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Ran a 10k - Official Thread (6 Viewers)

Finished off that run at lunch today. 7 miles, somewhere in the 8:30ish pace, probably 168 or so on the HR. Couldn't plug the watch it yet since it was nice and soaked from the sweat. Nice and cool still from the rain. As soon as I got home the sun came out and the humidity started soaring.  

I think I'm going to sign up for a 10 mile and a 5K on the same day.

The races should be split by about 30 minutes. Should be interesting to try to spin it back up right after ending a race. Never done anything like it before.
Just think of it as a half-marathon with a 30-minute bathroom break in between.

I always struggled with these sorts of races.  Those short breaks in between seem great in theory, but man the break killed me.  It's much easier to run 13.1 straight than 10 + 3.1.  


I always struggled with these sorts of races.  Those short breaks in between seem great in theory, but man the break killed me.  It's much easier to run 13.1 straight than 10 + 3.1.  
This is how I feel like it would affect me as well. I couldn't imagine lining back up 30min after a race.... but I'm a one legged sloth compared to most of you :lol:

Interested to hear how this goes. 

I think I'm going to sign up for a 10 mile and a 5K on the same day.

The races should be split by about 30 minutes. Should be interesting to try to spin it back up right after ending a race. Never done anything like it before.
It's different due to the distance (and we're all much older), but I'm trying to channel teenage MAC because I routinely was tasked with 4 races during weekday track meets.  Multiple races on the weekend meets weren't a big deal because they were so spread out (8-20+ teams) and I often had my workload trimmed up to 2-3 races.  Weekday meets only had 3 teams tops though.  A 4x800, 1600, 800, and 3200 in about a 90 minute stretch was very taxing.  I'd mow down a banana immediately upon finishing the 10 miler and drink as much water as I think I need to get through the 5K (I used to do this after the 1600).  You're going to need it, but you don't want to over-hydrate during the lag period.  I'd be especially conservative if there is a water stop during the 5K.  I'd also have some energy chews and gatorade on reserve, if you're feeling sluggish pre-race or even fairly early in the 5K then pop the chews and hopefully they will get you through.  We used to use caffeine pills instead of chews (usually one round before the 4x800 and another before the 3200 if we were struggling), but I'm guessing that wasn't the greatest decision.  I'd really try to avoid using the gatorade until after the 5k, but if you're low on calories that's probably a better choice than the alternatives (I don't think I ever went to this until after the 800).  Just err on the side of caution re quantity, it isn't the greatest thing to puke up later.

I had a nice little run day yesterday.

Did an easy 6 in the morning but there was .5 mile segment that I've ran many times but never at anything other than an easy pace. Yesterday,  I thought what the hell...picked up the pace for the segment (5:52 pace) and after the run, I noticed I took down the course record but on closer inspection I only tied with a runner buddy(who is absolute ultra beast). I was sorta embarrassed that I bragged about taking that segment and then realize it was tie (like kissing your sister). Lesson learned...figure out the time to beat first! THEN talk ####.

Last night our local run club had the second week of their summer series of fun runs/races. Pretty cool little events run in a local botanical gardens. It's free to members and there's beer and pizza after...pretty great. The event for the evening was a random 3 x 1 mile relay. You get matched up with 2 other runners and they could be some snot nosed 7 year old kid to some college caliber runner. Lucky for me I was matched up with a BQ guy who was coming back from injury and a young high school aged girl that has competed in some XC. I knew would be competitive. While none of us were top tier runners, I figured that we didn't really have any weak spots either. It was another warm night though with the SI hovering around 155. I wasn't sure how fast I was feeling with the heat and feeling pretty tight during my warmup. But hey, we have a chance to win so I better not let the team down. I guess I was hoping to to run between a 5:30-5:45 range. 

Dave went first and he claimed he hoped to just break 7 minutes but he came in at around 6:00. This put me around a minute back of the leaders for the 2nd leg. I take off very fast...too fast and inadvertently stop my watch when I meant to start it, so I don't know my exact split. It's a scenic little course run on essentially golf cart type paths. Lots of turns. Start my watch around 300 meters into the run and I'm feeling pretty awful and it's difficult to pace with the mix of runners on the course. I think I settle in around a 5:40 pace and try to hold that throughout until end when I hammer it home. (strava had my .82 @ a 5:38 pace (190) ). I estimate with my fast start I ran about a 5:30 for my leg. I'm happy with that. Our girl takes off on the 3rd and final leg and I don't realize until a few minutes after I'm done that we're in first place. She coasts in and the clock reads 18:01 ( guess she ran around a 6:30). Winnah winnah chicken dinnah!

