick'? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME???? You're going to put that up against Jedi? A public service announcement. In Star Wars. Really?

Unreal. Jedi is far and away better than the steaming piles of horse manure Lucas and Co. shoveled on us.
St. Louis Bob said:
Having sex 1 time in three weeks
Lucky *******.
Does filling a cup count? I've been going gang-busters, if so.
Been there, not even close.FTR it was once on Friday night and I had to get her pretty lubed up on wine for that. But if you go back farther, it has been about 3 weeks or so. I'm not a heartless ******* much but I can only drink so much to relieve the tension.
Aside from sexless, how's the Mrs holding up? Gotta be rough for her.
She puts up a good front until everything stops. She pretty much isolated herself with books. Poor girl. I do what I can so she doesn't have to deal with the boys, clean, make meals and I don't beg her for sex because really I'm pretty tired at the end of the day.On a side note, apparently she thinks the library has closed. THANKS BARNES & NOBLE!!!
Goonies is horrible, but I was the right age when it came out. It's a classic.
That's kind of how I view Gremlins
Goonies holds up better than Gremlins IMO.
The scene where Phoebe Cates explains how her dad died is some of the most unintentionally funny #### I've ever heard.
She could explain how the Amish churn butter and I'd sport an erection. How she never made more movies is beyond me.
It's over. :shrug:

Tomorrow evening, I get to spend 3 1/2 hours in a car with my parents and my fiancee. We're spending the weekend at my future in-laws' house (who are really cool, for the record). We have food tasting, engagement pictures, meeting with the priest, rehearsal dinner tours and various other crap necessary wedding stuff planned.

Future FIL, Old-Man Bronkowitz and myself will definitely be spending a lot of time at a bar, so I have that going for me. But I already want to punch myself repeatedly in the groin rather than do this.

Maybe instead of the dollar dance, guys could pay a fin to kick you in the nuts.

Goonies is horrible, but I was the right age when it came out. It's a classic.
That's kind of how I view Gremlins
Goonies holds up better than Gremlins IMO.
The scene where Phoebe Cates explains how her dad died is some of the most unintentionally funny #### I've ever heard.
She could explain how the Amish churn butter and I'd sport an erection. How she never made more movies is beyond me.
Wouldn't you rather watch porn? SUCKA MC!

Goonies is horrible, but I was the right age when it came out. It's a classic.
That's kind of how I view Gremlins
Goonies holds up better than Gremlins IMO.
The scene where Phoebe Cates explains how her dad died is some of the most unintentionally funny #### I've ever heard.
She could explain how the Amish churn butter and I'd sport an erection. How she never made more movies is beyond me.
She should take her top off in every movie.
Goonies is horrible, but I was the right age when it came out. It's a classic.
That's kind of how I view Gremlins
Goonies holds up better than Gremlins IMO.
The scene where Phoebe Cates explains how her dad died is some of the most unintentionally funny #### I've ever heard.
My parents edited that part out as a kid
so I didn't find out about Santa
. No ####in' shtick.

Goonies is horrible, but I was the right age when it came out. It's a classic.
That's kind of how I view Gremlins
Goonies holds up better than Gremlins IMO.
The scene where Phoebe Cates explains how her dad died is some of the most unintentionally funny #### I've ever heard.
My parents edited that part out as a kid
so I didn't find out about Santa
. No ####in' shtick.

The title is :(
Goonies is horrible, but I was the right age when it came out. It's a classic.
That's kind of how I view Gremlins
Goonies holds up better than Gremlins IMO.
The scene where Phoebe Cates explains how her dad died is some of the most unintentionally funny #### I've ever heard.
My parents edited that part out as a kid
so I didn't find out about Santa
. No ####in' shtick.

Curious, how did they do that? Did your dad just record snow over that part of the VHS tape?
Curious, how did they do that? Did your dad just record snow over that part of the VHS tape?
Bingo. We were always like "What's wrong with this part?" Finally, things would come back into focus after about five minutes and Phoebe's all, "And that's why I hate Christmas." :lmao:
Wouldn't you rather watch porn?

Here's the distinction:Phoebe Cates showed us her nips and fanny in all their amazing glory.

Kate Perry just teases you with side shots.

I've fired off multiple rounds to Cates in Fast Times and Paradise. Why? Cuz I get to see the nekid! To date, no shots have been fired at Perry and until or unless she sacks up and disrobes completely, I'm leaving my powder dry.

Bonus - Hi Willie Ames!

Goonies is horrible, but I was the right age when it came out. It's a classic.
That's kind of how I view Gremlins
Goonies holds up better than Gremlins IMO.
The scene where Phoebe Cates explains how her dad died is some of the most unintentionally funny #### I've ever heard.
My parents edited that part out as a kid
so I didn't find out about Santa
. No ####in' shtick.

Funny, that part was looped and played 5 times in a row on our tape before it proceeded with the movie.My Dad was great too. He always got really mad when Santa didn't bring me anything.

Funny, that part was looped and played 5 times in a row on our tape before it proceeded with the movie.My Dad was great too. He always got really mad when Santa didn't bring me anything.
At least you didn't smell his Santa-clad corpse rotting in the chimney. Or, at least, I hope you didn't. If you did, this is really awkward.

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