First prize? We each got a purple brooks visor!  :loco:  Well, at least my wife got something out of the deal. It was lot of fun though. Before this year, I had never run a team relay race and now, this was my 3rd! It's fun doing something different when every other event is me vs the clock. Events like this remind me that running is supposed to be fun and enjoyable for us amateurs. 

Really looking forward to racing with @pbm107 on Saturday for the 1/4 marathon even though it looks like we'll have an SI near 150 (please god let there be clouds).  I'm not quite sure what to expect for a time.  I feel like I'm in better shape than the 19:03 I ran last weekend and hope that comes through on Saturday.  The heat is going to be the biggest hurdle - just hope I can run smart. :oldunsure:  

Hoping we can score some pies!  

Really looking forward to racing with @pbm107 on Saturday for the 1/4 marathon even though it looks like we'll have an SI near 150 (please god let there be clouds).  I'm not quite sure what to expect for a time.  I feel like I'm in better shape than the 19:03 I ran last weekend and hope that comes through on Saturday.  The heat is going to be the biggest hurdle - just hope I can run smart. :oldunsure:  

Hoping we can score some pies!  
It will be fun to compete, but I am not sure if I will be able to beat last year's time.  Training for the last month and a half hasn't been great and I am dealing with some minor knee pain.  

You're definitely in better shape than 19:03, but this isn't the time of year for PRs.  That's one of the reasons why I like this race, the quarter marathon is a meaningless distance, this is an opportunity to breakup the monotony of training and compete a little.  I'm with you hoping for clouds, the direct sunlight kills me.

Even running before 6 AM I've been coming in the house a sweaty mess every day due to this damn heat. My wife is not amused by my piles of sweaty clothes buried in the laundry basket. May be time for me to create my own basket, maybe in the basement.

Even running before 6 AM I've been coming in the house a sweaty mess every day due to this damn heat. My wife is not amused by my piles of sweaty clothes buried in the laundry basket. May be time for me to create my own basket, maybe in the basement.
my basket is the washing machine, shirt, shorts and socks go directly in when I'm done - if I run at home.  If I run at work, I hang my shirt and shorts in the back with a makeshift clothesline made from the seatbelts (after I rinse the clothes off in the shower or sink). 

Really looking forward to racing with @pbm107 on Saturday for the 1/4 marathon even though it looks like we'll have an SI near 150 (please god let there be clouds).  I'm not quite sure what to expect for a time.  I feel like I'm in better shape than the 19:03 I ran last weekend and hope that comes through on Saturday.  The heat is going to be the biggest hurdle - just hope I can run smart. :oldunsure:  

Hoping we can score some pies!  

it will only be SI 145 for our race, 90% humidity. 

  • Smile
Reactions: Ned
igbomb said:
I think I'm going to sign up for a 10 mile and a 5K on the same day.

The races should be split by about 30 minutes. Should be interesting to try to spin it back up right after ending a race. Never done anything like it before.
Done that - exact distances, too.  I was pretty stiff for the 5k.  

Even running before 6 AM I've been coming in the house a sweaty mess every day due to this damn heat. My wife is not amused by my piles of sweaty clothes buried in the laundry basket. May be time for me to create my own basket, maybe in the basement.
I have my own basket tucked away in the corner of the utility part of the basement.  It's that bad.  She described my clothes after this morning's 13 as if I just jumped into a pool.  I was wringing sweat out of my shorts into the bath tub before I took them downstairs.  She grabbed my shoes to move them, shreeked, and dropped them because they were absolutely soaked too.  They are now air drying on the deck.  Usually she laughs when I say Embrace The Suck, but...not this morning!

As soon as I finish a half, I'm a pile of garbage laying on the ground. This is not going to end well.

Logic would tell you to just run your HM pace for the 10 miler and then just give it all you got for the 5K, but it won't work like that (in my experiences anyway).  I'd suggest going a little slower than HMP for the 10mi and then give the 5K hell.  No matter what you do, you're not going to feel fresh for the 5K.  All you can do is try to minimize the damage from the 10 miler.

I'd strongly suggest doing a few mock runs where you run two moderate efforts back to back with the same 30mins break.  You'll get a decent idea of how your legs will respond.  Staying loose between the runs will be the most important piece of the puzzle.

Some of you may remember me from this thread....I used to be more active (I actually ran a race with Ned back when he was slow!)  I got injured badly in Spring 2015 and its been a slow slog back. 

Last month, I ran a marathon at 3:52 which ended up being my slowest.  I didn't train particularly hard but still speaks of my fitness level that I need to go much faster.

I am going to try to BQ (need a 3:25....which really means 3:22).  I honestly don't know if I can get there (My PR is 3:29 but that was a few years ago and father time is catching up to me as I'll be 46 this February.)  I'm going to start to post more frequently (I lurk often).  I will need keep myself accountable to this as I prepare to attempt this at NYC Marathon in November.

I'm thinking of following the Hanson's Advanced Marathon plan.  Anyone ever try it?

Some of you may remember me from this thread....I used to be more active (I actually ran a race with Ned back when he was slow!)  I got injured badly in Spring 2015 and its been a slow slog back. 

Last month, I ran a marathon at 3:52 which ended up being my slowest.  I didn't train particularly hard but still speaks of my fitness level that I need to go much faster.

I am going to try to BQ (need a 3:25....which really means 3:22).  I honestly don't know if I can get there (My PR is 3:29 but that was a few years ago and father time is catching up to me as I'll be 46 this February.)  I'm going to start to post more frequently (I lurk often).  I will need keep myself accountable to this as I prepare to attempt this at NYC Marathon in November.

I'm thinking of following the Hanson's Advanced Marathon plan.  Anyone ever try it?
Yes!! :thumbup: :thumbup:  

I think @SteveC702 is our resident Hanson expert. 

I'm thinking of following the Hanson's Advanced Marathon plan.  Anyone ever try it?
I tried it for a while in the summer of 2013.  Maybe a month or so in, I ended up deciding not to run a marathon that fall (it would have been my fourth marathon on two years and I needed a break).  I don't really have an opinion whether you should do it or not.  One thing that I found particularly difficult is running those marathon pace runs on Thursday after intervals on Tuesday.  I never felt like I had enough time to recover from the intervals.  If you do decided to use Hanson's, make sure you get some solid pre-training in.  I don't think it's a plan that you can ease into or cheat on.  

Yes!! :thumbup: :thumbup:  

I think @SteveC702 is our resident Hanson expert. 
I wouldn't call myself an expert on it, but I do have messed with it some. To be honest, I personally don't do well on a "3-quality-days per week" schedule. I have been using a 2 workouts per week schedule for awhile. I will make a recommendation on 2-3 modifications you can try if you find the schedule gets too a bit too much:

1. On the intervals day, stick closer to 8K/10K pace instead of 5K pace. The purpose of these workouts is to develop/maintain your VO2max, but your VO2max is about the 4th or 5th most important factor behind stuff like endurance, ability to hold marathon pace, your lactate threshold, etc... So you want to try to run as easy as possible in order to achieve this.

2. Similar idea on the "strength" days later in the schedule. You want to really stick to the prescribed pace because it is very tempted to run HM pace on these workouts, due to the fact that in most other training schedules you DO run HM pace for these type of workouts.

3. If it really gets too much, I would just cut out Q1 the first week and run a bit longer/harder on your long runs. Over the week or so during my time off, I went through my old logs and reflected on what I need to do next. I remember this mini-cycle I did between the RnR Las Vegas half in 2015 and Houston marathon in 2016 that led to a 5:32 PR from 2:28:15 to 2:22:43 within 4 months (although to be fair, on the day I ran the 2:28 I felt I could have run 2:25 or so on a course like Chicago on a good day). The first 2-3 weeks I was still recovering from the half and also somewhat tired for some other reasons, so I only really did 1 quality day a week. My body came around about a month into the cycle here somehow.

Week 1 - (first 2 days off to recover from HM) - Then by Sunday I felt good enough to run 10 miles @ MP effort

Week 2 - Thursday (12K Turkey Trot @ ~Strength pace effort)

Week 3 - Thursday (2 mile tempo), Sunday - Tucson HM (This was pretty much a race effort)

Week 4 - Thursday (3-1.5-0.5 tempo) (was supposed to be 3-2-1), Sunday - 23 mile long run (with 5-miles @ GMP from miles 17-22)

Week 5 - Wednesday (10 mile MP), Saturday - 23 mile long run (with 8 miles @ GMP from miles 13-21)

Week 6 - Wednesday (3x4 miles @ "Strength"), Sunday - 20 miles with 12 @ GMP (workout was 6E - 12GMP - 2E)

Week 7 - Friday (6 mile tempo) (last week had two tough sessions that I nailed, but I needed a couple of extra days to recover)

Week 8 - Tuesday (6.5 miles @ GMP) (scheduled 10 to be honest, but my body wasn't recovered), Saturday (4 @ MP + 1 @ LT)

Wee 9 - Wednesday (3 @ MP + 1 @ LT), Sunday - Houston Marathon, PR by 5:32.

I am contemplating doing some faster "speed" work at the beginning of my next training cycle for a few weeks since I have only been doing that kind of work very sparingly over the past 6 months to maintain that system, but once I reach the last 6-8 weeks of my next marathon training cycle I will probably go back to something similar like the above. (2 quality days with a midweek MP + weekend long run with some MP or even "strength" paced work incorporated into it, and every 2-3 weeks replace the midweek MP with a "strength" intervals session)

Just my $0.02, but hopefully it at least gives you an idea of how you can modify the Hanson's Advanced plan some. Hopefully the schedule just works for you right off the bat though, I like the mix of workouts it has. It would probably be my recommendation for most runners with your experience level and in your situation.

Hey Ned!!  Hey Furley!  Good to see Sand still on here as well!  Miss Y'all.

While I haven't really ran in the last three years, I'm starting a mini-comeback. My local World of Beer is going to be having a beer run in the fall (drink a beer, run a quarter mile, drink a beer, run a quarter mile, drink a beer run a quarter mile, drink a beer and hope to run a quarter mile).  I've trained extremely well for the even legs of the event, just need to start working on the odd ones. 

I'm still cycling and doing P90/T25 religiously, but fear getting back on the pavement.  My hips are messed up, and I tend to tear calf muscles as often as Tri-Man lunges, so I'm tentatively starting my training.  I have two runs in, and will do my third tonight:

  • Run 1 (Last Sunday): .5 mile at 9:00 pace, .5 mile at 6:45 pace, .5 mile @ 9:00 pace = 1.5 miles
  • Run 2 (Tuesday): 1 mile at 8:45, 1 mile at 8:00 = 2 miles
  • Run 3 (Tonight): Shooting for: .5 @ 9:00 pace, .25 @ 6:30, .25 @ 9:00, .25 @ 6:30, .25 @ 9:00, .25 @ 6:30, .5 @ 9:00 = 2.25 miles
I'd like to max out around 3.5 miles per day, but do want to get quicker.  A girlfriend will also be running the event, and I want to make sure I at least finish before her (I realize the jokes that shall follow). 

Training tips?  Stories from the last 3 years?  Questions?

if serious, what's driving the calf issues? what happened to your hips?
I am serious, as I'd like to be able to do this run as a run, and progress to at least running 5k again.

I tore both labrums (connective tissue in the hips) during my marathon/ultra days; my right labrum is none existent.  No clue about the calves.  I've tried stretching and strengthening them, but both just suck.  I'm also now old.  Not Tri-man old, but old (50 next month).

I am serious, as I'd like to be able to do this run as a run, and progress to at least running 5k again.

I tore both labrums (connective tissue in the hips) during my marathon/ultra days; my right labrum is none existent.  No clue about the calves.  I've tried stretching and strengthening them, but both just suck.  I'm also now old.  Not Tri-man old, but old (50 next month).
dang, man. take it easy out there. :thumbup:

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not to steal @pigskinliquors thunder here, but, i need some new shoes.  Brooks Adrenaline has served me well for a almost 10 years now. i can get another pair for a decent price (horrible color) but am thinking that i might want to branch out and try something new. at least try them out in store and see how they feel at least.


anyone running in one of these on the list? opinions?
Do you know if you are a neutral, over or underpronator?

SteveC702 said:
I wouldn't call myself an expert on it, but I do have messed with it some. To be honest, I personally don't do well on a "3-quality-days per week" schedule. I have been using a 2 workouts per week schedule for awhile. I will make a recommendation on 2-3 modifications you can try if you find the schedule gets too a bit too much:

1. On the intervals day, stick closer to 8K/10K pace instead of 5K pace. The purpose of these workouts is to develop/maintain your VO2max, but your VO2max is about the 4th or 5th most important factor behind stuff like endurance, ability to hold marathon pace, your lactate threshold, etc... So you want to try to run as easy as possible in order to achieve this.

2. Similar idea on the "strength" days later in the schedule. You want to really stick to the prescribed pace because it is very tempted to run HM pace on these workouts, due to the fact that in most other training schedules you DO run HM pace for these type of workouts.

3. If it really gets too much, I would just cut out Q1 the first week and run a bit longer/harder on your long runs. Over the week or so during my time off, I went through my old logs and reflected on what I need to do next. I remember this mini-cycle I did between the RnR Las Vegas half in 2015 and Houston marathon in 2016 that led to a 5:32 PR from 2:28:15 to 2:22:43 within 4 months (although to be fair, on the day I ran the 2:28 I felt I could have run 2:25 or so on a course like Chicago on a good day). The first 2-3 weeks I was still recovering from the half and also somewhat tired for some other reasons, so I only really did 1 quality day a week. My body came around about a month into the cycle here somehow.

Week 1 - (first 2 days off to recover from HM) - Then by Sunday I felt good enough to run 10 miles @ MP effort

Week 2 - Thursday (12K Turkey Trot @ ~Strength pace effort)

Week 3 - Thursday (2 mile tempo), Sunday - Tucson HM (This was pretty much a race effort)

Week 4 - Thursday (3-1.5-0.5 tempo) (was supposed to be 3-2-1), Sunday - 23 mile long run (with 5-miles @ GMP from miles 17-22)

Week 5 - Wednesday (10 mile MP), Saturday - 23 mile long run (with 8 miles @ GMP from miles 13-21)

Week 6 - Wednesday (3x4 miles @ "Strength"), Sunday - 20 miles with 12 @ GMP (workout was 6E - 12GMP - 2E)

Week 7 - Friday (6 mile tempo) (last week had two tough sessions that I nailed, but I needed a couple of extra days to recover)

Week 8 - Tuesday (6.5 miles @ GMP) (scheduled 10 to be honest, but my body wasn't recovered), Saturday (4 @ MP + 1 @ LT)

Wee 9 - Wednesday (3 @ MP + 1 @ LT), Sunday - Houston Marathon, PR by 5:32.

I am contemplating doing some faster "speed" work at the beginning of my next training cycle for a few weeks since I have only been doing that kind of work very sparingly over the past 6 months to maintain that system, but once I reach the last 6-8 weeks of my next marathon training cycle I will probably go back to something similar like the above. (2 quality days with a midweek MP + weekend long run with some MP or even "strength" paced work incorporated into it, and every 2-3 weeks replace the midweek MP with a "strength" intervals session)

Just my $0.02, but hopefully it at least gives you an idea of how you can modify the Hanson's Advanced plan some. Hopefully the schedule just works for you right off the bat though, I like the mix of workouts it has. It would probably be my recommendation for most runners with your experience level and in your situation.
:blackdot:    I'll take free advice from our resident stud any day.

not to steal @pigskinliquors thunder here, but, i need some new shoes.  Brooks Adrenaline has served me well for a almost 10 years now. i can get another pair for a decent price (horrible color) but am thinking that i might want to branch out and try something new. at least try them out in store and see how they feel at least.


anyone running in one of these on the list? opinions?
I've used Mizuno Wave Rider's since I started 3 years ago. Have served me well. Bought a pair of Brooks Ghosts a month ago to try something new, but I'm switching back. The Ghost's just seem a lot looser to me when I run.

The Wave Rider 19 is the current shoe, but there are a few 18's out there (last years model). Just bought a pair for $65 - just got delivered today as a matter of fact.

I've never had one blister issue in 3 years with this shoe.

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mid-forefoot strike.  wear patterns on my shoes make it looks like i'm running on the outside front of my foot.
Pretty sure this means you are a supinator (underpronator) which means you should look for cushioned shoes.  I'd double check as I often don't know what I'm talking about.  If I'm right, NB Fresh Foam 1090 (Gruecd recommends these) or Asics Kayano would be great choices. 

Quick 3 year summary for our GB @pigskinliquors off the top of my head.  In no particular order...Just jotting them down as I remember stuff.  I know I've forgotten a lot - sorry if I missed someone/thing!  

  • All the cool guys are logging their data on strava now.  For some reason, old people seem allergic to it.   <_<
  • @SteveC702 is the fastest mofo in here and it's not even close.  Dude's HMP is faster than I can clock a single mile.  We watched him for what seems like all of 2016 traveling the world chasing an Olympic qualifier for both the US and Taiwan.  
  • Lots of new faces in here with a few leftovers from before you left.  @ChiefD, @SayWhat?, @igbomb have all become addicts.  Pretty sure we've got @[icon] hooked too...

    @tri-man 47 is still lunging and still collecting age group awards like they're pokemon cards.  
  • @gruecd quit the boards after the new upgrade + he's too busy with his wonderful fiance to bother with us dorks.  I ran a 50K with him last year in WI - he and his fiance were awesome hosts.
  • @SFBayDuck is still a sherpa and still teases us with amazing pics of his trail running.  We need to keep our calendars open for 2017 as he's going to finally get into Western States and will need an FFA crew. :excited:  
  • @FUBAR still logs so many hours between running, biking, and swimming that I often wonder how he even has a military job (especially since he's got like 19 kids or something).
  • @Sand recent rode his bike up Mt. Everest.
  • @Juxtatarot has become crazy fast.  He and @pbm107 (new to you I think?) are stupid fast and recently popped their sub 3:00 marathon cherries.
  • @Hang 10 taunts me with all of his PRs being a hair better than all of mine; although he hasn't gotten me in the mile yet! :boxing:
  • I am a ##### with the marathon - retired from it 2x because I have no idea how to run one....only to come crawling back like an addict looking for another hit.  I'm obsessed with getting into Boston (I BQ'ed in Dec '14 but got shut out since I was only -0:58).  Currently back in the saddle hoping to get in for 2018.

not to steal @pigskinliquors thunder here, but, i need some new shoes.  Brooks Adrenaline has served me well for a almost 10 years now. i can get another pair for a decent price (horrible color) but am thinking that i might want to branch out and try something new. at least try them out in store and see how they feel at least.


anyone running in one of these on the list? opinions?
I'm currently using the Lunar Glide 7's and really like them.  I'm not sure if I'll stick with them long term since it looks like it's hard to find deep discounts on Nikes like you can get on other brands.

Quick 3 year summary for our GB @pigskinliquors off the top of my head.  In no particular order...Just jotting them down as I remember stuff.  I know I've forgotten a lot - sorry if I missed someone/thing!  

  • All the cool guys are logging their data on strava now.  For some reason, old people seem allergic to it.   <_<
  • @SteveC702 is the fastest mofo in here and it's not even close.  Dude's HMP is faster than I can clock a single mile.  We watched him for what seems like all of 2016 traveling the world chasing an Olympic qualifier for both the US and Taiwan.  
  • Lots of new faces in here with a few leftovers from before you left.  @ChiefD, @SayWhat?, @igbomb have all become addicts.  Pretty sure we've got @[icon] hooked too...

    @tri-man 47 is still lunging and still collecting age group awards like they're pokemon cards.  
  • @gruecd quit the boards after the new upgrade + he's too busy with his wonderful fiance to bother with us dorks.  I ran a 50K with him last year in WI - he and his fiance were awesome hosts.
  • @SFBayDuck is still a sherpa and still teases us with amazing pics of his trail running.  We need to keep our calendars open for 2017 as he's going to finally get into Western States and will need an FFA crew. :excited:  
  • @FUBAR still logs so many hours between running, biking, and swimming that I often wonder how he even has a military job (especially since he's got like 19 kids or something).
  • @Sand recent rode his bike up Mt. Everest.
  • @Juxtatarot has become crazy fast.  He and @pbm107 (new to you I think?) are stupid fast and recently popped their sub 3:00 marathon cherries.
  • @Hang 10 taunts me with all of his PRs being a hair better than all of mine; although he hasn't gotten me in the mile yet! :boxing:
  • I am a ##### with the marathon - retired from it 2x because I have no idea how to run one....only to come crawling back like an addict looking for another hit.  I'm obsessed with getting into Boston (I BQ'ed in Dec '14 but got shut out since I was only -0:58).  Currently back in the saddle hoping to get in for 2018.
LOVE the summary!!  I'll be hanging out here a bit more.  Miss hearing the amazing things others are doing.  I fully understand the marathon obsession. I still have BQ on my bucket list.  Now that I'm nearing the big 50, qualifying times should not be too difficult.  In my dreams I take this training for a beer run, to becoming a runner again. 

Quick 3 year summary for our GB @pigskinliquors off the top of my head.  In no particular order...Just jotting them down as I remember stuff.  I know I've forgotten a lot - sorry if I missed someone/thing!  

  • All the cool guys are logging their data on strava now.  For some reason, old people seem allergic to it.   <_<
  • @SteveC702 is the fastest mofo in here and it's not even close.  Dude's HMP is faster than I can clock a single mile.  We watched him for what seems like all of 2016 traveling the world chasing an Olympic qualifier for both the US and Taiwan.  
  • Lots of new faces in here with a few leftovers from before you left.  @ChiefD, @SayWhat?, @igbomb have all become addicts.  Pretty sure we've got @[icon] hooked too...

    @tri-man 47 is still lunging and still collecting age group awards like they're pokemon cards.  
  • @gruecd quit the boards after the new upgrade + he's too busy with his wonderful fiance to bother with us dorks.  I ran a 50K with him last year in WI - he and his fiance were awesome hosts.
  • @SFBayDuck is still a sherpa and still teases us with amazing pics of his trail running.  We need to keep our calendars open for 2017 as he's going to finally get into Western States and will need an FFA crew. :excited:  
  • @FUBAR still logs so many hours between running, biking, and swimming that I often wonder how he even has a military job (especially since he's got like 19 kids or something).
  • @Sand recent rode his bike up Mt. Everest.
  • @Juxtatarot has become crazy fast.  He and @pbm107 (new to you I think?) are stupid fast and recently popped their sub 3:00 marathon cherries.
  • @Hang 10 taunts me with all of his PRs being a hair better than all of mine; although he hasn't gotten me in the mile yet! :boxing:
  • I am a ##### with the marathon - retired from it 2x because I have no idea how to run one....only to come crawling back like an addict looking for another hit.  I'm obsessed with getting into Boston (I BQ'ed in Dec '14 but got shut out since I was only -0:58).  Currently back in the saddle hoping to get in for 2018.
Nice summary but you left out @MAC_32 who decided to train for 2 months and is killing it.  Most talented guy here other than Steve.

Quick 3 year summary for our GB @pigskinliquors off the top of my head.  In no particular order...Just jotting them down as I remember stuff.  I know I've forgotten a lot - sorry if I missed someone/thing!  

  • All the cool guys are logging their data on strava now.  For some reason, old people seem allergic to it.   <_<
  • @SteveC702 is the fastest mofo in here and it's not even close.  Dude's HMP is faster than I can clock a single mile.  We watched him for what seems like all of 2016 traveling the world chasing an Olympic qualifier for both the US and Taiwan.  
  • Lots of new faces in here with a few leftovers from before you left.  @ChiefD, @SayWhat?, @igbomb have all become addicts.  Pretty sure we've got @[icon] hooked too...

    @tri-man 47 is still lunging and still collecting age group awards like they're pokemon cards.  
  • @gruecd quit the boards after the new upgrade + he's too busy with his wonderful fiance to bother with us dorks.  I ran a 50K with him last year in WI - he and his fiance were awesome hosts.
  • @SFBayDuck is still a sherpa and still teases us with amazing pics of his trail running.  We need to keep our calendars open for 2017 as he's going to finally get into Western States and will need an FFA crew. :excited:  
  • @FUBAR still logs so many hours between running, biking, and swimming that I often wonder how he even has a military job (especially since he's got like 19 kids or something).
  • @Sand recent rode his bike up Mt. Everest.
  • @Juxtatarot has become crazy fast.  He and @pbm107 (new to you I think?) are stupid fast and recently popped their sub 3:00 marathon cherries.
  • @Hang 10 taunts me with all of his PRs being a hair better than all of mine; although he hasn't gotten me in the mile yet! :boxing:
  • I am a ##### with the marathon - retired from it 2x because I have no idea how to run one....only to come crawling back like an addict looking for another hit.  I'm obsessed with getting into Boston (I BQ'ed in Dec '14 but got shut out since I was only -0:58).  Currently back in the saddle hoping to get in for 2018.
Nice summary but you left out @MAC_32 who decided to train for 2 months and is killing it.  Most talented guy here other than Steve.
:doh:  Not sure how I forgot him - watching him realizing his potential has been fun to watch!

I am serious, as I'd like to be able to do this run as a run, and progress to at least running 5k again.

I tore both labrums (connective tissue in the hips) during my marathon/ultra days; my right labrum is none existent.  No clue about the calves.  I've tried stretching and strengthening them, but both just suck.  I'm also now old.  Not Tri-man old, but old (50 next month).
:finger:  (some things never change)

Welcome back, my friend!  Still bummed I didn't get the chance to hook up with you when we were in Houston several months ago, but I expect we'll be down there again.  Nice to "hear your voice" back in this thread.  Furley, don't worry, it's hard to steal the witty PSL's thunder.  And since he's a Professor of Boat Cruises, or something like that, he always has some entertaining trips to tell us about.

A favorite PSL tale from a few years ago: A bunch of us gathered in Kentucky to run the Bourbon Chase.  PSL drove up from Texas just for the after-party.  Great guy.

:finger:  (some things never change)

Welcome back, my friend!  Still bummed I didn't get the chance to hook up with you when we were in Houston several months ago, but I expect we'll be down there again.  Nice to "hear your voice" back in this thread.  Furley, don't worry, it's hard to steal the witty PSL's thunder.  And since he's a Professor of Boat Cruises, or something like that, he always has some entertaining trips to tell us about.

A favorite PSL tale from a few years ago: A bunch of us gathered in Kentucky to run the Bourbon Chase.  PSL drove up from Texas just for the after-party.  Great guy.
tri-man!  As Dorothy said to the Scarecrow: I miss you most.  So sorry I missed you while you were down here. 

Any beer run tips?! 

tri-man!  As Dorothy said to the Scarecrow: I miss you most.  So sorry I missed you while you were down here. 

Any beer run tips?! 
:wub:   Back to business: Not too cold - not too warm on the beers.  I'd suggest getting in some practice at drinking beers quickly, but that's probably unnecessary advice for a man of your abilities.

Sitting at a brewery in Silverton having some pizza and IPA, and found a plug to charge up the laptop.  The start of my trip to the mountains has been even better than I expected.  I left Marin Tuesday morning at 4:15 AM and made it to Flagstaff, AZ, around 5:00 that evening.  I went straight to the running store to pick up a map and get some route ideas, hit two breweries and grabbed some dinner, and then found a dispersed (free) camping spot about 5 miles out of town near a trail head.  Crashed out in the back of my ride, and was up bright and early with a plan for about 15 miles.  It started at about 7,200', and climbed up to about 8,700' over eight miles.  It was typical high desert, with some fairly rocky sections but mostly pretty smooth single track.  I was definitely feeling the altitude, especially while climbing and once I got up above 8,000' or so, but I felt pretty good.  Then about three hours in I ran out of water.  I had a 1.5L bladder and two 20 oz bottles, but that dry, desert air just sucked the moisture right out of me.  I went from moving ok to slogging along at a slow walk for almost an hour, trying to figure out if I'd stopped sweating or if it was just instantly evaporating in that arid climate.  I finally came down to a trail head where some mountain bikers were getting ready to head out, and they had spare water in the truck they hooked me up with which made the final few miles much better. There was an unplanned detour due to a closed section of trail that led to some bonus miles, so by the end I had covered 18.4 miles with 2,320' of gain.

I got back to the campsite and took a quick camp shower, and hit the road for the six hour drive to Silverton, CO.  I had hoped to be there by 7:00 or so for a showing of the Hardrock movie Kissing the Rock, but the bonus miles and struggling late in the run had me an hour behind schedule.  I got into town about 8:00, and met up at a brew pub with some people from Facebook that had a campsite two miles out of town with room for me (with this view).  Threw back a couple beers, went into fanboy mode and bought one for Rickey Gates and talked to Bryon Powell from iRunFar, and then we headed back to the campsite to chill around the campfire and then hit the sack without a plan for the next day.  Freedom, man.  

This morning I rolled into town to wander around the runner check in area, gawked at Killian Jornet and Anna Frost, and then decided to do an out and back on the first 5 or so miles of the course.  Silverton sits at 9.300' feet, and the first 5 miles climbs up to about 11,000' (Strava) .  It's a short climb up out of town, and then some rolling stuff that then drops down to Mineral Creek.  And then the real climbing began.  Sucking wind on every climb was the order of the day, and after about 3 miles it was some gnarly sections of "trail" carved into a scree slope.  But the views were unbelievable.  At about 10,800' it finally hit a green section with a bit more of a trail and some small streams, one of which I used to purify water and refill my bladder.  I turned around and headed back down and that scree slope "trail" was freaking me out - you couldn't get good footing, and it was worse downhill than up.  And have I mentioned I don't love heights?  The worst part is the constant twisting of ankles and knees, although I've learned to sort of transfer that torque to my hips - so they're nice and sore.  And this is a "mellow" section of the course.  It will be interesting to see if my perception changes over the next few days, because right now I can't imagine being on trails like that for 40-48 hours.

I'll be at the start tomorrow at 6:00 AM, and trying now to figure out my plan for the rest of the day.  I'll probably jump to a few aid stations to watch the race unfold, and I'm considering doing the last few miles of the course while the markers are up (and before Kilian gets there).  The winner should finish between 23-24 hours (only three times has sub-24 happened, with Kilian twice doing it twice),and I'd like to be there for that.  And of course the last hour or two before the 48 hour cutoff, as that's where the real magic is witnessed.  After the race ends on Sunday morning, I have a few more days to explore up here before having to be back in the Bay by end of day Friday.  If the start of the trip is any indicator, it should be epic!

Cool write-up - Thanks Duck!  :thumbup:

I'll be in Colorado starting next Saturday for a week. I won't be running on anything like that, but looking forward to some cooler air and great scenery for my runs on the roads near where we are staying. 

Sitting at a brewery in Silverton having some pizza and IPA ...


Awesome tale Duck!!  Keep making memories

Tri:  So you are telling me to drink more beer?  Challenge accepted. 


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